Blue Banner from Aaron  


Dear friends--In 2 weeks on 2/15 is our past life workshop focused on Soulmates across Time! Already registered? Please share this information with your friends in Los Angeles. Looking forward to seeing you at Mystic Journey at 6:15 pm on 2/15. I'll be signing copies of my book Earth's Pivotal Years at the end of our evening.--Wishing you love and joy until we meet again, Selacia   


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Your Past Lives & You Series:

Soulmates across Time     


February 15 (Valentine's weekend!) * 6:30 to 8:30 pm

(please come 15 min early) 


Location:  Mystic Journey Bookstore, Venice, California  

Reserve your spot now with this  link


About this workshop

You are enthusiastically invited to join us on Sunday, February 15 for this experiential workshop focused on past lives! If you live in Southern California, you won't want to miss this evening. Space is limited so please do register early.   


Live outside Southern California? Stay tuned ... global courses on topics like this are in the works! Also, check out the recent blog article "Soulmates and Destiny" HERE.  


Don't miss this special evening of tangibly connecting with soulmates across time. Understand your long history together, learning why particular people are with you again now. Come away from this fun and uplifting evening with a new sense why you are attracted to certain people.  


Single now? Connect with the energy of a past life soulmate you haven't even met yet - someone who could become the love of your life!

Already with your soulmate? Receive validations of your past life connections relevant to today. 


Enjoy Selacia's guided meditative processes with sacred sound and time bridging - designed to bring forward past life connections with soulmates. Be prepared to experience something brand-new!


This is the 6th in a series of separate workshops focused on past lives. When you register at the Mystic Journey website, be sure to also sign up for the store's newsletter of upcoming events.   


Join us for this experiential life-changing workshop designed to connect you more tangibly with past lives and their influence on your present and future. More info and registration HERE





   Thank you for sharing this with your friends!  


Stay in touch with Selacia - you may connect with me through emails, private DNA healing sessions (including clearing of DNA patterns related to love and relationships), astrology life readings, and events, and via my Facebook page 'Selacia, The Council of 12.' To receive ongoing articles and updates - including my annual predictions message - please join my mailing list at


Selacia MJB events