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- Previous Issues of Election Defense Alliance News
- EDA 2009 Year-end Action Report (12/29/2009)
- This year-end digest covers:
__ Three major EDA investigations
(the 2008 national EVEP and CA Prop. 8 exit poll analysis reports, plus the Riverside County public records lawsuit);
__ Ongoing projects and plans for 2010
(including the Arizona Transparency Project, the EDA-CANS radio series, 2010 EVEP, and Working Groups development); and
__ Substantial advances in EDA website features and services (including the General Volunteer Registry, RSS Newsfeed, EDA2 Working Group Forums, and website account and content creation help guides);
__ All adding up to a variety of good reasons to lend EDA your financial and volunteer support for 2010. - Citizen Monitoring Improves Transparency (7/23/2009)
- A before-and-after look at election transparency in one of the more opaque counties in the country--Riverside, California -- shows the improved visibility that can result when local citizens get serious about monitoring their elections.
A photo essay documenting a May 19th special election illustrates election procedure improvements implemented by Riverside County in response to the "Missing Pieces" report by the Save R Vote election monitoring group following the 2008 presidential election. That report, and several others by Save R Vote, prompted the county supervisors to commission a comprehensive, independent audit of the county elections department.
There's still a long way to go for transparency and public accountability in elections, but groups like Save R Vote are showing that citizens acting locally can bring about needed change for the better. - Help Put EDA on the (Donations) Ballot! (6/30/2009)
- One of the four funding categories in the Credo / Working Assets donations program is "Voting Rights and Civic Participation."
Worthy groups who do great work protecting voters' rights are represented, but there are currently no grant nominees doing the equally important work of election integrity, to ensure that ballots are truly counted as cast by the voters.
Election Defense Alliance hopes to restore vision to this blind spot in democracy's defenses, by being named an election integrity Credo grant recipient.
We need your help to do this! - "Missing Pieces" Report Details Riverside Co. Election Failures (4/14/2009)
- "Missing Pieces," a devastating citizen review of the 2008 presidential election conducted in Riverside County, CA, documents violations of election law and egregious failures by the Riverside County Election Department to secure, track, or even properly count the ballots in the November 2008 presidential election.
Save R Vote volunteers on election day and night photographed evidence of election law violations, logged missing memory cards ("electronic ballot boxes"), and in their subsequent 5-month examination of Riverside County election records, found vote counting and ballot auditing errors in official county election reports numbering in the tens and even hundreds of thousands.
The exhaustively documented Missing Pieces report, presented in its entirety on the Election Defense Alliance website, consists of an executive summary, findings and recommendations, a slideshow of photographic evidence, and a spreadsheet analysis of oversized precincts exceeding legal limits. - CA Decertifies Premier (Diebold) GEMS 1.18.19 (3/31/2009)
- SACRAMENTO - Secretary of State Debra Bowen today announced she has withdrawn state approval of Premier Election Solutions' Global Election Management System (GEMS) version 1.18.19, which contains serious software flaws.
Premier GEMS 1.18.19 contains the "Deck Zero" anomaly, a software error that can delete the first batch of optically scanned ballots under certain circumstances without alerting elections officials to the deletion.
In addition, the system's audit logs fail to record important events and "clear" buttons permit deletion of key records, both of which violate federal standards.
- Keep Election Integrity on the Airwaves (3/16/2009)
- Action of the Day for March 16, 2009:
Your pledges of financial support are needed to keep the Peter B. Collin Show on air as an important channel for election integrity news and advocacy. - Call for Election Verification Exit Poll Volunteers (11/2/2008)
- This and similar action alerts were sent to EDA subscribers in MA, NY, OH, PA and CO to recruit additional volunteers for "Election Verification Exit Polls" (EVEPs) conducted in 36 locations in 12 states by Election Defense Alliance, Election Integrity.org, and The Warren Poll. Provides links to detailed information on exit poll history, methodology, and EDA studies of the seriously misleading official newsmedia exit polls for the 2004 and 2006 elections.
- See "Stealing America" > Learn > Act (9/13/2008)
- Distributed in conjunction with national release of the "Stealing America Vote by Vote" documentary film, this announcement provides links to resource pages to apply knowledge to action.
See the movie > Get informed > Take action. - National Public Radio Tunes in to Election Integrity (9/5/2008)
- Links to National Public Radio's election integrity-related audio files and webpages, plus links to what-you-can-do "Get Active" resources at EDA and the "Uncounted" and "Stealing America" documentary film websites.
- FISA Amendment Just In Time To Steal Election (7/7/2008)
- All electronic messages passing through switches in the US, regardless of whether they were international or domestic communications, are being systematically intercepted and dumped into one huge computer network run by the National Security Agency (NSA). The NSA parses through these messages matching criteria to link disparate data together and perform further operations on the resulting data combinations. In most parts of the country, election data -- votes -- pass through portions of this universal network, subject to interception and manipulation by unaccountable, secret operators.
