Selacia Email Archives Homepage |
Welcome to the archives of articles available to Selacia's contacts! This archive includes recent articles by Selacia emailed to Selacia's contact list. In these articles, Selacia addresses these unique times of pivotal changes and also informs readers of the latest news and events offered worldwide. Each article, with its grounded spiritual perspective, helps you to move into your divine changemaker role. Note: All content in these articles is copyright by Selacia. You are welcome to share this material with others -- and we invite you to post articles to your blog or website -- as long as you include the full article, Selacia's byline and her website - - with each posting. An intuitive healer with an international following, Selacia is author of "Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years." In this book, she provides clarity about the Earth's pivotal years, our future, and your role as a divine changemaker. Selacia is known for her writing in sixty-four countries around the world. Follow Selacia and The Council of 12 on Facebook by "liking" her Facebook page. Visit: FacebookConnect with Selacia on Twitter! Find her on Instagram @ Selaciaofficial Read her BLOG at her main website Visit her main website for more information. To receive articles as soon as they are available - including Selacia's annual Predictions Article - please join her mailing list with the link here: An additional ongoing resource is the book website created just for Selacia's book: We welcome you to our growing community! Come back often to connect with inspiration and practical tools for creating a new type of world that is based on love! |
- Prepare for Equinox (9/19/2016)
- Positive Potentials of Equinox Gateway
- Days You Will Remember (9/10/2016)
- How to Process Days Like 9/11
- Art of Relating for Divine Changemakers (9/6/2016)
- Brand-new course from Selacia, creator of The Divine Changemakers Series started in 2012
- Beginnings and Endings (8/29/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with focus on September energies and tips for success
- New website launched (8/23/2016)
- Birth of a grand new adventure
- Love from the Other Side (8/22/2016)
- Coping with Loss of Loved Ones:
Selacia's latest article with invite to
Sept 24 Equinox Gateway Meditation - Full Moon 8/20 Global Meditation (8/13/2016)
- Event with Selacia and The Council of 12:
Attend live (in person or teleclass) or mp3
Personal and planetary healing - The Art of Relating (8/11/2016)
- Brand new Divine Changemakers Course
Sept. 25 - Oct. 29, 2016 - Words Matter More Now (8/6/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with invitation to:
8/20 Full Moon Meditation
Divine Changemakers courses and more! - Navigating August Opportunities (7/31/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with invitation to:
8/20 Full Moon Meditation
Divine Changemakers courses and more! - The Art of Relating Sept. 25-Oct. 29, 2016 (7/21/2016)
- A brand-new course in the Divine Changemakers Series - prerequisite:
Divine Changemakers Phase 1 - July Madness Tips (7/18/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with a higher view of this week's Full Moon energy and some bigger picture positives to factor in
- Heart Activation 7/23 Meditation (7/16/2016)
- Heart Healing for You and the World:
at global meditation also offered on site
in Santa Monica, California - Divine Changemakers Power Up (7/10/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with foresight about current energies and how to navigate them for optimal results and forward momentum
- July Navigation Tips (6/30/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with insights on how to stay in balance so you can soar!
- Moving Forward with Compassion (6/23/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with tips for restarting your life as Mars goes direct June 29
- Post Wesak Solstice with the Masters 6/18 (6/16/2016)
- Accelerate Awakening, Prayers for Orlando
- Wesak Season Message of Hope (6/13/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with context for events like Orlando shooting
- House of Mirrors - Selacia's latest article (6/8/2016)
- with invite to Solstice Weekend Events:
6/18 Post Wesak with the Masters
6/19 Mystic Journey Angels workshop - Angel Intentions New Moon Process (6/3/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with tips on manifesting and invite to Mystic Journey 6/19 Angels Event
- June Continued Wesak Blessings (5/28/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with preview of June energy and invite to Post Wesak at Solstice
with the Masters (live or with mp3) - Ascended Masters Workshop Today (5/22/2016)
- Selacia's Past Life Event - Mystic Journey
Venice, California * 6:30-8:30 pm On Site - TODAY's Full Moon Wesak (5/21/2016)
- Annual Meditation with the Masters
Celebration of Enlightenment with mp3
6:30-8:30 pm Teleclass * 6-10 pm On Site - Wesak with the Masters (5/18/2016)
- Annual Global Meditation
and Celebration of Enlightenment
with Masters in Wesak Valley - Connect with the Masters (5/14/2016)
- Why 2016 Wesak is Important for You
- Ascended Master Blessings (5/6/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with invite to May 22
Mystic Journey event on Ascended Masters - Accelerate Your Ascension in May 2016 (4/30/2016)
- Connecting with Wesak Season Blessings
- Selacia's Full Moon Meditation Tomorrow (4/22/2016)
- Announcement of monthly global meditation available live (teleclass or on-site) or mp3
- Full Moon Blessings (4/20/2016)
- How to create and receive blessings of the April 21-22 Full Moon - with invite to Selacia's 4/23 Full Moon Meditation with The Council of 12
