Synergy Success E-Zine, AUGUST 2012
"Every moment is a golden one
for him who has the vision
to recognize it as such."
~ Henry Miller |
Greetings to YOU and a Warm Welcome to our strong community of high-achieving women who intend to thrive amidst the challenges of work and life while showing grace under pressure.
While cheering on our USA competitors in the 2012 Summer Olympics last week, I was awestruck by the confident poise and "Go for the Gold" attitude of 16 year old gymnast Gabrielle Douglas,
making history as the first ever african-american all-around champion.
As impressed as I was watching her so beautifully execute each and every leap, flip, and jump, it was what I saw her do before she ever started a routine that inspired me the most. It was like watching Stephen Covey's "Begin with the End in Mind" success principle in action, which suggests that all things are created twice... first as a mental picture, and second as a physical
creation. (If you haven't read Steven Covey's "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", it's a must-read!)
Prior to each event she would pause with eyes closed for an empowered moment. Like watching a movie in her mind, she visualized herself performing a flawless routine from start to finish. No doubt she brought all of her senses into the moment, feeling her body move confidently, hearing the roar of the crowd cheering, even tasting the sweetness of Victory.
Visualization is a technique many top athletes like Tiger Woods use to prepare for competition, and a tool I find very effective personally and in working with clients.
Whether you're developing a Vision for your family, an effective presentation at work, or your next wellness goal, you must first "Visualize what you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint and begin." [Robert Collier]
3 Key Action Steps to "Go for the GOLD":
- Close your eyes and see a Crystal Clear picture in your mind: Imagine every detail of exactly what you want to be, do, or have.
- Rehearse for Success: Review this goal morning and night. Walk through it, one detailed step at a time, until it feels natural, believable, and achievable...almost inevitable.
- Feel and Express Gratitude: Write or say "I am so happy and grateful that I _________ (have been promoted, finished my advanced degree, reached my goal weight, etc.. fill in your successful achievement in the blank.) Give thanks in advance for your successful outcome.
The Sky's the limit if we "Go for the Gold" with the end in mind.

Please share your dream with me so I can hold this intention with you. What's the "Gold" you are going for right now?
I'm Envisioning Balanced Success!
Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life and Wellness Coach, R.N.
"Resilience Coach for High-Achieving Women
who want to thrive by building a life, not just a career."
P.S. Will I get to see you at the Synergy Success Circle August 8th or 9th?
P.S.S.Have you heard about how SOAR can help you take a lead role in your work and life? Contact me for exciting details and for our upcoming "SOAR" in 2013.
AUGUST 2012 Events
8th, Wednesday
"Synergy Success Circle"
Lunch Meeting 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA
9th, Thursday
Dinner Meeting 5:30- 7:00 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA
10th, Friday
Leadership Development Group Coaching Program 11:30-1
Leadership Development Group Coaching Program 11:30-1 |
Self-Care Affirmation
"I Clearly See in Detail What Going for Gold
Looks Like to Me."
"Begin with the end in mind." ~Stephen Covey
"Live out of your imagination, not your history."
~Stephen Covey
"Private victories precede public victories."
~Stephen Covey
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Christina's Story
Click here to read about her life-changing transformation ...from Fear to Faith. |
Synergy Success Story!
Melanie Rowan
"I have been self-employed for over ten years. I am a senior graphic designer and operate as a freelance print designer. I have wonderful clients and work very hard to keep them all happy and confident in the service that I provide. In addition to my graphic design business I manage a small farm, cook every day and keep up with the demands of our family's household. I love and thrive on being busy.
I had a little awakening early this year when I realized that I launched myself out of bed every day, spiraled through a very long list of to dos and fell into bed exhausted every night. I felt worn out and burned out. I needed some help re-evaluating my days and learning how to set some priorities.
I started looking for a wellness coach and was very enthused when I read an article that Christina Kunkle had written for RMH Magazine. I called her, we met and we agreed to work together - one-on-one for six sessions.
Christina set up our sessions in ways that would explore my habits (or lack of) and help me to filter out some of the junk - both emotional and logistical - to better plan my days. She helped me learn how to set up relevant criteria to establish how I would prioritize the things that were most important to accomplish that day. She offered learning and management tools that are invaluable for centering one's mental processes. We met in interesting places and I always looked forward to and enjoyed each session.
I attended a design conference this summer and had the privilege of hearing a couple of the top motivational speakers of today - Peleg Top and Simon T. Bailey. I was quite pleased to hear some of Christina's tools and methods reinforced from other coaching leaders.
Christina is using contemporary coaching skills, and teaches and shares them with the warmth of a good friend.
Thanks Christina!"
~Melanie Rowan
Transformation Success Story!
Congratulations Andrea Nichols
I used to shop in the boy's section of Old Navy!
20 pounds ago

