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Fill one uninsured patient's tooth
Give one uninsured family nutrition class
Give one uninsured woman mammogram screening
Give one uninsured patient proper medication for one year under our 340B Pharmacy program
$1,000 Take care of one uninsured patient for medical visits at the health center for one year
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Content Contributor |
Christina Ho
Mass Compulsive Gambling |
Bi-Monthly Newsletter |
Janurary 2011 | |
Dear South Cove Staff, Patients, Board Members and Supporters:
First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year 2011, and we at South Cove will also celebrate the Chinese New Year on February 3rd, Year of the Rabbit.
I would like to take a moment and highlight a couple of accomplishments:
First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the staff for passing the Joint Commission accreditation, effective November 11th, 2010. South Cove did this for the first time in 2001, and we have used this as the foundation for our Quality Improvement program. I think the staff should be very proud of this accomplishment.
One of the reporting tools that must be submitted every February is our UDS Report. This gives the Federal government important information about our operation. They compare our operation against other 330-funded health centers across the country.
I am pleased to report that this year; we have 25,200 patients and 149,500 visits. These visits consists of not only Adult Medicine, Pediatrics, and Ob/Gyn, but also Dental, Eye, and Behavioral Health. That's why I truly believe patients who receive their care through a health center across the country have access to complete health coverage, which we sometimes refer to as one stop shopping.
So, as we move forward into 2011, we can say we are still true to our mission, serving the underserved Asians in Massachusetts. I am humbled to be part of this organization.
Eugene Welch Executive Director
Joint Commission Approved for the 4th time! | |
On Monday November 8, 2010, South Cove finally received the knock on the door it had been waiting for since the beginning of the year: a visit from the Joint Commission. The health center was due for a survey in 2010. The survey could happen any time during the calendar year and is unannounced.
During the 3-day visit, the surveyors conducted a methodical assessment that left no stone unturned. The team of two consisted of a physician and a healthcare administration surveyor. They examined the health center policies and procedures in both the clinical and administrative departments such as Emergency Preparedness, Infection Control, and medication management. They also inspected the physical facilities and observed staff-patient interactions. Staff were questioned on health center protocols and procedures. Though the process was thorough and lengthy, we had been ready for a long time and were glad for the opportunity to tell the South Cove story. One of the health center's great accomplishments in quality improvement was the initiation of the electronic medical record over the past couple of years. A detailed presentation was done, demonstrating how the EMR is involved in every step of a visit, from patient check-in to physician sign off to close the loop in the system. We presented other quality measures in addition to EMR, which were very well received by the surveyors. At the end of the survey, the collective feeling from all staff was a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. There were a few opportunities for improvement as a result of the survey, however, these were easily modified and led to a decision of full accreditation for another three years. Eugene, after the survey, felt that "it was the best evaluation we have ever had, the staff performed outstandingly and using the new electronic medical records as a quality measure worked out extremely well." He also attributed the success to having a stable staff, which puts depth in the process. Mary Jo Majors, Director of Clinical Operations, who championed the re-accreditation project, echoed Eugene's comments, and was pleased with the overall performance and the end result. She further stated that "it is the hard work of all the staff throughout the past couple of years that led to this wonderful accomplishment."
The Joint Commission certificate "is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization's commitment to meeting certain performance standards." Obtaining this accreditation is considered the pinnacle for healthcare organizations; it means that all our systems: clinical, financial and administrative meet the high standards set by the Joint Commission. SCCHC first obtained the golden seal of approval in 2001, and has continually improved its quality of care and services since. To this day, South Cove is proud to be the only Asian community health center in the country that has received the Joint Commission seal of approval. Having passed the survey successfully last November renewed the health center's status as fully accredited for three more years, to 2013.
On Monday, January 3, 2011, the official letter from the Joint Commission accrediting the health center arrived. It may be a simple letter of only a couple of paragraphs but it represented the health center's determination to continually meet the Joint Commission's high and ever changing standards year in and year out. To have gone through four cycles successfully is no easy feat and would not have been possible without great teamwork and persistence. Eugene would like to thank everyone involved; this is a testament to the dedication of our staff. |
South Cove is turning 40 - Share your stories! | |
In 1972, a group of volunteers in Chinatown, realizing a lack of medical services for Asians, got together and founded South Cove with the mission to serve the underserved Asian community in a culturally competent manner.
Almost 40 years later, the health center is thriving more the ever, reaching out to and serving a record number of Asians in Massachusetts. Over the years, the health center dealt with its share of hurdles and crises but survived each to come out stronger. Just like the saying "Rome was not built in a day", the level of stability the health center enjoys today represents decades of hard work and devotion, to many that is and has been part of it, South Cove is family. We want to pay tribute to those that planted the seeds, those that nourished it and those that watched over it to make sure it would grow and blossom. To help mark this occasion, we invite all of you, current & past employees, board members, community partners and patients, to share your South Cove stories. We want to put together a SCCHC history to chronicle the health center's growth: from the humble beginning of a walk-in clinic on Harrison Avenue, staffed by volunteers, to one of the largest Asian community health centers in America, serving over 25,000 patients each year.
