2012 Predictions Message - The Council of 12:
 Doorway to a New Start

with info on
- book special & events of 12/2 & 12/10 -  

Blue Banner from Aaron 

Dear friends,
The year we have long anticipated - 2012 - is almost here! It will be unique in many ways, and lots of surprises are certain to materialize!

In order to get to this place where we now sit, each of us has put in motion countless steps, trainings, and other preparations. It has taken lifetimes of learning and opening to our true divine selves. In this lifetime, it often has involved intense healing - peeling away the layers of our conditioning and coming to terms with dysfunctional patterns we carried in our DNA, often originating in our family lineage. While the foundational preparations may be complete on some levels, we are not finished products and our "jobs" are not done. Understanding this, we must remain awake and vigilant and be open to what's needed next.

With this in mind, I share with you here today some helpful tools for your own energetic preparations. The time is short for each of us take the needed steps - and to fully embrace and move into our divine changemaker role. After all, this is what we are encoded to do! Below, ahead of The Council's message, is a short list of what's inside this article.    
  • First is the 2012 predictions message from The Council of 12 - focused on our unique doorway and key highlights of the year ahead. As you read it, allow their words to remind you of what is important to pay attention to and what is most relevant for your personal journey. Please share this message with your friends and loved ones, giving them a grounded spiritual approach to these much talked-about times.     
  • Second is a limited-time holiday special on purchase of Earth's Pivotal Years - allowing you to come to the next global meditation of 12/10 free when you purchase 2 paperback copies of my new book at Amazon and provide the Amazon receipt number for proof of purchase. This book can be a wonderful gift to a friend or even to loved ones who don't yet comprehend ascension or other metaphysical terms. Details below!  
  • Third is information about 2 experiential events planned for December:  (1) an animal-heart linkup workshop 12/2 at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore while the store is still open on the Melrose Avenue location and (2) our end-of-year special holiday global meditation with The Council of 12 on 12/10 at the powerful lunar eclipse and full moon.  Please send your friends to both and share this email too.   
I wish all of you an amazing and fulfilling 2012, allowing you abundant opportunities to express your full potential!
Love and light - Selacia 



Selacia's 2012 Predictions Message from The Council of 12

- Doorway to a New Start -  


For thousands of years society has been moving towards the juncture you now face. A grand forgetting took place in previous generations as people forgot their divine nature and moved into fear. A planet without love resulted in a divided world and set the stage for many of the conflicts and crises being experienced today.
The year 2012 will be a notable turning point because of the sheer numbers of people awakening and holding a light-filled focus. This unprecedented rising of the light can make a pivotal difference as humanity moves through some of its greatest challenges. While some people believe that humanity is doomed and about to face its final demise, the rising of the light can bring about a brand-new start. A new type of existence based on love can result from humanity's crisis. That is why you are alive now!  
Indeed, you now stand in a doorway of potential that leads to a radically different kind of future. On some days, you likely already have glimpses of what this future is like - the general populace interacting in a heart-centered way, global imbalances rectified, and everyone having what they truly need.

How do you enter the doorway to a new future?
The key to entering the doorway to a new future is consciousness. It is a joint effort - with people like you discovering how to live in harmony with one another. You cannot do it alone. You live on a planet with billions of people, each connected to the human community of life. You cannot separate yourself from the whole. Your self-liberation, allowing you to enter the doorway, comes from mastering a new, more loving way to relate to others. There are no short cuts.

Upcoming Energies and Events
Here are some highlights of what is in store for 2012.
On the world stage, you will see a plethora of battles for power - some involving physical force and manipulation. These will take place amidst growing transparency and rising public outrage against injustices and ego-based controls. It will become increasingly difficult for those in power to rule through fear and disregard for basic human rights.
On a cosmic scale, the planetary movements and alignments of 2012 are sure to catalyze a much deeper questioning within people than has occurred in past decades. If you have loved ones who haven't yet set foot on the path of awakening, the 2012 energies no doubt will stir some questions of long-held beliefs. Your loved ones may come to you for guidance, or you may find them on the Internet late at night, researching to discover reasons for the peculiar things they're feeling, hearing, and seeing.

