Newsletter Archive
Thank you for your interest in our e-mail newsletter - please take a look! 
  • January 2016 Newsletter
  • Protocol - Treatments for PTSD
    Acutonics and the Brain
  • June 2014 Newsletter
  • Summer Solstice and Entering the Fire Element
    Starting with One Client
    Protocol - Seize the Opportunities That Await
  • March 2014 Newsletter
  • Spring Equinox, climate change & the Wood Element
    Protocol - Find Your Free & Easy Wanderer
    Poem - This World
  • February 2014 Newsletter
  • Year of the Horse
    Protocol for Energetic Protection
  • January 2014 Newsletter
  • The Power of Renaming
    "Being Good"
    Protocol for Change - Advanced
    Protocol for Change - Earth Moon
  • Summer Solstice 2013 Newsletter
  • Change
    Protocol for Change - Advanced
    Protocol for Change - Earth Moon
    Awakening Your Intuitive Ability - Mt. Shasta
  • Spring 2013 Newsletter
  • Year of the Snake
    The Wood Element
    Protocol - Basic: Support for Moving Through Old Patterns
    Protocol - Advanced: Moving Through a Specific Life Pattern
    Self-Care Treatment for Colds & Flu
    Article: Acutonics Makes it's Way to SF County Jail
  • Summer Newsletter 2012
  • Fire Season
    Protocol for Playtime
    Mt. Shasta
  • Spring Newsletter 2012
  • The Wood Element
    Protocol from Katie for a cleansing detox
  • Winter Newsletter 2012
  • Happy Chinese New Year - Year of the Dragon
    Protocol from Laurie for allowing change
  • December Newsletter 2011
  • The Yin time of year, the time of "Dreaming in the Dark"
    Protocol from Laurie for awakening Vesta, Goddess of the Hearth and Keeper of the Fire in a busy life
  • September Newsletter 2011
  • Our first newsletter!
    Protocol for a change of season tune-up