If you have a picture to share or a story to tell that helped shape SCCHC, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us. |
Quincy Expansion Update | |
As shared with our readers in the September issue, the health center is planning to expand its facility and services in Quincy. Quincy could be viewed as the second Chinatown with a higher-than-average Asian population. According to the available census data, Asians account for 15.4% of the total population in Quincy, compared to only 3.8% across the state of Massachusetts. It is estimated that the city now boasts over 20,000 Asian residents. To meet the needs of the fast growing Asian community as well as our growing patient base, an $8 million development across from our current location has been underway for the last several months.
 | Arial view of the proposed new builing on the corner of Burgess and Holmes Street |
The proposed new building will be 19,000 square feet, 3-stories with 45 parking spaces in the lot behind. The first and second floors will be for clinical use: eight pediatric exam rooms, four behavioral health consultation rooms, five dental operatories and one optometry suite. The third floor will be reserved for future development or leased to a 3rd party. The expansion will also create 20-30 new employment opportunities for the community.
The management has had numerous meetings with city officials and personnel involved with planning to move the project along and garner positive response. As reported by the Quincy Ledger in an article titled "South Cove plans new health-care building" on December 22, 2010, Brian McNamee, a City Councilor who represents North Quincy, found South Cove's proposal of an additional building as "a very favorable development for the city" that could benefit its residents.
South Cove will present this project to the zoning board for approval in January, and to the planning board in February. In the mean time, the architect is preparing a package to be put out for bid. If all goes as planned, we are looking at sometime in April or May to break ground. We will keep our readers and communities posted as we move along the time line.
Tea Time for Women with Cancer | |
Following the rave reviews and feedback on the Cancer Patient Navigator Program at BIDMC, funded by the Asian Healthcare Foundation, an extension of that program was created: Tea Time for Women with Cancer. It is a social gathering conducted in Chinese where female cancer patients can share their journeys and draw strength from one another.
Being diagnosed with cancer is a very scary experience that makes people feel so isolated. They may be afraid to talk about it and may not feel that others would understand. Through her role as the Cancer Patient Navigator, Christina often sees that patients express a sense of relief after talking to her. But she knows that that is not enough. Being a strong believer in peer support and how helpful and powerful it can be, she refers her patients to a Chinese speaking cancer support group that meets in a church. However, some patients do not feel comfortable being in a church environment because of their own religious reason. And to Christiana's knowledge, that support group is the only Chinese speaking in town. She prayed that there would be another group set up in a non-religious environment. To make it happen, she approached some Chinese-speaking LICSWs to see if they would be willing to start a group but the result fruitless. It then occurred to her that she could start one herself. She discussed this idea with her superiors, who were all very supportive of it, but because she is not a LICSW, it would not be a support/psychotherapy group; rather, it would be an informal gathering for social and networking purpose. Having gotten the green light, Christina set out to start her own group with the goal to provide a safe environment for cancer patients to talk and share their experiences freely.
She spoke to her patients about the idea and many expressed an interest. The next step was to decide on a meeting location. Patients were reluctant to have the group at either South Cove or BIDMC, the former because it was there where most of them found out about their diagnosis, the latter because they were already making frequent trips there for their treatment, then came the suggestion of the Hope Lodge thanks to Christina's co-worker. The Hope Lodge provides a very cozy, homey and friendly environment for cancer patients. They meet in a conference room equipped with a small kitchen where they can prepare tea and snacks to start with.
The group started in mid November 2010 and currently there are 3-4 people. Christina usually has them engage in some ice breaking conversations first (simple cooking, art and craft) to make them more comfortable. Surprisingly, they are quick to jump into the sensitive topics, such as the stigma of cancer, the challenge of the cancer path and the difficulty in breaking the bad news to close ones (children and elderly parents).
Less than two-months into the program, there have been wonderful stories already:
- A lady who has connection with a freelance-work contractor got freelance jobs for other women she met in the group.
- A newly diagnosed breast cancer patient was less scared after meeting an older woman battling the same disease that came from the same village and spoke the same dialect. They exchanged contact information and started meeting up outside the group. The older lady took the younger one under her wings and assumed a care-taker role of showing her around and accompanying her to doctors' appointments. Christina jokingly commented that the lady was trying to take over her position as the Cancer Navigator!
Tea Time for Women with Cancer is a significant bonus of the Cancer Patient Navigator Program; it provides another avenue for peer support for Chinese speaking patients. The group meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 125 South Huntington Avenue in Jamaica Plain. It is free and the meeting space is donated by the American Cancer Society AstraZeneca Hope Lodge Center. For more information, please contact Christina Ho at 617-667-3436. |
Help is Available for Asian Compulsive Gamblers | |
Eugene Welch recently had a meeting with the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling's Asian Community Program Manager Chien-Chi Huang. Though problem gambling can happen to persons of any ethnicity, race and socio-economic background, studies have shown that it is more prevalent among Asian Americans especially the new immigrant Asian communities. South Cove's Behavioral Health department is available to offer counseling to individuals suffering from gambling addiction but the challenge lies in getting them into the door to seek treatment. Those that do ask for help are among the minority and represent only the very tip of an enormous iceberg. There is a definite need for more outreach and this is where Ms. Huang and her program come into play.
