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South Cove Community Health Center Newsletter
Caring for Patients & Connecting with Community
In This Issue
Quincy New Building Ground Breaking Ceremony
South Cove Annual Corporation Meeting
Martha Hackett Exemplify "The Heart of Midwifery"
Patient Find Solace in BIDMC Affiliation
South Cove in the Community
Stat Dragons Paddle Away
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Roland Tang 

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Harry Lee
Morag MacLachlan
Roland Tang
Jason Wong
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Bi-Monthly Newsletter

July 2011
Eugene Welch

Dear South Cove Staff, Patients, Board Members and Supporters:


As I look back over the last 12 months of our fiscal year, I have nothing but admiration for our staff for all the hard work being done by some 200+ people day in and day out to bring quality health care to our 25,000+ patients.  Without a doubt, the installing of our new eClinical Medical Record is an accomplishment and quality measure that will continue to grow and serve our patients and the health center for many years, so I say well done to all.


Eugene Welch
Executive Director

New Quincy Building Groundbreaking

Building for Quincy's Future   

The long awaited event finally took place!  On June, 30 2011, South Cove broke ground on its new Quincy building! Over 140 guests attended the ceremonious event including city and state politicians, representatives from the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, BIDMC, Tufts Medical Center and many South Cove friends and supporters. 


The project from conception to groundbreaking was a two-year journey.  Groundbreaking is the end result of the countless hours of work put in planning, meeting and negotiating.   It also marks the end of one phase and the beginning of another, and certainly a giant leap to the finish line.


At 11:30am, guests were welcomed to the ceremony by the drumming of the students from the Wah Lum Kung Fu & Tai Chi Academy in Malden.  Dancers from the academy performed a traditional Chinese lion dance to kick off the ceremony and also as good luck for the construction.

 Lion Dance at Groundbreaking

"This has been a long journey," said Eugene Welch, Executive Director of South Cove, in his welcoming remarks, "but a wonderful one." He looks forward to the completion of the construction next year, which also coincides with South Cove's 40th anniversary; the dedication of the new building will be the best birthday present for South Cove and the community! 


Dr. Stephen Tang, Board President of South Cove, thanked everyone for coming and stated that this groundbreaking would not have been possible without the support of many especially the City of Quincy.  He acknowledged Mayor Koch for working with South Cove every step of the way, City Councilor Brian McNamee for sharing South Cove's vision in this project and playing an instrumental role throughout the entire process, and James Hunt, Jr., President and CEO of the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, for being a strong ally of all health centers.   He also extended thanks to BIDMC, Tufts Medical Center and Quincy Medical Center for working with South Cove to handle patient referrals and ensuring seamless delivery of medical care. 


Dr. Tang shared with all that when South Cove was founded in 1972, the goal was simple: to provide affordable, culturally competent and linguistically appropriate healthcare to the underserved Chinatown community. Today, almost 40 years later, South Cove has become the community health center he had always envisioned since joining the board in the 1970's: the name South Cove is synonymous with affordable quality health care and it is the choice of healthcare facility for so many Asians in Massachusetts. He cannot be more proud of the health center and of his affiliation with South Cove.


Mayor Koch congratulated Eugene and South Cove on this accomplishment.  A native of Quincy who grew up not too far from the area, he had fond memories of this particular lot; he used to pass by it in his days as a newspaper delivery boy. "South Cove has had tremendous impact on the community" Mayor Koch remarked,  and expressed his delight that this space would be used for a new healthcare building to serve the Quincy and South Shore residents.


Groundbreaking Ceremony

Left to Right: Mr. Hunt, Mr. Welch, Mayor Koch, Dr. Tang, Councilor McNamee, State Representative Chan and Mr. Harrington

Three groups took part in the ceremonious "turning the first shovel of dirt."    James Hunt Jr., Eugene Welch, Mayor Koch, Stephen Tang, Councilor Brian McNamee, State Representative Tackey Chan and City Planning Director Dennis Harrington were the first group of dignitaries with shovels to formally mark the commencement of the construction.  South Cove Board members also descended on the makeshift ground to commemorate this occasion in the health center's history.  Third and last group featured Stephen Tang, Eric Tiberi, COO of South Cove, along with BOND Construction employees.   


Guests were then treated to delicious Asian cuisine catered by the New Quincy Dynasty Restaurant. 