This case resembles "black box" voting where once the votes are cast, it is impossible to see what happens to them. . . . But now we may be faced with a potentially more ominous strain of the black box problem: votes that disappear into the void of cyberspace only to reappear at the other end of a wire in an altered state. - Tennessee Paper Ballot Audit Law Enacted (6/17/2008)
- Organizer Bernie Ellis and legislative coordinator Deborah Narrigan tell how their statewide network Gathering to Save Our Democracy brought an end to paperless DRE voting in Tennessee over three years of steady public education, legislative lobbying, media action, and coalition building.
- Two Powerhouse EI Groups in California (6/10/2008)
- Two dynamic election integrity groups in California that serve as models for effective action everywhere--The Voting Rights Task Force (VRTF) of Alameda County, and Save R Vote of Riverside County--talk about election monitoring, being the media, lobbying state legislators, and standing up for Sec. of State Debra Bowen.
- Bubble Trouble and Tangible Ballots in California (3/11/2008)
- Introducing the statewide Tangible Ballot Initiative, a measure to amend the state election code to define a ballot as a tangible paper ballot -- disallowing the present definition that recognizes a computer touchscreen display as a "ballot."
Then, members of the Los Angeles Election Protection Task Force recount the Joint Legislative Hearing on Friday, March 7, convened to hear evidence of statewide election problems during the California Primary, including the "Double Bubble" ballot fiasco that disenfranchised 12,000 voters in LA County.
- National Screening Tour for Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (2/28/2008)
- National tour schedule of the documentary film "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections", with links to the movie trailer, an Air America interview with director David Earnhardt, and more information about how you can help arrange screenings near you.
See also: http://www.BraveNewTheaters.com/ElectionDefenseAlliance - Richard Hayes Phillips, "Witness to a Crime" in Ohio 2004 (2/26/2008)
- Elections investigator Richard Hayes Phillips, author of "Witness to a Crime: A Citizens' Audit of an American Election" discusses his forthcoming book documenting the theft of the 2004 presidential election in Ohio.
Dave Berman reports two resolutions calling for hand-count elections passed by the Democratic Party Central Committee of Humboldt County, and the Redwood Chapter of the ACLU, due to the work of the Humboldt Voter Confidence Committee. - Election Protection Campaign Teleconference (2/16/2008)
- First in a series of planned events by Campaign for Election Protection to share media tools with election integrity organizations and help promote their projects. This first event featured the "Campaign to Reclaim" project of VoterAction to bring product liability legal action against E-voting vendors. EDA assisted in promoting the event.
- Houseparty Screenings for "Uncounted" Documentary (2/13/2008)
- DFA (Democracy for America) organized a nationwide day of houseparties, screening the election integrity documentary film "Uncounted" to raise issue awareness and engage activist volunteers. EDA provided promotional assistance.
- Election Defense Radio: Super Tuesday Primary Reports (2/12/2008)
- Reports from CA, NH, and AZ of serious problems with voter registration, provisional ballots, and obstruction; an update on NH recounts and possible legal challenge, plus analysis of exit polls compared to official counts, and a citizen exit polling project in FL.
- Election Defense Radio: Using Exit Polls to Check the Vote (1/29/2008)
- Jonathan Simon and Steven Freeman discuss exit poll factors and use of exit polls as independent checks on the accuracy of reported election results.
- Deduct for Election Integrity! (12/31/2007)
- A year-end appraisal of where we've been, where we are going, and an invitation to our supporters to take advantange of the last chance to make deductible contributions for tax year 2007.
- Holiday Tidings (12/22/2007)
- Seasons' Greetings to our members, donors, and subscribers
- NY Amicus Brief (12/19/2007)
- Press release and background documents describing our amicus filing to propose a hand-counted paper ballot alternative to the US Justice Department lawsuit against New York state seeking to impose electronic voting machines as the sole means to achieve HAVA compliance.
- News Alert on CA Voting Systems Decertifications (8/3/2007)
- Links to the California Secretary of State decertification orders, the "Red Team" summary reports on voting system vulnerabilities, and an appeal for public statements of support for Secretary of State Debra Bowen.
- 1st Anniversary Report (7/5/2007)
- An overview of our first year's achievements, our future plans, and ways to become involved in the long campaign for electoral integrity. Links provide a thorough review of EDA principles, methods, and multiple options for participation.
- Appeal for Open Debate on HR 811 (5/31/2007)
- Further response to continuing amendment of HR 811 and a an appeal for the closed-door process to be opened up to full public view and debate.
- Halt 811 (4/18/2007)
- Fact sheets and action pages explaining why the "Voter Confidence Act" (HR 811) could not and would not deliver on its promises to instill electoral integrity reform, but instead would institute dangerous changes in the federal election system that would leave us in a worse state than before.
- Letter to the National Media Reform Conference (3/8/2007)
- An open letter to media reform conferees presenting the evidence of mass election theft and mass media complicity in the deception, appealing for collaborative efforts to break the media embargo and bring the truth to public light.
How To Contact Us
Election Defense Alliance
P.O. Box 3152
Culver City, California 90231-3152 Voice: 877.375.3930 Fax: 877.375.3916 E-mail: Info@ElectionDefenseAlliance.org