HealthQuest e-News - Newsletter Email Archives
Welcome to the archives of HealthQuest e-News (HQN), the official, copyrighted newsletter of Dr. Donna F . Smith, owner of ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION (ACN), Wichita Falls, Texas (est. 1981).  Contact information provided at the bottom of the archive list.

Each newsletter is designed by a Volume Number.  When a particular topic requires more than one issue to provide complete information, the Volume Number will be followed by an Issue Number.  Following the Titles in Blue below is a brief description of contents. Periodically, instead of a newsletter, you will receive a HQN Announcement when news needs to be distributed in between newsletters. Announcements are not designated by a volume or issue number.  Thank you for subscribing.
  • To open, click on blue-colored title.
  • HQN Vol. 64 - Tiredness  (5/31/2012)
  • This provides a brief understanding of the causes of tiredness and the solution to assisting your cells in producing more energy, whether you are suffering with tiredness, fatigue or chronic fatigue.
  • Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF) Remediation  (3/4/2012)
  • Today, people are suffering from symptoms caused by adverse effects on the mind and body due to the inferences, blockages and disturbances of Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMF) and most people do not even know this is occurring. Everything you need to know about Electro-Magnetic Fields is included in this email announcement and the links to EMF documents on Dr. Smith's websites. EMFs adversely affects the healthy function of all cells, tissues, organs, glands, body systems, bones, muscles, etc. You will learn what causes Electro-Magnetic Fields, the science behind how EMFs adversely affects the human mind and body, and receive a list of the steps and how to instructions to correct EMFs in your home and work place, as well as how to protect your body when away from home. It also provides a list of the EMF Remediation products (and prices) Dr. Smith dispenses to assist you and her clients to:
    1. Protect your body from EMFs and
    2. Clear the static and harmful EMF electrical frequencies that are embedded in your cells and tissue, thus causing symptoms of organ/gland dysfunction and disease.
    3. And much much more.
    Completing Level I EMF Remediation provides protection against harmful EMFs and completing Level II actually changes the harmful EMF frequencies to a frequency that enhances your health and life, so you can experience improved mental and physical health, and much more.
  • Declining Male Birthrate - Disappearing Male  (2/8/2012)
  • 1. Scientific proof that the male sex is currently in the process of becoming extinct.
    2. What is Causing This.
    3. A Free Evaluation for Subscribers to check and see if these causes are adversely affecting your health now.
    4. A link for information on how to correct these causes so you can stop this from happening within your body and your own family.

    It is SO VERY important to forward this announcement to all your family and friends and verbally tell everyone you know about this because it is now affecting all humans. The time for ACTION is now!!!!!
  • Anti-Aging That Really Works!!!! - Update on Melynda's Success Case  (5/17/2011)
  • An update on Melynda's Anti-Aging progress since subscribers received the Introduction to Dr. Smith's Anti-Aging Skin Care Program in the last issue (5/4/11).


  • Anti-Aging-Skin Care Program - Introduction  (5/4/2011)
  • I (Dr. Smith) created this formula for anti-aging originally for myself. However, its effectiveness astonished even me and was way above my own expectations, so though I never thought I would become a skin specialist too, this was just too great to keep this exclusive to myself. Here are some highlights of the results from using my formula. And I provided a 10-Month Chart tracking the results of my first Anti-Aging client, Melynda, which I updated above on 5/17/11.
    1. New Skin Cells and Tissue Growth Replacing Old Wrinkled Skin.
    2. Dermatologist wants to know Dr. Smith's secrets to exfoliation and detoxification of impurities through all skin levels, i.e., detoxifies from skin surface to inside cells. Whereas his prescribed medical skin care products, the best on the market, are only able to penetrate 1/4 the depth of the skin layers.
    3. Read Melynda's 10-Month Case History Report on Improvement in all 11 Skin Conditions she suffered with before Dr. Smiths Anti-Aging Skin Formula.
    4. Dr. Smith's Anti-Aging Skin Program is eliminating wrinkles, saggy jowl, ear and face redness and tenderness, and restoring quality of skin tone, texture, tightening skin pores and over all surface of the skin and restoring youthful skin (remember how soft and plumb youthful skin is, you can restore this quality of skin with Dr. Smith's new Anti-Aging formula) Program Prices and Special Discounts active for a short time only..

    Note: Since this publication I have updated my Anti-Aging Program e-book with a new formula for "deep tissue detoxification" that also has probiotics to fight germs and more Here is what we discovered, Wow - using this Deep Tissue Detox is also bringing faster results (see list above) in the Anti-Aging Skin Formula than using the A-A Skin Formula alone, which was already quite remarkable.