In the last 20 years, the Asian population in Quincy jumped from 5,557 in 1990 to 13,546 in the year 2000; to now 22,174 in 2010.  This makes Quincy the city with the largest Asian population in terms of percentage in Massachusetts at 24%.  With such growth, came a new set of challenges. All of a sudden, our "new" home that opened just 4 years ago is saturated in terms of capacity, the wait time has increased and non-urgent appointments are booked further out.  The new building will ease the crowdedness, shorten the wait and improve patients' overall South Cove experience.  With two buildings serving over 11,000 patients annually, this will establish South Cove as the largest community health center on the South Shore providing affordable and high quality healthcare to the underserved, especially among Asian Americans. 


The building, designed by HDR, Inc., will be 21,000 square feet, 3.5 stories high and features a glass-enclosed garden on the rooftop.  There will be a parking lot behind the building with 50 spaces.  BOND, the construction manager, is aiming for a June 1, 2012 completion.     

South Cove Annual Corporation Meeting

New Officers and Board Members Elected   

South Cove Community Health Center held its Annual Corporation Meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2011.


Officially, board and corporation members gather every year for the election of board members and officers, as well as to hear about the health center's accomplishment.  Unofficially the meeting serves as a reunion of some sort where all affiliated with South Cove gather to enjoy casual socializing and mingling.      

Annual Corp Mtg

Eugene Welch addresses the Corporation

After some chatting and eating, it was time to get down to business.  In his report to the corporation, Eugene highlighted the achievements of the health center in the past year.  The health center now boasts over 25,000 patients and sees 149,000 visits a year, accomplished with a team of over 200 employees.  South Cove has enjoyed tremendous growth from 2002 averaging a robust 9% increase in patient and a 10% in visits every year.  By 2014, we are projecting to serve 30,577 patients with 190,000 visits.  To sustain this rate of growth for almost a decade is remarkable.  But as Eugene likes to say "past performance does not guarantee future success," especially given the volatility of the economy, South Cove has to stay vigilant.  There have been many changes in healthcare budget and regulations on both the state and federal levels.  Once again, the next wave of changes are about to arrive from the federal government through the Accountable Care Act.  We are keeping ourselves abreast of the latest developments. Eugene assured the Corporation members that South Cove has been "preparing and modernizing" facilities as well as well as continuing its recruiting efforts to attract top quality medical staff for the future. 


Looking forward, Eugene vows to continue the South Cove mission of serving the underserved in Massachusetts with expanded facilities in Quincy.  In conclusion, Eugene expressed his gratitude for the support from the Board and for the hard work by all staff members, without which, it would have been impossible for the health center to continuously move forward in a fiscally-sound way.        


Election of Board members and officers:

All Board members up for election this year and continuing board members who have graciously agreed to volunteer their time and expertise to serve a new 3-year term on this board.

The newly elected board members were: Thomas Birch, Harry Lee, April Tang, David Yee and Thuy Tran.

The following officers were elected:

President: Stephen Tang

Secretary: Chi Ma

Treasurer: Cindy Chen


On behalf of the health center, we congratulate the newly elected Board members and officers, and thank the entire Board for their continuing service.


We look forward to another successful year under Eugene's stewardship with guidance from the Board.  


Mai Du Joins South Cove Board


Also, we would like to use this opportunity to introduce our newest board member: Mai Du.  Ms. Du, or Sifu (Master) Mai Du as she is known to her students and the community, is a renowned Chinese martial artist and the chief instructor at the Wah Lum Kung Fu & Tai Chi Academy in Malden. Sifu Du has been practicing kung fu for over 20 years and teaching it for over 15 years. 

Mai Du

Board Members Elmer Leong, April Tang and Mai Du

Besides dedicating her career to "fostering healthy and caring citizens through Kung Fu and Tai Chi," she has done great work within the community as well.  Being involved and volunteering since high school, she co-founded the Youth A.C.T, a state-wide youth leadership organization, she sits on the board of Asian American Civic Association, with which South Cove has had a long and productive working relationship.  She is also a strong advocate for the Asian residents in Malden.  Mai Du may be new to the South Cove Board, but she is not new to board members Elmer Leong, Stephen Tang and April Tang.  They have known her since she was a little girl and watched her grow into the confident and accomplished individual that she is today.  Knowing her work as a community activist, when there was a vacancy on the Board, they extended an invitation for her to join.  "It is great to be part of it," expressed Mai upon becoming a board member.  She looks to contribute her expertise to help make a difference in the health status of South Cove patients and Asians in Massachusetts. 


