Council of 12 Message - "Open Your Mind - Expand Your Options"
Selacia & The Council of 12

and Invitation to Dec. 4 Global Meditation Channeling
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C12 Message:  "Open Your Mind - Expand Your Options"
A Council of 12 Message through Selacia
Copyright 2010 * 

Note from Selacia:  "This November message from The Council of 12 came in response to questions and feedback from readers worldwide about this chaotic phase. If there were a chaos monitor, it surely would be up several notches these past several weeks! The Council's message addresses many reader concerns and questions. We welcome your input over this next cycle. Wishing you a time of increased clarity, purpose, and joy as you move forward on your path. We hope to see you next month at the group meditation channeling event! Please let your friends know so that they can be with us, too." - Selacia 11/05/10  
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Imagine what would happen in the world if millions of people began to focus on what is right instead of what is wrong? You can be one of those millions today. Trust that this makes a difference. Your light and focus does matter. It will change your life, and your world.

To be sure, there is a need to know what needs correcting, but the tendency in recent times is to focus on problems with tunnel vision. You are seeing this tendency playing out in the political arena, in business, and in personal relationships.

Narrow mindedness can be found within people on every continent. In a typical scenario, a person rigidly holds on to his or her opinion, insisting that it is the only answer. There is not room for compromise. There is not room to see that other ideas may also be valid.

Moving Into Expanded Thinking

A narrow point of view will keep your world small and limited. This is the opposite of what you want. Your new-paradigm Earth cannot fully manifest until people learn to move from narrow-minded thinking to expansive thinking. When you are thinking in an expansive way, you have openness to other points of view.

When you have an open mind, you are not threatened by the ideas of others. You welcome them. You have a choice about whether to adopt new ideas, in part or in full. You can consider all points of view with your intuitively guided reason and then make your own choice.

To be most effective in your focusing on ideas, remember balance. When your focus is in balance, you avoid the chaos of trying to wrap your mind around too many ideas at once.

Focusing with Enlightened Consciousness

A Divine Changemaker learns to bring an enlightened consciousness into focusing on issues. As you focus in on your life, realize that you cannot effectively focus on everything at one time. As you awaken, you discover that putting the spotlight on everything at once distorts your ability to discern truth. You could miss details, overreact, and be unable to distinguish fact from fiction.

Making your optimal choice is easier when you are not stressed by over thinking. If you become too stressed, your mind can become clouded, and your emotions can negatively influence what you do next.

Remember that even when you choose nothing and take no action, your choice to do so is still a choice. There is energy in everything you do, feel, or think. Make your choices wisely. Your power comes from being present and aware of your choices, and if necessary, altering them for your highest good. Likewise, you access more potency when you stop worrying about past and future choices. The power to change your life comes from today's choices. 

Tips for Balance

The following are some suggestions for staying in balance during these chaotic times. Review this list when you begin to feel on overload, when you realize that you have multiple decisions to make, and when you are either anxious or depressed.  
1. Step back from thinking-and-doing mode and tune into your heart. Your heart will help guide you to the next steps. Sometimes that next step is to be still. In the stillness, you can better hear your inner wisdom, and you can be refueled for greater creativity.

2. If you are seeing troubles at every turn, remember that it is the energy of goodness that fuels creation. At a core level, the quality of goodness is within you, and it is within everyone you meet. Focus on wishing others goodness - without agenda or condition - and you generate a positive vibration. It is easier to wish goodness like this for those you love. The path of the Divine Changemaker is to wish goodness for all, including strangers and those who oppose you. Becoming skilled at this is a part of your path. Set your intent to see the goodness in the world, and in other people.

3. When you are facing a problem, consider talking about it less. Give the dilemma less energy by focusing on it less. This means reducing the amount of time you think about it, talk about it, and worry about it. Set your intention to give your energy to positive changes and to noticing things to be grateful for.

4. Even in your darkest moments, you can cultivate a feeling of gratitude. When you do this, you raise your frequency. It is like an energy tonic. When you are feeling expansive from expressing gratitude, your naturally generate positivity. A more positive point of view can open the door to new possibilities and innovative solutions for your life.

