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Monthly Newsletter: Issue: #18  

February 2013
From the Director...

I write this month's message as I sit at my desk, sniffling and sneezing, determined to be productive after having already taken one day off to deal with cold/flu symptoms and refusing to take any more time off because of it.  My feeling is "I'll be suffering if I stay home, so I might as well suffer at work and get something done".  I am reminded as I sit here with tissues in hand to wipe my ever running nose, of a timely article I read last week on business planning for the flu season.  I know right...odd.  The last thing one might business plan for, but here are the highlights:

  1. Don't scrimp on days off.  Most of us come to work sick because we don't want to use our vacation or sick days as we may need them to take care of sick children some other day.  Be sure your companies policy isn't encouraging this behavior.  One sick person today can keep a whole department home the next week.  Be sure your employees have enough sick days to not have to sacrifice themselves (or your company) in the process.
  2. Make remote work possible.  Is there work that an employee can be doing from home if they are tending to a sick child, such as feedback on a document, or taking a call or two while the child is resting?  It may not be a 100% productive day, but it is better than no productivity at all.
  3. Get serious about hand washing.  We have all seen the signs and wonder to ourselves if the employees are seeing them too.  Invest in a few small bottles of hand sanitizers to keep at each employees desk or station and encourage their regular use.
  4. Prevent It (next time).  Encourage all employees and their families to be vaccinated for the flu before the season starts.  Remember the old adage "An ounce of prevention...".

While these may seem trivial and minor, a healthy bout of sickness (pun intended) that runs through your business can have a major impact.  Start planning today before the next round hits...sniffle sniffle.

Knowing Your Business Neighbors
Featuring local businesses from Graham, Greenlee
and Gila Counties

Cottage Bakery 
Owners: Ruth & John Dannenbrink
1104 S. Central Ave, Safford AZ
Website  Like us on Facebook  Find us on Yelp

When John and Ruth Dannenbrink purchased the Olney House in January of 2011 and started the Cottage Bed & Breakfast, they didn't waste a minute getting right to business. "We had guests already booked" said Ruth. While unpacking and settling their family of 8 into the main house, John went to work renovating and updating the two cottages behind the house, where bed & breakfast visitors stay. He also renovated another building next to one of the cottages to become a commercial kitchen where Ruth started preparing items for their "made-to-order" bakery.  Ruth shared, "I had worked in bakeries before and always enjoyed making homemade pastries. It didn't feel like work. It was enjoyable!" Cottage Bakery quickly became well known for their cheesecakes, cinnamon rolls and custom orders. It wasn't long before John's next project became converting one of the cottages into a storefront for the bakery. In October of 2012, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held by the Graham County Chamber and the Cottage Bakery became an official favorite stop for locals and tourists alike.


While one of the cottages still serves overnight guests, the brick sidewalk flanked by a garden and sitting area takes visitors down to the second building housing the county's latest best-kept secret. Inside customers find a rack of homemade breads, biscotti, granola and cookies and a large refrigerated glass case holding pecan rolls, cheesecakes, tarts, croissants, scones, cinnamon rolls and many other scrumptious treats. Though residence can find some of these items at our local grocery stores, Ruth explains the difference in her products. "I get up at 3 a.m. and start making everything from scratch. There is no frozen dough, no pre-made croissants, pastries or canned fillings. If you come at 7 a.m. it has just come out of the oven. Visitors can enjoy any treat knowing they are eating real food free of preservatives and artificial ingredients."


Cottage Bakery is truly a family-run business. If you are not greeted by Ruth herself, one of her smiling daughters will be at your service. They are located at 1104 S. Central in Safford (off 11th Street behind the Olney House). Doors are open from 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturday. The bakery is closed on Sunday and Monday. Special orders are always welcome with a 2-3 day advance noticed.

or call them at (928) 428-5118 for more information.
What to Do With Your New Years Resolutions
by Steve Errey, Lifehack.org
January 21, 2013  


By now, it's entirely likely that your New Years Resolutions are as cold and lifeless as a puppy on Pluto.