Please join us in welcoming Mai Du to the South Cove family, we are excited and delighted to have her on board.    

Martha Hackett Honored by MA ACNM

The Heart of Midwifery in Marty 

To say that Marty is the cornerstone of South Cove's Ob/Gyn department is not an over statement.  Since 1975, through growth and hardship, she has been a constant fixture in the department and a familiar face at the health center even if you never needed her service.    Marty has done so much good quietly but not un-noticed by her peers and superiors, so we were not surprised to hear that the Massachusetts Affiliate of American College of Nurse-Midwives ("ACNM") Midwifery was honoring Marty with an award on Tuesday, June 7, 2011.  What was different about this award, the Massachusetts Affiliate of ACNM Midwifery Achievement Award, is that it is a newly created award that intends to not only honor Marty but also pass on her legacy from one generation to the next.  The award bestowed upon Marty is hereafter to be known as the Marty Hackett CNM Heart of Midwifery Award.  It is established to "recognize within the Massachusetts membership, an individual midwife who, in her professional practice best exemplifies the qualities described by Midwife Flemming."  The award recipient will be nominated, judged and chosen by her/his fellow midwives.    

Marty and Eugene

Marty and Eugene

In her acceptance speech, she thanked MA ACNM for this incredible honor, but would like to share it with those whom she gave credit for her work.  Part of the reason for honoring Marty is the longevity of her service to the same community for 40 years.  In response, Marty thanked her patients, "patients took care of me; not only do I care for them, but they also care for me."  She shared heart-warming moments when she looked a little pale or sleep deprived, patients would show their concern asking her "are you ok?" or be the motherly figure and tell her that "you need some rest."  It is this mutual caring that makes what Marty does rewarding.  This lets her know that her work is not only important to her, it is important to them.  The other big joy for Marty is to be able to watch the children grow.  She has seen babies that she helped deliver at different stages of their growth, at 5, 10, 16 years of age, and eventually into fine young adults.  These are the biggest driving forces that enable her to continue year after year and still going strong after four decades.   Secondly, "nobody works in a vacuum, we all work as part of a team," Marty feels fortunate to be working at SCCHC alongside many respectable co-workers through the years, this makes it "easier even though the work is not easy."  Lastly, Marty recognized her peers and expressed her pride in representing the midwives of Massachusetts at the Department of Public Health since the early 1980s.  For the last 10 years, she has been serving on the Medical Advisory Board to WIC.  She is proud to speak as a midwife, to the midwives, and on behalf of the midwives.  "Marty has always been involved in the legislative efforts to make Midwifery legal in Massachusetts," stated MA ACNM. She was also one of the first CNMs in the commonwealth to receive her DPH prescription license when the CNM prescriptive authority bill was passed in 1991.


Marty and Cellucci

A ceremony celebrating the passage of the prescriptive authority bill held at South Cove where Marty was presented with her license from the then-Senator Cellucci.

All her hard work and dedication make her the well deserved recipient of the inaugural award.  The midwives of Massachusetts honored her for her 40 years of "service to the women of Massachusetts, their newborns and the Massachusetts Midwifery community."


Still, she was overwhelmed when she found out about the award to be named after her.  This is the Marty we know: quietly doing her work, unassuming and always shares the spotlight with her patients, peers and South Cove. 


Over the years, Marty has been honored numerous times for her dedication and commitment, each and every time Marty humbly responded that she was just "doing her job".  Well, Marty, to you, it may be just that, but to the thousands of women that received help from you over the last 40 years, you were more than doing your job, you touched their hearts with your warmth and compassion.  To everyone that knows you, midwifery is not a job, it is a passion and you embody the heart of it!    


Excerpt from ACNM The Heart of Midwifery

Developed by Dr Nancy Flemming, CNM FACNM

 "Midwives would rather nurture a woman's progress with hands-on care than diagnose her problems from afar,

...rather listen than lecture,

...rather teach a health principle than treat an illness,

...rather empower a woman to join in decision-making than decide for her,

...rather urge her to speak for herself than to be her advocate,

...rather support natural processes than employ technological interventions,

...rather instill in a woman with trust in her body than demonstrate the midwife's technical proficiency."