5. Some days when life has become complex and stressful, it may be challenging to access your center. It may be difficult to appreciate your circumstances, or to feel a real connection with the world. In those moments, think of something bigger than you that inspires you-something that reminds you of the interconnectedness of all life. Think of something that's more beautiful than what you are seeing in your life. Examples include a double rainbow, a majestic redwood tree, and the sun setting on a sparkling blue ocean.

6. Let go of trying to fit in or have what others have. When you go into nature, the flower or tree that catches your eye is not a carbon copy of others. It stands out because of its uniqueness. There is something different about how it catches the light, its color, or its overall feel. Know that you are like the flower or tree. It's okay to be different. You don't need to look like the others, or be like them either. You shine most brightly when you are genuine and not pretending to be like the crowd.

7. Do you want to have more joy in your life? Consider lightening up as you approach your work, your relationships, and yourself. When you take life too seriously, you become too attached to outcomes and are less able to accept what is. A too-serious approach will kill your joy because you will be trying too hard. Lighten up today, then, and discover the joy that's naturally there.

8. When you want to feel more peace, think of a beautiful nature scene with water or go there if you can. Imagine the calm, life-giving water. Invite into your energy field the element of water. Intend that this opens you to a flow of goodness and love. This energy flow is boundless. You have plenty for yourself, and plenty to give to others. Give some away! You then expand the flow of goodness and love in the world.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.
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Invitation to Global Meditation Channeling * December 4
You are welcome to join us in our live global meditation channeling events!

Next live group channeling is on Saturday, December 4. The teleclass starts at 6:30 pm Los Angeles time. This is our annual end-of-year channeling -- with an opportunity to end 2010 on a high note, be refueled for what's coming next, and receive a potent healing of any current issue. To participate with us, please register early at the website.  

Right now, in the time ahead of our gathering, is an excellent time to go deeper in your personal spiritual transformation process. The energies available between now and December will be useful catalysts for positive changes you have long wanted to implement. With time compressing even more, you may find that you can complete some projects much earlier than you anticipated. Time will be even more fluid, and your manifestations that are ripe can take on a magical element. Working with divine timing,you can make great progress on a number of fronts. When we meet on December 4, The Council of 12 will be assisting you with anchoring the positive changes you are making now. They will help you to make sense of where your life is at yearend, too, giving you spirit's view of that juncture.
In the last couple of channeling events, we have focused our planetary healing on the oceans, threatened species, and other imbalances. At the equinox 
event, we also addressed the planetary grid that impacts manifestation. 
There is currently a huge gap between visions and intentions and the physical reality that most people manifest.

The Council of 12, in their 2011 predictions message published last month, addressed this gap. They reminded you of your role in bridging the gap. You are not a bystander regarding this issue. You and others like you are leading the way -- shifting life on this planet in ways that would have been unthinkable for your ancestors.

Brand new templates of energy have been established to address this gap. The work is in progress. You can tune into it, benefit from it, and help it to become ripe for everyone to access.

If you were at our equinox channeling, you are already aware of this inner planes work. We will be adding to this at future channeling events so that energies are updated and reflective of where humanity is in consciousness. C12 is asking you to trust in the unseen forces of divine change now under way. They remind you that you are a part of these forces, too!

As you set your intention to be with us on December 4 and register, you will begin receiving energy and help from The Council of 12.

It's recommended that you keep a dream journal or other type of notebook to monitor your insights and openings.
Please register here for the December 4 channeling.  Times: 6:30 pm teleclass and 6 pm start on site.

Other Upcoming

� "Rejuvenation and Aging in the New Paradigm" seminar, 11/12, 7:30 pm, Bodhi Tree Bookstore, 8585 Melrose Avenue, West Hollywood, CA 90069. RSVP here.

� "Wellness , Frequency, and Essential Oils" seminars, Mondays through 11/15, 7 pm, First Presbyterian Church of Santa Monica, 1220 Second Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401. See below for more information. RSVP here.

New book:  at is information about my forthcoming book  about navigating these pivotal times of great change. In that book coming out soon, readers will have a big-picture view of our crossroads as well as practical tools for moving forward.

Meanwhile, you are invited to join in the discussions we are having on Facebook and Twitter--receiving the latest from me and The Council of 12 and connecting with others from around the world. For those of you new to social media, these are free Internet-based tools that allow us to connect with people worldwide.  Meet new people, share in our growing community, and hear about the latest from me and The Council of 12.  

