PMI Educational Foundation

PMI Educational Foundation Liaison Newsletter


4 January 2013


As a PMIEF Liaison, you recognize the value of project management in schools. As a project manager, you also recognize the value of learning from the experiences of others.  


Approaching educators and encouraging them to teach project management, without clear examples as to how other teachers have developed their own programs, can be daunting.  This is why PMIEF has developed a series of case studies that can be referenced by anyone interested in integrating project management programs into existing curricula.


Links to our five case studies can be found below. We hope that you'll find them to be useful and encouraging as you connect with your PMI community and local educators. In addition, please visit the resource section to learn about the latest translations of our educational resources.  




Diane Fromm


PMIEF Program Administrator  




Just Released! 


Project Management in the Classroom: 

PMIEF Case Studies


 tulsa case study

Delason, New York: 


A teacher with a business background included project management training in her business classes, giving students hands-on experience working with teams to design and produce a playbill for the school's play and in holding a fundraising event. 



Medford, Oregon: 


Using a hypothetical city-wide pandemic as a background to project management curricula, a high school integrated hands-on activities across a variety of subjects, with teachers asking students to use their creativity and innovation to answer questions and solve problems. 

south medford case study


Meridian, Ohio:


A high school teacher incorporated project management into her existing course, Business Essentials, with the support of school administrators and her local PMI Chapter in a program that will be replicated throughout the Ohio. Her hands-on activities engaged even the most timid of students. 



Seattle, Washington


Washington State recently adopted a state-wide project management curriculum.  Following the state's lead, one high school teacher began using project management skills to manage his Career and Technical Education classroom so that his students can simultaneously work on different group projects throughout the course.


Tulsa, Oklahoma:


A PMI member helped middle school students (ages 13-14) use project management to plan their end-of-year celebration and secondary school students provide a high-quality deliverable to their business class's "clients."



Additional case studies will be published in 2013 with examples from countries including Italy and Brazil. These will be posted on PMIEF's webpage: Project-Based Learning for Students Ages 13 to 19. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. 



For Your Chapter


Articles for Your Newsletter


If you would like to feature PMIEF in either your chapter or CoP newsletter, we have articles that you are welcome to publish.  In addition to the following articles, you may also republish any information you find in the PMIEF Liaison newsletter.  



For Your Calendar
Liaison Trainings 


PMIEF Liaison Training from PMI LIM - Vancouver, Oct. 2012

These slides were used for an in-person training at LIM last October.  They provided an up-to-date overview of PMIEF and the Liaison role and inspired great group discussion and the sharing of ideas. 


Quarterly "Getting Started Webinar" trainings provide background information about PMIEF and the Liaison role. These training sessions will be hosted by PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who are excited to share their experience and advice.

Click here for a recording of a recent "Getting Started Webinar." Please email us if you'd like a copy of the slides without the recording.  


The trainings generally include a guest presenter, who may be a PMIEF Liaison or chapter leader, to share his/her experience. Other future quarterly trainings will address topics including: 


25 January 2013:            Getting Started - New Liaison Training
As we plan our 2013 trainings, we welcome your suggestions for topics that would be of interest to you. Our 2013 schedule will be posted in next month's newsletter. 
Resources and Quick Links
PMIEF Educational Resources 

New Translations Available! 

Thanks to the hard work of many PMIEF Liaisons and volunteers, many of PMIEF's educational resources are available in multiple languages.  
We have many volunteers working on additional translations for 2013. To learn more, visit our Multi-Language Translation Matrix.  

Thank you to all of our volunteers! 

introduction to project management for nonprofit employees
New! Brazilian Portuguese
Translation by Elias Patrick, Jr.
New! Italian 
Translation by Andrea Innocenti with support from Leandro Franzoni
Also available in English and Spanish 
A in-depth guide to project management for nonprofit organizations 

New! Spanish (presentation) 
Translation by Francisco Herrera and Monica Gonzalez - PMIEF Liaisons
Also available in English

sfl cover
PM Skills for Life
versatile resource for youth and adults detailing the basics of project management  
New! Arabic (presentation)
Translation by: Ahmed Taha Ebd EL Hameed - PMIEF Liaison 
Also available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese (presentation) and Spanish
Presentation and guidebooks for secondary school students 

New! Arabic 
Translation by: Imad Alsadeq - PMIEF Liaison 

Also available in English, Japanese (secondary school materials), and Spanish (presentation) 

For Liaisons

For PMIEF Liaison-specific information, please visit the Liaison webpage (under the About Us section at  You will find resources such as Liaison FAQs and an overview presentation about the foundation entitled PMIEF in 10 Minutes.  

In addition, we encourage you to review and/or repurpose past issues of PMIEF Liaison newsletters:
  • December 2012 
    • Engaging others in the work of PMIEF - examples from PMIEF Liaisons around the world 
  • November 2012
    • PMIEF Sessions at PMI Global Congress-North America: Integrating Project-Based Learning and Technology into the Classroom
  • October 2012
    • PMI Mexico City Chapter volunteering with environmentally-focused youth competition 
  • September 2012
    • PMIEF at PMI Global Congress - North America; Resources Used at University Level
  • August 2012
    • Pilot Program in UK School is a Success 


You are also invited to sign up for and read PMIEF's monthly e-

pm for social good cover
PM for Social Good Newsletter

newsletter PM for SocialGoodSM. Past issues include:

  • December 2012
    • Teaching project management through technology programs in Brazil 
  • November 2012 
    • PMIEF grants fund programs around the world
  • October 2012
    • PMIEF Kerzner Award recipient and finalists
  • September 2012
    • Project management education for at-risk youth in South Africa 

Quick Links


PMIEF Website

Learning Zone: Resources for youth and educational programs

Humanitarian: Resources for nonprofits

Scholarships/Awards: Professional and academic opportunities




For additional information, please email 

or call +1 610-356-4600