Looking for a past issue of the Healthcare Art Report? You're in the right place! Distinctive Art Source offers this periodic newsletter to keep you informed and in touch with innovative and healthcare appropriate art concepts and artists.
  • Healthcare Art Report Winter 2015
  • Learn how to create an integrated visual experience with the free whitepaper in this issue of Healthcare Art Report.
  • Winter 2015 Healthcare Art Report
  • Healthcare Art Report Summer 2014
  • Take a look at how Riverside Doctors' Hospital Williamsburg honored their community heroes through an art program and download a free whitepaper on artwork for military healthcare facilities.
  • Summer 2014 Healthcare Art Report
  • Healthcare Art Report Spring 2014
  • Spring 2014 Healthcare Art Report
  • Is the hospitality industry learning from healthcare? Explore this concept and download a free whitepaper on Ways to Partner With Your Community Through a Healthcare Art Program.
  • Healthcare Art Report Winter 2014
  • Winter 2014 Healthcare Art Report
  • Take a look at a video featuring the many talented artists we had the honor of working with this year in hospitals across the country, and download a free whitepaper on How to Make Your Vision Fit Your Funding.
  • Healthcare Art Report Spring 2013
  • Spring 2013 Healthcare Art Report
  • Take a peek at dichroic glass sculpture at Inova Fairfax Hospital and discover the difference between viewing nature and experiencing it.
  • Healthcare Art Report Fall 2012
  • Fall 2012 Healthcare Art Report
  • See how one hospital created community partnerships through an art program; celebrate the art of the nurse; and enjoy a peek behind the scenes of the creation of a NICU portrait gallery.
  • Healthcare Art Report Summer 2012
  • Summer 2012 Healthcare Art Report
  • Discover the mission of DAS, learn three strategies for designing art programs for multi-site facilities, and download your free virtual vacation -- a digital healthcare appropriate art presentation for your desktop.
  • Healthcare Art Report Winter 2012
  • Healthcare Art Report Winter 2012
  • Take a look at how Southeast Health Cancer Center tells a powerful story of life and hope and download a free whitepaper on "The Story Behind Hospital Art."
  • Healthcare Art Report Summer 2011
  • Summer 2011 Healthcare Art Report
  • Discover how Master Planning works for art programs and take a peek inside Children's Hospital Central California.
  • Healthcare Art Report January 2011
  • Learn how to measure the success of your art program and download a free report "Three Tips for Artists on How to Succeed in Healthcare."
  • Jan 2011 healthcare art report
  • Healthcare Art Report August 2010
  • Explore the endless possibilities of personalizing your art program without breaking the budget through digital art. Be sure to download the free white paper "Three Critical Success Factors in Planning Healthcare Art Programs."
  • August 2010 healthcare art report
  • Healthcare Art Report March 2010
  • Healthcare Art Report March 2010
  • Discover high-quality "green" framing options and download a free white paper "Community Engagement: Why Some Hospital Art Programs Continue to Grow."
  • Healthcare Art Report October 2009
  • Healthcare Art Report October 2009
  • Take a look at the nature-inspired artwork at TriPoint Medical Center, download a free whitepaper on "How to Avoid Change Orders When Designing Feature Art Elements," and check out funding opportunities offered by the Society for Arts in Healthcare.
Distinctive Art Source
7900 Sudley Road
Manassas, Virginia 20109
703- 956-1946