- April Tune Up (4/14/2016)
- Expand Your View of Yourself
-Selacia's latest article on navigating life in these unique times- - Lightness of Being (4/8/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with 5 tips for a positive restart - includes info on upcoming events and ongoing personal session offerings
- April Here We Are (4/1/2016)
- Selacia latest article with info on April events
- Selacia workshop Ancient Mystery Schools (3/20/2016)
- March 20 Mystic Journey workshop - latest in a series of past life events offered by Selacia
- Equinox 3/19 with Selacia and The Council of 12 (3/18/2016)
- Invite and info about this global meditation and Equinox: the most important gateway so far in 2016
- Be Inspired for Your Next Big Leap (3/15/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with invite to Equinox weekend workshops: 3/19 Global Meditation, 3/20 Ancient Mystery Schools at Mystic Journey
- Eclipse Cycle Tips (3/6/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with 3 daily steps for success and peace
- Ancient Mystery Schools 3/20 workshop (3/3/2016)
- Selacia's next past life experiential workshop at Mystic Journey Bookstore in Venice, CA
- Preview of March Energies (2/25/2016)
- Selacia latest article with info on Equinox and other key energies unfolding in March
and invite to 3/19 Equinox, 3/20 Mystic Journey - Connect with Your Passion to Take Next Big Leaps (2/2/2016)
- Tips for Connecting with Your Passion
with info on upcoming:
2/6 Chinese Monkey Year Meditation - Prepare for Chinese Monkey Year (1/29/2016)
- Big Picture & Personal Things to Know Now
with info on upcoming:
2/6 Chinese Monkey Year Meditation - A Watershed Year for Relationships (1/23/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with invite to next events:
2/6 Chinese Monkey Year Meditation,
Divine Changemakers Series, Mystic Journey - Dance of Life Cycles (1/18/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with insights on coping with death, grief, and appreciating what is, what was
- Make the Most of 2016 (1/13/2016)
- Selacia's latest article with invite to next events:
2/6 Chinese Monkey Year Meditation,
Divine Changemakers Series - Prepare for 1/9 New Moon - Reasons to be Hopeful (1/6/2016)
- -Selacia's latest article with invite to next events:
1/9 Abundance Meditation, Divine Changemakers - Be Your Best Self in 2016 (1/3/2016)
- Latest article with tips on the year's energies
and invitation to January events:
1/9 New Moon meditation, 1/10-1/16 Practicum - Divine Changemakers Manifesting Practicum (1/2/2016)
- Invite to January 10-16 Practicum
-Open to all attending the 2015 Divine Changemakers Manifesting course- - Last Twelve Days of 2015 (12/19/2015)
- Navigating Last Days of 2015, Preparing for 2016
-Selacia's latest article with invite to next events:
1/9 Abundance Meditation, Divine Changemakers - Create Peace (12/11/2015)
- Tips for Creating Peace & Feeling Peaceful
- Selacia's latest article with invite to next events:
1/9 Abundance Meditation, Divine Changemakers - Divine Changemakers Manifesting Practicum (12/10/2015)
- Practicum January 10-16, 2016
open to all having completed
Divine Changemakers Manifesting course - Meet Your Angels (12/6/2015)
- Invitation to Selacia's Mystic Journey workshop
Angels & Ascended Masters
(part of an ongoing past life workshop series) - Change the Ending (12/3/2015)
- End 2015 on a High Note:
Selacia's latest article & invite to 12/5 Meditation - Connecting with Help on Your Journey (11/28/2015)
- Selacia latest article with invite to 12/6 event:
Angels & Ascended Masters - Meet Your Angel
Mystic Journey Bookstore, Venice, CA - Selacia's 2016 Predictions (11/23/2015)
- 2016 - Year of Truth and Justice
- with 7 Tips for Divine Changemakers - - Divine Changemakers Manifesting (11/20/2015)
- Practicum: Jan. 10-16, 2016
Open to all completing Manifesting course - Processing Shocking Events (11/16/2015)
- Article with tips for responding to events like Paris attacks and other crisis
- Spiritual Heart Activation 11/14 meditation (11/11/2015)
- Global meditation with mp3
Attend live teleclass or on site in Santa Monica
Personal & planetary healing - Eleven 11 Week Energies - Powerful New Starts (11/8/2015)
- Selacia latest article with invite to upcoming:
11/14 Spiritual Heart Activation global meditation
(connect with your spiritual warrior and potentials) - Relationships IQ: Power of Saying No (11/4/2015)
- Selacia latest article with invite to upcoming:
11/14 Spiritual Heart Activation global meditation
12/6 Angels & Ascended Masters workshop - Energy Update & Last Call Divine Changemakers (10/21/2015)
- Selacia latest article: New Energies New You
with Last call for Divine Changemakers Phase 1
Course 10/25 to 11/21 - Invite to 10/17 global meditation (10/15/2015)
- Eclipse balancing 10/17 event, with reminder of
Divine Changemakers Phase 1 starting 10/25 - Balancing after Eclipse Cycle (10/12/2015)
- Latest article with guidelines to work with the new energies and invitation to 10/17 global meditation, Divine Changemakers Phase 1 starting 10/25
- Energy Update & Invite to Divine Changemakers (10/6/2015)
- Tips for navigating current energies with invitation to Divine Changemakers Phase 1 course
10/25 to 11/21 - Selacia 10/4 Past Life Workshop - Oaths & Vows (9/29/2015)
- Invitation to Mystic Journey workshop with energy updates related to the weekend's Supermoon Eclipse and link to blog on Past Life Vows
- Equinox Energy Upgrade (9/22/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with guide to this week's potent energies & info on upcoming: Equinox Global Meditation, Divine Changemakers Courses
