Archive: eNews for Faith-Based Organizations
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The eNews for Faith-Based Organizations is a free bi-weekly newsletter that covers key legal and policy developments and news about research findings. The editor is Stanley Carlson-Thies, President and founder of IRFA.
- IRFA e-News July 17 2015
- After the Court's marriage ruling: The sky isn't falling--but FBOs must speak up;
Will Congress protect the nonprofit-status of religious schools?
States bolster religious freedom after Supreme Court same-sex marriage decision;
Going beyond one-sided initiatives on religious freedom & LGBT protections;
Circle still not squared: More HHS contraceptives final rules and another appeal to the Supreme Court;
Despite teh Colorado Supreme Court, school vouchers are in fact like Medicaid;
Worth reading - June 30 2015 eNews
- Faith-based organizations after the Supreme Court's same-sex marriage decision
- June 26 2015 eNews
- Supreme Court clear on marriage redefinition, not so clear on religious freedom for FBOs
- June 18 2015 eNews
- Feeding the homeless requires religious freedom;
What will the Supreme Court say about same-sex marriage?
New Michigan adoption laws promote adoptions by protecting faith-based agencies; Free to Serve: Protecting the religious freedom of faith-based organizations (forthcoming book); Can federal contractors continue to staff on a religious basis? Two briefings. - June 5 2015 eNews
- LGBT hiring require in federal grants?
Will Supreme Court create marriage equality for FBOs?
Letter: Preserve tax-exempt status for religious schools;
"Every Child Deserves a Family" bill undermines its goal;
Nevada's brand-new (near) universal school-choice program - May 22 2015 e-News
- FBOs: fighting poverty or the culture war?
Recognition of SSM in federal marriage and fatherhood programs;
Care is vital in RFRA wordsmithing and advocacy;
SOGI bills and religious freedom: shared marginalization can spur accommodation - May 8 2015 e-News
- Supreme Court and SSM: What consequences for FBOs?
Protecting both LGBT runaways and the FBOs that serve them;
The sky isn't falling: Religious freedom is context-specific - April 23, 2015 eNews
- Wednesday's RHYA Senate vote: Good start but more work needed to safeguard both providers and at-risk youth;
The Supreme Court, SSM, and religious freedom: coming right up!
Adoption agency religious freedom bills;
Federal policy to recognize SSM in grant programs;
More state RFRAs and other approaches;
Gordon College's accreditation not at risk - April 9, 2015 eNews
- Indiana RFRA: What happened, and why (and how) it matters;
Federal contracting LGBT nondiscrimination rules now in effect - March 26, 2015 eNews
- Will the Supreme Court lift the contraceptives mandate from religious nonprofits?;
Possible restriction of FBOs from federal grant programs far from resolved;
Will federal officials answer the key question raised by the LGBT Executive Order?;
Gordon College;
Michigan Legislature Safeguards Diversity of Child Placement Agencies;
- March 12, 2015 eNews
- FBO leaders to Senate: Don't exclude us from grant programs;
Utah works to end LGBT discrimination while upholding religious freedom;
Religious freedom bills in Congress - Feb. 26, 2015 eNews
- Will the Senate replace a harmful nondiscrimination provision in the RHYA reauthorization bill?
InterVarsity, ministerial staff, and religious staffing in general;
Opportunity to comment on draft regulation on sex discrimination by federal contractors;
RFRA, religious accommodations, and religious burdens;
Public says religious businesses should not be forced to assist same-sex weddings;
Faith-based organizations seek government respect for religious conviction in serving unaccompanied refugee children;
Non-discrimination law: protecting LGBT persons or advancing certain views of human sexuality;
Worth reading - Feb. 6, 2015 eNews
- Breakthrough Mormon Church Position on Religious Freedom and LGBT Protections; Canadian Christian Law School Wins Important Legal Victory;
Left and Right Agree: Feds Need to Clarify Speech Rights of Churches and Nonprofits;
Worth Reading - Jan 15 2015 eNews
- 114th Congress and institutional religious freedom;
District of Columbia pushes against religious freedom;
NLRB gets institutional religious freedom wrong again;
FBO inclusion the wrong way in Ohio;
Job Bush, Republicans, and same-sex marriage
Canadian Christian law school gets encouraging news;
Worth reading - Dec 23 2014 eNews
- One of these is not like the others: religious student groups welcome, and not welcome, on campus;
After ENDA: a sweeping LGBT nondiscrimination bill with little accommodation of religion;
Worth reading - Dec 4 2014 eNews
- Senate bill to protect youth both invites and repels faith-based organizations in many federal programs;
Final regulations for the LGBT Executive Order: no clarity for faith-based organizations;
FBOs must be in the conversation!;
Federal policy to recognize SSM in grant programs;
Federally funded child care remains hospitable to faith-based providers;
Federal incentives for charitable giving in the next Congress - Nov 6th 2014 e-News
- Will ENDA move in the House?
