METRONewsApril 2013
Cost-Benefit is a formula of Perception.

Metron Digital Devices


We all Buy and Sell products and services.   When we buy something we instinctively assess the benefit and scrutinize the cost.  When we sell products and services, we need to remember that our clients do the same thing.  The "Cost - Benefit" lesson is focused on whether you are presenting more value than the price you are asking to be paid.


As sellers, we all think we are providing more value than the price we charge.  The challenge we have is presenting our value.  Even if it is true, we still need to make sure our buyers perceive the value.   Your existing clients need to be sold every time they are asked to pay for your services.  The best transaction is the one when the client is impressed with your services and happily pays the amount charged. How do you keep them happy? Make sure your technology and tools of the trade continue to impress and benefit your clients.


Metron has some fantastic tools that can help you sell the value of your services.  Certainly some of it is just "show" but that "show" sells your value.


Tools that will help you sell: 

  • CA iPad Image Metron iPhone & iPad - More and more practices are adding these apps to their practice environment.  From exam room to the waiting area, pet images are easily shared and explained to the pet owner. To read more about setting up the iPad application, please read How to Install, Configure and Use Metron for iPad or iPhone.
  • Metron Web-Viewer - from anywhere in the world with an Internet access this venue allows others to simply view your posted images and reports from an online link you provide to them.   
  • Metron Report 1a Metron Reports - Dr. Chris Wickliffe with Cascadia Equine Veterinary Clinic, LLC told us how "Metron has increased his referral business because of the quality, details, and ease of reading the reports."  Click here to read the article. 
  • Guided Mark-Up - Dr. Meyers shared her experiences with Guided Mark-Up for the hoof.  She told us, "The foot markups on Metron are a value-added feature that I wasn't sure how much I would use. Much to my surprise I have done podiatry consultations with four different farriers already and have added a podiatry consultation to my list of services.  This is a great service that gives the farrier, myself and the owner/ trainer tons of valuable information...."  Read More... There are multiple Guided Mark-Up choices within Metron. Go to the Learning Center on your support website to view all the possibilities. 
  • Dental Image Email and Burning Images to Disc - The team at My Zoo Animal Hospital states, "The feature in Metron to be able to email and burn images to discs is helpful when working with the local university for diagnostics, testing, and possible surgeries.  It is easy to use and makes communication with specialists complete."  Read More... 
  • Digital Photos - can be attached in a study for review and use as additions to client reports.  

I could continue, however, remember - if your clients do not see and hear how you do your work they will return to price as their decision tool.



Metron 7 Software Update
Additional features promote best practices!
Metron 7.05 Release Notes

Meton 7 is packed with new features! Click here to read more.

As a reminder, to receive the Metron software update, your computers must be connected to the internet and when prompted, you need to say "OK" to Metron Update Available.  
It is quick and easy! 

For more information about Metron updates, click here.

We are continuing to distribute the Metron 7 software update automatically through the internet.   Watch for the prompt and if you need assistance just give us a call at 1-877-638-3868 to complete the update.  


Support Services Highlight 
How to test your Internet speed! 
What is download vs. upload speed and why this is important.



The word "Download" generally refers to the transfer of text, graphics, and programs from remote host sites to your computer via the Internet.   Conversely, the word "Upload" generally refers to the related transfer to remote computer or host from your computer via the Internet.


Nearly all Internet service providers (ISP) offer relatively fast download speeds, few offer fast upload speeds.  Whenever you are "uploading" files to the Cloud, you are relying on your ISP provided upload speed.  If you backup your data to the Cloud or you send X-Ray images to radiology services, you likely suffer the pain of a very slow upload speed.  We often hear of the first Cloud backup taking one week to complete.


You may have a reported 5mbit/second Internet speed but with an unadvertised upload speed of only 0.25mbit/second.   The difference here - if a file takes 1 minute to download at 5mbit/second, it would take 20 minutes to upload.   The DICOM study you want to send to a referral practice - could take hours if you have this upload speed scenario.


How to test your Internet speed:  Download Upload Speed

Test your Internet speed and carefully look at the upload speed.    

This tool is very easy to use.

Choose the city nearest you and let it run. 

Today the computer is almost useless without the Internet and unfairly judged by the speed of the Internet connection it is tethered to.   
We all pay attention to the speed and age of our computers. 
Give the same attention to your Internet connection.  
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In This Issue
Cost-Benefit is a formula of Perception
Metron 7 Update
How to test your Internet Speed
April Pet Holidays
Are you our next Practice Spotlight?
Free Mark-Up: New in Metron 7
Your Support Website
Using Annotation Preferences


April Holidays +
Pet Owner
You will discover many special pet holidays including these dates to celebrate in April.

April 11: National Pet Day
April 18: Pet Owners 
               Independence Day
April 22: Earth Day
April 26: National Kids and Pets Day


Who wants to be the next Practice Spotlight?
Practice Spotlight
How do you use Metron?  What is your best X-Ray story?  Here is your chance to share how you are using Metron and tell us about your practices.  It is simple - and we just ask for a few minutes of your time. Contact us to be the next Practice Spotlight! 



Did you know?

Free Mark-Up-7     

Metron now has additional Mark-Up annotations in Free Mark-Up.  For example, you are able to add the R, L, or RH annotation to your image.


Annotation Choices



Support Services Site

Metron Support Services logo
Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters, 
how-to documents and 
online training sessions. 


Support Services
Support Services Tips


If the annotation is covering your image, you are able to change the location, size, and color.  When you are in Single Image View, you will see this area on the right of the Metron screen.


Annotation Preferences-7

This change can be completed per image as mentioned above or you can make it a default choice for all images in Annotation Preferences.





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