- Manifesting Course Sept-Oct 2015 (9/19/2015)
- Reminder about brand-new course in the Divine Changemakers Series starting 9/27 - open to all having completed Phase 1
- Past Life Vows and You Now (9/16/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with updates on events:
Equinox 9/26, Mystic Journey 10/4,
Divine Changemakers Series (2 courses) - Shift Your Life at Eclipse Season (9/6/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with updates on:
Equinox Supermoon Eclipse 9/26 event
Divine Changemakers Series (2 courses) - Manifesting for Divine Changemakers (9/4/2015)
- A brand-new course in Selacia's Divine Changemakers Series - starts 9/27 - open to all having completed the Phase 1 course
- Divine Changemakers Phase 1 Course (9/1/2015)
- Selacia's next course invitation - with energy update for September
- Super Full Moon Tips - Bridging Worlds (8/25/2015)
- A guide for navigating this cycle with 3 super moons - with tips on relationships and invite to the 8/29 Full Moon Global Meditation
- Accessing August Blessings (8/19/2015)
- Selacia's latest article
With info on upcoming and private sessions - Healing at 8/14 New Moon (8/12/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with tips on navigating life during these moments in time
With info on upcoming and private healing sessions - Manifesting for Divine Changemakers (8/7/2015)
- Brand-new course 9/27 to 10/31
Next step in Divine Changemakers Series - Your Cosmic Heritage 8/8 Past Life Event (8/5/2015)
- New Mystic Journey Bookstore workshop with guided process, sacred sound, time bridging
- Selacia Divine Changemaker Phase 1 (8/1/2015)
- New course announced - 10/25 to 11/21
(first course in Divine Changemakers Series) - Find Inner Peace at 7/31 Full Moon (7/29/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with tips applicable
to these moments of great change - Your Cosmic Heritage 8/8 Mystic Journey (7/26/2015)
- Next past life workshop in series
With info on current energies - Current Energies Update & Inner Fire Event (7/22/2015)
- Selacia's July 25 Global Meditation
with The Council of 12 - Fire Up Your Sacred Voice (7/16/2015)
- Selacia's latest article
With info on upcoming events - Inner Fire Activation with The Council of 12 (7/10/2015)
- July 25 Global Meditation invitation
With July energy update
- Manifesting for Divine Changemakers (7/7/2015)
- Selacia's brand-new course 9/27 to 10/31
- Justice Will Prevail (6/27/2015)
- Selacia's latest article on the paradigm shift
- Post Wesak at Solstice on 6/20 (6/18/2015)
- Annual celebration with the Masters at Solstice
- Ride Positive Winds of Change (6/14/2015)
- Latest article with focus on energies of Solstice, Post Wesak, and gifts of the 6/16 New Moon
- Love & Soul Purpose Workshop June 6 (6/4/2015)
- Selacia's latest in a series of past life workshops at Mystic Journey Bookstore in Venice, CA
- Navigate Emotional Tides during Full Moon (5/31/2015)
- Latest article with tips for managing your energy in this cycle
With info on June speaking & events - Gems of this Mercury Retrograde (5/20/2015)
- Latest article with 5 Ways You Can Benefit
- Love & Soul Purpose 6/6 with Selacia (5/16/2015)
- Info on Mystic Journey Bookstore past life workshop with tips on best use of the May 18-June 11 Mercury Retrograde
- Annual Wesak with Selacia & The Council of 12 (4/30/2015)
- Attend May 2 to experience the Masters in the sacred Wesak Valley of Tibet and connect with potent Wesak blessings
- Wesak Message - Signs of Awakening (4/26/2015)
- Selacia latest article with invite to May 2 Wesak
- Grand Cross Revisited a Year Later (4/20/2015)
- Selacia latest article about progress of awakening
- New Moon Tips (4/13/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with invite to 4/18 new moon global meditation and 5/2 annual Wesak
- Divine Changemakers Navigate the Subtle Path (4/8/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with updates on current energies and upcoming global meditations:
4/18 New Moon and 5/2 annual Wesak - Selacia presents Soul Agreements 4/4 (4/3/2015)
- Experiential workshop at Mystic Journey Bookstore, Venice on day of Eclipse-Full Moon
- Prepare for April 4 Eclipse Energies (3/29/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with tips for navigating this cycle and info on upcoming events including:
April 4 at Mystic Journey * Global Meditations - Soul Agreements Past Life Workshop (3/23/2015)
- Experiential evening April 4 with Selacia at Mystic Journey Bookstore, Venice
- Equinox Gateway event invitation (3/19/2015)
- with info on spiritual openings available during Equinox with total Eclipse and supermoon
- Your Compass for this Week's Energies (3/15/2015)
- Selacia's latest article - with invite to global Equinox event of March 21 (live or with mp3)
- Soul Agreements and Living Now (3/11/2015)
- A guide to understanding soul agreements and how they impact you in this lifetime - with info on Equinox event on March 21 with The Council of 12
- Equinox Gateway Preparation (3/5/2015)
- How to prepare now for spiritual openings available at Equinox celebrated March 21 with
The Council of 12 - Wise Navigation of March Energies (2/25/2015)
- Tips for staying in balance and taking advantage of opportunities to create brand-new beginnings
- Year of the Goat Global Meditation on 2/21 (2/18/2015)
- Invitation to event with Selacia and The Council of 12 - available on site, teleclass, or mp3
- Soulmates across Time on 2/15 (2/14/2015)
- Selacia's Mystic Journey workshop with powerful guided meditative process involving sacred sound and time bridging - connect with soulmates!