Administration's second contraceptives mandate accommodation already undermined by a court - October 24 2014 e-News
- Monday deadline to comment on FBO accommodation option;
LGBT Ex. Order regulations don't clarify FBO rights;
SCOTUS, SSM, RF, and marriage inequality;
Civil Society Presidential Memorandum;
California requires abortion coverage in health plans;
Faith-based initiative: Working Group progress;
Sen. Orrin Hatch on the importance of religious freedom;
Worth reading - September 24th e-News
- Podcast on religious freedom concerns about the LGBT Executive Order;
ENDA on the move?
What are you calling discrimination?
Cal State University leadership lesson;
California says: all employer health plans must cover elective abortions;
Canadian law societies keep working to undermine proposed Christian law school;
Worth reading - September 3rd e-News
- IRFA joins together with CPJ;
NYC, preK and the "Pharaoh Effect";
DOL interprets EO to ban transgender bias - August 25 2014 eNews
- New contraceptives mandate "accommodation" announced;
Consequences of the LGBT Ex. Order for religious federal contractors - August 1 2014 eNews
- LGBT Ex Order v. religious freedom;
Adoption agency protection bill introduced;
Will ENDA's religious exemption vanish?
Fed. government will propose alternative contraceptives accommodation;
Anti-Hobby Lobby bill defeated;
Worth reading - July 10 2014 eNews
- Hobby Lobby's victory leads to congressional attacks on RFRA;
After Hobby Lobby: Wheaton College gains Supreme Court protection;
Mr. President: protect religious freedom in your LGBT Ex. Order;
Religious Freedom Restoration Act resources;
Religious hiring and job training reauthorization;
Is it a "farce" to accredit religious colleges?
Worth reading - June 16 2014 eNews
- Executive Order in the works to ban LGBT job bias by federal contractors;
Opponents of religious hiring (again) demand AG Holder to act;
HHS contraceptives mandate: wholesale victory for Catholic employers;
Congressional testimony on US religious freedom;
Worth reading - May 30 2014 eNews
- New federal policy on same-sex marriage applied to grantees;
Will tax reform suppress charitable giving?
Congressional consensus on job training ignores important FBO right;
Room for faith-based pre-K as federal role expands?
Stop minimizing the role of religion in civil society;
Will lawyers from Canada's Christian law school be able to practice? - May 9 2014 eNews
- What gives a college religious freedom?
Does Greece show the way for religion in public?
What's lost when a Catholic school becomes a charter school;
Are faith-based organizations due religious freedom?
Growing opposition to accommodation of religion;
Worth reading - April 25 2014 eNews
- Freedom to Marry, Freedom to Dissent: Why We Must have both;
CFC final rule retains troubling discrimination prohibition;
LGBT federal contracting executive order: the dog that didn't bark?
HHS contraceptives mandate lawsuits;
A Christian law school in Canada, or not?
Catholic health insurance avoids contraceptives mandate;
Worth viewing or reading - April 11 2014 eNews
- Religious hiring freedom: (more than) 50 years old;
Obama administration acknowledges religious hiring;
Settlement in Lown v. Salvation Army;
Mississippi RFRA update;
Elane Photography: no redress from SCOTUS - March 28 2014 eNews
- Hobby Lobby at the Supreme Court;
Renewed pressure for LGBT executive order for federal contractors;
Senate bill: keep parent choice in federal child-care funding;
Mississippi RFRA bill: just a way to protect bigots?
World Vision: policy change and change back on same-sex marriage;
Canadian Supreme Court: religious relativism required?
Worth viewing and reading - March 7 2014 eNews
- Arizona and other state religious freedom bills;
Avoid the contraceptives mandate via church plans or health care sharing ministries?
Tax reform and the charity tax deduction;
IRS proposals to limit campaign participation by (c)(4) organizations;
Worth reading - Feb 13 2014 eNews
- Don't undermine civil society to cure fiscal crisis;
President Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast;
The NLRB, unions, and religious higher education;
Time for full school choice;
The ACLU's crabbed view of religious freedom
More states to ban gay conversion therapy?
Worth reading - Jan 31 2014 eNews
- Flood of briefs supports Hobby Lobby and Conestoga at Supreme Court;
Will an LGBT executive order on federal contracts protect religious employers?
Don't use 414(e) to protect ministries from contraceptives mandate - Jan 17 2014 eNews
- HHS contraceptives mandate cases--briefly;
Obama administration and Religious Freedom Day 2014;
Putting kids first in regulating foster care and adoption agencies;
Essential book on institutional religious freedom now in paperback;
Global religious restrictions rising;
Faith-based preK and government funding;
Equal protection is only individualistic?
