- BWA Press Releases
- BWA Release: Fire destroys Baptist school in refugee camp (5/3/2012)
- BWA Release: BWA president meets Russian Orthodox patriarch (4/10/2012)
- BWA Release: Callam calls for balanced representation in international dialogues (3/23/2012)
- BWA Release: Callam expresses sorrow at Orthodox leaders passing (3/22/2012)
- BWA Release: BWA embraces the digital age (3/12/2012)
- BWA Release: El Salvadorian to receive BWA Human Rights Award (3/7/2012)
- BWA Release: New BWAid director named (3/7/2012)
- BWA Release: Religious intolerance at a high level, says ambassador (3/4/2012)
- BWA Release: BWA denounces death sentence on Iranian pastor (3/2/2012)
- BWA Release: Ambassador to speak at BWA banquet, leaders gather for meeting (2/21/2012)
- BWA Release: Baptist school and orphanage open in Haiti (1/13/2012)
- BWA Release: Samson Chowdhury, former BWA vice president, has died (1/6/2012)
- BWA Release: Baptist World Alliance Pentecostal Dialogue (12/21/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA and SBC leaders meet (12/21/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists and Pentecostals plan dialogue (12/20/2011)
- BWA Release: Africa elects new leadership (11/21/2011)
- BWA Release: Hope amidst crisis (11/17/2011)
- BWA Release: A call to justice and deeds of mercy (11/15/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists gather in Lagos, Nigeria (11/15/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists and Orthodox hold exploratory talks (11/9/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists join others in a commitment to peace (11/8/2011)
- BWA Announcement: November 4, 2011 (11/4/2011)
- BWA Release: Global Christian Forum meets in Indonesia (10/24/2011)
- BWA Announcement: October 21, 2011 (10/21/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA hosts global Christian leaders (10/20/2011)
- BWA Announcement: October 14, 2011 (10/14/2011)
- BWA Release: Chile prepares to host 2012 BWA Annual Gathering (10/13/2011)
- BWA Announcement: October 7, 2011 (10/7/2011)
- BWA Release: Chinese visit BWA offices (10/6/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists urged to take action on Iran pastors behalf (10/3/2011)
- BWA Release: Haitian Baptist leader released unharmed (9/30/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptist leader in Haiti kidnapped (9/29/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists make human rights visit to Uzbekistan (9/23/2011)
- BWA Release: A call to peacemaking (9/22/2011)
- BWA Release: Callam receives Caribbean awards (9/19/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists in Texas suffer from wildfires, offer assistance (9/16/2011)
- BWA Release: Syrian Baptists affected by uprising (9/14/2011)
- BWA Release: Syrian refugees pour into Lebanon, Baptists assist (9/12/2011)
- BWA Release: Hurricane Irene causes widespread damage in the Caribbean and US (9/9/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA Global Impact Churches and Partners (8/15/2011)
- BWA Release: Making wrongs right reaching out to indigenous groups (8/8/2011)
- BWA Release: Against nuclear weapons (8/3/2011)
- ABM: Bautista noticias en español (7/29/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists ready to help Somali refugees (7/27/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists in solidarity with Norway after tragedy (7/26/2011)
- BWA Release: A sacred journey (7/15/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA endorses 10-point peace plant (7/14/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA condemns violence in the Middle East (7/12/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA accepts four new members from Africa (7/11/2011)
- BWA Release:The threat posed by population growth Marking World Population Day (7/11/2011)
- BWA Release: Wati Aier of India receives BWA human rights award (7/8/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA sets out ethical investment guidelines (7/8/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptist-Muslim Commission seeks to engage contemporary Islam (7/8/2011)
- BWA Release: Callam calls for a celebration of multiculturalism (7/8/2011)
- BWA Release: The crisis in Japan and the pain of God (7/7/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA to explore talks with Orthodox and Pentecostals (7/7/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptist regions discuss major plans (7/6/2011)
- BWA Release: Malaysian Baptists welcome the BWA (7/5/2011)
- BWA Release: Lively communication seminar in Kuala Lumpur (7/4/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists travel to Malaysia for annual meeting (6/30/2011)
- BWA Release: Torture -- incompatible with the teachings of Jesus (6/21/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptist World Congress report book published (6/14/2011)
- BWA Release: Giving space to youth (6/7/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists in US respond to disasters (5/26/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptist church collapses after quake, killing 25 (5/25/2011)
- BWA Release: Widespread violence against children (5/23/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptist families left homeless by earthquake in Spain (5/20/2011)
- BWA Release: The scourge of homelessness (5/17/2011)
- BWA Release: Communication training seminar planned for Malaysia (5/13/2011)
- Reminder from the Baptist World Alliance (5/11/2011)
- BWA Release: Praying for peace (5/10/2011)
- BWA Release: The Family (5/3/2011)
- BWA Release: In support of press freedom (4/25/2011)
- BWA Release: In Step with the Spirit on Baptist World Alliance Day (4/18/2011)
