METRONewsJanuary 2014
Metron 2013 | The Year of 7
So many newspapers, magazines and other media outlets recently compiled their "Best of 2013".  In keeping with the trend, we decided to also look back and review stories, interviews and accomplishments.
Metron 7 What is New The Biggie? New features introduced with the release of Metron 7. From the addition of new species anatomy graphics, enhancements within the Tune Panel to improvements with reports, annotations and Guided Mark-Up, Metron Imaging Software continued upgrading with the Metron releases 7.05 through the current 7.11
Here is a sampling of some 2013 Metron newsletters....well, actually articles and excepts from SEVEN issues. Just trying to maintain that focus. Enjoy the read and thanks for another great year! 

Metron is Cool


  • February - Computers and the Cloud
  • August  - Export to the :Cloud" - it's cool and easy
  • April - Cost-Benefit: Metron Tools that help you sell
  • May - Metron-Web-Viewer. It's Cool
  • June  - All that hardware, only one Metron

Practice Spotlight 

Read more about your colleagues' Metron stories.

  • July - Dr. Bruce Connally - Wyoming Equine | Equine Sports Medicine
  • September - Dr. Jack Newman - Associated Veterinary Services

Support Services Highlights

Tips, Tricks, Technique revealing the power of Metron Imaging Software

  • August - Sending images to your Radiologist for consult
  • July -  Changing shot distance affects the X-Ray image
  • September - Metron Personalized Technique Charts 
For the complete archive of newsletter articles from this collection and all other previous publications, please visit the METRONews section of the Metron Support Services website.
Oh, and just a peak into 2014 ... Celebrating 5!
This year Metron Support Services will celebrate 5 lucky years of servicing you! Metron Imaging was born in 1999 so the software is also in a party mood at 15 years of age. 
May is our month to shine and celebrate with you. Watch for "party" details in upcoming newsletters!

Learning Center:  
Spotlight Training Video of the Month
Annotation Preferences in Metron


Our next training session in the series featuring The Learning Center focuses on the many annotation options available for your Metron images.


If you want to change your default settings for the annotation options, watch this online training session to see the many choices possible to personalize copy detail on your Metron images. 


Be sure to continue to check out other training videos located in the Learning Center.

Always available when you want to use them!


Join Our Mailing List
You are receiving this newsletter as a part of your Metron Support Services Subscription.   We encourage you to continue receiving the subscription.  If you would like to receive this at an additional email address, simply click "Join our Mailing List" above.  If you would like to have it sent to a different email address, please send an email to us at


In This Issue
Metron 2013 | Oh What a Year!
Spotlight Training for January
Happy New Year!
Welcome Alaska!
Moving Day for You?
Did You Know...FS Button


Just getting started...
Happy New Year!
As you begin to settle into the brand new year, take time to celebrate your accomplishments, reflect on any missteps and especially applaud your staff who got you through it ALL year long!  Welcome to your 2014 opportunities.


Welcome Alaska!
Northstar Animal Hospital of Palmer, Alaska recently joined the Metron family. Metron is officially represented in all 50 states!


Moving Day?
Have you moved recently or are you planning a move soon? Let us know so we can keep our records up to date.


Did you know....

...that from the Single Image View Mode, you can click the "FS" button to view the image in full screen mode? From here you are able to use many Metron features including:


Window Leveling

Pan and Zoom Modes

View other images within the study

Set up a slideshow





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