Anthroposophical Society
Thornhill Campus Bulletin March 2011

HEALING THROUGH THE EARTH For more about Cosmograms, see article below about upcoming visit of Marko Pogacnik
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Greetings! 50 years ago, David Suzuki, Rachel Carson and others began to challenge conventional ways of thinking about Nature - and the "environmental movement" was born. Today, the movement has spread widely, and really isn't a movement anymore. It seems that everybody now "cares about the environment".
Something has been lost along the way, and it's time to start challenging people again. Can we begin to re-discover how the environment is not only "out there" but "in here"... how the Earth is a living being who beckons us to enter her portals to the cosmos?
Several campus events in March are taking up this theme, warming us up for Spring.
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The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and the Healing Capacity of Essential Oils
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A Public Lecture by Thomas von Rottenburg on Wednesday March 2, 7:30pm at Hesperus (lower level)
Contact: 905-763-1003
ALSO OF INTEREST: Essential Oils Workshop with Thomas von Rottenburg,
4-6 March at Hesperus.
Contact Arscura: 905-763-1003
BIODYNAMIC PREPARATIONS AND YOU A Lecture by Ferdinand von Druska
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Biodynamics is an approach to farming that can heal the earth as well as give us better quality food. In this special evening presentation you will hear about Biodynamic preparations and their effects also in a much wider context.
3 March 2011, 7:30pm at the Rudolf Steiner Centre
For more about Vondruska's work in BC, click here.
For his bio and more event details, visit the Rudolf Steiner Centre website.
ALSO OF INTEREST: Introductory Course in Biodynamics: Last call for registrations. Details
GEOPUNCTURE PROJECT - Marko Pogacnik will visit Campus 12-13 March
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How can we enter into conversation with the Earth, genuinely interested in what is transforming and awakening in this great being? We might be surprised to find a ready and willing partner in creating the future.
Marko Pogacnik is visiting us again to help us launch a geopuncture installation on our campus. The process includes active imaginative meditation, learning to perceive the varying activities in the landscape, and creating and installing carved sculptures - to renew and heal our relationship with the Earth.
Contact Elyse Pomeranz
Background article.
Marko's website.
Encounters at THRESHOLDS
Hesperus Village Art Symposium
May 25-29, 2011
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This symposium, in conjunction with the completion of Hesperus Village, brings together artists and community to create a new unification of colour, form and space. By gathering to ensoul this building and by our time and efforts given, we will build social community. Participants may choose between apprenticing in sculpture and lazure using plant pigments, with many hours each day of hands on learning. Our common efforts will be enriched by singing, eurythmy, morning lectures and evening presentations that build on our understanding of 'thresholds'. This symposium will be a gift to the future of Hesperus Village which is dedicated to the continued growth and development of the human being.
For more information, contact Regine Kurek
ENCOUNTERS WITH IMAGINATION - A Festival of Arts and Education 11-22 July
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The Rudolf Steiner Centre Toronto has invited an inspiring team of local and international seminar leaders including Paul Matthews from England and Patrice Maynard from the USA to offer a diverse selection of practical and artistic workshops. Each workshop explores how the capacity for imagination can serve the arts, education and enrich our lives. Enroll in one, two, three or four week long seminars and savour your encounter with imagination.
For more information or to enroll please contact Zahra at 905 764 7570 or by email. Details are posted at the Rudolf Steiner Centre website.
Community Encounters
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The entire campus will be participating in DOORS OPEN VAUGHAN, "a celebration of community heritage, arts, architecture and culture. The program is designed to create access, awareness and excitement about culture in communities and provides residents and visitors with a unique opportunity to explore and enjoy sometimes hidden and always interesting places and spaces." Watch the City of Vaughan website for details.
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 | Wolf de Lupe |
Bring your dancing shoes...Masks optional! All-Star Line-up!!! THE ELEMENTALS - with special guest WOLF DE LUPE from the Boswell Blues Band (where it all started!) AND THE JESSIE CORRIGAN DANCE BAND Saturday 5 March, 8-11pm at the Toronto Waldorf School. Proceeds for the Grade 11 fundraiser. Details
Contact Information |
The Campus is located at 9100 Bathurst St., north of Hwy 7 in Thornhill.
Questions? Contact Mark McAlister
| | Bake bread with Warren Cohen. Sunday, February 27, 10am-4pm at the Toronto Waldorf School. Details.
(Scroll down the page.)
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| Click the image to view the video book trailer |
Treasa will appear at Covernotes on March 14 at 8pm. DON'T MISS IT - LET'S FILL THE PLACE! For more details about the venue, visit the Covernotes Blog.
From a review on the Blue Butterfly Books website:
"Treasa O'Driscoll has taken the oral, literary, musical and spiritual traditions of her Irish heritage and woven them into a living fabric that is uniquely feminine, transformative and contemporary. "
17th Annual Gateways Conference
| | "Love's Other Name: Discipline" - A Conference For parents and educators of young children. Featuring keynote lectures by Sharifa Oppenheimer and 22 hands-on workshops. 15-16 April at the Toronto Waldorf School.
Sharifa's website
Program Details.
The Isenheim Altar - An Artistic Approach to the Easter Mystery |

presentation by Michael Schubert. 17 April (Palm Sunday) 1pm, at the Christian Community, 901 Rutherford Rd. 5-day workshop at Novalis Hall, Angus, 17-22 April. Details
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The events and activities described in this Bulletin are inspired by Anthroposophy, the Spiritual Science established by Rudolf Steiner. By joining the Anthroposophical Society, you are becoming part of a network of 50,000 people worldwide, and showing your support for the further development of Anthroposophy and its practical applications.
At the Christmas Foundation Meeting in 1923, Rudolf Steiner presented 15 Principles which characterize the life and work of the Society. You can read them on this Wikipedia site.
To learn more about what to expect when joining the Society, please contact us.
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If you would like to make a donation to support the work of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada, please click here. (Keywords: "Anthroposophical Society")You will receive a tax receipt directly from CanadaHelps. |