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Messages from The Council of 12
Transmitted through Selacia -- December 2009
You Are the Light of the World: 
Reclaiming Your Joy 
Right now you are in the tail end of a year marked by great reconfiguration. You and your society are being remade, and when the cycle is finally complete you will not recognize your way of life or how you feel about living on the Earth.
As your economy and other structures get an overhaul, each of you is re-examining your values, your aspirations, your relationships, and more. With that assessment you may feel a whole range of emotions - from anxiousness and uncertainty to gratitude and joy.
During these final moments of 2009 there is an expanded energy present allowing you great spiritual openings to other dimensions. This means an expanded view of what you normally see, an expanded perception of feelings, and an expanded ability to move into a higher vibrational state of consciousness.
This energy helps you to connect with your multidimensional self. As part of that, you naturally connect more with your heart, your intuition, your courage, and your ability to forgive and let go.

Your multidimensional self already exists within the higher frequencies contained in the 2012 window. Claim that self now.
Recognize that you are the light of the world.

You are here now to shine that light. As you hold more light within you and radiate that light out from your heart center, you move out of your pain. This happens because you become more aware of patterns that have kept you frozen in fear.
You are able to see these patterns more clearly and you have less resistance to facing them head on. As you do that in this next cycle, you will catapult yourself into a life with more joy.
Your Divine self, residing within your human form, is naturally joyful. It is naturally loving and fearless too. This is your timeless and natural self. It does not need any external thing or circumstance to feel joyful.

On those days when you feel unhappy and dissatisfied with how things are, remember who you are at your core. Remember that your energy field is regularly recalibrating right now. Your DNA is changing and adjusting so that you can hold increasing amounts of light. Those changes are happening even faster as you work consciously with your DNA.

New Levels of Energy Available
You are accessing levels of energy and information you could not even imagine before. Changes are happening very quickly and it is often challenging for you to correctly perceive how much you are shifting. However, trust that you indeed are accessing new levels of awareness as you progress. Your intuition is heightened and your sensitivity level is expanded.

Ascension Symptoms
On a physical level this often means ascension symptoms. You will get used to these. You will learn to understand the difference between an occasional headache or flu-like symptom and a serious medical condition requiring a doctor's care.
Sometimes you will experience physical distress that falls somewhere in between these two categories. Example - a headache that comes from an imbalance in your nervous system or digestive tract. As your body regularly readjusts to the higher frequencies, you may need to make changes in your self-care, diet, or belief systems held within your DNA.
The shift in consciousness involves energy and awareness. You cannot effectively hold the higher vibrational energies if you are out-of-balance on any level - physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. 
DNA-Level Patterns
These times are naturally going to bring up your old unfinished business. That means dysfunctional patterns from your past. A DNA-level pattern involving power issues, for example, could surface and set off a kind of red alert in your nervous system.
Since many of these patterns are rooted in past lives and your family's lineage, you might overlook what's really going on and think your symptoms are something else. You might even think you're having a panic attack or worse.
As you address your past patterns and also regularly update your self-care and diet you will become more comfortable with your own energetic shifting. As you select your food and self-care, a good question to ask is this:
"Will this substance or health regimen support me in raising my energy frequency?" 
The answer to that question will help you to decide the best course of action.
Know that when your frequency is high enough, disease cannot thrive in your body. You will be more joyful too!
Remember each day that you live during historic moments on the Earth. The secrets of humanity's past - and your own past - are coming to light. It's also a time when you have access to significantly more energetic momentum to create the kind of world you have long sought to inhabit.
These two transformational factors make this a very unique time to be alive. 
As you continue the journey of rediscovering your Divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.
Copyright 2009 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12,
* All Rights Reserved * http://www.Selacia.com
* Selacia & The Council of 12 on Facebook  and Twitter* * * View Our Archives__

From Selacia--This year-end message from The Council of 12 is meant to address our current energies and questions many people have about how to access joy in the midst of so much chaos and uncertainty.  As The Council of 12 speaks about here, joy in fact is naturally within us. 
We will move into increasing amounts of joy as we move through these times and let go of our past. To do that, we must become fearless and willing to face whatever comes up.  The dysfunctional patterns we hold within us -- from our past and from our ancestors -- aren't really "us." We took those on out of ignorance.
We are now becoming aware and awake. We now are reconnecting with our authentic selves. We are now learning to access our inner wisdom, which is the best gauge we have for how to move forward. We really do have the tools for success. 
The key is remembering to use what we have been given, and to help one another - for we are all traveling toward the same place. 
Take a few moments and contemplate these questions: 
"What is the theme I keep coming back to in my mind that stops me from feeling happy?"
"What do I tell myself I can't have, be or do?"
"What early childhood pain continues to recycle in my life today?"
"What is the key block within me to having a successful love relationship?
"What within me says I can't have money and be a light worker?"

To have more clarity on these questions, you may want to consider participating with me and The Council of 12 at the upcoming worldwide group channeling event of December 5
A key theme of our December 5 channeling event will be joy! This is our special year-end event with The Council of 12 -- and is open to all - so please tell your friends who haven't yet registered.
We are living during pivotal moments of time. It will be helpful to gather togeher in community and to receive spirit's assistance in moving through the chaos. We expect to have participants from every corner of the world! This will allow you to connect tangibly with people in many countries. These are people like you who walk the path of light. We will join energies with each other and with The Council of 12 for a very potent time of healing and spiritual openings.
Give yourself - and us! - the gift of participating in this year-end celebration. End the year on a high note and prepare yourself to receive and express more light in 2010!

Come join us, either live in person or with call-in (or by listening to the audio recordings later). Preregistration at the website is required to attend and to receive The Council's advance input and audio recordings afterwards. You may come in person on site in Santa Monica, or call in via teleclass from anywhere in the world.  From out of the country, many people use either a low-cost international phone service, a Skype-to-landline connection, or a VoIP service such as Vonage. To register for either or both events now, please visit EVENTS at Selacia.com.

As a reminder, if you missed any of the recent messages, please visit the new View Our Archives section of my website.  This new feature will allow you to see past messages you may have missed, and to share them with more friends. 

Referring friends: this is a friendly reminder that when forwarding these messages to friends, it's best to use the forward button within my email if at all possible. If you forward an email I send out from Constant Contact using the forward key within your email program (e.g. Outlook), your friends may not see graphics correctly and they won't be able to forward to more friends. Also, if anyone you send it to thinks they have been added to a "list," and doesn't want to be-therefore unsubscribing-you are automatically unsubscribed.
Now available:  there is an excerpt from my 2012 book on the website, and we'll soon have more discussions on these topics on both Facebook and Twitter.  For those of you new to social media, these are free Internet-based tools that allow us to connect with people worldwide.  Meet new people, share in our growing community of light workers, and hear about the latest from me and The Council of 12.  
To join us on Facebook:  http://artist.to/selaciathecouncilof12/
and on my new FB page for wellness & essential oils:
To join us on Twitter:    http://www.Twitter.com/Selacia

Please send your friends to the new social media pages, and to my website with its new archives and 2012 book page.  Thanks so much. 

On the updated website, too, are Events & Sessions buttons on the top left corner.  These make it much easier to navigate and find things when you want to sign up for an event/group channeling or a private healing session.

I hope to see you or connect with you soon!" 

With love and blessings, Selacia 11/15/09
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