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Ancient Mystery Schools and Your Past Lives

March 20 Past Life Workshop with Selacia:
Ancient Mystery Schools

Dear friends--
Most people on the path of spiritual awakening have had many previous lifetimes of study and experience to prepare for being on the path again now. As you are reading these words, invite your wise inner self to help you begin remembering some of your own preparations. Some of them likely occurred in ancient times when you studied the higher mysteries of life: esoteric alchemy, healing with prayer, Hermetic astrology, numerology, telepathy, nature spirits, and the afterlife.

If you will be in Los Angeles March 20 (the weekend of Equinox), I look forward to connecting you with your own past lives involving ancient mystery schools in places like Egypt. Mark your calendar now to join us at Mystic Journey for an unforgettable experience!

This workshop is for you if you have ever asked yourself questions like: "Why do I resonate so strongly with places like ancient Egypt, Lemuria, or Greece?" and "Why do I feel a d�j� vu when I visit power places like Stonehenge, Peru, Mexico, and Buddhist countries like Tibet?" 

To know and experience more about your past with mystery schools can be a significant doorway to your spiritual progress, success, and joy this life.
Mystic Journey is a perfect place to connect with this remembering! This workshop is part of a series I offer there - each time focusing on how our connections and experiences of past lives are relevant and useful to us now in this current life.

Please plan on joining us there on March 20! Register in-store or HERE.

Live outside Los Angeles? Contact me with your interest in this topic and we can explore options "long distance." 
Love and light--Selacia  
MJB March 20

Your Past Lives & You Series:            
Ancient Mystery Schools  
presented by

3/20 (Sunday) * 6:30-8:30 pm (please come 15 min early - by 6:15 pm) 
Location: Mystic Journey Bookstore, Venice, California * Register HERE
About this workshop: 
You incarnate with amazing gifts and esoteric training for your soul's awakening. Renowned healer and author Selacia will guide you in connecting with your past lives involving ancient mystery schools in places like Egypt.

In this experiential and fun workshop with sacred sound and time bridging, Selacia will activate your ability to connect more tangibly with your past life experiences in mystery schools. Some may be quite relevant to your life today. Example: key people you studied with in an ancient mystery school could indeed be in your life now - or they will be appearing soon. No accident! Most likely you are catalysts for each other this life - assisting one another in key ways.

Live outside Southern California? Contact Selacia for a private DNA healing activation session during which you will have a reading of your soul's journey across time. Watch for some global teachings on these and other topics.

This is the latest in a series of separate workshops focused on past lives. When you register at the Mystic Journey website, be sure to sign up for the store's newsletter of upcoming events.

Registration for Selacia's 3/20 Mystic Journey workshop HERE.   
Selacia MJB events  
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