Worth reading - Jan 3 2014 eNews
- HHS mandate court action--on steroids!
How charitable is charitable giving?
Promoting religious freedom=promoting religious privilege?
Should it be illegal for Catholic hospitals to be Catholic?
The Pope on the cover(s);
Will Canada get a Christian law school?
Worth reading - Dec 10 2013 eNews
- More legal action against HHS contraceptives mandate;
A note about the for-profit HHS lawsuits;
Charitable tax deduction still under threat;
Is the clergy housing allowance unconstitutional?
Makes you think: IRS proposes to restrict (c)(4) politics
Pew memo on SSM and RF says less than it seems;
Worth reading - Nov 19 2013 eNews
- Vital FBO protections amended into Senate ENDA bill;
Religious Freedom Restoration Act: now often disdained;
More of the same: IL and HI SSM laws are weak on RF;
HHS contraceptives mandate: no end to legal action;
Danger sign: turning churches into conduits for federal messages? - Oct 11 2013 eNews
- Be good stewards of our religious freedom;
Audio and handouts available from religious hiring briefing;
HHS contraceptives mandate update;
Initiatives to protect religious freedom=covert campaign against civil rights?;
Worth reading - Sept. 25 2013 eNews
- Must the government enforce uniformity?
Actually protecting religious freedom after the Supreme Court's DOMA decision;
HHS contraceptives mandate: the need for a legislative fix - Sept. 13 2013 eNews
- IRFA congressional briefing on religious hiring;
Tax reform is about more than taxes;
Federal college rankings: not a neutral process;
San Antonio non-discrimination ordinance;
Pushback on CA bill to strip Scouts of tax benefits;
Protecting faith-based participation in federally funded child care;
Notable quote: NJ wrong to protect only some sexual-orientation counseling;
Notable quote: Charity tax deduction is about freedom, not dollars - August 27 2013 eNews
- ECFA recommendations on political speech by 501(c)(3)s;
Colorado Christian University rejects HHS contraceptives accommodation;
NM Supreme Court in wedding photog case: religious freedom is a subordinate right;
But government is looking for you;
Notable Quotes: all-Canada edition
- August 9 2013 eNews
- IRFA submits comments on proposed child care regs;
Fed. government resumes refining guidelines for faith-based funding;
Misleading survey on SSM and religious freedom;
Supreme Court's marriage decisions and faith-based services;
Faith & Giving Coalition letter to Senate Finance Committee;
Anchoring the religious hiring freedom in Ohio law;
HHS contraceptives mandate news - July 9 2013 eNews
- Senators: Zero-Out Charity Deduction Just Like Tax Breaks;
Supreme Court's DOMA Decision and Faith-Based Services;
Minnesota (Non)Guidance on Same-Sex Marriage Consequences;
DOMA Decision and Adoption Law in Michigan;
"Government Money In=Religious Speech Out" Can't be the Rule;
One Reason SSM Legislators Minimize Religious Freedom Protections;
Worrisome Obama Administration Religious Freedom Trends;
Multi-Faith Letter Protesting the HHS Contraceptives Mandate;
Worth Reading - June 28 2013 eNews special ed
- Final HHS Contraceptives Mandate Regulations Issued: No Magic Here
- June 18 2013 eNews
- New "Faith in Giving" Coalition;
HHS Contraceptives Mandate--August 1 Deadline;
Expand Foster Care by Shrinking the Number of Agencies;
Worth Reading - June 5 2013 eNews
- Progressive Arguments for Religious Organizational Freedom;
Civil Rights and Religious Freedom;
Undermining Civil Religion by Misinterpreting Charity; So Foster Care Agencies Aren't Actually Interchangeable? - May 24 2013 eNews
- ENDA and Faith-Based Services;
Religious Hiring, Rep. Bobby Scott, and AG Holder;
Fortnight for [Religious] Freedom;
Nuanced New Research on Faith-Based Organizations;
Same-Sex Marriage Laws and Religious Freedom;
Comments on Combined Fed. Campaign Proposed Rules Due by June 7;
IRFA President's Kuyper Lecture on Institutional Religious Freedom;
Worth Reading - April 23 2013 eNews
- Chipping Away at RFRA;
Obama Faith-Based Advisory Council Continues;
Supreme Court: Oral Argument About Speech Restrictions on Grantees;
Call for Comments: Combined Federal Campaign Proposed Regulations;
Worth Reading on Religious Freedom and Anti-Discrimination Rules;
Kuyper Lecture to be Presented by IRFA's President;
Worth Reading;
Support IRFA - April 9 2013 eNews
- Supreme Court Case: Can Government Require Private Groups to Support Its Views?
