UM B-School Buzz
Issue: #8
December 2008
UM B-SCHOOL BUZZ is your source for news and information about the University of Miami School of Business. The e-newsletter is delivered to your inbox every month to keep you up to date on all that is happening at the business school that's on the move. Send comments and suggestions to

Health Advisory BoardLeading Health Care Executives Come Together on School's New Health Programs Advisory Board
Two dozen high-level health care executives have been named to the School's new Health Programs Advisory Board. This panel of health care industry leaders will advise the School on developing the the School's planned Center for Health Care Management and Policy, strengthening ties with alumni and other professionals in the field, assuring a cutting-edge curriculum and serving as advocates for the School. More
Global Business Forum Stage Set for UM Global Business Forum, Held in Wake of Historic Economic Crisis and Days Before Presidential Inauguration
The UM Global Business Forum, organized by the School of Business, is shaping up to be the South Florida business event of 2009. Presented by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Forum, Jan. 15 and 16, comes in the wake of the historic economic crisis and just days before the presidential inauguration. CEOs and other top executives from such leading firms as The Coca-Cola Company, McDonald's and FedEx headline the conference, which also features more than a dozen panel sessions focusing on issues ranging from the global financial crisis and alternative energy to health care, the environment, sustainable urbanism, women in leadership, and the developing economies of Latin America and Asia. Read More

Register for the Forum
Holiday ShoppingSchool of Business Study Finds Misuse of Common Marketing Tactic Likely to Result in Lost Holiday Sale
New research conducted by Juliano Laran, assistant professor of marketing, finds that a common marketing tactic used by retailers every day, "priming," could backfire in certain situations - a well-timed finding as retailers face one of the most challenging holiday shopping seasons in years. Priming is the act of sending subtle messages to shoppers - such as baking cookies - to influence purchase behavior. Read More
Global Business Forum
BusinessMiami Fall '08
Student News
Alumni News
School Events
Alumni Events

B-School Buzz
Office of Communications
School of Business Administration
University of Miami


Megan Tice

Director of Communications
Jeff Heebner
School's "Scholar of Services Marketing" Featured in Knowledge Hub
Dr. ParasuramanAn interview with A. Parasuraman, vice dean of faculty and the James W. McLamore Chair in Marketing, is prominently featured in the current edition of Knowledge Hub, the peer-reviewed journal of India's Rajiv Academy for Technology & Management. The article, which notes Parasuraman's recognition as a "pioneer scholar of services marketing," provides his insight about this emerging research area. To read the complete article, visit the Knowledge Hub Web site and click on the "Interview" link.

A. Parasuraman to Address Summit on Value-Creation and Customer-Management
Parasuraman will address ways to leverage intangible assets such as customer service, human capital, information capital, service quality, brand, operations and processes, organization capital and create sustained value at a summit January 6, 2009 in New Delhi. More
BusinessMiami Fall 2008 Latest Issue of BusinessMiami Magazine is Out
Watch your mailbox for the latest issue of BusinessMiami magazine and read all about the School's innovative programs in healthcare, renowned new faculty, entrepreneurship competition, and much more. Read it in print, or online.
UM MBA Undergraduate Alumni: Advance Your Career with the UM MBA
The School is now accepting applications for its Executive MBA program in Palm Beach county that begins in April 2009. Learn more about this program at an information session on Jan. 7 in West Palm Beach and on Feb. 4 in Boca Raton.

Happy Holiday from the School of Business
Graduation keynote speakerHundreds of the School's Undergraduate, Masters and PhD Students to Participate in Fall Commencement
The School of Business graduated nearly 300 undergraduate, masters and PhD degree candidates during UM's fall commencement exercises Thursday, Dec. 18. The degree candidates included more than 163 undergraduates and nearly 150 MBAs among nearly 800 degree candidates university wide. More
Dean Kahn and graduate at Fall 2008 Graduate Awards CeremonySchool's Outstanding Faculty and Graduate Students Recognized
At the Fall 2008 Graduate Programs Award Ceremony held Dec. 16  just a few days before commencement, students graduating from the School's Full-Time MBA, Executive MBA and MBA for Working Professionals programs presented awards to their favorite professors. More
O'Leary's second emmy MBA Student Wins Second Emmy Award
Second-year MBA student Michael O'Leary has done it again. He's won his second Emmy Award - this time for his work with the UM athletic department. Read More and View Video
Alumnus Finds Opportunity in Wall Street's Rough RideTed Meyerson
With much of the financial services industry hunkered down in survival mode, Ted Myerson (BBA '97) is taking his company, FTEN, Inc., in a decidedly different direction. With financial backing from four of Wall Street's largest bulge-bracket banks, Myerson is leading the trade-execution and risk-management software firm he founded in 2001 on a global expansion push. More

University of Miami Global Business Forum
Jan. 15 - 16, 2009
The School of Business will host the University of Miami's first Global Business Forum Jan. 15-16, 2009. Because you are receiving this email you can register at the special UM member rate - $250 off the regular rate.
Learn More

Beyond Bootcamp Workshops

January 3-6 and 7-10, 2009 
Workshops for journalists and journalism educators at the School of Communication. For the complete schedule and details on keynote speakers and guest presenters, visit:

For more School of Business events click here.

RSVP Today: 2009 MBA Alumni Reunions & Global Business Forum
Jan. 14 - 16, 2009
The School of Business Administration cordially invites all graduates of its MBA programs to a series of alumni reunion events that will be held in conjunction with the University of Miami Global Business Forum Jan. 14 - 16, 2009.  Register NOW to reserve your seat for the Global Business Forum and to reunite with members of your MBA class and other alumni of the School's MBA programs. Event Details

RSVP Today: MSPM Alumni Reunion
Jan. 14 - 16, 2009
All alumni of the School's Maestria en Ciencias de Gerencia Professional en espanol program should mark their calendars for a special reunion. The MSPM alumni reunion will be held at the same time the school hosts the Global Business Forum Jan. 15 - 16, 2009. For more information, e-mail

For more events click here or contact Office of Alumni Relations.

The Wall Street Journal - December 18, 2009 - The Journal's online "Heard on the Runway" blog detailed new research by Juliano Laran, assistant professor of marketing, which found that a common marketing tactic used by retailers every day, "priming," can backfire in certain situations. The article included an example of priming used during the holidays by a Fifth Avenue, New York retailer and quoted Laran. Read Article

The Wall Street Journal
- December 10, 2008 - The School's Executive MBA programs in Health Sector Management and Policy and International Business are cited as examples of customized executive MBA programs in an article on the growth of such programs. The article quotes Anuj Mehrotra, vice dean for graduate business programs. Read Article

More School of Business in the News
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