- Demystify Your Unique Life Imprint (2/11/2015)
- Selacia's latest article focused on power issues within a person's unique life imprint - includes info on DNA-level patterns
- Prepare for 2015 Goat Year (2/3/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with tips for Goat Year starting on February 19
- Your Past Lives & You: Soulmates across Time (2/1/2015)
- Join Selacia 2/15 at Mystic Journey Bookstore - experience powerful guided meditative process with sacred sound and time bridging
- Soulmates and Destiny (1/22/2015)
- Selacia's latest article
with info on upcoming events - Divine Changemaker Managing Energies course (1/20/2015)
- A 4-week course Feb. 8 to Mar. 28, 2015
Prerequisite: Phase 1 Divine Changemakers - Tips to Thrive in 2015 (1/15/2015)
- Selacia's latest article with info on
upcoming courses, meditations
with The Council of 12 - Divine Changemaker Managing Energies (1/8/2015)
- An experiential course Feb. 8 to Mar. 28, 2015
Prerequisite: Phase 1 of Divine Changemaker Series to be offered again soon - Coming in 2015 (12/31/2014)
- Update to Selacia's 2015 Predictions
with info on Jan. 3 Abundance 2015 event - Divine Changemaker Practicum Jan. 11-17 (12/28/2014)
- Focus: Beginnings & Endings
Prerequisite: Beginnings & Endings Course - Full Moon 1/3 Abundance 2015 event (12/27/2014)
- First Council of 12 global meditation of 2015!
Focused on creating a flow of abundance in 2015. Attend live or with mp3. - Selacia's Tips to Find Your Calm (12/22/2014)
- Latest article with info on upcoming events:
January 3 Full Moon 'Abundance 2015'
Divine Changemaker courses start January - Practicum Beginnings and Endings (12/16/2014)
- Prerequisite: Selacia's Divine Changemaker Beginnings and Endings Course
- Wise Use of December Energies (12/4/2014)
- Selacia's latest article
with invite to 12/6 full moon global meditation
and 12/7 Mystic Journey past life workshop - Full Moon 12/6 Global Meditation (11/30/2014)
- Background on December's energy opportunity
with invite to last Council of 12 event of 2014
and preview of Abundance 2015 event set 1/3 - Working with Time Distortions (11/19/2014)
- Selacia latest article
with info on December events - Past Life Workshop 12/7 Angels & Spirit Guides (11/15/2014)
- An experiential evening with Selacia at Mystic Journey to connect tangibly with nonphysical guides with you over lifetimes - helpful to you now
- LAST CALL Divine Changemaker Course (11/6/2014)
- Phase 1 Course 11/9 to 12/20
- Selacia 2015 Predictions Article (11/2/2014)
- Annual predictions article to give you
foresight about trends and energies of 2015 - 10/23 Eclipse - Where Do We Go From Here? (10/21/2014)
- Selacia's latest article
with tips for creating what you want next - New Dates: Divine Changemaker Course (10/19/2014)
- Phase 1 dates 11/9 to 12/20
A life-changing, experiential global course
with Selacia & The Council of 12
- Reminder: 10/18 Eclipse global meditation (10/16/2014)
- Next meditation with The Council of 12
is Saturday! Come on site, via teleclass
or with mp3 - Divine Changemaker Phase 1 course invitation (10/12/2014)
- Info on next global course offered to divine changemakers - first in a series: 10/20 to 11/16
- Eclipse Global Meditation 10/18 (10/10/2014)
- Info on next meditation with The Council of 12:
on site in Santa Monica, teleclass via bridge line
or mp3 - Be Calm in Eclipse Storm (10/7/2014)
- Selacia latest article & info on upcoming:
Eclipse Global Meditation 10/18
Divine Changemaker Courses - Gift of October Energies (10/1/2014)
- Selacia latest article on navigating October's cycle of eclipses, Mercury Retrograde, beneficial catalysts
- Last Call Beginnings & Endings Course (9/30/2014)
- A brand-new 4-week global course for divine changemakers having completed the foundational Phase 1 course: 10/5 to 11/8
- Selacia article: Becoming the New You (9/24/2014)
- With invitation to: Beginnings & Endings,
Phase 1 Divine Changemaker Course, Past Life Class,
Eclipse Global Meditation with The Council of 12 - Past Life Workshop on Pets 10/4 at Mystic Journey (9/21/2014)
- Invitation to Selacia's experiential workshop focused on pets and animals in nature
- Equinox 9/20 with Selacia & The Council of 12 (9/18/2014)
- Invitation to global meditation to celebrate this powerful energy gateway - a healing for the Earth and each person participating!
- Divine Changemaker Beginnings and Endings (9/12/2014)
- Reminder about brand-new course in the series
started in 2012 * Oct. 5 to Nov. 8, 2014
- Prepare for the New at Equinox (9/8/2014)
- Get ready for a brand-new cycle of energy!