Charitable Giving Incentive Will Likely Be Whacked in President's Budget;
ENDA Correction;
Halo Effect?
The ACLU's Popular but Bogus Slogan About Religious Freedom;
Kuyper Lecture to be Presented by IRFA's President;
Support IRFA - April 1 2013 eNews
- Same-Sex Marriage, the Supreme Court, and Religious Freedom;
One Week Left to Comment on Contraceptives Mandate Proposed Rules;
IRFA Submits Comment on Contraceptives Mandate Proposed Rules;
ENDA Executive Order on the Way?
A Challenge to Senator Portman;
Why So Much Religious Freedom Action in the States?
Support IRFA - March 13 2013 eNews
- Melissa Rogers is New Director of White House Faith-Based Office;
Opportunities to Comment: Contraceptives Mandate Plus Civil Rights Commission;
RFRA Remedy for VAWA Restrictions on Religious Hiring;
HHS Contraceptives Mandate: House Conscience Bill Introduced;
Worth Hearing;
Support IRFA. - March 1 2013 eNews
- A Possible Legislative Fix for the HHS Contraceptives Mandate;
Accept a Government Gag if You Accept Government Funds;
Hidden Restriction on Faith-Based Organizations in VAWA Reauthorization;
Charity Tax Deduction: Important for Many Charities, Vital for Others;
Commission Briefing: Religious Freedom vs. Non-Discrimination;
Universal Government-Funded Pre-K Education?
Worth Reading--From Canada;
Support IRFA - Feb. 11, 2013 special ed. eNews
- Feb. 14 Conference Call on Contraceptives Mandate Developments;
Head of White House Faith-Based Office Steps Down;
Bill to End FEMA Bias Against Houses of Worship in Reconstruction Help;
Support IRFA - Feb. 5, 2013 eNews
- New Contraceptives Mandate Announcement: Imperfect Proposals;
Possible Troubling New Anti-Discrimination Requirement for the Combined Federal Campaign;
Worth Reading;
Support IRFA - Jan. 22, 2013 eNews
- US Citizens Increasingly Worried About Religious Freedom;
Religious Freedom Day Presidential Proclamation;
Religious Hiring Complications No Excuse for this Mess;
HHS Contraceptives Mandate News;
A First: Religious Liberty Cliinic at Stanford;
Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Freedom: Illinois and Rhode Island;
Charitable Tax Deduction Not Safe Yet;
Getting Hot Down Under;
Transcript of Brookings Event on Obama's Faith-Based initiative;
Notable Quote;
Support IRFA - Jan. 3, 2013 eNews
- Fiscal Cliff and Faith-Based Organizations;
Next 4 Years of the Obama Faith-Based Initiative;
ECFA Report to Sen. Grassley: Enhance Accountability;
Papal Guidelines for Catholic Service Organizations;
FEMA, Sandy Recovery, and Houses of Worship;
HHS Contraceptives Mandate Developments;
Free to be Distinctive?
Worth Reading;
Support IRFA - Dec. 11, 2012 eNews
- IRFA Needs You;
Protecting Faith-Based Adoption Services in Michigan;
What's Ahead for the Obama Faith-Based Initiative?;
Religious Exercise In a Business? By a Business?;
The Costly Burden of the HHS Contraceptives Mandate;
Good and Bad News About Religious Freedom in Education;
Taxing and Giving;
Crazy Question No 847: Are Charities More Effective than Government?;
City Planning and Faith-Based Organizations: Calgary;
Join IRFA - Nov. 14, 2012 eNews
- After the Election: The Same, But More Challenging;
Opposition to the Contraceptives Mandate: Not Just an Election Ploy?!
The Promised Contraceptives "Accommodation": Judge Says "Show Me!"
Faith-Based Organizations and the Growth of the "Nones"'
Report on the Freedom of Christians in the UK;
Say What?
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You; Join IRFA - Nov. 1, 2012 eNews
- Free to Serve: Protect the Religious Freedom of Faith-Based Services;
Religious Freedom as a Consideration in Voting;
Lawsuits vs. HHS Contraceptives Mandate Continue to be Filed;
Tufts Univ. Knows Best About Christian Student Group Leadership;
Presidential Candidates' Shared Bad Idea: Cap the Charitable Deduction;
Notable Quotes;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You; Join IRFA - Oct 11, 2012 eNews
- Religious Freedom and Social Architecture;
HHS Contraceptives Mandate Litigation;
Contraceptives Mandate Creates Two Classes of Religious Organization;
Does New York's SSM Law Protect Faith-Based Agencies?
Financial Stress Ahead for Nonprofits?
Can--And Should--Religious Organizations Speak Up During Elections?