To join us on Facebook:  "Selacia, The Council of 12" & "Explore Living Fragrances with Selacia"
To join us on Twitter: 
Please send your friends to the new social media pages, and to my Web site with its article archives and page dedicated to my new book.
Thank you so much. 

Private healing sessions, to address your current life issues, can be scheduled by contacting me via phone or email. These sessions can be done via phone or Skype from anywhere in the world.  A private session can be a DNA activation, a healing concerning a life crossroads or challenge, an intuitive astrology life reading with The Council of 12, or a crystal journey. 

Typically the first session is the DNA activation, which includes energetic updates of your DNA to help facilitate your shifts and moving forward. This healing session also includes a cosmic big-picture reading of your human life experiences - including key past data to help you understand your mission for this life. The energies you receive help you to accelerate spiritual growth and clear stuck energies preventing your progress.

Another type of session very helpful to all Divine Changemakers is the intuitive astrology reading with The Council of 12. Most people I work with privately have one of these annually. These sessions are different from your traditional astrology reading. They are spirit's perspective of your life journey, with healing and energetic catalysts to shift your life into your ideal destiny. The session includes an understanding of your strengths, what you incarnated to focus on, your challenges and tools to overcome them, and insights into what's ahead over the coming year.

The Council of 12 recently made this comment about your birthdate:  "The day you were born is a very special day - not because of an ego-need to feel special - but because your birth during Earth's pivotal years allows you great opportunities for spiritual transformation. Whether it's your birthday today or not, take a moment and celebrate your life and how auspicious it is that you are here now."

If you are not sure which type of session would be optimal, feel free to contact me after today and we can set up a brief phone or Skype call to discuss. These healing sessions can help you to move through these times of uncertainty with more joy, purpose, and success. Schedule your private session here.

I look forward to connecting with you in a private or group setting soon!



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Wishing you blessings, love and joy! --Selacia
Selacia photo
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Offered by Selacia,
an author, gifted intuitive and pioneer in DNA intuitive healing. A channel for The Council of 12, Selacia offers ongoing global meditation channeling events, Wesaks, and other virtual teachings for a global audience. She also provides regular channeled messages to readers worldwide. She is author of The Golden Edge and a new book about Earth's pivotal years. In that book coming out soon, readers will have a big-picture view of our crossroads and future, plus practical tools for moving forward. An experienced healer, she offers transformational private sessions and potent experiential workshops that blend science and spirituality. She frequently presents at venues such as the UNSRC Enlightenment Society at the United Nations, Conscious Life Expos, Wesaks, and other conferences.

About The Council of 12
The Council of 12 is a group of highly evolved nonphysical guides who work with Selacia. These nonphysical beings partner with Selacia, who is a longtime channel for their loving wisdom and healing energies. Their profound insights and teachings are provided through Selacia in her private session work, public teachings, and a growing collection of writings. These wise beings are working with humanity and the Earth at this pivotal time of change, helping to facilitate the great shift in consciousness. A part of their role is to awaken people to their true divine nature, and to accelerate spiritual transformation.
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 Other Upcoming Events
Lavender Flowers
Wellness & Essential Oils * Weekly Monday Night Classes Continue through November 15:  Learn about wellness, alternative healing and essential oils in these fun and interactive classes for a worldwide audience! Discover how working with essential oils from the plant kingdom can help you with well being and spiritual growth.  These times of great change can be stressful and uncertain.  More people are seeking natural solutions to take care of their health and emotional balance. Taking charge of your own health is a vital part of becoming a conscious being on the path of awakening. Attend in person on site in Santa Monica, CA or receive the mp3 audio recordings made of selected classes.  To register for either form of participation, please email Selacia. For more information about the essential oils such as Inspiration, Joy, Gathering, and Frankincense we have introduced at Council of 12 events in the past couple of years, or to order an oil for yourself, please contact Selacia. Orders may be made via Selacia's website for the oils at or by calling 800 371 2928 x1 and providing Selacia's member ID 1010045.  The oils will be shipped directly to you.

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To contact Selacia:
TEL:          (310) 915-2884
Email:        Selacia
Skype:       Selacia
Copyright 2010 by Selacia | All Rights Reserved

Selacia & The Council of 12
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