- Reminder: Sept 6 Past Life Workshop (9/5/2014)
- Selacia's third in series at Mystic Journey, Venice
Focus: Spirit & Intuitive Gifts - Invitation Phase 1 Divine Changemaker Course (9/3/2014)
- A 4-week global course for divine changemakers:
October 20 to November 16, 2014
(first course in the series)
- Divine Changemaker Beginnings & Endings Course (8/31/2014)
- New 4-week course in the Series created and offered by Selacia since 2012 * prerequisite Phase 1
October 5 to November 8, 2014 - Best Use of Energies as August Ends (8/27/2014)
- Selacia latest article with info on upcoming:
9/6 Mystic Journey past life workshop, 9/20 Equinox, Divine Changemaker Courses starting in October - Selacia Sept 6 Past Life Workshop - Mystic Journey (8/23/2014)
- Focus: spirit and intuitive gifts
- Supermoon 8/9 Global Meditation (8/7/2014)
- Join Selacia & The Council of 12 for this unique energy gateway healing event - from anywhere in the world:
on site Santa Monica, global teleclass, or with mp3 - Past Lives & Your Intuitive Gifts (8/2/2014)
- Latest article with info on upcoming including:
8/9 Full Moon Global Meditation - on site in Santa Monica, global teleclass or mp3 - at the Supermoon! - Changes at 7/26 New Moon (7/24/2014)
- Latest article with invitation to 8/9 Global Meditation,
9/6 Past Life Workshop at Mystic Journey, upcoming
Divine Changemaker courses - Catch the Expansion Wave by Selacia (7/16/2014)
- Latest article with info on upcoming:
August 9 Global Meditation at Supermoon
September 6 Past Life Workshop - Mystic Journey - Reminder: Selacia July 12 Past Life Workshop (7/11/2014)
- An experiential evening of discovery involving past lives and their impact on your life and soul expression today
- Your Past and Awakening to Your Full Potential (7/4/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with info on upcoming events:
July 12 Past Life Workshop - Mystic Journey,
August 9 Full Moon Global Meditation - Your Past Lives & You July 12 at Mystic Journey (6/26/2014)
- Join Selacia for this experiential workshop focused on:
Right Livelihood & Soul Purpose - Prepare for Solstice with Wesak Season Blessings (6/18/2014)
- Selacia latest article with 3 Solstice contemplations
and info on upcoming events - Reset Your Energy at June 12-13 Full Moon (6/9/2014)
- Selacia latest article with info on upcoming
- Divine Changemakers At the Helm (6/3/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with info on upcoming
Divine Changemaker Course June 8 - July 26 - Mastering Fluctuating Emotions (5/30/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with info on upcoming including
Divine Changemaker Course starting June 8 - Divine Changemakers Leaping Forward (5/21/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with invitation to
Divine Changemaker Course starting June 8 - Selacia 5/17 Past Lives Workshop, Mystic Journey (5/14/2014)
- Reminder about Saturday's not-to-be-missed experiential workshop in Venice
- Buddha Wisdom at Wesak (5/8/2014)
- What Buddha Would Teach Now
with invitation to Wesak with The Council of 12,
Mystic Journey past life event, Divine Changemaker course - Divine Changemakers Tap New Energies at Wesak (4/30/2014)
- Update on current energies and opportunities for divine changemakers during Wesak season
With info on upcoming global and local events - Your Past Lives & You 5/17 workshop with Selacia (4/26/2014)
- Invitation to an experiential life-changing evening in Venice at Mystic Journey Bookstore
- Wesak Blessings for Your Ascension (4/23/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with info on how to tap into Wesak blessings between now and June - to help with grand cross energies and intensity of changes
- Have a Breakthrough during April Crossroads (4/17/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with info on upcoming
4/19 Global Meditation, other events, and
DNA healing sessions - 4/15 Full Moon Eclipse Process (4/11/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with info on 4/19 Eclipse Global Meditation, 5/17 Mystic Journey Past Life Workshop, and Divine Changemaker Course starting 6/8
- Divine Changemakers Wake-Up Call (4/6/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with invitation to brand-new
Divine Changemaker Course starting June 8 - April's Uncertainty and Your Next Big Leap (4/3/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with tips for navigating the energies and news of upcoming events
- Use 3/30 New Moon to Prepare for April's Wild Ride (3/28/2014)
- With information about April's cycle of 2 eclipses and unusual grand cross in Selacia's latest article
- Staying Calm at Spiritual Crossroads (3/21/2014)
- Understand how to stay calm at this and similar energy gateways in Selacia's latest article
- Prepare for Equinox Energy Gateway (3/13/2014)
- Understand past life influences of our crossroads
in Selacia's latest article - Stand Up for Yourself to Shift Your Life in 2014 (3/5/2014)
- Selacia's latest article
with tips for using your fire energy - New Moon Catalyzes New Energy on 2/28 (2/23/2014)
- Selacia's latest article
with 5 Ways to Benefit from New Cycle - Your Past Lives and Relationships in 2014 (2/16/2014)
- Importance of Past Life Seeds
with background on how people are connected across lifetimes - Benefit from February's Energies (2/9/2014)
- with info on upcoming events
and DNA healing activation sessions
with Selacia & The Council of 12 - LAST CALL 2/1 Horse Year Event (1/31/2014)
- Global Meditation Event for Year of the Horse
with Selacia & The Council of 12 - Benefit from Horse Year (1/27/2014)
- Tips for Success in 2014
with Info on 2/1 Global Meditation,
Jan-Mar Divine Changemaker Course - Get Ready - Year of the Horse (1/21/2014)
- Tips for 1/30 Super Moon ahead of Chinese New Year and start of Year of the Horse
- Last Call Divine Changemaker Course (1/15/2014)
- Selacia's Jan 19 to Mar 1 Global Series
with The Council of 12 - Tap Power of Jan 15 Full Moon (1/12/2014)
- Selacia's latest article on success in 2014
Info on next courses
- Navigating January's Energies (1/5/2014)
- Selacia's latest article with 5 tips for success
Info on next courses - Divine Changemaker Course starts Jan 19 (1/3/2014)
- Join Selacia & The Council of 12
for this new Phase 1 course:
Jan 19 to Mar 1, 2014 - Magnify 2014 Potentials with Super Moon (12/29/2013)
- Use Jan. 1 new moon process to transform wishes to realities!
