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How your donations will help support our services and make a difference:
Allows us to fill one uninsured patient's tooth
Allows us to give one uninsured family nutrition class
Allows us to give one uninsured woman mammogram screening
Allows us to give one uninsured patient proper medication for one year under our 340B Pharmacy program
$1,000 Allows us to take care of one uninsured patient for medical visits at the health center for one year
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South Cove. |
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Photo Credits |
Kara Delahunt
Lily Moh
Helen Quach
Matt Wilder |
Quarterly Newsletter |
June 2010 | |
Dear South Cove Staff, Patients, Board Members and Supporters: 
I cannot believe that South Cove is finishing another budget year as of June 30th, 2010. It has certainly been a year of changes in healthcare, not only in Massachusetts but in the United States. We are patiently waiting to see what cuts the state will need to enact, due to cuts in support of the federal government and the shortfall of revenue being collected in Massachusetts. Once this information is known, we can better adjust our budget for the next 12 months, beginning July 1st, 2010. After saying this, we are going to work even harder to make sure we are true to our mission, and serving the underserved.
In the upcoming year or years, the biggest challenge will be adjusting to the new federal healthcare, and establishing what everyone is referring to as a Medical Home, to better serve and manage our patients' needs, either in the health center or through referrals or collaborations with other organizations. I believe, one of the major steps that we are doing, is establishing our electronic medical records to be a link to the future of managing the care of our patients, and have the ability to sort thousands of pieces of information to prove the type of quality of care that we are delivering to our patients.
I personally think that this is an exciting time to be part of a community health center movement, and learning new ways to serve the medical community. As we move forward, everybody will be kept informed of any changes, and the end result will be South Cove Community Health Center having a Medical Home for thousands of Asian patients.
Eugene Welch Executive Director |
QARI Honors Eugene Welch with Visionary Award | |
L-R: South Cove Executive Director Eugene Welch, QARI Board Member and former South Cove staff Esther H.P. Lee, Quincy Mayor Thomas P. Koch and QARI Board President David Yi Zhou |
South Cove's Eugene Welch was honored by the Quincy Asian Resources, Inc., with the Visionary Award at the organization's Annual Community Banquet on May 14, 2010, which took place at the Quincy China Pearl Restaurant. The Community Banquet "celebrates the growing Asian influence in Quincy and recognizes those that contributed to the betterment of the Asian immigrant populations in the town." It was attended by 600+ guests and among the distinguished guests were Quincy Mayor Thomas Koch, Massachusetts State Senator Michael Morrissey and Quincy City Council President Kevin Coughlin. Four awards were presented honoring five very deserving recipients: Founder's Award, Visionary Award, Community Partner, and the Unsung Hero Award. The Visionary Award "recognizes someone who has dedicated himself/herself to serving the Asian community and building capacity for them in terms of services and support." This year, Eugene was chosen for the award in acknowledgment to his dedication and commitment to expanding healthcare services for the Asian community in the greater Quincy area. In his acceptance speech, Eugene was both honored and humbled by this award; he was very proud of the South Cove Quincy Clinic, which opened its doors in 1998. Since then, patient number has increased steadily year after year to 11,000 today. In 2007, the clinic relocated to a new location. The much bigger facility offers more services, more flexibility in terms of scheduling and is more accessible than ever before opening 7 days a week. He is pleased with the progress thus far but certainly feels that there is always room for improvement. Eugene looks to continue expanding capacity and services to Quincy and the south shore residents. Celebrating this honor with Eugene were many of the South Cove staff and board members.
 We would like to extend congratulations to all the awardees: Founders Award: Attorney Tackey Chan, a candidate for State Representative with extensive community work who also helped found Quincy Asian Resources, Inc.. Community Partner Award: C&C Company owners, Lily and Henry Chu, for their involvement with the community, and Comcast Cable for supporting QARI's mission and various programs. Unsung Hero Award: Ryan Daniels, a long-time and devoted volunteer in Quincy's Asian community. Scholarships were also given to four graduating seniors who demonstrated not only academic excellence but also dedication to community service and volunteerism. Quincy Asian Recourses, Inc. was founded in 2001 with the mission is to "foster and promote the development of the social, cultural, economic and civic lives of Asian Americans to benefit the entire community."
