METRONewsJanuary 2015
Metron 2015 | How do we look now?
Can you believe another year is in the books? No doubt as each one of you looks back through the months and seasons, you too will reflect on the accomplishments, your patients and all the people who have entered your practice.

Here at Metron Support Services, we are proud to provide the best digital image in your daily routine for patient care. Much has happened in the past year to enhance the process, the images, and the software. 

Happy Birthday to Us! Metron Support Services celebrated 
5 years and Metron Imaging placed 15 candles on its birthday cake in May 2014. It is a party we plan to carry into 2015. 
Let's take a look back at previous articles featured in the 2014 editions of the METRONews. 

Enjoy the read and thanks for another great year! 


What is New

Communication...Integration...Software appearance

  • February, March - Preview of Metron 7.20 Features
  • April - Surgery Planning Templates
  • May  - Veterinary Login Feature
  • August - Communication Options
  • May - Release of Metron 7.20 and all the new features
  • August  - Regulatory Compliance


Practice Spotlight 

Read more about your colleagues' Metron stories

  • September - Dr. Jeffrey Schreiber - Miracle Hill Animal Hospital - sharing Metron images using Metron Reports and Dropbox.


Support Services Highlights

Tips, Tricks, Techniques and the importance of Backups

  • April - Back Me Up onsite backup service
  • October, December - Your images, YOUR way - Email, DICOM, Web-Viewer, to other viewing preferences and more.
  • November - Metron can do that and more
  • November - Import images from a digital camera
For the complete archive of newsletter articles from this collection and all other previous publications, please visit the METRONews section of the Metron Support Services website.

There can be more to say than fits the page....
There were articles with so much content to be shared they could not be contained in the newsletter space. Topics 
included "Communications in Metron", "Regulatory Compliance", and the "Use of Collections in Metron." 

No doubt there will be topics throughout this new year that will be "continued" to METRONews.cont... We can then provide additional information and detail as Metron continues to evolve - pushing the science of digital imaging far beyond the Year 2015!

We encourage you to not only read the METRONews monthly (releases the first Tuesday of each month) but to also watch for those topics that spill over into the METRONews.cont... section of your support site. You never could be of use to you today or down the road.

Really good questions!

When would I want to use the Invert button?   

Do I darken images using Window & Leveling or LUT?

Should I always crop image?

Is the patient birthday important ?

We will continue to add to this Q & A area so stop back if you have a question. If we have not answered it, be sure to ask us! We can then add your question and our answers to the forum assisting other practices.


Join Our Mailing List
You are receiving this newsletter as a part of your Metron Support Services Subscription. We encourage you to continue receiving the subscription.  If you would like to receive this at an additional email address, simply click "Join our Mailing List" above.  If you would like to have it sent to a different email address, please send an email to us at


In This Issue
Metron 2014 | Take a Look Back
Happy New Year!
Metron Support now on Facebook!
Your Support Services Site
Colleagues Around the World


Welcome to...
As we are still in the early days of this new year, resolve to embrace each new day as an opportunity to make a difference for your patients.

Here at Metron Support Services, we enjoy being a part of your day and look forward to helping you make each one "picture-perfect" in your practice.


Metron Support Services
is now on Facebook!

With the release of Metron 7.20 and the inclusion of posting Metron veterinary images to your Facebook page, Metron Support Services has also "gone social"! 

'Like' our Facebook Page and join in the conversation with other practitioners just like you.


Support Services Site
Metron Support Services logo
Be sure you and your staff visit 
the support site for
online training sessions located at The Learning Center.


Did you know.... have colleagues located in New Zealand, Brazil, France and the Czech Republic? Metron is in practices "around the world" including all 50 US states. 




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