Selacia's latest article with 2014 event info - Mastering Receiving to Prepare for 2014 (12/22/2013)
- Selacia's Article with Info on Upcoming:
Divine Changemaker Course Jan. 19-Mar. 1
Global Meditation Feb. 1 for Year of the Horse - Boost Receiving with Full Moon Process 12/16 (12/16/2013)
- Selacia's Article with Info on 2014 Courses:
Divine Changemaker Starts Jan. 19
Global Meditation for Year of the Horse Feb. 1 - Wise Use of December Energies (12/11/2013)
- with 5 Questions for Self-Reflection
AND Info on New Courses for 2014 - Last Call 12/7 Council of 12 Year-End Event (12/5/2013)
- with Free Gifts for You including:
mp3 download of past event, book excerpts - December: New Month, New Energies (12/1/2013)
- Selacia's article with:
Process to Fuel Your Forward Momentum - Selacia 2014 Predictions (11/20/2013)
- What's New, What's Continuing
- The Year to Step into Your Authentic Power - - Tips for Using Green Light Energy (11/13/2013)
- Selacia's article about moving forward after the mercury retrograde and erratic energies
- Tips for the Nov 1-3 Energy Gateway (10/30/2013)
- Selacia's article about the 3-day window of opportunity surrounding the solar eclipse
- 5 Steps to Prepare for Eclipse Energy Gateway (10/24/2013)
- Selacia latest article ahead of 11/2 Council of 12 gateway event during the eclipse weekend
- Dilemma of Change on 10/18 Eclipse (10/17/2013)
- Wanting and Rejecting Change:
Selacia's latest article with insights about mastering our current energies - Accelerate Your Spiritual Progress (10/11/2013)
- Selacia's latest article with insights about understanding opportunities of this rare lifetime.
- New Moon Intentions Process (10/2/2013)
- Energize your future potentials with this process for the Libra new moon of 10/4 - article by Selacia
- Walking a Tightrope (9/26/2013)
- Selacia's latest article with tips for working with current energies - plus info on upcoming events
- Full Moon Balancing Process for 9/19 (9/18/2013)
- Selacia's latest article with simple 5-step process for greater peace and joy -
plus invitation to 9/21 Equinox event - Article: Prepare for 9/21 Equinox Gateway (9/14/2013)
- Selacia's latest article with invitation to
9/21 Equinox gateway event with
The Council of 12 - Selacia's 9/21 Equinox Gateway Event (9/8/2013)
- Global Meditation Event with The Council of 12
-use this powerful gateway to shift your life- - Article: New Moon Heart Process (9/4/2013)
- Article with help for navigating energies
Last Call: Divine Changemaker Series
Sept 8 to Oct 5 - Article: Coming Ashore with an Open Heart (8/30/2013)
- Article with tips for recalibrating energies.
Course: new 4-week Divine Chanemaker Series Sept. 8 to Oct 5 - Selacia Article & Invite Divine Changemaker Course (8/25/2013)
- Article: Riding the Wave
Course: new 4-week series starts with 9/8
email, weekly group calls start 9/14 - Selacia Article & Invite to Divine Changemaker Course (8/20/2013)
- Article: Trusting What Spirit Shows You
Course: new 4-week series starts 9/8 - Bring-a-Friend Discount for Selacia's New Course (8/16/2013)
- Divine Changemaker Series 9/8 to 10/5:
a life-changing interactive course - Divine Changemaker Series Invitation (8/8/2013)
- Join Selacia for this new 4-week interactive series that starts September 8
- When the Past Becomes the Present (7/19/2013)
- Latest article on working with multiple timelines and dimensions - plus news about new classes and divine changemaker offerings
- Divine Changemakers Transform Relationships (6/16/2013)
- using current energies to shift your life,
create more loving relationships,
accelerate your enlightenment - Divine Changemakers Heal the World (6/9/2013)
- with insights about how to work with mood swings, 7 tips to stay balanced
-plus invitation to June classes - Empowerment for Divine Changemakers (6/1/2013)
- with insights about how to work with current energies and take advantage of the grand opportunities of this cycle
- Awakening of Divine Changemakers (5/26/2013)
- with invitation to unique 4-week course
starting 6/23:
Divine Changemaker Series - Wesak: Your Unique Enlightenment Imprint (5/14/2013)
- with invitation to Wesak events
5/18 and 6/22
Divine Changemaker Series June-July - Wesak Article The Light Returns (5/5/2013)
- with invitation to upcoming:
Wesaks 5/18 and 6/22
Divine Changemaker Series June-July - Wesak Season Events 5/18 and 6/22 (4/27/2013)
- Global Meditations with Selacia
and The Council of 12
- Annual Celebration of Enlightenment - - Selacia's Article: Preparing for Equinox (3/3/2013)
- with updates on March 16 Equinox global meditation, specials via new eBook, new divine changemaker course forming now
- Selacia's Article - Hidden Comes to Light (1/24/2013)
- with updates on Jan. 26 global meditation and
Selacia's multi-media eBook, Transformers of Consciousness - Selacia's Article - Accelerate Transformation (1/17/2013)
- Also announcing: launch of new multi-media eBook, Transformers of Consciousness, featuring 21 authors including Selacia
- Selacia's New Year Message (1/8/2013)
- Message from The Council of 12 - with invitation to Cosmic Activation Global Meditation Event
of January 26, with guest speaker Mazatzin - Ascension and Solstice 12/21 (12/16/2012)
- Latest article and invitation to 12/21 Solstice,
with bonus of free tools including videos and
Selacia's posts on Facebook - Selacia's 2013 Predictions Article (12/5/2012)
- Latest article and invitation to 12/21 Solstice,