Photos by Kara Delahunt, courtesy of QARI |
South Cove Holds Annual Corporation Meeting | | On Tuesday, June 15, 2010, South Cove held its Annual Corporation Meeting. The meeting serves two main purposes: for the Executive Director to present to the board and corporation members the health center's accomplishments in the past year and to elect new officers and members of the Board of Directors.
Chi Ma, the incumbent Board President, welcomed everyone to the meeting and without further ado, handed it to Eugene.
Eugene's presentation highlighted the achievements in the last 12 months:
- Remodeled the Washington Street clinic by adding six new exam rooms, one in Ob/Gyn and five in Adult Medicine. The clinic now has a total of 23 exam rooms to better serve our patients.
- Progressing with the electronic medical records: Adult Medicine, Pediatrics and Behavioral Health departments are now paperless. The process has begun for Ob/Gyn and specialties such as neurology, cardiology and podiatry, next up will be the optometry and dental departments. Currently, all departments have access to the EMR for medication lists and patient notes.
- Remodeling of the dental department at the South Street and Quincy clinics to add digital x-rays and more dental chairs to bring them to 11 total.
- Worked on and started a grant with AACA to provide on-the-job training to staff to improve skills needed to better perform their job functions.
- Securing the Federal 330 grant for 3 more years through March 2012.
 The health center now boasts over 24,000 patients and sees 149,000 visits a year. These are remarkable figures in a tough economic period. We realize that there are many challenges and changes ahead in the healthcare field, as both the federal and state governments face budget crises and cuts in healthcare coverage are expected. But no matter what the obstacle, South Cove vows to continue its mission of serving the underserved. Looking ahead, Eugene feels that South Cove is in a good place and has a bright future. He expresses his gratitude for the unfailing support from the Board of Directors and the hard work by all staff members, without which, it would not have been possible for the health center to continually move forward with a solid financial performance. Election of Board members and officers: All Board members up for election this year have graciously agreed to volunteer their time and expertise to serve a new 3-year term on this board. The newly elected board members were: I-Min Lee, Steve Ng, Fred Taw, Alvin Wing and Michael Wong. The following officers were elected for a second term: President: Chi Ma Secretary: Stephen Tang Treasurer: Cindy Chen
L-R: Alvin Wing, Mike Wong, Thuy Tran, I-Min Lee, Chi Ma, Stephen Tang, April Tang, Cindy Chen, Elmer Leong, Harry Lee and David Yee | Please join us in welcoming and congratulating the newly elected Board members and reelected officers.
The health center looks forward to another fruitful year under Eugene's leadership with the Board's guidance. |
South Cove and AACA Team Up for "Learn At Work" | |
South Cove Community Health Center has teamed up with Asian American Civic Association (AACA) to provide an ongoing training: the "Learn at Work" program. The partnership was made possible through a grant that the health center and AACA worked on where AACA was the lead agency. Eugene Welch expressed that the management is "very pleased to be able to offer our staff this excellent opportunity. For a very long time, we have been trying to find ways to offer our frontline staff continuous education, which would tie in with their job." Gillian Burleson, the Adult Education Coordinator at AACA, is equally excited about this opportunity for the South Cove staff. It was a long process with considerable amount of collaborative work to make it happen. It all started last year when a RFP (request for proposal) opportunity came along with funding from the federal stimulus package and the state targeting workforce education needs. AACA and South Cove have worked together before on numerous occasions, so when the RFP presented itself, Gillian's office contacted Eugene on this possible joint venture. From that point on, it was a series of meetings involving staff from all three sites working with AACA to grind out the details needed to make it work. Gillian credits the hard work of both agencies for the successful outcome and appreciates "how diligently South Cove has been working with AACA" throughout the entire process to ensure that a winning proposal was submitted.
