Election Defense Alliance
Call Congress for Open, Public Debate on HR 811
No secret vote counting, full public accountability
May 31, 2007
Dear Citizen,

The Holt Bill, HR 811, has been amended and is once again being
"fast-tracked" through Congress. A floor vote could come at any time.

The amendments have been
for the worse, and HR 811 now promotes secret vote counting as a matter of federal election law.  The bill is opposed by citizen
activists and election administrators nationwide.

Please take action once again.

Send your Representative a fax or e-mail, then follow up with a phone call.

Then please
click here to forward this action on to others on your list(s).

Thank you for speaking out for open debate, and open elections.
Election Defense Alliance

Open this link  http://www.congress.org/congressorg/home/

enter your zipcode in the box that says "Write Your Officials,"

and click on your representative's name.

Copy and paste the letter below, add your own words if you wish,

enter your home city,
sign your name, and send.
Or, if you have a fax machine, FAXING a copy of your letter is even better.

Then, please follow your note with a phone call to your representative.

For more background on this bill's serious ills, and our alternative prescriptions
for electoral health,  see the 811 Resource Page at Election Defense Alliance.

Dear Representative _____________:
We are contacting you because we do not want HR 811 to be fast-tracked.  
Our voting system is too important an issue not to allow time for public debate. 
We are alarmed that this bill leaves far too many unacceptable vulnerabilities in our election process.   

We urge you NOT to support HR 811.
We must do better than HR 811.

This bill federalizes secret vote counting
and invites -- rather than prevents --
systemic corruption of our elections.

We do not consent.
    1. Paper ballots, not paper trails    
    2. Federal BUYOUT of all touchscreen voting equipment

    3. No secret vote counting, no secret records, no secret contracts,
        and no trade secrecy in our public elections

    4. No control of voting technologies by four White House appointees
    5. No unfunded mandates
Please consider a workable, alternative proposal for essential election reform

outlined in brief presentation here:


Thank you.

_______________ [your name]
_______________ [your city]

Your help is crucial in raising a call for Congress to hear and heed.

Please click to
Forward This Alert to others, adding names from your address

book to the Forwarding window that opens from here.

Posting this alert to mail lists that reach many people is especially important.

Speak out for public vote counting, now when it counts.

We're counting on you.