Synergy Success E-Zine
December, 2011

"Gracious acceptance is an art - an art which most never bother to cultivate. We think that we have to learn how to give, but we forget about accepting things, which can be much harder than giving.... Accepting another person's gift is allowing him to express his feelings for you." ~ Alexander Smith |
Greetings to YOU and a Warm Holiday Welcome to our new Subscribers! I'm so delighted you're a member of our fast-growing community of high-achieving women who want to work smarter (not harder) while moving through challenges with more confidence, grace and ease.
December is in full swing...it's easy to lose sight of what's truly important while running at the speed of life, and that's why this issue is dedicated to helping you finish out 2011 on a strong note and gain momentum as you fly confidently into 2012.
Busy women who thrive in work and life grant themselves permission to put first things first. You give so much to everyone around you...please give yourself the gift of a few mindful minutes to reflect, reboot and rekindle your Spirit, OK?
Whether it's through reading this month's featured article "Finish Strong",enjoying the slide show highlights from last month's "Synergy Success Holiday Open House",attending the "What's Draining YOU"seminar later this week or a "Synergy Success Circle" next week, my hope is that you receive all the inspiration, motivation, practical tips and tools, friendship, networking, and unconditional support you need to thrive forward and stay focused throughout this busy Season.
Coaching Challenge: For various reasons women find it easier to give (gifts, compliments, encouragement, support, money,etc...) than to receive these things ourselves. I invite you to practice graciously receiving gifts this Christmas ~ consider that allowing others to show you the love and appreciation that is in their hearts is a priceless gift to them!
I love to hear your experiences with this. Are you up for the challenge?
Wishing you many joy-filled moments with those you love most ~ and may we cross paths soon!

Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life and Wellness Coach, R.N. "Resilience Coach for High-Achieving Women who want to thrive by building a life, not just a career."
P.S. Take a minute and do one thing. Imagine yourself six months from now. Are you still exactly where you are now? Or are you thriving and creating a higher level of success in your work and life? The choice is yours. Six months from now, you'll wish you'd started this today. Together we can create your"YOU-nique" Blueprint for Balanced Success. If you're ready, I can't wait to work with you! contact me to find out more about how you can Give yourself the Gift of Transformation in 2012. |
December Event Dates
9th Friday
at McAlister's Deli.
10th Saturday
14th Wednesday
"Synergy Success Circle" Lunch Meeting 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
McAlister's Deli.
15th Thursday
25th Merry Christmas! |
Self-Care Affirmation

"With a festive heart
I am open to receive
the gifts in my life." |
Great Quotes!
It's really important to be able to receive love and receive compassion. It is as important as being able to give it.
~Pema Chodron
God has given us two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.
~Billy Graham
Get in the habit of receiving the benefits of the things you do. ~ Elaine St. James |

Garth, Christina, Ben, Dani-Grace, and Rocky Kunkle |
Finish Strong
(Article as Featured in BLOOM) |
You had high hopes for what this year would bring, a long list of things you wanted to accomplish and a clear mental picture of what your results should have looked like. "Things will be different this time," you declared last New Year's Eve, taking off in an all-out sprint toward your resolutions with as much willpower as you could muster. Now, with the majority of 2011 behind us, I invite you to slow down long enough to take stock.
Perhaps you're discouraged as a result of professional setbacks or are still in a job long after you thought you'd find something better. Maybe you're wondering how a relationship that was once on the fast track got stuck in neutral. It might be that you're still not able to accomplish something you really wanted to do or are berating yourself for not having a job, a relationship or a goal at all.
If you feel like giving up or think it's too late for you to finish the year strong, let this quote by George Eliot reassure you that "It's never too late to become who you might have been." Click here to Read the rest of the article |
Overwhelmed, Exhausted & Running on Empty?
Are You On the Brink of Burn out?
The "What's Draining You?" Seminar
Has been Created Just For YOU!
In this Dynamic Seminar You'll get real clear, real quick about what's Draining your Energy and leave with practical hands-on tools and Coaching tips to create more Physical Energy, Mental Clarity, and Spirited Fun in your life!
Friday, 12/9/11 11:30-1:00 pm
Saturday, 12/10/11 1:30-3 pm
at McAlister's Deli in Harrisonburg
Yes, I know it's in December...that there's so much to get done, and that this is a really crazy time...I also know (if you're anything like me) that if you don't schedule in some "YOU-Time", you probably won't come up for air until January! Are you ready to pinpoint things that are no longer serving you so you can leave them behind in 2011? Wouldn't you LOVE to start the New Year with more Clarity, Confidence, and Creativity?
This seminar is for YOU if:
- You're so overwhelmed by everyday life that it's blocking your success
- You 're stuck living a life of "shoulds"
- You're not feeling as happy and fulfilled as you want to be
- You're ready to get your energy edge back with more time for what's most important
Call or Email Christina Kunkle to register 540-746-5206 or info@synergylifeandwellnesscoaching.com
$29 per person (Receipt provided for your Professional Development Tax Deduction) Take-home coaching materials and Workbook included
All participants will have a chance to WIN a "Synergy Success Jumpstart Session" ($145 Value!)
"The greatest stock market you can invest in is yourself."
~ Byron Katie |
Click here to See Slideshow Highlights!  |
Look for more Details soon about 2 NEW Ways to enjoy my services starting in February 2012! |
- Synergy Blueprint for Balanced Success Small Group Professional Development Program
- VIP Day 1:1 Personalized Professional Development Coaching where together we create your "YOU-nique" Blueprint for Balanced Success using my proven 9-Step System. Want details now? Contact Me
Coaching via SKYPE Webcam [NEW!] For Your Convenience, an additional Coaching Option is now being offered...Efficient, Productive, and amazingly Personal.
Click for Testimonials: What do participants say? |
Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle. My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life. In addition to one on one coaching, I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works? Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...
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