Waking up, Getting clear, and Taking Action

Awake, Focused, and Unstoppable!
"Over the past several years, I have allowed myself to be completely consumed by my responsibilities as a caregiver. My mother has terminal cancer, and my younger brother passed away in March from sudden cardiac arrest. I have been so focused on taking care of other people that I lost who I was. Like so many others in the caregiver role, my needs always came last. I never had any energy, chugged caffeinated drinks to get through the day, and ate most of my meals from a drive through. My work performance was in a downward spiral, and I withdrew from those closest to me. I knew I needed to change, but I had no idea how to break out of my self-destructive cycle.
For me, the way out of that cycle was through coaching with Christina. The coaching process is like applying a magnifying glass to sunlight. I already had the power to change my thoughts and actions, but this process provided the focus I needed to concentrate my efforts on the steps with the biggest impact. I now feel like a completely different person. I have joined a gym, checked off several vital self-care appointments, and changed my dietary habits. Not only am I now paying attention to my physical health, but I am taking care of my emotional needs and establishing boundaries with those around me. It seems like every day someone tells me that they barely recognize me from the person that I used to be.
Coaching is not always easy, but it is certainly rewarding. One of the most important lessons I have learned is that change doesn't all have to happen at once. A step forward, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem on its own, will result in revolutionary change when combined with other small actions.
I am a caregiver who is finally taking care of me, one small step forward at a time!"
~ Andrea Nichols |
The SOAR Synergy Leadership Development Program is designed to provide Exceptional Leadership Training and Professional Group Coaching, giving you the necessary tools to stay Focused, Positive, and Excited about Work and Life while promoting Highly Productive, Heart-Centered Collaboration and Balanced Success. |
2012 SOAR Participant Spotlight:
"I would highly recommend SOAR! Without the gift of investing in your well being we are jeopardizing the full potential of our family lives, our friendships and business's. Soar is like a mental tune up with check points along the way to keep focus, growth, people skills and vision for business and life cranking on all cylinders." ~Barb Swett
SOAR will provide massive support, structure, encouragement, accountability, clarity, training, laughter, mindset shifts - and of course will teach you how to create balanced success. Don't miss out on a phenomenal opportunity to SOAR in 2013!
Contact me to schedule a private 1:1 call to learn more! |
"Synergy Success Circle" Membership SALE
has been EXTENDED
In Honor of our 3nd Anniversary!
Ready to FREE yourself from the struggle of going it alone?
Membership in the Synergy Success Circle is a gift you give yourself ~ the gift of holding yourself accountable for getting all the inspiration, motivation, work-life balance tips, friendship, networking, and FUN that you deserve!
First meeting is FREE then cost is usually $10 per meeting
or $100 for 1 year. SALE: Join or Renew by August 9th for
1 year for $85 (Save $35!)
In the Synergy Success Circle, you're guaranteed to receive hugs not handshakes in a collaborative enviornment where you are seen, heard, and fully supported.
Click for "Synergy Success Circle" Information.
Ready to Join or Renew? Contact Christina |
Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle. My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life. In addition to one on one coaching, I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works? Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...