ASD Clients Have Received Over $15,000 in Rewards Credits!
Start sharing in the savings and
reduce your answering service cost by 50% or more!
Save Time & Money By Replying to Text Messages and Emails!
How many times in your career have you had
to leave a meeting or a service to answer an urgent phone call? This scenario occurs in funeral homes nearly every day and ASD was the first to create a solution. We custom-designed our text and email messaging systems so that you can reply to your messages before being called by ASD. This feature frees funeral directors
from unnecessary telephone disruptions while reducing their billable phone calls.
How it works:
- ASD will send you a text and/or email and wait a predetermined number of minutes before dialing any number on your account to dispatch the message.
- Respond to messages via ASD's website, voicemail system, mobile
application or by replying to the text/email. - Simply text or email your unique 3-letter code at the beginning of the message and "SAVE" or "DELETE" (each message will have a different 3-letter code)
- Once you reply, the message will be marked automatically in your voicemail, saving you a billable phone call.
"The Text Reply feature is a great help for us. If the on-call person isn't able to handle the call, he can forward the text with all the details to another director who can. It's very helpful to be able to reply to messages with a text response because we don't get interrupted while assisting families and aren't charged for a call from ASD notifying us of the message. It gives us a chance to take care of things without being disturbed."
-Joseph Kenny, Kenny Funeral Home in Monticello, NY
For more information, click here.
 Affordable Funeral Supply distributes high-quality, reasonably priced funeral products worldwide. With over 60 years of experience, Affordable is dedicated to helping funeral homes achieve the best margins possible. From the manufacturing of burial vaults and cremation containers to the sales of caskets, Affordable Funeral Supply can distribute any funeral-related product on the market. With a record of dependability, Affordable is committed to manufacturing and selling funeral supplies at the lowest possible price.
Affordable Funeral Supply has partnered with ASD to help their mutual clients reduce the cost of supplies funeral homes use everyday. ASD clients receive a 10 percent discount on Affordable Funeral Supply's high-quality, aggressively priced "Featured Products" and a 5 percent discount on all other products. This partnership will allow directors to cut down on weekly expenses without ever sacrificing the quality of products they offer to their customers.
"Affordable Funeral Supply takes great pride in customer service and product quality. All of our orders have been shipped at a great price and
arrive in the time period given. We will definitely be using Affordable again and recommending them to all of our friends."
-Chris Walker
Walker's Mortuary in Saint John Island, SC

ASD is enamored with the charitable efforts many of our clients have made for Valentine's Day. Here are some funeral homes that have gone above and beyond to spread some love this year:

DeJohn Funeral Homes collected over 700 cards for troops serving overseas as part of their "Operation Valentine" program.
Watson Funeral Home's "Hearts of Love" program resulted in over 1,000 Valentines for residents of local nursing homes on Valentine's Day.
Fisher Funeral Home participated in the "Valentines for Vets" program for the 11th consecutive year, collecting valentines for homebound/nursing home bound Veterans as well as local soldiers serving overseas.

ASD is excited to welcome 10 new Call Specialists to our team of highly-trained professionals. Every month, hundreds of applicants apply for positions at ASD, but only a select few make it through our rigorous, 6-month training program. Our employees are carefully selected and must exhibit compassionate communication skills to handle some of life's most difficult situations. Here are some of the required traits that new employees must exhibit within six months to continue working at ASD:
- Excellent listening skills with the ability to assist even the most irrational caller with absolute professionalism
- Empathetic, patient phone demeanor
- Strong attention to detail with essential English and grammar skills
- Excellent composure with the ability to calmly defuse emotionally unstable callers
- Commitment to exemplary attendance and proven reliability
- Extensive familiarity of funeral customs, terms and procedures
- Dependable team player attitude with an understanding that calls cannot be put off and must be handled immediately including weekends, holidays and days with extreme weather conditions
- Perceptive and conscientious with intuition to recognize a First Call early into a conversation
"ASD's training program is intense! I have never worked for a company with such a great training program. The trainers, supervisors and managers all work very closely to ensure you understand every aspect of the system, the clients' needs, the callers' needs and the sensitive nature of the funeral business."
-Eboni, a recent graduate of ASD's Training Program.
For more information, click here
At ASD, we are committed to helping you manage your business needs in the most cost effective way possible. Through our partnerships and custom-built features, you could dramatically reduce and even eliminate your monthly ASD bill. If you're not taking advantage of these profitable opportunities, you could be missing out on thousands of dollars of savings. Here are some ways we have helped our clients lower their costs without sacrificing the level of service offered.

ASD Staff Is Professional and Compassionate in All Situations!Each week, ASD awards four employees with an "Outstanding Service Award". "Outstanding Service Awards" are given to ASD Staff who exhibit the sensitivity and attention to detail that set ASD apart from other answering services. Recent examples of "Outstanding Service Awards": - Training Specialist, Barbara, accurately retrieved time-sensitive First Call information from a nurse over a loud, screeching alarm going off at the Nursing Home.
- Assistant Supervisor, Kristine, determined an employee of the funeral home who was being very vague on the phone was actually calling because his mother was near passing.
- Call Specialist, Tiffany, identified a caller who was upset he hadn't heard back from a funeral director earlier in the day was calling to report his father's passing.
- Training Specialist, Tina, compassionately assisted a caller who suddenly lost her husband and was on disability with little means to pay for a funeral.
Click here to see more "Outstanding Service Award" winners. 
We Want To Give You $150.00!

Refer another funeral professional to ASD. When their first invoice is paid, we will give you $150 towards your ASD bill.
Please submit referrals to Jason Bathurst at 1-800-868-9950 or sales@myASD.com. If sending an email, please include your name and account number, the person you are referring, their company name and their contact number.
Contact ASD
Providing our clients with extraordinary service is ASD's top priority. We want to hear your questions, comments and suggestions. We are here to support you 24/7.


ASD Rewards Partners: For more information, click on any of the Partner logos below.

ASD in the News
For Better or Worse: Being a Funeral Director's Spouse is...Different
 ASD Clients in the News We Want to Hear Your Stories!
ASD would love to profile your funeral home for our blog or industry publications. If you have an exciting story to tell, event you are planning or information you'd like to share, we'd love to hear from you! Contact ASD's Staff Writer, Jessica Fowler, at jess.fowler@myasd.com
ASD on the Road
ASD had a great time exhibiting at the South Carolina Funeral Director Association's 25th Annual Mid-Winter Conference & Expo. Our National Sales Manager and Licensed Funeral Director, Jason Bathurst, attended alongside New Client Specialist, Sue Fritz, and talked to funeral directors about our latest features and promotions.
Georgia Funeral Service Expo
March 5-6 in Atlanta
ICCFA Annual Convention & Expo
March 19-22 in Las Vegas
Past Issues of Funeral Communications Today
ASD's Pledge to Clients
Our top-quality service maintains the highest degree of professionalism with extensive training, careful monitoring and cutting-edge technology that tracks and records every incoming call. We understand that our voice may be the first impression a family member has of your funeral home and continually review your calls so that every time your phone rings, an experienced and compassionate operator will be there to answer.
The Czachor Family
ASD Founders & Family Member Owners