plus insights from Earth's Pivotal Years and
Selacia's posts on Facebook - Preparing for 12/21 Solstice (11/28/2012)
- Selacia's latest article
plus invitation to 12/21 event,
THE TWELVE, Earth's Pivotal Years - 11/11 Gateway Opportunities (11/7/2012)
- Selacia's latest article
plus invitation to 11/11 event
and free tools for transformation - Your Body Knows (10/24/2012)
- Selacia's latest article
plus invitation to 11/11 event - Raising Your Frequency, Healing the Earth (10/4/2012)
- Selacia's latest article
plus invitation to Conscious Life Expo - Solutions for a Conflicted World (9/16/2012)
- Latest Council of 12 Message from Selacia
plus info on Equinox Event 9/22,
new Divine Changemaker Series 10/7 - Prepare for Equinox Gateway (9/7/2012)
- Latest Council of 12 Message from Selacia
plus info on Equinox Event 9/22,
review of Earth's Pivotal Years book - Remedies for Sensitivity (8/30/2012)
- Latest article from Selacia
plus info on Equinox Gateway Event 9/22,
Earth's Pivotal Years book
- Navigate the Ever-Changing Landscape (7/18/2012)
- Latest article from Selacia
plus "Earth's Pivotal Years" book endorsed by Barbara Marx Hubbard - Create a Loving World & Understand the Crossroads (7/9/2012)
- Latest article with info on divine changemaker series starting August 5 for 4 weeks
- Solstice Message, Manifest Your Vision (6/20/2012)
- Latest article with info on new classes, book special, divine changemaker series
- Your Inner Divine Feminine (6/5/2012)
- Latest article during 6/5 Venus transit
With info on upcoming events and book special - Prepare for the Next Wave of Energy (5/29/2012)
- Latest article with updates on:
Book special, 6/2 Post Wesak at Venus Transit, 6/10 Start for Divine Changemaker Series - Humanitys New Chapter, Creating a New Earth (5/22/2012)
- Join Selacia's book special to attend 6/2 global meditation event during Venus Transit
- Return of the Divine Feminine (5/16/2012)
- Latest article with:
Earth's Pivotal Years anniversary special and info on 6/2 Post Wesak during Venus Transit
- Energy Expansion for Your Enlightenment (5/2/2012)
- Selacia's Council of 12 message
with update on events, Bridging Heaven TV shows - Wesak Message & Invite to Global Meditations (4/20/2012)
- Selacia's Council of 12 Wesak message
with invitation to 5/5 & 6/2 Wesak global meditation events - New Times, New Priorities (4/12/2012)
- Selacia's latest Council of 12 message
with updates on Bridging Heaven TV show,
divine changemaker series, Wesaks & more - Expressing Your Soul (3/31/2012)
- Selacia's latest Council of 12 message
with invitation to workshops: Wesak,
divine changemaker, the path of soul - Reminder: 3/17 Global Meditation (3/10/2012)
- with update on upcoming cycles
and news of next classes - Your Next Big Leap In 2012 (3/6/2012)
- with invitation to 3/17 Global Meditation,
Divine Changemaker Series & more - Creating a World without Borders (2/21/2012)
- with invitation to 3/17 Global Meditation,
Divine Changemaker Series & more - You and the Global Shift (2/9/2012)
- Article on Vital Role of Community
with info on new classes & healing tools - Making Sense of Now (1/25/2012)
- Selacia's Council of 12 Message - with info on free tools to make 2012 the best year ever
- Benefit from 2012's Opportunities (1/5/2012)
- Selacia's Council of 12 Message - with info on:
divine changemaker series, TV show & more - Honor Your Roots - Heal Your Conditioning (12/15/2011)
- Selacia's latest blog article with info on:
tools for awakening to your purpose - Your Transformation in 2012 and Beyond (12/6/2011)
- Selacia's Council of 12 Message - with info on:
book special thru 12/10 & 12/10 meditation event - 2012 Predictions Message - The Council of 12 (11/30/2011)
- "Doorway to a New Start" - with info on:
book special & events of 12/2 & 12/10 - Divine Changemakers - Return to the Sacred (11/21/2011)
- With Info on Earth's Pivotal Years
Holiday Book Special & Events of 12/2 and 12/10 - Your Role in Earth's Tipping Point (11/15/2011)
- New Books & Empowering Events
to Empower You as a Divine Changemaker - Divine Changemakers: Maximize 11/11 Gateway (11/7/2011)
- Council of 12 Message with guidelines to benefit most from energetic gateways like 11/11
- Understanding the 11/11 Gateway (10/30/2011)
- Council of 12 Message with tips for divine changemakers & info on upcoming events
- Receiving More Love & Abundance (10/16/2011)
- Info about soulmates, DNA blocks to receiving and upcoming events
- Council of 12 Message & Selacia Update (9/16/2011)
- Sitting in the Middle of Change
- Activate Your DNA - Raise Your Frequency (9/9/2011)
- Shifting Your Vibration Higher
- Prepare for 2012's Energies (9/2/2011)
- A Council of 12 Message to Help Prepare You For What's Ahead & Update on Events
- Benefit from Living Now (8/26/2011)
- Council of 12 Message with
Invitation to Sept 24 Equinox Channeling - Spiritual Healing for You and The Earth (8/19/2011)
- Attend Global Meditation Events
- Including Sept 24 Equinox Channeling - Have More Loving Relationships Now (8/12/2011)
- Tips for Creating More Love in Your Life
- Council of 12 Message (8/6/2011)
- Divine Changemakers Face the Unknowable
- Help Spread the Word about Earth's Pivotal Years (7/29/2011)
- Enter to win an iPad - helping schools via!
- "Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years" Book Launch 7.21 (7/21/2011)
- Join us at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore for Selacia's book signing event!