 Under this grant, AACA teachers will come to both the Quincy and Washington Street clinics to run two classes per week, two hours each. The classes are held from 4-6pm on Wednesdays and Fridays at a classroom space donated by the Josiah Quincy School and Tuesday and Thursdays during the same time at the Quincy Clinic. South Cove donates an hour and the employee must commit to an hour as we feel that it is important that the employees buy into the program and contribute their own time. The uniqueness about this program lies in that each candidate was individually interviewed by a teacher from AACA and based on the evaluation results with weaknesses identified, a customized curriculum was then developed to address the most pressing needs of our staff. Lesson plans include medical vocabulary, insurance/billing terminology, effective communication with people from other healthcare organizations, and activities to improve speaking and listening skills etc. The program enrolled 24 students and is in its 3rd week. Students are giving positive feedback so far; they find the teachers to be engaging and dynamic in their classroom management. The same is reciprocated by teachers at both Quincy and WS. Jolie Griffin who teaches at WS enjoys teaching the class as well as interacting with the students. Gillian Burleson, the coordinator and also a teacher herself, teaches the Quincy class comments on the positive energy that greets her every time she steps into the clinic not only from the students but the entire staff.  Being an Asian health center with the majority of our staff speaking English as a second language, this is a much needed training that we believe all enrolled will find extremely useful and applicable to the daily tasks they perform. The program aims to, in the short run, increase staff members' comfort level when using the phone, making referrals with hospitals, contacting insurance agencies and communicating through emails. In the long run, it is the hope of both the agencies and the funder that the course provides the building block for further career advancement and promotion. |
Secretary of Education Duncan Visits Josiah Quincy | | US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited the Josiah Quincy Elementary School in Boston on Wednesday, May 19, 2010. He was welcomed by Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Superintendent Carol R. Johnson, School Committee Chairperson Reverend Gregory Groover and Principal Simon Ho. The Quincy School was Secretary Duncan's third stop in a full-day itinerary while in Boston. He first delivered commencement speech at the Lesley University before visiting Beachmont Elementary School in Revere and finally wrapping up the day at the Josiah Quincy School in Boston Chinatown.
L-R:Secretary Duncan, Mayor Menino, Superintendent Johnson and Educator of the Year Sherdene Morrison during the roundtable discussion |
At the Quincy School, Duncan met with and paid tribute to Boston Educators of the Year. The 2nd and 3rd grade students performed a Taiwanese aboriginal dance to welcome Mr. Duncan and also to celebrate the Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. During his visit, Secretary Duncan commended the special school-community partnerships in place at the school. South Cove, a long time partner of the school, was there represented by Dr. Roland Tang. He was an invited guest to participate in the round table discussion held on education and school partnership. Representatives from other community agencies were also present: Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center, Tufts Medical Center, Wang YMCA in Chinatown, the Josiah Quincy School Association and Boston Connects. Each shared how working together with the school strengthened not only the individual agency but the entire Josiah Quincy and Chinatown community. During the discussion, Dr. Tang expressed the health center's pride in this partnership spanning over three decades.
South Cove has always had a special relationship with the school, partly because of our proximity to the school, in fact, the health center is located inside the school building on the first floor. For the last several years, Dr. Tang, a pediatrician, has held weekly nutrition classes to 2nd graders to educate them as well as their parents on eating healthy and staying active. This is part of our outreach efforts to address the epidemic of childhood obesity. According to Dr. Tang, the class reaches out to over 120 students every year. The feedback has been so positive that we vowed to keep running this program for as long as we know kids and their parents are benefiting from it. Last December, South Cove coordinated with the school to hold a public flu clinic during the H1N1 pandemic. With the help of the city and the state, we received both H1N1 and regular flu vaccines. The H1N1 clinic was held on Saturday, December 19 at the school and within 4 hours, we dispensed over 1,000 H1N1 vaccines. Most recently, because of a lack of appropriate space to hold a class of 15 students enrolled in the "Learn at Work" program at the clinic, we approached the school and collectively worked out an arrangement that secured us a classroom over the next three years.
The long-standing working relationship has benefitted both parties on many levels. South Cove is proud to be part of a cluster of agencies that surrounds the school. We hope we are doing our share to help enhance the learning experience of students at the Josiah Quincy School. Photos by Matt Wilder, courtesy of Boston Pubilc Schools |
WIC Staff Trained on Stress Management and Domesitc Violence | |
WIC staff completed its annual training on stress management and domestic violence in early April. Both are mandatory as per the State WIC policy. The trainings aim to give WIC staff the tools and knowledge not only to better work with their clients but also to know how to handle their own stress that comes as part of the job. Lisa Tieszen was the speaker for the stress management workshop. She is the project coordinator in the Center for Violence Prevention and Recovery in the Social Work Department at BIDMC.
