Sunray Meditation Society is an international spiritual society
dedicated to planetary peace. Its purpose is to manifest the Native
American ideal of Circle Mind (the thought of all beings as relatives
in the field of life), that we may create a world of harmony upon the
Earth and throughout the Family of Life. Our website can be found here. Our blog can be found here.
The Sunray Peace Village is located at the base of Odali Utugi,
Hope Mountain, in Lincoln, Vermont. The Peace Village land has been
consecrated as a sanctuary for spiritual renewal and planetary healing.
It is inspired by the traditional Tsalagi (Cherokee) Peace Villages,
places of healing and sanctuary, where communities of holy people and
their extended families lived in a ceremonial way. Our Peace Village blog can be found here.
Sunray Meditation Society is also a dharma center for the Nyingma and Drikung Kagyu schools of Tibetan Buddhism. Sunray is associated with the Vajra Dakini Nunnery, the first Buddhist nunnery in North America.
Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo is the Founder and Spiritual Director of Sunray Meditation Society and the Sunray Peace Village.
Our e-mails share events and stories from our communities.