- BWA General Secretary Easter Message 2011 (4/14/2011)
- BWA Release: North American Baptists condemn burning of Quran (4/13/2011)
- An Invitation from the Baptist World Alliance (4/6/2011)
- BWA Release: Concern for immigrants (4/6/2011)
- BWA Release: Committing to being centers of health as we observe World Health Da (3/29/2011)
- BWA Release: Former BWA Vice President John Peterson has died (3/25/2011)
- BWA Release: March 25 - As we remember victims of slavery & the slave trade... (3/23/2011)
- BWA Release: Japan struggles after earthquake and tsunami Baptists extend supp (3/17/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists against racism (3/16/2011)
- BWA Release: Gustavo Parajón has died (3/15/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptist World Alliance Day to be observed on April 30 and May 1 (3/14/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptist rescuers head to Japan after quake and tsunami (3/11/2011)
- BWA Release: What does Lent mean and can it really be for Baptists? (3/11/2011)
- BWA Release: Seminary principal in India to receive BWA Human Rights Award (3/9/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA condemns killing of Minister for Minorities in Pakistan (3/7/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists observe International Womens Day (3/2/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA opposes Defamation of Religions resolution (2/28/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists offer support to New Zealand (2/25/2011)
- BWA Release: February 20 - World Day of Social Justice (2/17/2011)
- Noticias de la Alianza Bautista Mundial - de Enero 2011 (2/7/2011)
- BWA Release: On Black History Month - The Matter of Race (2/7/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA calls for concessions in Egypt (2/4/2011)
- BWA Release: BWA elected to board of United Nations body (2/3/2011)
- BWA Release:Confronting the scourge of cancer (2/2/2011)
- BWA Release:International Holocaust Remembrance Day Rejecting Anti-Semitism (1/25/2011)
- BWA Release: Attack on Baptist pastor leads to riots (1/19/2011)
- BWA Release: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (1/18/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists respond to Australian and Brazilian floods (1/14/2011)
- BWA Release: Martin Luther King Day 2011 (1/13/2011)
- BWA Release: Haitian relief continues (1/12/2011)
- BWA Release: Callam offers support to Egyptian Coptic Christians (1/10/2011)
- BWA Release: Callam admonishes Nigerian president to protect Christians (1/7/2011)
- BWA Release: Baptists uged to pray for Sudan referendum (1/5/2011)
- ABM Comunicado de prensa:Mensaje de Año Nuevo de la ABM (12/27/2010)
- BWA Release: A New Year Message from the BWA (12/27/2010)
- ABM Comunicado de prensa:Un Mensaje de Navidad de la ABM (12/15/2010)
- BWA Release: A Christmas Message from the BWA (12/15/2010)
- BWA Release: Korean Christians condemn missile attack (12/10/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptists urged to observe Human Rights Day (12/9/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptists and Catholics hold final round of talks (12/6/2010)
- BWA Release: A call for prayer for countries holding elections (12/1/2010)
- Noticias de la Alianza Bautista Mundial - de Noviembre (11/30/2010)
- Conexão ABM (11/24/2010)
- BWA Release: Nominations open for the 2011 Denton and Janice Lotz H.R. Award (11/17/2010)
- BWA Release: Statement on the release of Aung San Suu Kyi (11/16/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptists respond to Asian disasters (11/5/2010)
- BWA Release: Christians in Baghdad living in fear (11/2/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptists respond to Haiti cholera outbreak (10/28/2010)
- BWA General Secretary visits three countries in Europe (10/27/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptists involved in Chile rescue mission (10/13/2010)
- BWA Release: Churches damaged in New Zealand quake (9/15/2010)
- Copy of Copy of Wednesday Prayer Pastors September 15 2010 (9/15/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptist world president condemns planned Quran burning (9/10/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptists send aid to Pakistan (8/20/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptist World Congress closes on high note (8/2/2010)
- BWA Release:Message of the 20th Baptist World Congress (8/1/2010)
- BWA Release: Faithful preachers proclaim Gods message without fear (7/31/2010)
- BWA Release: John Upton is new BWA President (7/31/2010)
- BWA Release: Lotz receives BWA Human Rights Award (7/30/2010)
- BWA Release:Preach good news, proclaim freedom, seminary president urges Baptist (7/30/2010)
- BWA Release: U.S. denies visas to about 1,000 hoping to attend World Congress (7/30/2010)
- BWA Release: New BWA leaders elected (7/30/2010)
- BWA Release: Listen to the Spirit, receive the Spirits anointing, Coffey urges (7/29/2010)
- BWA Release: BWA accepts three new member bodies (7/29/2010)
- BWA Release: BWA President David Coffey demits office (7/28/2010)
- BWA Release: South Africa to host 2015 Baptist World Congress (7/28/2010)
- BWA Release: Baptists gather for world congress (7/26/2010)
- BWA Release: Books from the BWA (7/21/2010)
- BWA Release: Songs for Hawaii (7/19/2010)
- BWA Release: Bring your 400 Ingathering gift to the Congress (7/16/2010)
- BWA Release: BWA appoints new UN representatives (5/25/2010)
- BWA Release:BWA expresses solidarity with Poland (4/28/2010)
- BWA Release:BWA deepens ties with the UN (4/16/2010)
- BWA News November 2008 (11/3/2008)