Synergy Success E-Zine, May 2012  


"One's health can be judged by which he takes two at a time

  ...pills or stairs." ~Ashley Berberich



Greetings to YOU and a Warm Spring Welcome to our community of high-achieving women

who want to turn Stress into Strength at every opportunity! 


ATTENTION: If you're a service-committed professional, heart-centered business owner, leader, mother, busy woman, or "Type-A" personality, This one's for YOU!


As "Mission-driven Women" who tend to burn the candle at both ends, the #1 factor in creating and sustaining Balanced Success (so we can burn brightly without burning out) is taking full responsibility for the care and maintenance of our irreplaceable bodies.  Too often we take our health for granted, paying attention only after getting ill, or pushing ourselves so hard  for so long that it's exhausting to even think about getting up off the couch.


I believe more than mind-set, more than knowledge or skills, and more than any other resource (even money) it's exceptional self-care, or lack of, that will determine whether or not we are happy, healthy, and fulfilled while achieving our goals.


While most of us take great care in the Spring Cleaning efforts outside ourselves, (fertilizing flowerbeds, planting vegetable gardens, washing patios, purging winter clothes, organizing closets and making our homes sparkle and shine),  too few of us realize that our Spring Cleaning efforts aren't complete until we've done some Spring Cleaning to restore the radiance inside ourselves. 


It's time for an honest self-check:  Do you have low energy, a few extra pounds, bags or dark circles under your eyes, food cravings, headaches, fatigue, mood swings, poor concentration during the day or trouble sleeping at night?  If so, you're not alone.  Many of us desire to look, feel, and perform better, yet we feel strapped for time and energy, stuck in a cycle of using stress hormones, sugar and caffeine to get by.  Some of us are on the edge of adrenal exhaustion or perhaps burnout.  I know because I've been there.      


Ready for a Fresh Start?  Want to get energized, radiant, & ready for summer fun with a small group of amazing women, be sure to grab your spot in the "Fit for Summer" 24-Day Challenge I've created just for you!  Come hear how Advocare has helped to uplevel my energy over the last 6 months, as well as improved the health of our whole family.


Join me on May 16th at The Gathering Place for the Kick-off meeting, Nutrition Tips and Product Seminar.  Enjoy sampling Delicious Spring Salads (I'm making a few personal favorites that nourish your adrenals) including recipes you can use at home.  You'll leave with proven tools, detailed instructions, great new friends, and your 24-Day Challenge bundle ordered and your questions answered.


If you've tried in the past to get on track and stay there all on your own, be assured you will not fail here.  Not on my watch.  No, not this time!  You'll each have Private calls with me to answer your questions and concerns.  


Perhaps we'll cross paths this week at the Synergy Success Circle? or maybe at SOAR For those of you who are up for a challenge, I'll see you on May 16th Until then, I wish you well. 


Here's to taking back our Health, Confidence, and Energy...Together!  


 Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life and Wellness Coach, R.N.

 "Resilience Coach for High-Achieving Women who want to thrive 

by building a life, not just a career." 


P.S. Want your Mojo back?  Grab a friend and join the 24-Day Group Challenge!

In 24 MINUTES you will FEEL the difference

In 24 HOURS you KNOW the difference

In 24 DAYS you will SEE the difference!


P.S. Out of Town or can't make it on May 16th?  No worries.  Click link to order your 24-Day Challenge Bundle and contact me for your complimentary 30 minute "High-Energy Strategy Session" and details on how to get started!

May 2012 Events


9th, Wednesday

"Synergy Success Circle"

Lunch Meeting 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA

10th, Thursday 
Dinner Meeting 5:30- 7:00 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA
11th, Friday
Leadership Development Group Coaching Program 11:30-1

12th, Saturday

Leadership Development Group Coaching Program 11:30-1
16th, Wednesday
"Fit for Summer" 24-Day Challenge Informative Kick-off Meeting and Product Seminar 5:30-7:00 pm "The Gathering Place" Harrisonburg, Va 22802 

Self-Care Affirmation 


"I fearlessly take small, continuous steps to create 

the healthiest, happiest, and strongest version of me."   