IRFA Needs You; Join IRFA - Sept 27, 2012 eNews
- IRFA to EEOC: Protect Religious Hiring!
Another Burden Imposed by the HHS Contraceptives Mandate;
The NLRB and Religious Higher Education;
Administration Accommodation of Conscience;
Notable Quotes;
IRFA Needs You; Join IRFA - Sept 11, 2012 eNews
- Party Platforms, God Talk, and Faith-Based Services;
A Welcome, If Suspect, Softening of the HHS Contraceptives Mandate;
Rocks Ahead, Due to PILOTs;
Being Against Faith-Based Charities By Being For Them?;
"Much Ado (Without Cause?) About Religious Liberty";
Worth Considering;
IRFA Needs You! Join IRFA - August 22, 2012 eNews
- Undermining the Good in the Name of the Good;
Contraceptives Mandate Lawsuits: Only a Lull;
SUNY Buffalo Religious Student Club Rights are (Partially) Vindicated;
Contributing to the Common Good: Taxes or Charitable Gifts?;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - August 8, 2012 eNews
- FAQ on HHS Mandate: Conference Call Recording Now Available;
President's Faith-Based Advisory Council Restarted;
Hercules Industries Wins (For Now): Maybe Religious Exercise Isn't Banned from Companies;
Obama Administration Under Fire Again About Religious Hiring;
Administration's Faulty and Dangerous Definitions of Religious Entities;
Notable Quotes;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - July 24, 2012 eNews
- HHS's Pluralist Policy for Grants to Faith-Based Organizations;
Health Care Ruling Undermines Charity Tax Benefits;
Ecumenical Opposition to the HHS Contraceptives Mandate;
Go Into Business, Leave Your Faith Behind;
Thursday IRFA Conference Call on the HHS Contraceptives Mandate;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - July 10, 2012 eNews
- Contraceptives Mandate Start Date is August 1;
Just How Costly Are the Tax Exemptions for Religious Organizations?;
"Why So Little Religious Politicking in This Presidential Election?";
Peter Singer's Cramped View of Religious Freedom;
Notable Quotes;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - June 28, 2012 eNews
- Supreme Court Upholds Health Law--Religious Freedom Concerns;
Contraceptives Mandate: Another Bad Definition of Religious Organizations is Proposed;
Notable Comments on the ANPRM;
Notable Quotes;
Also Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - June 12, 2012 eNews
- Comments Due June 19 on Administration's "Accommodation" Ideas
Letter to HHS Secretary Sebelius Protesting the 2-Class System
Good News About Religious Student Clubs
Religious Exercise--But Only Behind Walls?
Notable Quotes
Worth Reading
IRFA Needs You
Join IRFA - May 30, 2012 eNews
- 43 Catholic Entities Sue Over the Contraceptives Mandate;
Becket Fund Keeps Full Record of Contraceptives Mandate Lawsuits;
Arizona Adopts Conscience Protections for Professionals;
From Arizona: A Better Definition of "Religious Employer";
IRFA Resource on the Contraceptives Mandate for Faith-Based Service Organizations;
Notable Quote;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - May 17, 2012 eNews: correction and supplement
- State Same-Sex Marriage Laws and Religious Freedom--Corrected Exemption Language;
May 31 Deadline: Sign Letter to HHS Sec. Sebelius on the Contraceptives Mandate and Religious Freedom;
USCCB Comment on Contraceptives Mandate "Accommodation" Ideas - MAY 15, 2012 eNews
- Religious Freedom and Respect in the Context of Marriage Redefinition;
State Same-Sex Marriage Laws and Religious Freedom;
EEOC Ruling Prohibiting Transgender Job Discrimination;
Sign Letter to HHS Sec. Sebelius On the Contraceptives Mandate and Religious Freedom;
Congressional Fooling with RFRA and Religious Hiring;
Notable Quotes;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - MAY 1 , 2012 eNews
- Minor Changes Recommended in Church-State Rules for Federal Funding;
IRFA Memo for Faith-Based Organizations on the Contraceptives Mandate;
Every Man Is an Island, and the Constitution Ought to Say So?;
If ENDA by Executive Order, It Ought to Protect Religious Organizations;
Persistent Myths About Religious Hiring;
A Quotation Worth Pondering;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - Contraceptives/Exemption Memo
- Memo for parachurch organizations on health insurance choices, the contraceptives mandate, and religious freedom consequences; includes a sign-on protest letter and suggestions for commenting on the proposed "accommodation" for non-exempt groups
- April 17, 2012 eNews
- VA Governor Signs Law Protecting Faith-Based Adoption Agencies;
Catholic Bishops Call For "A Fortnight for Freedom";
No Obama Administration ENDA Executive Order After All;
Vanderbilt Student Religious Groups Stand up for Associational Freedom;
School Choice: Progress and Regress;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You;
Join IRFA - April 3, 2012 eNews
- Obama Administration Religious Freedom Timeline;
Massachusetts Court Rules Against Grant to Catholic Bishops;