- Now There Are Answers (7/14/2011)
- "Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years" - launch, book signing, and book giveaway on Goodreads
- Receive Spirit's View of Today's Changes (7/5/2011)
- Join Selacia's Global Meditation Event via Skype or Phone
- Your New Destination About the Future (7/1/2011)
- Brand-new website & blog for Selacia's new book:
- Move into a Higher Frequency at 7/9 Post Wesak (6/25/2011)
- Join Selacia at Global Meditation Event
with The Council of 12 - Pre-Solstice Preparations - Shifting Your View (6/19/2011)
- C12 Message & Invitation to 7/9 Global Meditation & Last Call for Book Special
- Tips for Riding June's Roller Coaster (6/12/2011)
- Reminder of pre-launch book special and upcoming events.
- Pre-Launch Special Order of Selacia's New Book (6/9/2011)
- Discount on Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years ahead of July official launch.
- Sneak Peak at Selacia's New Book (6/1/2011)
- Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years - Selacia's new book - coming soon!
- The Path of Enlightenment (5/21/2011)
- What's Different Now message with update on
Selacia's new book and invite to Post Wesak - Understanding the Changes (5/6/2011)
- Wesak season message with update on Selacia's new book and last call for Wesak
- Wesak 2011 with Selacia & The Council of 12 (4/29/2011)
- Invitation to Annual Wesak with Excerpt from C12 Wesak Message
- Time of Enlightenment (4/23/2011)
- Wesak season message with invitation to Wesak 2011
- Accessing the Blessings of Wesak (4/5/2011)
- Article with Invitation to Wesak 2011
- Council of 12 Message - Rewriting History (3/22/2011)
- Changes Today Mean a Brighter Tomorrow
- Council of 12 Message & Selacia Invitation 3/19 (2/26/2011)
- The Revolution You Came to Facilitate
- Council of 12 Message & Selacia Update (2/9/2011)
- "Responding to World Events"
- A Brand-new Year Begins ... (1/18/2011)
- 2011 Energies & Upcoming Events
- Opening To Spirit Seminar with Selacia (1/7/2011)
- Bodhi Tree Bookstore 1/8 Seminar
- C12 Jan Msg for the New Year (12/27/2010)
- How to Find Love in 2011
- C12 Dec Msg with Solstice Preparation (12/19/2010)
- "Envisioning a More Positive Future"
- C12 Nov Msg & Invite to 12/4 Channeling (11/5/2010)
- Open Your Mind - Expand Your Options
- C12 Oct Annual Predictions Msg (10/19/2010)
- 2011 - Year to Bridge the Gap
- C12 Sept Msg Kindness & Invite to Channeling (9/17/2010)
- Bringing Kindness into the World
- C12 Sept Msg Path to Joy & Equinox Invitation (8/29/2010)
- Invitation to Equinox Meditation
- C12 August Message Higher Frequencies & Event Invitation (7/26/2010)
- Invitation to Global Meditation
- Council of 12 July Message: Healing the Waters (6/30/2010)
- With Last Call for July 10 Post Wesak Channeling
- Council of 12 June Message and Reminder of Post Wesak (6/12/2010)
- Traveling the Path of Enlightement
- Council of 12 Message - "Opportunity of Enlightenment" (5/29/2010)
- With Invitation to July 10 Post Wesak Channeling
- Raise Your Frequency with Essential Oils (4/23/2010)
- New Classes on Wellness & Essential Oils
- Finding The Jewel (4/11/2010)
- A Council of 12 Wesak message & invitation to May 22 Wesak
- Moving Ahead with New Energy (3/13/2010)
- A Council of 12 message about changes in energy at the equinox & last call for March 20 channeling
- Return to Oneness (2/27/2010)
- A Counicil of 12 message about earthquakes & invitation to March 20 channeling
- Creating New Paradigm Relationships (2/10/2010)
- A Council of 12 message for anyone who has ever loved
- Creating A More Light-Filled World (1/22/2010)
- The Council of 12 at the January 16, 2010 Global Channeling Event
- Council of 12 Global Channeling Invitation (1/3/2010)
- January 16 Eclipse Group Channeling Event
- Council of 12 Holiday Message (12/28/2009)
- Awakening Process for Divine Changemakers
- C12 Jan Message & Invite to Jan 16 Channeling (12/20/2009)
- Acceleration of Your Ascension Process
- C12 Message & Last Call for 12/5 channeling (11/27/2009)
- Choices During Humanity's 11th Hour
- C12 December message & invite to 12/5 channeling (11/15/2009)
- You are the Light of the World: Reclaiming Your Joy
- Webcast on "Paradigm Shifters" about the 2012 shift (11/9/2009)
- Selacia webcast on the 2012 shift
- C12 November message (2012 & Beyond) (11/2/2009)
- C12 message about these pivotal moments in time
- C12 October PREDICTIONS message (A Time of Transparency) (9/30/2009)
- Annual predictions message from The Council of 12 - about 2010
- C12 Message & Invite to Oct 17 Channeling (9/23/2009)
- C12 September message (Navigating the Next Phase)
- C12 September message (To Remember) (9/5/2009)
- C12 message about humanity's crossroads and today's opportunities
- C12 August Message (Being Awake During the 2012 Window Changes (8/16/2009)
- July 2009 ezine from Selacia & the Council of 12 (7/7/2009)
- C12 message (Navigating the Eclipse Cycle), new crystals energized by C12, and more!
- July 2009 C12 message (working with the 2012 Window) (6/30/2009)
- C12 message about the changes we face and how to navigate in the chaos
- C12 Message Michael Jackson message & event invatation (6/27/2009)
- June 2009 ezine from Selacia & The Council of 12 (null)
- C12 message (Moving Forward with Mo
Selacia & The Council of 12 Selacia Santa Monica, California 90405 (424) 231-5122