B-School Buzz
  Issue #30                                                                                                                                                               November  2010 
School News
Vote 2010
Research from the School's finance department indicates that the political changes resulting from the Nov. 2 midterm election, will cause Democrats to make bigger investment mistakes and Republicans to make wiser investment decisions than those they made prior to the election. READ MORE
Undergrads Take Top Prize in National Case Competition
BYU Winners
A team of undergraduate students from the School of Business won first place in a national Spanish-language case competition.  The team beat out teams from 11 other business schools to win the BYU Business Language Case Competition held at Brigham Young University. READ MORE
Caribbean Panel
The School joined organizations around the world November 15 to November 20 to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week, an initiative designed to inspire young people to embrace innovation, imagination and creativity. The School's Hyperion Council collaborated with The Launch Pad, a University entrepreneurship program, to host a breakfast and panel discussion entitled "Entrepreneurs in the Caribbean." READ MORE
Members of the School's Association of Women MBAs (AWMBA) joined a national effort to mobilize women to address the housing crisis faced by those in need. They rolled up their sleeves in a Miami neighborhood to take part in a Habitat for Humanity "Women Build" project. READ MORE
Industry and Government Leaders Headline University's Global Business Forum

Nearly 150 industry and government leaders have been confirmed as keynote speakers and panelists for the University of Miami's Global Business Forum Jan. 12 - 14. Among those headlining the program, which is being organized by the School of Business, are Kathleen Sebelius, the U.S. secretary of health and human services; Jeffrey R. Immelt, the chairman and CEO of General Electric; Thomas M. Ryan, the chairman and CEO of CVS Caremark; and Margaret Hamburg, the commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, among many other industry leaders. Hundreds of people have already registered for the Forum. Alumni are invited to register at the discount rate of $500 vs. the $750 regular rate. Seating is limited, so register today.

In the News

The Miami Herald - Nov. 15, 2010 - An article about interest in entrepreneurship during the troubled economy included quotes from Susan Amat, a management lecturer at the School and the director of The Launch Pad, a University program that sponsored a number of activities for Global Entrepreneurship Week. Article

Daily Business Review - Nov. 5, 2010 - An article about the increase in consumer haggling  due to economic hard times included insight from Shweta Oza, an assistant professor of marketing, who says "businesses have realized that consumers are not going to come to them ready to pay them whatever they ask." Article

On Wall Street - Nov. 3, 2010 - An article about what the U.S. election in November might mean for investors noted research by Alok Kumar, Cesarano Scholar and professor of finance, which found that investors whose party is in power are more likely to make better investment decisions than those whose party is not in power. Article

Ocean Drive - Nov. 1, 2010 - An article about artist Romero Britto's success in branding his work included quotes from Dean Barbara Kahn who noted the synergies in the various elements of Britto's life. "His own personal persona, his celebrity life and his art all tie together," said  Kahn. Article

The Miami Herald
- Nov. 1, 2010 -
An article announcing finalists in an elevator pitch contest sponsored by The Launch Pad, a university entrepreneurship program, included quotes from Susan Amat, a management lecturer at the School and  executive director of The Launch Pad. The finalists include Darryl Doonie, a second-year MBA student. Article

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November 30, 2010
Mentor Program Speed Networking

December 9, 2010
Network & Learn/Executive MBA and MBA for Working Professionals Information Session: "Politics, Religion and Finance"

December 16, 2010
Fall Commencement - Gloria Estefan to Speak

January 12, 2011 - January 14, 2011
Global Business Forum 2011 - The Business of Health Care: Defining the Future   

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Office of Communications
School of Business Administration
University of Miami

Megan Tice

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Jeff Heebner

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Office of Communications
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