  • Honey Cornbread Recipe  (5/6/2011)
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  • HQN Vol. 63 Client Success Story (Migraine/Diarrhea)  (3/31/2011)
  • Client reports 30-year Migraines and 15-year Diarrhea Suffering Gone Thanks to Dr. Smith.
  • HQN Vol.62 -Improving Mental Health   (8/4/2010)
  • 1. This newsletter provides everything you need to know to improve mental health through clinical nutrition and naturopathic therapies, whether you want to improve mental clarity, focus and concentration to improving health challenges such as ADD/ADHD, Autism, Alzeheimers, Mood Swings, Depression, Phobias, etc.

    2. Dr. Smith has also provided information that medicine and other therapies frequently overlook in mental health treatment.

    3. To improve brain function requires improving nutritional biochemistry to grow new, healthy brain cells and tissue (i.e., regenerate cells) and restore bio-electrical function.

    4. Note: Please correct one typo: Newsletter is published as Volume 63, however, this is actually Volume 62.

  • HQN Vol.61 - Blood Pressure Balancing - Part 2 of 2  (5/8/2010)
  • 1. Causes of High and Low Blood Pressures
    2. How To Balance Blood Pressure.
    3. Avoid Vitamin D2 (click link to Warning from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition).
    3. Congratulations to Angela G. - Winner of our Free Drawing at the Hospice Health Fair.
    Note: Vol. 60 (Part 1) and 61 (Part 2) on Blood Pressure Balancing were published before we started using Volume & Issue Numbers. Otherwise, Vol 61 would be Vol.60-Issue 2.

  • HQN Vol.60 - Blood Pressure Balancing - Part 1 of 2  (4/18/2010)
  • 1. Calcium Channel Blocker Drugs - Dr. Smith reports on the dangers (premature death and cancer) and describes exactly how these drugs alter the biochemistry to manipulate the symptoms of high blood pressure.
    2. Ascorbic Acid (sold to the public under the label of Vitamin C) impairs muscles and immune system function and interferes with anti-oxidant production, which then makes it a pro-oxidant substance.
    3. All You Can Eat Salad with Lemon Basil Vinaigrette Recipe.
    4. Success Stories - Until Dr. Smith Identified And Corrected The Cause, Jim Suffered With High Blood Pressure for 10 Years, Had Seen Many Physicians, Tried Many Drugs.
    4. Success Stores - Breasts Firmer, Face Wrinkles Disappearing, Hair Color Restoration.
    5. Read Volume 61 for Causes of High and Low Blood Pressure and How To Balance Blood Pressure.

    Note: Vol. 60 (Part 1) and 61 (Part 2) on Blood Pressure Balancing were published before we started using Volume & Issue Numbers. Otherwise, Vol. 60 would be Vol. 60-Issue 1 and Vol. 61 would be Vol.60-Issue 2.

  • HQN Vol.59 - Vitamin D Deficiency (Causes, Testing, Corecting)  (12/10/2009)
  • 1. Vitamin D Deficiency - Facts & Fiction. 40% Americans, 32% Medical Drs & Students, 80% Nursing Home Patients are Vitamin D Deficient. Doctors Are Recommending Vitamin D Supplements based on Blood Tests Alone. Buyers Beware! Correcting Vitamin D Deficiency Is Not That Simple. Get the Facts and the Fiction about Vitamin D Deficiency.
    2. Clinical Studies - Don't Be Misled.
    3. History of Vitamin D Deficiency Warning Ignored by Medical Experts.
    4. Healthy Pumpkin Pie & Crust Recipe.
    5. Nancy's Success Story - Arterial Flutter.
    6. Annual Christmas Magic On-Site Clinic - Report and Photos.
    7. Get 2% Cash Back On Online Purchases and refer a friend and get 1/2 % cash back on their purchases - go to
    8. Healing Foods A-Z continued.

  • ---HQN Vol.58 - Female / Male Hormone Balancing  (9/16/2009)
  • 1. Female & Male Natural Hormone Balance - Yes, men go through menopause too, only it is called "andro-pause." Do you have an irritable, moody, even violent man, at home? -- male hormone imbalance could be the cause! Increase libido, prevent breast, ovarian and prostate cancer naturally, and more.
    2. Swine Flu Facts - Dangers of Vaccinations
    3. What Dr. Smith Recommends To Prevent Exposure to Swine Flu and Safe & Effective Homeopathic and Herbal Supplements, if you are exposed.
    4. Tarragon Pine Nut Sauce
    5. What Client's Say - Georgia's Success Story - Georgia was taking pain killers several times a day as she was suffering with severe joint pain, swelling, stiffness, etc., especially in her knees. This issue Georgia, a nurse, reports how Dr. Smith's naturopathic and clinical nutrition services have helped her.