The workshop included slide presentation, group activities, discussions and a couple of sessions of breathing and muscle relaxation. Speaker Lisa Tieszen | Identifying stress, how your body and mind respond to it and how to effectively deal with it are some of the important issues discussed. The workshop focuses primarily on two areas: how to help clients expressing/dealing with stress and how the WIC counselors and staff can help themselves as they experience secondary traumatic stress. Secondary traumatic stress is nothing new to professionals in the healthcare field; many experience this type of stress as they help patients/clients with traumatic stress. They are much more susceptible because of their regular dealings with cases and/or incidents of high-stress index. WIC staff at South Cove, having frequent contact with clients from an immigrant or refugee background, may often find themselves being emotionally involved with their work and thereby subjecting themselves to secondary traumatic stress. It is important that if and when that happens that they are able to identify and handle it appropriately. The remainder of the workshop was devoted to discussing and exploring ways to combat stress by building resilience through support and spiritual means. The second part of the required training was on Domestic Violence. As staff of a state-supported program, all counselors are required by law to report suspect cases of such violence. The presenter was Qing Jian Shi from the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence. Shi is the Director of Outreach and Education and along with her, was Dipanwita (Dipa) Bhattacharyya, the coordinator of the department. During the 3-hour workshop, staff learned how to identify the warning signs of domestic abuse and how to approach clients suspected of being victims of domestic violence. Towards the end of the seminar, staff participated in an activity where they role-played as both victims of abuse and counselors. The exercise was a hands-on practice on how to handle the different scenarios and how to best approach individual client given the situation. The trainings and exercises proved that handling stress and dealing with domestic violence were no easy task. It requires experience and time to be adept at it. Peggy Leung, the Director of WIC, hopes that the two seminars at least served as a springboard for further learning. The goal is to better serve our WIC clients by being sensible and approachable when it comes to these touchy subjects. |
Stat Dragons Race down the Charles | |
Boston's Dragon Boat Festival is the longest running dragon boat festival in North America and this year marks its 31st anniversary. South Cove was a participant in the first race and has entered a team every year since 2004. This year, the festival was held on Sunday, June 13, along both sides of the Charles River. 37 teams were entered under different categories: club, corporate, recreational, women's, youth and breast/cancer survivor. South Cove was in Division C under recreational with 8 other teams. It was not the clear sky, sunny day that all would have loved, but the gloominess certainly did nothing to dampen the team's high spirit and energy. Under the leadership of veteran paddler Tom Leung, steers person Harry Lee, drummer Helen Quach, team advisor Mary Jo Majors and our behind-the-scenes coordinator Julie Chou, Stat Dragons were all pumped up and ready to show some serious speed! The team raced a total of 3 races. Recap from Harry Lee the steersperson: The A and B divisions were filled with the club teams, which put 12 ahead of the C division- there were 3 ahead of us in the C-Major final and 2 ahead of us in the Minor final so we were the 18th boat overall by going through the race-offs. We had improved from the 23rd best time trial team of 37 teams on Saturday, and if we took away the 12 club teams ahead of us, that would make us the 6th out of 25 NON-FANATIC teams! Our signature race had to be against Harvard Pilgrim in heat 2. Last year they had beaten us by over 19 seconds- this year about 1/2 second with their boat having 10 guys. Can you imagine the result if we got in all of our practices?  We do think that is pretty impressive for a recreational team that had only had five practices prior to the race. Though we left without a medal, we did come away a winner in a "best of the best" list compiled by a team member in the following categories: best captain, best steers person, best drummer, best side-line cheer leaders, best team efforts, best looking team, best refreshment and best stretching/warm up exercise. And maybe possibly another first-place for the most back-up coolers on site! The post-race observation by the Dragon Boat dock staff offered very hopeful outlook for next year: [the dock staff] thought that the team's performance and technique have improved each year! They were very happy with the team's efforts during the races! Lastly, an honorable mention by Peter Murray, VP for Races, during the Award Ceremony for the C division award presentation was the icing on the cake that made this experience all the sweeter for the entire team. Peter recognized South Cove Stat Dragons for "all their hard work, effort and determination." All in all, everyone had a blast and is already talking about next year's race. But before that, planning for a post-race get-together summer BBQ is underway and we can't wait! Thanks to all that participated, put in their effort and time into making Stat Dragons 2010 one for the memory book: Lucy Chie, Alison Hui, Geoffrey Kacoyanis, Scott Kosik, Robin Lang, Aileen Lee, Harry Lee, Kenny Lee, Tom Leung, Mary Jo Majors, Mike Nguyen, Olivia Phan, Helen Quach, Thuy Tran, Tan Truong, Catherine Vuky, Greg Walson, Kenneth Yeung, Xiaodan Zhou.  Special thanks to Eugene Welch and John Roach, our proud team sponsors and all that worked behind the scenes to make this possible. We will do it again next year!