On a spiritual level, you will notice more people talking about the need to incorporate spirit into everyday life. This is already happening, but there will be a great escalation of the trend in 2012. With the growing acceptance of a spirit-based focus, many concepts previously thought of as fringe or "new age" will move into mainstream. As this happens and the ideas percolate throughout the media, more people will want to learn how to bring a spiritual focus to their lives. Over the next few years - in order to serve this vast interest and need - a number of innovative methods will be introduced to help people embarking on a spiritual path.
On a physical level, people will be reevaluating what they need to survive and thrive. As society continues its great reconfiguration involving the economy and other sectors, people will be reassessing what they value beyond physical possessions and status. Many people will find themselves interested in a different type of work than they did before. For those who remain in the same career, a deeper questioning is likely to take place and new approaches to work can create positive shifts involving daily tasks and coworkers.    

On a personal energy level, you will notice that time continues to accelerate and your sensitivity escalates. Those trends go hand-in-hand with living now during Earth's megashift. The sense of urgency you have felt for a while now is likely to heighten, in part because your nervous system has a difficult time with the frequent adjustments of energy. Your frequency can rise and fall with great fluctuation on any given day - catalysts include things like thoughts, emotions, spiritual practices, and intake of food. Each time your frequency shifts, your body needs to adapt. Greater sensitivity is an inherent part of the spiritual path. Don't fight it or worry about it. The more spiritually aware you become, the more that you will be able to sense all sorts of things. Keep in mind, though, that just because you feel something doesn't mean you must do something about it. Your role as a divine changemaker is to learn to become neutral and compassionate - this allows you to care without becoming entangled in things outside your control.
In your personal life, you may find yourself questioning what you believe about all sorts of things. The world around you is in the most massive transition you have experienced to date. Changes of a profound nature are taking place all across the planet. So much is happening so fast that an army of texting scribes couldn't adequately keep you up to date with everything. When you look back on this period, you will understand that many of your belief systems were simply too small to fit the reality you experienced. The DNA-level belief systems you inherited, therefore, will need to be looked at and addressed before you can become comfortable and fully enjoy the experience of living now.

Relationships will be your most fertile ground for personal and spiritual transformation during 2012. Your skill in handling your relationships will determine your overall experience of 2012 and your progress on the path. Each of your relationships is a barometer of your own wholeness, revealing your strengths and weaknesses. The more that you can go into observer mode and be neutral with others, the easier it will be to accurately assess where you stand and what you can improve upon. No one is a finished product. Remember that as you relate to loved ones, friends, coworkers, and neighbors. All of the people you meet are in a reeducation process when it comes to relationships and how to love. A loving world will manifest when people learn to love one another. Love must be unconditional. You give the love regardless of whether you get it back. You learn to love as though it is your last day on Earth to love fully - and you give it your best shot. 

Shining Your Light in 2012    
If there ever was a time to pay attention to your inner voice and to focus on your enlightenment, it is right now. The year 2012 will long be a marker of great changes upon the Earth. Since you are alive now to be a divine changemaker, you will play a key role. That means you will be at the forefront of many changes, regularly making quantum shifts within yourself. In many instances, this means tackling issues that your loved ones and coworkers have yet to face. You will address them first, not in self-sacrifice, but because you are encoded to do it. As you work through issues, you will become a living example of positive changes needed in the world - shining the light for others.
As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.
Copyright 2011 by Selacia * All Rights Reserved * Selacia Main Website 

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Global Meditation on Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon 
December 10 (Saturday)

At this final global meditation of the year, The Council of 12 will provide each participant with potent insights and healing designed as a spiritual preparation for 2012.

We have eclipse cycles annually, of course, but they will have a greater catalyst impact on us in the next several years. With each eclipse, there will be an increased magnitude of energetic shifting potential - often with revolutionary undertones. To end the year 2011 with an eclipse on the full moon adds another level of amplification.

Come join us to accelerate your awakening and prepare for the energies of 2012 in a special healing event with The Council of 12.

Check out the special book offer below, too, for an opportunity attend the event free

Teleclass: 6:30-8:30 pm Los Angeles time - via phone or free skype-to-skype
On Site:    5 pm check-in, 6 pm start, 10 pm end - in the Los Angeles area
mp3:        all registrants receive mp3 audio recordings after the event 

More info and registration


During our global meditation and the peace process with The Council of 12 we will focus on planetary healing - including the sacred waters that feed all of life. Each of you participating, whether "live" or later on with mp3 recordings, will participate in this with our global group. In addition, each person receives a personal healing, tailored by The Council of 12 especially for you - providing you with insights and clearing of obstacles in your path as a divine changemaker.
We look forward to having you with us!