Contraceptives Mandate: Fatal Flaw is the Definition of Religious Employer;
Will the Federal Government Require Pro-Gay Hiring by FBOs?;
Multi-Faith Solidarity on Selecting Student Group Leaders;
The Need is Religion-Respecting Regulation;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You!;
Join IRFA - March 21, 2012 eNews
- March 16 Contraceptives Mandate; Announcement: Only a Call for Comments;
Where Are the Church-State Separationists When We Need Them?;
Supreme Court Declines Chance to Uphold Religious/Associational Freedom;
UK Needs Charitable Choice;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You!;
Join IRFA - March 12, 2012 eNews
- White House Consulting Faith Groups About Additional Contraception Accommodation;
Squeezing Religious Freedom by Expanding Gay Rights;
Is Politico Right: Federal Faith-Based Fade-Away?;
Pharmacists' Conscience Rights Vindicated in Washington Federal Court;
Worth Reading;
Worth Hearing;
IRFA Needs You!;
Join IRFA - February 21, 2012 eNews
- Religious Freedom Concern About Contraceptive Mandate Keeps Growing;
Needy Government vs. Needed Civil Society;
The Grass Isn't Always Greener Elsewhere;
IRFA Needs You!
Join IRFA - Feb. 13 eNews special edition: Contraceptives Compromise
- Last Friday's Announcements;
Some Progress;
Essential Details Missing;
Two Classes of Religious Employers;
Key Compromise is a "Fig Leaf"?;
Broader Protections Required;
Fundamental Protections Should Be Built Into the Foundations - February 7, 2012 eNews
- Administration Unresponsive to Furor About Contraceptives Mandate;
A Win for Professional Judgment by Counselors;
Virginia Considers Laws to Protect Faith-Based Adoption Agencies;
Disestablishing Public Education;
What? Religion Has No Place in Civil Rights Issues?;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You!;
Join IRFA - January 23, 2012 eNews
- No Change to Contraceptives Mandate/Narrow Exemption;
Religous Leaders Unite to Defend Marriage and Religious Organizations;
Pope Speaks About the Freedom of US Religious Organizations;
President's Religious Freedom Day Proclamation;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs You!;
Join IRFA - January 11, 2012 eNews Hosanna-Tabor
- US Supreme Court rules 9-0 to uphold freedom of churches to select their own leaders
- January 11, 2012 eNews
- Candidates Note Institutional Religious Freedom Issues;
Who Cares If We Suppress Those Faith-Based Services Now?;
Shocking: Groups Uniquely Threatened by Terrorism Get Majority of Security Grants!;
420 Days and Counting;
Noteworthy Quotes;
Worth Reading - December 28, 2011 eNews
- A Penny for Our Thoughts;
Expanding Opposition to Contraceptives Mandate/Narrow Exemption;
VA Adoption Regulations Finalized Without Religious Restrictions;
Video Now Available: Keep Faith in Faith-Based Education;
Another University Says to Religious Clubs: Pretend Religion is Irrelevant!;
It's Obvious What Counselors Must Do, Isn't It?;
It Would Be Entertaining If it Wasn't Serious;
Worth Reading; - December 14, 2011 eNews
- CARD Demands Religious Hiring Data from the Administration;
Advancing LGBT Rights Overseas;
Good News in the Regulatory Fine Print;
Religion Not Banned After All from Gospel Rescue Mission;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs YOU!;
Join IRFA - November 29, 2011 eNews
- Not Only Catholic Institutions Oppose the Contraception Mandate;
Pro and Anti Religious Freedom Groups Proliferate in Washington;
Looking to Dictatorships For Ways to Keep Religious Groups Alive in America!;
New York Attorney General Aims to Protect (Some?) Religious Rights;
A Federal Child Care Program is the Next Big Push?;
Fifth Hill Briefing: Keeping the Faith in Faith-Based Education;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs YOU!;
Join IRFA - November 15, 2011 eNews
- Briefing Video: Are Faith-Based Services Discriminatory?;
Belmont Abbey College Sues to Stop Contraception Mandate;
Charitable Donation Disincentive On the Way?;
S 598: The (Dis)Respect for Marriage Act;
Dolan's Decree: Archdiocese of New York Policy on Same-Sex Marriage;
Jonathan Rauch Asks: Will The Gay Movement Become Tolerant?;
Worth Reading;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA; - November 2, 2011 eNews
- Video Available of Hill Briefing on Religious Freedom in Health Care;
House Constitution Subcommittee Hearing on Religious Liberty in the US;
Senate Ally For Rep. Stark's Bill that Shutters Faith-Based Adoption Agencies;
NRB Study Exposes Anti-Religious Censorship by New Media Companies;
Want a Federal Grant? Be Sure to Facillitate Abortions;
Worth Reading;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - October 18, 2011 eNews
- Video Now Available of Congressional Briefing on Religious Hiring;
Religious Leaders Thank the President For Maintaining Religious Hiring Freedom;
Amendment Proposed in Illinois To Revive Faith-Based Foster Care Services;
Rush Limbaugh to Front Democratic Party?;