For more about Marty's contributions and work, please read an article in the December 2009 issue "South Cove's Martha Hackett Honored by ACDC".

South Cove Patient Find Solace in BIDMC Affiliation

Cancer navigator provides support

Reprinted with permission from BIDMC

            Hsiu-Chin Chang returns each year to her native Taiwan to visit family. During these trips, she has her annual physical exam with her physician. But in 2009, she decided to skip her yearly trek home and went to South Cove Community Health Center in Chinatown for her check-up. Her mammogram at South Cove detected a growth in her right breast. Since South Cove is affiliated with BIDMC, Chang came to the medical center for a biopsy.

            "It was scary," Chang says through the help of an interpreter. "When I found out something was wrong, I wanted to return to Taiwan for treatment."

            "We are educated people in Taiwan. We are independent and can talk directly to the healthcare provider," says Chang's husband Sen-Mu Tien with assistance from an interpreter. "But here we don't know the language. We feel handicapped when communicating."

            Further testing revealed that Chang had breast cancer. She underwent a mastectomy, radiation and chemotherapy. She says the process of undergoing a lifesaving procedure in a country that does not share her native language or her cultural norms was made bearable through the presence of Christina Ho, BIDMC's Chinese Oncology Patient Navigator.

            "I work to ensure a patient's time at BIDMC goes as easily and smoothly as possible," Ho says. "I try and help patients with whatever comes up - finding ways to and around the hospital, insurance, financial support, questions about their appointments and most important is the emotional support."

            Ho, a native of China, accompanied Chang every step of her cancer journey from diagnosis to treatment.

            "If I don't understand what the doctor is saying, I know I can ask Christina and she will explain it to me.  I am not alone and feel less scared," Chang says.

            Dealing with a malignant diagnosis is terrifying and these feelings were only magnified for Chang due to the cultural differences she faced. Chang had never been to the Longwood Medical Area, preferring to seek care at South Cove whose mission it is to improve the health and well-being of Asian Americans in Massachusetts. And unlike American women, Ho says Chinese women do not seek out emotional support when faced with a life-changing disease.

            Now undergoing targeted therapy, Chang continues to have Ho by her side and even made a donation in honor of Ho to South Cove and BIDMC.

            "I passed the difficult time of chemotherapy, which was tough," Chang says. "I am thankful for the medical team at South Cove and BIDMC for caring for me.

Tian, Chang and Christina Ho

Left to Right: Tien, Chang and Cancer Patient Navigator Christina


Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is a patient care, teaching and research affiliate of Harvard Medical School, and currently ranks third in National Institutes of Health funding among independent hospitals nationwide. BIDMC is clinically affiliated with the Joslin Diabetes Center and is a research partner of Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center. BIDMC is the official hospital of the Boston Red Sox. For more information, visit


Letter from Ms. Chang to South Cove*

My name is Hsiu-Chin Chang.  When I did the annual physical check up at South cove, they found unusual condition on my breast and sent me to BI Hospital for further examination.  After the biopsy, breast cancer was discovered.  I was so scared that the time.  Ms. Christina Ho at BI interpreter department explained to me everything and after 3 operations and chemo therapy, I feel much better and the cancer seems to be in better control. 

I am here making a contribution to South Cove for their help and early discovery of my cancer, so it can be treated in early state.  I am very grateful to South Cove.

* Letter translated to English from Chinese


We are so glad to hear that the collaboration between South Cove and BIDMC may have saved a woman's life.  When we decided to have our own mammography department in 2003, this was precisely what we hoped to do for the woman in our community.  We also want to thank BIDMC's oncology team and Christiana Ho for their wonderful work.  The position of Asian patient cancer navigator has been made possible through a grant funded by the Asian Health Care Foundation of Massachusetts since 2008.  We are pleased to announce that the funding has been extended for another year at the request of BIDMC and also due to the overwhelming support from patients.

South Cove in the Community


Preventive care and wellness are traditionally areas overlooked by many Asians.  Majority of our patients come to the clinic for sick visits but not too much for annual physical or age appropriate screenings.  It is important to change this mentality through outreach work and South Cove makes an effort to be present at local and community events.


