Welcome to the archived issues of the Hillsdale News. Founded in July 2007, the on-line newletter serves the Hillsdale communitiy of Southwest Portland, Oregon. You can go to our current issue at by clicking here. (Note: The first three issues have been deleted from the archives but are being reconstructed. Images in issues prior to #30 have also been deleted from Constant Contact servers. They are available on request. You may contact me at editor@hillsdalenews.org) RS
- #144 June 1, 2015 (6/1/2015)
- Food Front workers to vote on unionizing, Tunnel options chances dim, Pastor Brownell writes a book, OnPoint Credit Union to open July 8
- #143 May 1, 2015 (5/1/2015)
- Barbur Rentals property listed, Dave Hawkins added to Food Front Board, Plan B commentary, A heron for Hillsdale, Dairy Hill Ice Cream to open,
- #142 March 30, 2015 (3/30/2015)
- Food Front manager Jaris to retire, SW Transit Planners list pro's and con's of Hillsdale options, Impulse Video and Jade Dragon get new owners.
- #141r March 1, 2015 (3/31/2015)
- Tunnel option questioned, Food Front considers board candidates, Solar Expo date set, Norm's Garden to close.
- #140 January 29, 2015 (1/29/2015)
- Developer backs out of Triangle project, Neighbors urged to get involved in transit planning, Food Front calls in outside help, Wildfires are a growing concern, NET gets new leader
- #139 Dec. 27, 2014 R (12/27/2014)
- Calls for change at Food Front, Developer considering options. Transit planning path altered,
- #138 November 30, 2014 R (12/12/2014)
- Developer may back out of Sunset proposal, NW Examiner newspaper rattles Food Front, Don Baack honored, SW Corridor group meets after hiatus, local voting turnout was heavy
- #137 October 31, 2014 (10/31/2014)
- Golden Touch site slated for development, GiGi Waffle Café opens, "Oak and Olive" restaurant planned for Wardin Building, Triangle housing plan tweaked, Commentary calls for change at Food Front.
- #136 September 24, 2014 (9/24/2014)
- 21-home development planned for Triangle, Wilson given audio equipment, Fanno outfall work nearly complete
- #135 August 30, 2014 (8/30/2014)
- Crazy demolition ice cream names, Micro Transit explored, Bud Lewis remembers
- #134 August 4, 2014 (8/4/2014)
- Book Sale/Pancake Breakfast go smoothly, Baskin-Robbins last scoop, Need for detour questioned, Dachshunds find home in Hillsdale,
- #133 July 6, 2014 (7/6/2014)
- Transit committee delays key tunnel decision, Inequitable property taxes hard to fix, Head Start invites enrollees
- #132 May 23, 2014 (5/23/2014)
- Planners oppose Light Rail Tunnel under Hillsdale, Korkage closes, Main Street ends, NET volunteers honored, Union 76 station fined.
- #131 April 21, 2014 (4/21/2014)
- OnPoint Credit Union to locate here, Raz Transportation goes out of business, Habitat to start building.
- #130 March 30, 2014 (3/30/2014)
- New Wardin building planned for vacant northside lot, Activists favor Hillsdale stop for new High Capacity Transit, Barbur bridge work planned to start in April, Hillsdale gets commercial printing business, Commentary: Tax revolt anyone?
- #129 Feb. 28, 2014 (2/28/2014)
- Hillsdale Main Street may end for lack of City funding, New Hillsdale route option added to SW transit plan, Snow collapses tent at Food Park, new recycling cans installed.
- #128 January 30, 2014 (1/30/2014)
- Tigard vote could reshape transit plan, Jim Mayer recalls, covering first MAX tunnel story, Enlarged dance school opens doors.
- #127 December 27, 2013 (12/27/2013)
- Corridor options emerge; 2014 wish lists' Buzz Bowman, pharmacist and ski patrol veteran
- #126 November 29, 2013 (11/29/2013)
- Stephens Creek Crossing nears completion, Sewer line replaced under Capitol Highway, Main Street gets new director, Hillsdale's on-line gambling, Sunset sidewalk's finishing touch is green, local authors tout works.
- #125 October 30, 2013 (10/30/2013)
- Main Street trims back, lets executive director go; Hillsdale artist is an award-winner, park gets new trail, fire guts Westwood home, our unfair real estate tax
- #124 October 4, 2013 (10/4/2013)
- New sidewalk opens, struggling Food Front celebrates 5 years here, Bakery opens 'Cakery,' dance studio construction slowed by contaminated soil.
- #123 September 1, 2013 (9/1/2013)
- Flagger wins friends in Hillsdale, art studio opens, Parkways returns, Stephens Creek Crossing is taking shape
- #122 August 8, 2013 (8/8/2013)
- Book sale and open house aid Main Street funding, tunnel option linking Hillsdale with OHSU and downtown still alive, intersection improvements delayed, code let's studio expansion avoid neighborhood review
- #121 June 26, 2013 (6/26/2013)
- Portland Ballet to expand building, Main Street gets another year of city funding, Sunset sidewalk work requires detours, Habitat for Humanity to break ground on five units in early 2014
- #120 May 20, 2013 (5/20/2013)
- Mayor's budget drops Hillsdale Main Street, Food Front renews lease, school staffing down slightly for the fall, Three Square closes doors, Korkage to move to Three Square space, Storefront improvement grants announced
- #119 March 23, 2013 (4/23/2013)
- Wilson principal warns of staff cuts, 'Friends' group focuses on Terweilliger, Art Supply opens.
- #118 March 22, 2013 (3/22/2013)
- Hillsdale authors find new ways to get published, sequestration hits Neighborhood House, preparing for earthquakes on mini-neighborhood at a time.
- #117 Feb. 19, 2013 (2/19/2013)
- New Safeway compared to nearby Freddie's. Barbur planning moves forward. Wine about Winter draws a crowd.
- #116 Jan. 17, 2013 (1/17/2013)
- City to fix dangerous intersections, Hillsdale has a new veterinarian, Local transportation 'summit' nets ideas, SW HOPE food drive begins.
- #115 Dec. 18, 2012 (12/18/2012)
- Barbur Bridges to get repairs, coyotes carol neighbors, light rail is an option that could link Hillsdale to OHSU.
- #114 Nov. 23, 2012 (11/23/2012)
- Emergency Team says it's too small to help in an emergency, two from Hillsdale to help decorate the White House, Wilson seeks money for field upgrade.
- #113 Oct. 22, 2012 (10/22/2012)
- Banfield Pet Hospital to open on Barbur Boulevard, Main Street plans for new plaza, Program puts Hillsdale on consumers' map.
- #112 Sept. 13, 2012 (9/13/2012)
- Food Park readied, Old "Whites Only" racial exclusion clause restricted Hillsdale, Hillsdale Liquor expands, Vista worker comes on board, Rieke students win Wildlife Federation award
- #111R August 9, 2012 (8/9/2012)
- Getaround lets you rent your car, L'Etoile to move into Fulton Park Center, Food Park inks 'Good Neighbor' agreement, Connection gets new lead reporter a Wilson grad.
- #110 July 19, 2012 (7/19/2012)
- Food Park moves forward, local home is on heritage tour, Indigo Traders opens shop in
Rick Seifert, Editor
Hillsdale News
2115 SW Tyrol St.
Portland, Oregon 97239