METRONewsSeptember 2013
Perception is reality, 
value over price, 
remember me, and loyalty

Add a description These words and phrases are each by themselves a statement in the relationship between a business and their clients. Together, these mean everything.

Though we all wish that just being great was enough, it does not work that way. We have to advertise, send reminders, offer special deals, explain our recommendations, share the outcomes, oh and be great every time.

Most of us are lucky - we are doing the kind of work and own the kinds of businesses that we love. It is easier to ask ourselves to go that extra mile when we love what we do.  


With the 2013 version of the "computer" in the veterinary practice, you have a myriad of resources available to help you strengthen the relationship with your clients. Take advantage of the resources and reward yourself with more of what you love... great work with great patients and great clients.

Though Metron is certainly not the only resource at your disposal, your Metron software and us here at Metron Support Services have some cool tools and tricks to help you with your client relationships - Perception is reality, value over price, remember me, and loyalty. 

Our Metron Reports Generator is a quick and easy way to assemble images into a document that you can print or email. Without the presentation, does your client recognize the value? Wow your clients with both procedure recommendations and post-procedure review.

Images on iPad and iPhone - easy to show and easy to share.

Email is now part of everyday life - just click to send and click to open.

We are always looking for cooler, better, faster Metron ideas. If you have some ideas that could help you in your practice, we would "love" to hear from you.



Just checking in.....your feedback appreciated!


Check In CA The team at Metron Support Services is continually looking to improve patient care, increase efficiencies, and reais client satisfaction. We understand how the best in technology and digital imaging equates to improved patient care.


Click here to participate in answering just a few questions on a range of topics. Your answers will help us get to know your practice even better and aid us in product development.

We thank you for your time and continued support.


The Metron Support Services Team

Practice Spotlight 
Associated Veterinary Services


Dr. Jack Newman, DVM and Associated Veterinary Services have been using Metron Imaging Software since June 2010.  They originally purchased it for the equine side of the business, deciding companion animal would continue using film based X-Rays.  However, Dr. Newman says the companion animal location...just about five miles away from the equine practice...soon started "fighting" for the use of the digital X-Ray system.  They now share the digital system and rarely take films anymore.  He states, "It is so much easier not having a dark room.  It is instantaneous and a better quality X-Ray.  No fluids and retakes are close to zero."


Also with digital X-Ray, they no longer have to discuss who owns the films.  Metron makes it so easy to provide discs with the images and/or email the images - it really makes life much simpler.  Dr. Newman said, "People really like to receive the discs and emails of the images."


Dr. Newman says overall the Metron system is very straightforward to use and easy to train. They continue to be very happy with it.  One Metron feature which he uses but wants to start applying more often is the Guided Mark-Up for the hoof.  He plans to watch the online training videos as a refresher course on all the details plus focus on other elements like "Creating Morphs in Metron".  He is also looking forward to the Metron iPhone app  now that he has switched to a new iPhone.


"The Metron Support Services team was good and very helpful until June of this year." states Dr. Newman "But since June, they have been pretty amazing!"  He goes on to explain that one day they arrived at the practice and the computer would not function at all.  He was worried he would be down for days and it would cost him a ton of money.  With a call to Metron Support Services, another test computer was loaded with the Metron application software and his data transferred.  It was ready to go in less than a day!


Dr Jack Newman Dr. Newman said, "The support is better than any other and people should never ever go without support!"


The last point he would like to share with his Metron colleagues is "With Metron and digital CR, they have doubled their radiology income in the last 3 years."


Dr. Newman has been working for over 30 years in small animal and equine medicine and surgery, with a special interest in equine reproduction.  In addition to his mixed practice experience, he spent two years as a resident veterinarian at a Thoroughbred breeding farm in Spokane, WA.  He is a Washington State University Graduate.


Associated Veterinary Services provides the highest quality and compassionate care for your four-legged family members.   See their website for more information about the work they do with equine and small animal patients.



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In This Issue
Survey Check
Associated Veterinary Services
Another Metron Release Soon
Swap Ideas Day Sept. 10
Customized Technique Charts for X-Ray Generators
Your Support Website
How to test your Internet speed


Another Metron Release Coming Soon!
Metron New Release
Another Metron release is coming this fall! Here is a sneak peak at just a few of the features:
New "Burn CD/DVD panel

Window Leveling: The slider bars are back and improved.
Sort study by time-stamp on photos or any X-Ray images.
Email address and DICOM Peers now appear in alphabetical order in the Send Panel.


Swap Ideas Day
September 10
Swap Ideas
The sharing of ideas should be done every day but why not emphasize what we were all taught as children and become an even brighter bulb in this world beginning today! Swap an idea with a co-worker, a neighbor or a friend. You never know what you will learn.


Did you know?

Metron Support Systems offers customized technique charts for your X-Ray generator. Make your digital images perfect from the very first take! Contact us!

 Technique Charts



Support Services Site

Metron Support Services logo
Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters, 
how-to documents and 
online training sessions. 


Support Services
Support Services Tips  
Download Upload Speed

How to test your

Internet speed. 


Nearly all Internet service providers (ISP) offer relatively fast download speeds, however few offer fast upload speeds.  Whenever you are "uploading" files to the Cloud, you are relying on your ISP provided upload speed.  


Test your Internet speed and carefully look at the upload speed. This tool is very easy to use. Click here...then choose the city nearest you and let it run to see your results!


We all pay attention to the speed and age of our computers. Give the same attention to your Internet connection.  




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