
Eat Well Enjoy LifeJune 7, 2011
In This Issue
Eating Kale is like putting a rain forest in your body
Tuscan Kale Salad
EFT for Cravings
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Ingrid DeHart

*Certified Nutrition and 

  Wellness Coach, AADP

*Certified Detox  



*EFT Practitioner

  my picture

I am passionate about teaching men and women how to lose weight permanently by stimulating the natural healing of their digestion.  I show my clients many natural effective techniques to calm thier mind so they can stop struggling with food and it becomes easy to keep the weight off.



Do you want to learn how you can eat delicious satisfying food and still keep your body and cells cleansed so you experience Vibrant Health? Do you need some guidance in the kitchen? 


 If you are interested in finding out about my health coaching and cooking programs email me at [email protected]






What I am up to....smoothie
The Not Just Raw Detox 14 day Program was a great success.  Many people discovered a whole foods based diet with lots of vegetables, fruits, healthy fats and lean clean protein made them feel great.  They cleansed thier cells by eatinig more raw food and juices. Many felt so much better they are planning to incorporate some aspects of the program into thier daily life.  I will be running the program again in Sepember.
From Patti
 "Since I started on Ingrid's program, I am losing weight and it is giving me such a positive focus, my body is thanking me daily"
Check out my 30 day series of videos called Great Food Starts with Great Ingredients on You Tube.  In these videos I will show you
  • How to prepare some easy delicious recipes
  • Taking you to some of my favorite markets
  • Giving you some great health tips about the food you eat.

I am loving my garden.  I planted seeds a few weeks ago and already we have been eating salad greens, swiss chard, arugula, bok choy and kale.  What a gift from the earth.  I find it a miracle to put a seed in the ground and in a few weeks be eating fresh food. Today I am harvesting Kale so in this issue I will share with you the benefits of Kale and a great raw kale recipe. I hope you enjoy it. 


Eating Kale is like putting a rain forest into your body 




KALE is a super food.  As member of the Brassica family of vegetables along with cabbage and Brussels sprouts,  kale has large amounts of anti-cancer phytochemicals and B vitamins.. Kale is strongly anti-inflammatory, high in fiber, low cholesterol.


KALE and most dark green leafy vegetables have folate.  Folate or commonly called folic acid research has found that many people who are depressed have low folic acid levels. Some scientists believe that these vitamins are used by the body to create serotonin, one of the key neurotransmitters that help normalize mood.


 Kale has more nutrients for fewer calories than almost any other food.  It has the highest amount of antioxidants of any vegetable.   It contains organosulfur compounds that protect us from cancer cataracts, emphysema and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have shown that the phytonutrients in Kale and other Brassica vegetables may help the liver cleanse some cancerous substances

Kale is loaded with beta carotene an important nutrient for good vision.  Vitamin A and carotene also have been shown to ward off cataracts.

Kale is rich in iron, manganese, calcium, potassium, vitamin B6, Viatmin K and copper. Kale is an excellent source of Vitamin C which helps prevent colds and reduces the risk of colon cancer


There has been some information related to Kale and the thyroid.  Kale is a "goitrogenic" food along with Brussels sprouts, broccoli, rutabaga, turnips, kohlrabi, radishes, cauliflower, millet and cabbage  Over consumption of uncooked kale can inhibit the function of the thyroid.


Eating Kale is like putting a rain forest into your body.  When you eat kale raw you get all the enzymes which get lost in cooking. An easy way to get these enzymes into your body is by adding a few leaves to your smoothie or green juice. Kale can sometimes be bitter; the secret is to choose smaller leaves which have a milder flavor.   Below is a recipe for a raw Kale salad.  The secret to making it delicious is cutting it very fine.


Tuscan Kale Salad





Serves 4


4 cups finely shredded kale, stems removed

� cup lemon Juice

� tsp Celtic sea salt

� tsp red pepper flakes

� c extra virgin olive oil

1 avocado cut into large cubes


Take a few leaves of Kale, stack and roll into a small log. With a very sharp knife slice the Kale into very thin slices.



 cutting kale 1cuttin kale

Mix lemon juice, olive oil, salt and red pepper flakes.  Toss with the Kale.  Add avocado and mix gently.  Serve.


EFT CORNER:   EFT for Cravings 


Do you find yourself craving ice cream or chips and wish you didn't feel that way? Have you promised yourself you were not going to eat those cookies any more but you really want them?gives you a simple easy to use script you can use any time you have a craving.  By going through the process you will feel relief and get back some of the control you lose when the cravings hit. You don't have to know anything to make this work, you don't even have to believe it, you just have to do it.



 Click to get the entire script:

EFT For Cravings


Those of you who are new to EFT may view the chart below and go to my website www.EatWellEnjoyLife.com to find out more about EFT.