METRONewsFebruary 2011
Metron News Welcome

Message from Metron Support Services 


Version 6 available this month!


If you have auto update installed, you will soon see the message to download version 6.


Here are some of the new features coming with version 6.


Metron ApiPhone and iPad Application to display your Metron x-rays and reports. The recipient can view (zoom, pan, mark-up on/off) and can listen to the voice annotations.  The App will be available at the Apple store.  If you are interested in using it with your iPad or iPhone, you can download it for just $29.99.   


AnnotationsAbility to record voice annotations on your images - these are also sent to the iPhone or iPad.    


Web-Viewer for Metron!  In addition to the iPhone and iPad, others can also view your posted images and reports using Metron Web Viewer


Metron is able to print in 'True Size' (or with any desired magnification factor) to a standard Windows printer. Metron is also able to render 'True Size ' on screen.  Click here to view document.


Version 6.0 is scheduled to be released at the end of February. We will have a full release document available at that time.  


John Craig
EponaTech LLC  


Practice Spotlight
Cascadia Equine Veterinary Clinic, LLC             


Cascadia EquineCascadia Equine Veterinary Clinic has been using Metron Imaging Software since January 2010.  Dr. Chris Wickliffe started his solo practice three years ago providing cutting edge technology and personalized medicine to his clients in Oregon.  The practice is primarily focused on Equine Podiatry, Advanced Dentistry and Preventative Medicine. 


Dr. Wickliffe originally moved from VetRay to Metron for:  1. All the advanced automatic measurements for podiatry - it speeds up the time as the calculations are completed automatically and 2. The Metron image quality if far superior for both the podiatry and dental images.


He was happy with the previously stated reasons for purchasing Metron but, after watching the online training sessions, he also discovered the built-in Metron reports.  His clients and farriers are both very happy with all the details the Metron reports provide.  Dr. Wickliffe states that, "Metron has increased his referral business because of the quality, details, and ease of reading the reports.  It was a pleasant surprise to not only see the results I was expecting from the guided mark up and image quality but also increase my business with these reports."


Cascadia EquineIn the beginning, Dr. Wickliffe watched many of the online training sessions on the Metron Support Services website.  He states "They were well done, to the point, and self paced."  Because of the ability to stop/start, backup, and watch on his own time, he was able to learn about Metron topics that were important to him and his practice.  Dr. Wickliffe also says, "I appreciate the monthly newsletters and tips. The tips are concise, to the point, and easy to read. I sit down, read them and find useful information every month." 


"Thank you Metron for helping me provide better diagnostics and a better service to my clients."


Did you hear?
What others are saying about us.         


Testimonials"Staff members were very personable and helped us to understand the problem. Even though it took some time to locate the difficulty they were very patient and stayed past work time to solve the problem. We were very happy with the service provided during our recent contact. Thank you."


"Metron was one of those few items I have used in my practice that has both improved my diagnostic abilities and made money the first day it was in service. The ScanX CR with Metron is a state of the art system that delivers images equal to any other digital radiology system." Read others...



In This Issue
Cascadia Equine Veterinary
Did you hear?
NAVC Thanks!
See you in Las Vegas @ WVC!
Report Generation in Metron
Did you know?


NAVC Thanks!
NAVC Booth
Thank you for stopping by to visit with us at NAVC!


Come see us at WVC!
Feb. 21-24, 2011
Las Vegas, NV

WVC Logo 

We look forward to you stopping by to visit us at booth #940!




Support Services Site

Metron-DVM Logo
Be sure you and your staff visit
the support site for
past newsletters and
online training sessions. 


Support Services 
Support Services Tips

Following a tip from Dr. Wickliffe of Cascadia Equnie Veterinary Service, LLC featured in our Practice Spotlight section, be sure to visit the "Report Generation in Metron" online training session.  


Report Generation Viewlet



Did you know? 

Did You Know 1

Not only can the magnifying lens be moved by clicking the right button and holding it down while moving but it can resize.  To resize it from the original:


Did You Know 2 

Put your cursor anywhere on the red border, and drag your mouse out.


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