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Christina's Story

Click here to read about her life-changing transformation ...from Fear to Faith. 

Lost Your Mojo?
Take the Quiz and See! 
  1. I rely on caffeine to get going in the morning, then more sugar and caffeine to get through the afternoon.
  2. I am anxious,wired, and can't relax easily.
  3. I can't focus and often feel "foggy".
  4. I crave potato chips and chocolate then feel like crap after eating them. 
  5. I have to drag myself out of bed in the morning then have energy dips throughout the day.
  6. I'm stressed, exhausted, and drowning in all that I have to juggle.
  7. I have a hard time "unwinding" enough to get to sleep, then wake up in the middle of the night.
  8. My hair, skin, and nails are dry and dull. 
  9. I have frequent blood sugar and/or mood swings.
  10. I've gained weight around my belly that I can't seem to lose no matter what I do.

If you answered Yes to more than 1 of the above questions,

it's a great time to de-tox.  Be sure to Grab your spot in our upcoming 24-Day Group Challenge!


In 24 MINUTES you will FEEL the difference

In 24 HOURS you KNOW the difference

In 24 DAYS you will SEE the difference!

High-Energy Health Tips
  1. Think RAINBOW when you're planning a meal.
  2.  If a label has more than 10 ingredients & you can't pronounce half of them, put it back on the shelf!
  3. Shop the outside aisles of the grocery store, that's where the whole, fresh foods are.
  4. Top 10 High-Energy Foods:  Blueberries, Organic Eggs, Sea Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes, Wild Salmon, Kale, Cranberry juice, Garlic, Oatmeal, and Cinnamon.
  5. Get 8 hrs of Restorative Sleep...Limit Alcohol and Simple Carbohydrates before bed.
  6. Consume less sugar, white flour products and processed junk foods, which stress your body & deplete energy.
  7. Stress Less: When stressed, your body produces excess Cortisol which stores fat and interferes with hormone balance. 
  8. Build Resiliency so you can Respond, not React, and bounce-back quickly in the face of challenges.
  9. Clear your Clutter and Minimize your to-do list by Learning to say NO when overwhelmed.
  10. Surround yourself with Positive People! Enough said.

**BONUS: Drink Water!  At least 1/2 your body weight in ounces, every day.  We have no storage system for water, and need to replenish our water stores daily.


Great Quotes!


"To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear." ~Buddha


"Life is not merely about being alive, but being well." ~Marcus Martialis


"Those who do not find time to be healthy

will have to find time for illness."

~Edward Smith-Stanley


"The body is like a piano, and happiness is like music.  It is needful to have the instrument in good order."

~Henry Ward Beecher


"The groundwork for all happiness is health."

~James Leigh Hunt 


Synergy Life &Wellness Coaching is poised & honored to serve you in exciting new ways! 
In February I launched "SOAR"~ my first Leadership Development Group Coaching Program, and WOW, what a response I got!  It's completely full and I'm just blown away!  What has been most impressive to me is the women who have said YES to investing in themselves by taking the lead role in their work and lives.  These women are inspired, committed, and absolutely 100% ready to define and create heart-centered, balanced success on their own terms.    
If you've been looking for Exceptional Leadership Training and Professional Group Coaching to give you the necessary tools to stay Focused, Positive, Excited about your work and life while promoting highly productive, heart-centered collaboration and balanced success, then Contact can Sign up NOW to receive early-bird information (or to join the waiting list) for our next "Soar" starting Fall, 2012!
VIP Day 1:1 Personalized Professional Development Coaching where together we create your "YOU-nique" Blueprint for Balanced Success using my proven 9-Step System.  Want details now? Contact Me


Coaching via SKYPE Webcam [NEW!] For Your Convenience, an additional Coaching Option is now being offered...Efficient, Productive, and amazingly Personal. 


What do past participants say? Click here for Testimonials   





Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle.  My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life.  In addition to one on one coaching,  I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works?  Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be  the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...                                                                    





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