Welcome to American Financial & Tax Strategies, Inc.
Please browse through selected previous editions of The Intelligent Decision - full of smart choices you can make to build or secure your financial future. From time to time I will also update you on financial markets, American life or other topics of our times. Enjoy! Please let me know what you think. If there is anything at all you would like me to address, do not hesitate to ask. Remember, The Intelligent Decision is not just the name of the newsletter; it is also the concept that I believe determines the difference between financial failure or success.
You might have seen my national television commercial a while back in which I compared sailboat racing to finance. The comparison is not as odd as it seems. In a sailboat race, everyone has the same wind and the same water, yet someone wins and somebody loses, based on the choices they make.
Clearly, these are challenging financial times but we are truly all in the same "boat". Success will be determined by the choices you make. My mission here is to help you make Intelligent Decisions about your money so that you may best fulfill all of your goals, dreams and desires.
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Robert J Braglia