YMCA Fair South Cove Booth

Left to Right: Pamela Lee, Lily Liu and Winnie Wu

YMCA Health Fair

South Cove's Women Infant and Children (WIC) and Pediatric departments participated in the 2011 Health Fair held by the Wang YMCA on May 7, focusing on nutrition education and overweight prevention.  Our booth highlighted the nutritional message of making healthy choices starts at an early age, by decreasing sugar sweetened beverages, drinking low fat milk, limiting screen (TV, computer) time to 2 hours or less every day for children 2 years and older, and encouraging 1 hour of physical activity every day.   


South Cove booth at Kids Fair

Left to Right: Dr. Hu, Van Truong, Jessica Ngo and Annie Lam

Wollaston Child Care Center Kids Fair

On Saturday, June 4, 2011, South Cove participated in Wollaston Child Care Center's Annual Kids Fair.

South Cove pediatrics and dental departments were at the fair to promote oral hygiene at a young age.  The booth featured information for children and their parents on the importance of brushing and regular check-ups.  


Lending a helping hand

Josiah Quincy School's swimming program

Students in grade 2 through 5 will continue to have swimming lessons and year-round physical education thanks in part to a South Cove donation.  Like South Cove, the Quincy school serves the low income families and many of them would not be able to afford the cost of these lessons on their own.  As a health center, it is our duty to raise awareness about obesity particularly among children where it has become a national concern.  Children who exercise regularly are more likely to continue that through adulthood lowering the chance of obesity.  South Cove is glad to be able to lend a helping hand in sustaining this program that will benefit many students.  

Stat Dragons Paddle Away

Stat Dragons Undetered by the Cold 

It was not the best weather but South Cove Stat Dragons demonstrated the best of their spirits.  On Sunday, June 12, 2011, Stat Dragons showed up bright and early at the 32nd Annual Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival.  This year was the largest festival in history with over 50 teams participating in the race.  Stat Dragons were making their 8th appearance in a row.   

Stat Dragons 2011

Stat Dragons 2011

Neither rain nor cold dampen our spirits, but it did do a dent on our chances.  Because of delays due to weather, the race committee informed us that we would get one and only one shot at the medal.   Unfazed, we were determined to put all our past weeks' work hard into this one race and go down fighting, if not succeeding.  Mary Jo Majors, South Cove's in-house veteran drummer, drummed the team to the finish line in a little over three minutes.  It was a brutal 3+ minutes where the Stat Dragons paddled so hard as to have worked their muscles to exhaustion. Though we came up short on our effort, we left with our heads held up high.  It was a "grueling, well-fought, hard race" as veteran paddler Kenny put it.  Despite the "one and out" showing, everyone had a great time.  Team members got to know one another, developed camaraderie through practicing and racing, enjoyed the festivities and learned more about dragon boating and its origin.  We might not have shined on the race front but we certainly had fun, which was just as important for a recreational team like us!


We would like to thank all Stat Dragons 2011 participants: Harry Lee, Tom Leung, Mary Jo Majors, Jason Chou, Amy Cheung, Mari Bennasar, Peggy Leung, Dan Huang, Jane Lee, Kenny Lee, Chuong Vu, Quan Vu, Catherine Vuky, Brad Lacouture, Joe Boivan, Alison Hui, Aileen Lee, Olivia Phan, Ian Hayden, Helen Quach, Washington Nguyen, and Thuy Tran.

About South Cove Community Health Center:
Founded in 1972, South Cove is dedicated to improving the health and well being of all medically underserved in Massachusetts with a special focus on Asian Americans. This mission is accomplished by providing high quality, community-based health care and health promotion programs which are accessible, linguistically and culturally competent for these populations.
Adult Medicine (成人科) Bone Density (骨質篩檢) Ob/Gyn (婦科) Mammography (X光乳房攝影篩檢) Pediatrics (兒科)
Podiatry (足步科) Neurology (神經科) Dentistry (牙科) Optometry (眼科) Member Services (會員服務) Nutrition/WIC (營養科/奶卷) Family Planning (家庭計劃)
Early Intervention (幼兒培育組) Behavioral Health (行為健康科)
Brighton/Allston After-School Enrichment Program (課餘活動中心)

Clinic Locations:
885 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111 
Tel: 617-482-7555
145 South Street, Boston, MA 02111         
Tel: 617-521-6730
435 Hancock Street, Quincy, MA 02171      
Tel: 617-745-0280