You're not alone. Some 88% of resolutions are destined not to make it anywhere near success, even if you start out with the best of intentions on January 1st. It's simple to make resolutions year after year; tempting even. You want things to change, you want something better, and the start of a brand new year seems like the perfect time to start and stop all of that "stuff".


But New Years Resolutions are systemically flawed, and it's hardly surprising they end up broken and discarded like an old sofa when you consider that they're normally one of these 3 things:

  • Something you think you should probably stop doing, because it might be "bad"
  • Something you think you should probably start doing, because it's generally perceived as "good"
  • Something that's fuelled by guilt or shame, whether it's something you've done or not done

I don't know about you, but none of those 3 things seems like a good reason to do anything to me.


Go about a decision with any one of these drivers and you've failed before you've even started.

Making your decisions based on what popular opinion says you should do or because that's what your peers are doing seems crazy, right? But you still do it....


3 Tech Trends That Will Shape Your
Business in 2013
by Anita Campbell, American Express Open Forum
January 7, 2013

Is your business using technology to its fullest? j2 Global just released its predictions for the top tech trends that will affect small and midsized businesses in 2013.

Here are three predictions, plus my take on the challenges involved in implementing each.


1. Mobilization will make small businesses more productive. In 2011, according to Canalys, the number of smartphones sold surpassed the number of PCs sold for the first time ever. While small businesses are already using smartphones and tablets for email and Web browsing, in 2013 j2 Global predicts businesses will begin truly leveraging smartphones and tablets to enhance productivity by:

  • Using mobile business systems such as CRM to input and access sales information on the go, wherever they are.

  • Using mobile collaboration tools, such as conference calling and Web conferencing, that were previously limited to the office to respond more quickly and strategically to immediate business needs.  

  • Using a wider variety of mobile work-related apps, including mobile faxing and communication apps for making VoIP calls.

Challenge: It's easy to see the benefits of mobilization for almost any kind of small business, from a construction crew staying in touch with the office to restaurant servers taking orders on tablets. However, if (like many small businesses) you let employees bring their own devices to save money, you could be exposing your company to risks that will cost much more than you save. Make sure you set policies and procedures to protect your networks, your data and your customers' data on mobile devices....

Click here to read complete article 
The EAC Small Business Development Center, funded by Eastern Arizona College and the Small Business Administration, is designed to promote the success of small business in the Graham, Greenlee and Gila Counties, including the San Carlos Apache Nation.

This program puts a team of experienced business professionals at your disposal -at no cost to you. We offer one-on-one confidential counseling and training in various business-related areas such as record keeping, marketing, taxes, computer usage, business planning and more. Take advantage of us. We're here to help you!


Kevin Peck, Director
EAC Small Business Development Center

Make your voice heard!

To ensure the SBDC is   providing the most beneficial business services possible, we would appreciate your participation in the following survey.  The results of this survey will be used to improve our customer service, level of counseling, types of training/seminars offered, and much more. 


EAC Small Business Development Center "2012 Customer Satisfaction Survey"

Thank you for your help! 
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Get Your Business Online with Google

Reserve a domain name and create a website...
all for free!


Saturday, February 23, 2013

8:00am - 1:00pm 

Cost: $20 

EAC High Tech Center, Room #113

Click here for more information 


Click here for a complete list of our upcoming events 

20 Quotes for a Prosperous Year as a Small Business Owner


From innovation and passion to perseverance after failing, the list compiles quotes from successful business leaders, intellectuals, Internet visionaries, and even rappers so you have hope in the hard times and can latch on to words of wisdom for optimal success in your business.


"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein 


"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison


"The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary." - Vidal Sassoon  


 Click here to view more quotes 

AZSBDC Biz Blog 

 The ASBDC Biz Blog launched in January 2012 with 12 contributing companies -- all with extensive backgrounds in small business. The blog is updated weekly with new articles covering topics on IT & Marketing for Small Business, Youth Entrepreneurship, Veterans in Small Business, Procurement, Financial issues and more!


Click here to take a look!
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EAC Small Business Development Center 

615 N. Stadium Ave., (Student Services Building)

Thatcher, AZ  85552


Phone: (928) 428-8590

Fax: (928) 428-2578

Email: [email protected]

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