Patients' Corner | |
We would like to share with our readers two wonderful and heartfelt letters from our patients. As always, we appreciate their support and thank them equally for choosing South Cove and for giving us the opportunity to shine through our work. ************************************************ Dear Mr. Eugene, I mean to write the letter in May 2009, but I figured that it is not too late to write to you to express our great appreciation and true admiration for South Cove Community Health Center. Jenny, my wife, and I are a young couple and we live in Pittsburgh. Last year when Jenny's mother become seriously ill with cancer, Jenny, then 8 months pregnant, left for Boston to take care of her mother full-time. We made the decision quickly, and we did not even think about Jenny's insurance coverage. We discovered that her HMO insurance did not cover neonatal care outside of Pittsburgh. After a few panicked calls, Jenny's cousin recommended that we visit South Cove. Jenny became a patient of Dr. Lucy Chie at the Washington Street clinic. Jenny was amazed - both with the efficiency and breadth of services the clinic offers, and equally with the warmth of the staff and their evident desire to help her stay healthy during the last few weeks of her pregnancy and the last few weeks of her mother's life. On a visit to Boston, I went to a neonatal appointment and expected to wait for hours, but instead we zipped through and we were finished in about 45 minutes. We began to tell all our friends about our great experiences at South Cove. The neonatal visits were only the beginning, however. Dr. Chie helped Jenny wait more than four hours for me to arrive in Boston for the birth of our first child. Dr. Chie delivered our baby girl, Sarah, an hour after I arrived. Again, this was not the end of our great experience at South Cove. After Sarah's arrival, we began seeing Dr. Roland Tang at South Cove's Quincy clinic. We had a few difficulties in the first few weeks trying to get Sarah to gain weight, and Dr. Tang and the nurses at South Cove were wonderful. They were sympathetic and helpful without being overbearing. And neither Jenny, nor I, has ever been to a doctor's office that was so flexible in scheduling. When Sarah did finally turn the corner and gain weight, everyone shared a smile of relief with us. We consistently rave about South Cove to our friends in Boston, Washington, Pittsburgh and everywhere else. If this is the face of community health services, our country could use a lot more of it.
[Names have been changed and letter partially edited to protect patient privacy]
I was introduced to Dr. Jenny Lee through South Cove Community Health Center more than 10 years ago. I am very fortunate to have Dr. Lee as my primary care physician to take care of my health, thereafter. I want to commend Dr. Lee on her professional, considerate, caring and plain manner when dealing with me. She always explained my condition and listened to my comments and questions with genuine interest. It is clear to me that Dr. Lee knows her specialty and understands the importance of care and treatment of the patients. Dr. Lee always puts patients in first place. My special thanks to Dr. Lee for her dedication, expertise, compassion. She always makes me feel I could ask questions, raise concerns and get real answers. Dr. Lee really added comfort, depth, understanding, motherliness, and dedication. She was wonderful to be around. So many thanks to Dr. Lee. May you all be blessed for the good work you do.
************************************************ |
About South Cove Community Health Center:
Founded in 1972, South Cove is dedicated to improving the health and well being of the Asian communities in Massachusetts with a special focus on the medically underserved by providing high quality, community-based health care that is accessible, culturally competent, and linguistically appropriate for these populations. Services: Adult Medicine (成人科) Bone Density (骨質篩檢) Ob/Gyn (婦科) Mammography (X光乳房攝影篩檢) Pediatrics (兒科) Dentistry (牙科) Optometry (眼科) Member Services (會員服務) Nutrition/WIC (營養科/奶卷) Family Planning (家庭計劃) Early Intervention (幼兒培育組) Behavioral Health (行為健康科) Brighton/Allston After-School Enrichment Program (課餘活動中心) Clinic Locations: 885 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02111 Tel: 617-482-7555 145 South Street, Boston, MA 02111 Tel: 617-521-6730 435 Hancock Street, Quincy, MA 02171 Tel: 617-745-0280 Website: |