Vanderbilt's Insane Student Group Policy;
Worth Reading;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - October 6, 2011 eNews
- Religious Hiring and the US Supreme Court--Twice Over;
Second IRFA/Becket Fund Hill Briefing;
Defending Religious Freedom: New Catholic Initiatives and More;
If School Choice Isn't Legal or Affordable . . .;
Catholic Bishops Group Calls Out the President for Undermining Religious Freedom;
Catholic Health Association Calls Out the Administration for Ignoring Religious Freedom;
Take Note;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - September 26, 2011 eNews
- Oct. 5: Key Religious Hiring Case Argued at Supreme Court;
Again: CARD Presses Obama to Limit Religious Freedom;
Again: Faith-Based Adoption Agencies in Virginia Under Threat;
Again: The President Advocates Cutting the Incentive to Donate;
Illinois Shoves Out Faith-Based Foster Care Organizations;
Video Available: Capitol Hill Briefings on Institutional Religious Freedom;
ECFA Policy Commission Moves Ahead;
Worth Noting;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - September 6, 2011 eNews
- Faith Leaders Protest Narrow Exemption;
Catholic Bishops Slam Administration's Attack on Religious Freedom;
Congressional Prayer Caucus Defends Religious Hiring;
Worth Noting;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - August 23, 2011 eNews
- Department of Justice Versus Institutional Religious Freedom;
What's the "Public"? Hospital Mergers and Catholic Guidelines;
Cutting Private Funding to Faith-Based Organizations;
Faith Communities, Faith-Based Services, and the British Riots;
Food For Thought;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - August 9, 2011 eNews
- Federal Government Proposes Feeble Religious Exemption;
Can Public Universities Ban Job Listings from Religious Employers?;
Another Attack on Religious Student Groups;
Faith-Based Office Affirms Current Federal Policies;
What Faith-Shaped Service Means: a Sikh Voice;
Food for Thought;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - July 26, 2011 eNews
- President Obama Defends Religious Hiring
Preserve the Charitable Deduction;
Split Coming Among Lutheran Charities;
Health Care Law and Conscience, Again;
Protecting the Religious Freedom of Counselors;
Non-discrimination Requirements Can Harm the Vulnerable;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - July 14, 2011 eNews
- Cognitive Dissonance, Same-Sex Marriage, and Religious Exemptions
Religious Leaders to the President: Don't Curtain Our Religious Hiring Freedom
Faith-Based Foster Care and Adoption Now On Again in Illinois
Robust Religious Freedom Exemption in RI Civil Unions Law
Now, For Something Completely Different
Worth Reading - June 28, 2011 eNews
- New York Same-Sex Marriage and Faith-Based Services;
Pitting Civil Rights Against Religious Hiring;
Proper Church-State Separation;
Support IRFA;
Join IRFA - June 14, 2011 eNews
- Catholic Colleges and the National Labor Relations Board;
Another Attempt to Tinker with the Federal RFRA;
Catholic Charities Agencies Take Illinois Government to Court;
Effort to Protect Private Higher Education from Education Department Overreaching;
Persistent Media Myths;
Quotation to Ponder;
Support IRFA; Join IRFA - June 2, 2011 eNews
- Rhode Island Civil Unions Bill Has Strong Religious Freedom Protections;
Limited Guidance in White House Faith-Based Funding Guide;
Renewed Pressure in VA Against Faith-Based Adoption Agencies;
How Many Faith-Based Adoption Services Will Remain in Illinois?;
Are Christian School Graduates World-Changers?;
Who is Shaping Our World?;
Worth Reading: Douglas Laycock Essays on Free Exercise;
Quotations to Ponder;
IRFA Memberships;
IRFA Needs Your Help
- May 17, 2011 eNews
- IL Plea: Protect Rights of Faith Agencies When Advancing Gay Rights;
Rep. Stark Introduces Again Troubling Adoption Bill;
Update: Virginia Avoids Bad Adoption Regulation;
And Then There Were None: UK Catholic Adoption Agencies Vanish;
Marriage Redefinition Has Two Consequences, Not Just One;
Say It Ain't So;
AG Holder Says No Plans to Withdraw RFRA Hiring Memo;
Working Group on Obama Executive Order;
World Vision Hiring Victory Appealed to Supreme Court;
AZ: Protecting Religious Students in Professional Training;
Florida Voters Get Chance to Overturn Anti-Catholic Blaine Amendment;
IRFA Memberships - April 19, 2011 eNews
- ENDA Reintroduced in Congress
One Church = $6,090,032 Economic Value for the Community;
Illinois and Adoption Agencies: Who Is Restricting Whom?;
Forced Religion - Or Forced Secularism?;
Take the Money And Lose Internal Control?;
Partnering with the White House Agenda;
Take Note;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs Your Help - April 5, 2011 eNews
- Important Supreme Court "Ministerial" Employment Case
The Administration Invents New Restrictions on Grantees
Big Win for Kids
Suppressing Faith-Based Child-Serving Agencies in Virginia?