Recognizing that Asians belong to a high-risk group, the Massachusetts Council on Compulsive Gambling launched an Asian Outreach Initiative in 2006 to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate resources for this population. The Initiative has three goals:
- To build the capacity of partner organizations to treat and serve Asian American problem gamblers and their families
- To provide the Asian American community with access to the Council and its services
- To increase public awareness of problem gambling and its social impact within the Asian American community
Besides offering support to compulsive gamblers, the Council also provides training for individuals with qualified clinical experience to become Massachusetts Problem Gambling Specialist (MA PGS). Eugene and Ms. Huang both see the importance of having more Asian speaking clinicians trained as MA PGSs. To that end, Eugene has agreed on a proposal by Ms. Huang to start a process to have South Cove clinicians certified.
Compulsive gambling is a serious problem that has been known to destroy lives and families. Outreaching to the Asian population is particularly difficult because of the stigma associated with it. South Cove applauds the Council's Asian Outreach Initiative for taking on this challenge, and is glad to be working with the agency to better serve this group in need.
For more information on MA Council on Compulsive Gambling and the Asian Outreach Initiative, please contact Ms. Huang at 617-426-4554. |
More Access to Care for Senior Patients | | South Cove had two representatives from Beacon Hospice Care: Amy Ippolito-Kelly and Sei-Ju Zhu at the General Staff Meeting in January. They gave a presentation on Beacon Hospice Care and the services it offered. Beacon Hospice has an established network of healthcare organizations and elderly homes that they work with all over the New England area including South Cove Manor, a nursing home that caters primarily to the Asian population.
Beacon Hospice Care assists and provides services to seniors who are under assistance living, elderly homes, or elders who are living at home. Beacon Hospice Care is a certified Medicaid and Medicare program and is also cover by all MassHealth plans (except Essential). They provides significant support for end-of-life care services. Patients who utilize the program are elderly, who are declining in health or are terminal in their illnesses.
Realizing that many of the Asian elders that may benefit from their services have a language barrier, Beacon has put in place a team of Asian speaking healthcare professionals that consists of a RN, social workers and home health aides. The team would like to reach out to more Asians and hopes that South Cove patients needing such care would consider them as an option. Since 85% of the health center's patients are covered under the state, it is informative and useful to know that programs like Beacon Hospice Care can be there for the transition of our elderly patients' lives. |
Upcoming Events | |
2011 is the Year of the Rabbit! |
BIDMC Lunar New Year Celebration
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center invites South Cove & friends to join them in their annual Lunar New Year Celebration on Friday, February 4, 2011, 12 noon, in the Sherman Auditorium. The Celebration will feature Woo Ching White Crane's Lion Dance and Kung Fu demonstration, as well as selected members of the Longwood Symphony Orchestra and a presentation by Nancy Eng from the Chinese Historical Society of New England.
SCCHC Lunar New Year Celebration
As part of the South Cove CHC's New Year tradition, the Quincy clinic will have its own lion dance to mark the year of the Rabbit.
Quincy Lunar New Year Festival
The health center will participate in the 23rd Quincy Annual Lunar New Year Celebration organized by the Quincy Asian Resources, Inc. The festival will be held on Sunday, February 13, 2011 from 10:30am to 4:00pm at North Quincy High School. As one of the sponsors of the event, South Cove will have two tables in two different sections: the wellness area and the general area. Providers and nursing staff from the Adult Medicine and Pediatrics departments will be present to do BMI screenings as well as to answer any general health questions one may have. |
About South Cove Community Health Center:
Founded in 1972, South Cove is dedicated to improving the health and well being of the Asian communities in Massachusetts with a special focus on the medically underserved by providing high quality, community-based health care that is accessible, culturally competent, and linguistically appropriate for these populations. Services: Adult Medicine (成人科) Bone Density (骨質篩檢) Ob/Gyn (婦科) Mammography (X光乳房攝影篩檢) Pediatrics (兒科)
Podiatry (足步科) Neurology (神經科) Dentistry (牙科) Optometry (眼科) Member Services (會員服務) Nutrition/WIC (營養科/奶卷) Family Planning (家庭計劃) Early Intervention (幼兒培育組) Behavioral Health (行為健康科) Brighton/Allston After-School Enrichment Program (課餘活動中心)
Clinic Locations: 885 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111 Tel: 617-482-7555 145 South Street, Boston, MA 02111 Tel: 617-521-6730 435 Hancock Street, Quincy, MA 02171 Tel: 617-745-0280 Website: |