  • ---HQN-Vol. 57 - Chemical Toxicity - A-Z Healing Foods  (8/17/2009)
  • 1. What Client's Say - Cindy's Success Story - Acute One-Time Program - Chemical Detoxification due to paint exposure.
    2. Recipe - Cashew Cheese Spread
    3. A-Z Healing Foods - this is the first of a series from A-Z, listing a food and its medicinal benefits. For example, apples prevent constipation, Apricots combat cancer, Artichokes protect the heart, Avocados lower cholesterol, to take a few.

  • ---HQN-Vol. 56 - Why Dr. Smith Avoids Vaccinations!  (5/9/2009)
  • 1. Link to Blog on Swine Flu Posting - Why I never have & never will get a flu vaccination (swine or otherwise).
    2. Link to Blog on "Near Comatose Texas Man, given 3 weeks to live, alert and functioning on his own in one week due to Naturopathy."
    3. Why Cowboys, Outside Workers and Avid Sunbathers may develop thick skin or rapidly aging skin. Why people think the Sun causes cancer and who is at risk for skin cancer?
    4. What Client's Say - Dr. Smith shares her own success story - less gray hair and lost 21 poundsl.
    5. Join Dr. Smith's M.A.H. Study Group - Dr.Smith is current collecting data on clients and the pubic who have joined her study group to provide information on the improvement in their metabolism, appetite control and, for those who need it, restoring natural hair color (from gray/white to natural color) by taking a specific herb daily for six months.
    6. 5th Annual "Dr. Smith's Secrets To Healing" Seminar scheduled for July 25, 2009, 1-5 p.m. Register on website.
    7. Changes Due to A.C.N. Business Relocation.
    8. Free Customer Account to Save Money and Get Paid to Shop Online at stores you already shop by going to

  • ---HQN-Vol. 55 - Dangers of Permanent (Tattoo) Make-up & More!  (3/1/2009)
  • 1. List of Dr. Smith's Websites, Blogs, TV Show.
    2. What's Been Happening, i.e., an Update from Issue 54 (2004) to 55 (3/1/09).
    3. Article - What Is Inside Your Cells Prove Drugs Don't Heal!
    4. Your Greatest Health Challenge.
    5. Health Tips - Herbal Foot Bath, Herbal Throat Spray, Natural First Aide Kits (Allergy, Cold/Flu, Digestive, Travel & Emergency Home Kits).
    6. What Client's Say - 2 Success Stories (Linda Did Not Go Blind, Michael's Split Toe Nail).
    7. Cosmetic Tattooing Side Effects (eyebrows, eyelids, lips, any tattoo).
    8. What It Takes To Be Healthy In The 21st Century.
    9. 10 Millionth Product Sold Award To A.C.N.
    10. Two Mission Statements.
    11. Update Your Medicine Chest To A Health Chest.
    12. Market America - Details on How To Get Paid and Save Money Shopping Online At Stores You Already Shop.

  • HOLIDAY e-LETTER 2009  (12/26/2009)
  • 1. At Home with Matt and Dr. Smith with Photos.
    2. Calendar of Events for 2009 for Advanced Clinical Nutrition.
    3. The Causes of All Diseases.
    4. Dr. Smith's Goals and New Year's Resolution List.
    5. What I Tried Before I Found You, Dr. Smith! The Typical Health Quest Journey
    of New Clients.
    6. Not All "Natural" Health Care Practitioners Are The Same!

  • Thanksgiving2009  (11/26/2009)
  • Happy Thanksgiving! Dr. Smith's Thanks Giving List.

  • ---Vaccine Dangers - Invterview Dr.Moulden - Swine Flu Update  (10/30/2009)
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  • ---TV Show - Hormone Balance (Male/Female) & Article: High Cholesterol - The Myth  (8/17/2009)
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  • ---TV Show - Success Stories on Hair Growth & Gray To Normal Color Restoration, Almost Comatose Man - Alert In One Week Using Naturopathy, & Other Success Stories  (6/15/2009)
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  • ---TV Show - Flu Fallacy & Bee's Success Story  (6/9/2009)
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  • ---"Ask Dr. Donna" Blog - New Posting   (5/31/2009)
  • Blog posting include topics such as:
    --infertility, how to birth a healthy child,
    --holistic dentistry (dangers and healthier alternatives for root canals, implants and filling cavities.
    and much more.
Mailing Address:  4202 Picasso Drive
Wichita Falls, Texas 76308

(940) 761-4045