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Purchase 2 copies of Selacia's new book and come to the 12/10 event free*.  



*How to Participate

For a limited time, when you purchase 2 paperback copies of Earth's Pivotal Years on Amazon and provide your receipt number (proof of purchase), you can attend the 12/10 global meditation free. Attendance is either via phone or skype (live teleclass), via on site in person in Santa Monica, or via being included in our energies like you were with us live and afterwards receiving both mp3 audio recordings (typically totaling approximately 3 hours). Another bonus: when you order 2 books on Amazon it typically qualifies you for free shipping.   


Steps to participate:

(1) Order your 2 paperback copies of Earth's Pivotal Years books from Amazon with the Amazon link below

(2) Retrieve the receipt number from Amazon when completing your purchase

(3) Go to Selacia's website and fill in the form and once received by Selacia's office, the event details will be emailed to you 


Order your Amazon copies here: 

Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years: A Direct Path to Enlightened Living
by Selacia by iUniverse
List Price: $22.95
Our Price: $15.20
Buy Now





About the Book
The Earth is at a precipice; there is a sense of urgency about the world and our place in it. In Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years, Selacia answers universal questions about the future and our role. 
More info about the book  and book excerpts here!   




Audio here - listen to author interviews in the media room - new audio excerpt!

Book Signing Dates (Schedule & More Info) 

The Gateway Portal, West Los Angeles, CA - 7-9:30 pm, Friday, January 20 


Signed Copies Available!

Due to popular request, a limited number of copies of Earth's Pivotal Years are available, signed by Selacia personally for you. If you missed the recent book signing and would like a personally-signed copy, simply visit this link to order now. 



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Selacia photo 


About Selacia
Selacia is an internationally acclaimed writer, intuitive healer, and guide to others on the path of spiritual awakening. Author of a new book - "Your Guide to Earth's Pivotal Years" - she is known worldwide for her healing work with The Council of 12. A former foreign correspondent with The Wall Street Journal and other media, she has decades of experience in the areas of world politics, social change, healing, consciousness, and spiritual transformation. In her journalism career, Selacia covered the White House, US Congress, G8 meetings, economic summits, and world trade talks. In her global healing work, she has addressed the United Nations (SEAT). Her writings are read in sixty-four countries. She is a pioneer in DNA intuitive healing, serving people everywhere who desire wholeness and a heart-centered life. Selacia has dedicated her life to spirit, and to opening the way for others to progress on their path of enlightenment.  





3D DNA strand 





General Inquiries

For inquiries about a private healing session, the therapeutic-grade essential oils we use at global meditation channeling events, or one of the C12-energized crystals, email me and I'd be happy to schedule a brief phone or skype conversation to discuss available options.



Healing sessions during these times of massive change can be a very potent way to facilitate your own positive changes and receive useful insights about your life path. Private sessions are available via phone or skype from anywhere in the world. Sessions include DNA healing, intuitive astrology readings, pet healing, and crystal journeys. To schedule your session now - visit here.

Join Selacia & The Council of 12 with Private Sessions & Group Events

DNA activations
Youth & vitality activations
Healing of your family line & generational patterns
DNA healing of issues involving life crossroads
Physical regeneration and replenishment
Astrological life readings with The Council of 12

Monthly events including in-person at the Bodhi Tree Bookstore
December 2 Bodhi Tree workshop, 7:30 pm - Animal Heart Link
(Don't miss this special workshop the first Friday of December, set at the Bodhi Tree which is now in talks with potential investors about a new location for 2012.)


The Bodhi Tree Bookstore

For more information:

About Selacia's book

Bodhi Tree Bookstore   (Workshop - December 2 at 7:30 pm - Animal Heart Link)
Global meditations       (12/10 on Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse)

Book signing events      (1/20 mentioned above) 

Conscious Life Expo       (next one:  February 10-12, 2012)

Main website

Book website 

Selacia's blog
Private healing sessions

DNA healing for accelerating your awakening

Article archives



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Check Selacia's recent activity on Twitter from a dedicated page at Selacia.com.


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