METRONewsApril 2014
Ooh - we are so close!
New Metron 7.20 is almost done!   We are diligently testing this new version and we too are getting very excited.  


We have mentioned some of the new Metron 7.20 features in previous monthly newsletters.  Here's a glimpse of the new look.


Surgery planning templates.
Use visual templates to simulate the actual sizing and positioning of specific surgery tools. The templating interface simulates the use of specific implants. For example, Metron simulates the Kyon TTA implants such as Plate, Cage, Screw, and Fork.  Metron also presents the actual manufacturer part numbers being used in the planning simulation.


After taking the X-Ray, the user needs to use the related Metron Guided Mark-Up such as Tibial Tuberosity Advancement analysis (TTA) on a canine stifle to establish the needed linear and angle measurements.  Once the measurements are completed, the templating tools are a quick snap to pick and position.  Metron does most of the work quickly and accurately.


We will be introducing a quick "Surgery Planning Templates" training video in the next month and will be highlighted in the May newsletter.

Learning Center:  
Spotlight Training Video of the Month
Report Generation in Metron


The Metron "Report" tool is another quick and easy interface to create a document that contains X-Ray and photo images surrounded by relevant text. 


Have you ever created a report from a patient study?  You are able to choose from one of the many templates to create your report and cover page information. Within the report you have options to type patient and study details, add images, forms, captions and comments to provide a complete diagnostic review for your clients and peers.


Be sure to review other training videos located in the Learning CenterAlways available when you want to use them!


Metron Support Services

The Backups are Here, the Backups are Here...



You asked "can you just keep me backed up?"   Guess what?  We can!


Do you want the peace of mind that you are getting a good backup of your Metron images and program?  Do you want to just trust that it is working and be informed when it is not working?  Do you want to leave the setup and maintenance to someone else?   We have a new service for you!


New to the Metron Support family of services is our new Onsite Backup.  It is truly important that you get a good backup.  We decided to make it important too! 


All you need is an external hard drive - typically 500GB is big enough and these are priced around $80 at your local stores.   We do the rest!


How do you qualify for this free service?  As a Metron user, you need to have an active Metron Support Services agreement - That's it.   

Questions? Click here to see if we have not already answered all your questions.
You may also read more about backups on the Metron Support Services website.

Ready to get your backup started? Give us a call at  1-877-638-3868 or send an email to     


Metron Support Services

Opinions of your colleagues!



"My only regret is that I waited! This system is so easy to use and has such superior diagnostic imaging I hate thinking about reading our old films. We immediately noticed, too, how the efficiency of the whole process is making our daily workload run smoother. No more admitting patients or making their owners wait till we can find time to take-develop-dry- (and sometimes re-take) films. We are now taking radiographs and back with the owners discussing results within 10 minutes or less. The decrease in the number of "re-takes" to get that one diagnostic view is also decreasing radiation exposure for everyone involved."

Kathleen Caldwell, DVM 


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You are receiving this newsletter as a part of your Metron Support Services Subscription.   We encourage you to continue receiving the subscription.  If you would like to receive this at an additional email address, simply click "Join our Mailing List" above.  If you would like to have it sent to a different email address, please send an email to us at


In This Issue
Metron 7.20 - So Close!
Spotlight Training for April
The Backups are Here
Your Opinion about Metron
Earth Day April 22
Happy April Fools' Day
Support Services Site
Multi-View One Image
5 Lucky Years


Earth Day | April 22
Recycling in the
Veterinary Practice
Click here to read about ideas to begin and encourage others to reduce, reuse and recycle in your practice. Steps taken today can lead to celebrating Earth Day year round!


April Fools' Day 1961
Tail Lights for Horses
Milan's La Notte newspaper reported that city authorities had passed a law making it mandatory for horses to be outfitted with signaling and brake lights while being ridden through the streets or neighboring countryside. Many people subsequently brought their horses into car mechanics to have them outfitted with the necessary lights. Read more  April Fools Day hoaxes involving animals and enjoy the day!


Support Services Site

Be sure you and your staff visit 
the support site for
past newsletters, 
how-to documents and 
online training sessions. 


Support Services
Support Services Tips
Multi-View One Image
Copy and paste an X-Ray image to create a duplicate.  Process the second image differently.  Using the Multi-View function, view the images side-by side to compare the X-Ray images.


Did you know....

In May,  Metron Support Services will celebrate 5 lucky years of servicing you!  



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