Does the Charitable Deduction Look Like a Nail?
Obama Administration Proposes to Loosen Bush Faith-Based Limitations
Take Note
Worth Reading
IRFA Needs Your Help - March 22, 2011 eNews
- Yell the Story of Faith-Based Services;
Same-Sex Marriage Tabled in Maryland;
When to Fight Instead of Switch?
Protecting Faith-Based Counselors;
Coming Back from Over-reaching Overseas?
Take Note;
Worth Reading;
IRFA Needs Your Help - March 8, 2011 eNews
- DOMA, the President, and FBOs;
Compassionate Service Requires Political Action;
Threats to Faith-Based Foster Care Agencies in Illinois;
School Choice That Doesn't Leave Faith Out;
Foster Care in England: Christians Need Not Apply?;
Protecting Faith-Based Services;
Substituting "Big Society" for "Big Government" in the UK - February 22, 2011 eNews
- Reduced Conscience Protections for Health Care Institutions and Professionals;
FBOs: Don't Hide Your Light Under a Bushel;
Over-Regulation of Higher Education;
Turning the Charitable Deduction into an Actual Government Expenditure;
A License For Everyone;
Misleading ABA Guide to Workplace Law;
Will You Support IRFA? - February 8, 2011 eNews
- Religious Hiring Vindicated Again;
New Members for the President's Faith Advisory Council;
President Obama's National Prayer Breakfast Speech;
Faith-Based Schools and the DC Voucher Program;
Religious Hiring Myths;
Baltimore Crisis Pregnancy Center Victory;
Protecting Religious Freedom When Marriage is Redefined - January 25, 2011 eNews
- Bogus Religious Freedom Protection in Maryland Same-Sex Marriage Bill;
Respecting the Diversity of Providers of Services;
A Victory for Professionals with a Pro-Life Conscience;
Mischief in President Obama's Regulatory Reform?;
Health Care Reform and Tax Funding of Abortion (episode 576);
Notable Quote;
Worth Reading;
Will You Support IRFA? - January 11, 2011 eNews
- ECFA Heads New Commission On Church Accountability;
Financially Stressed Governments Seek Funds from Nonprofits;
Is the Administration's Partnership Talk Mostly Just Talk?;
Crying Wolf;
Imposing the Rules Without Giving the Gold;
Notable Quotes;
Worth Reading;
Will You Support IRFA? - December 28, 2010 eNews
- Lame Duck Congress Leaves Religious Hiring Alone;
Protecting Ministries If Marriage Is Redefined;
Persistent Myths About Religious Hiring;
Protecting Conscience While Expanding Health Care;
Compassionate Conservatism vs. Tea Party Conservatism?;
Is "Outreach" the Way to Gain Religious Voters?;
The Tax Deal and Nonprofits;
Interview with IRFA President in Outcomes Magazine;
Will You Support IRFA? - December 14, 2010 eNews
- Lame Duck Watch;
Stimulus Dollars Flow to Faith-Based Organizations;
Why Not a Limited Religious Hiring Exemption?
IRFA Featured in Outcomes Magazine;
Will You Support IRFA? - November 30, 2010 eNews
- November 16, 2010 eNews
- Special issue, Nov. 17 2010 eNews
- November 4, 2010 eNews
- October 19, 2010 eNews
- October 5, 2010 eNews
- September 21, 2010 eNews
- September 7, 2010 eNews
- August 25 2010 eNews
- August 10 2010 eNews
- July 28 2010 eNews
- July 12 2010 eNews
- June 29 eNews
- June 15 eNews
- MAY 28 eNews
- MAY 17 eNews
- MAY 4 eNews
- March 31 eNews
- eNews MAR 15
- Special issue March 8
- special issue March 1
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Institutional Religious Freedom Alliance
984 St. Johns Drive
Annapolis, Maryland 21409