January 2013  - Vol 4  Issue 4                                                                                                                                             Vancouver Island, British Columbia 
The 'Golden Bear'
Diamond in the Rough Perhaps
Jack says...
The Society of Golfers at Blackheath
Swing Dynamics of Ernie Els
Featured Postcard Pics of the Month, Victoria GC
Golf Instruction with Scott
Trivia Answers


Please "click" on the YouTube logo above to visit my YouTube Channel and video lessons.


There are five topics: 


~Sand Play

~Simple Alignment 

~The Fairway Trap Shot

~Putting Basics

~Sticky Lies...Chipping


A path to better golf!  


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delivery boy 1  


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"Click" the logo to visit the Golf BC website and learn how to establish a legitimate registered handicap for the 2013 season. Believe me, establishing a handicap costs little and the benefits are large.    


gc logo  


"Click" on the Golf Canada Logo and find out more about the sport of golf and the great opportunities for you and your family to enjoy this great game.    




A place and time called "GOOD FORTUNE" ...


With the New Year having arrived, it perhaps is the calling of my human instinct to reflect on my many years past.  Having celebrated my 60th birthday in October, 35 years of marriage, becoming a grandfather 4 weeks ago, and entering my 30th year as a golf professional, I guess it would be safe to say I have traveled a fair amount of road.  Maybe it's all about rounding those numbers off to decades, not years?  Who knows? Anyhow, here are a few things perhaps worthy of telling of myself.




Golf has been a huge part of my life.  I've been doing it since I was 5 years old!  All I really ever wanted to be was a golf professional.  I was very lucky, my father loved golf and encouraged me to play.  My mother was a huge supporter too; she drove me everywhere.  We lived one mile from Hazelmere Golf Course; my father was the club lawyer.  The Archer brothers owned the course...they were nice fellows and very accommodating.  The elementary school I attended, Halls' Prairie, was across the road from the club.  Frankly, I was a constant fixture at the course!  


newspaper clipping

White Rock Sun Paper, New Years Day 1972...Hazelmere Golf Course...

Fred Kuhn, Ted McCullough, moi & my father.    



I remember clearly on one occasion when I was about 12 or so my father driving out on the course one summer evening trying to find me: Hazelmere was a big property.  He found me on the 16th fairway, the farthest spot from the clubhouse.  I was playing in near dark conditions.  He simply said..."it's time to come home".  I remember another time I got caught in the dark on the 17th green; the path to the 18th tee was through thick bush; I couldn't see the trail so I had to back track.


Ball hunting was a big deal to my brother Robert and I.  We hunted for balls all the time...perhaps some of my most fun memories...especially the lakes.  If we could not play we searched for balls...simple as that!  More good fortune, my brother Robert (2 years older); we played hundreds of rounds of golf together.  He was an excellent player, great company, and found real joy in beating me (occasionally).


I was very fortunate, we had a Professional at Hazelmere named Ray McInally, a fun Irishman who provided Robert and I with a lot of opportunity.  I worked my first golf job with Ray when I was about 10... loved it!  Ray was a great chap! 





After 10 years at Hazelmere we moved our game to Newlands in Langley; better competition...more juniors to play with.  I was getting really serious about my game...practicing and playing endless hours.  Doing some shop time too!  Once again, good luck was on our side...the host Professional Ken Lea was fantastic to us...again, lots of opportunity and support.  Ken was a wonderful guy!


So folks, that's my early roots in this game.  I use the word lucky and good fortune a lot, because at 60, it would be misguided and silly for me to suggest I got this far on my own.   Happy New Year to you all!     





   Masters Logo   


The Masters...Augusta National Golf Club...April 8-14

Course...7,435 yards, Par 72 

Augusta, Georgia  

Defending Champion...Bubba Watson  (age 34) 


2013 us open logo  


U.S. Open...Merion Golf Club...June 10-16

Course...6,846 yards, Par 70 

Merion , Pennsylvania 

Defending Champion...Webb Simpson  (age 27) 


muirfield open  


The British Open...Muirfield Golf Course...July 18-21

Course...7245 yards, Par 71 

Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland 

Defending Champion...Ernie Els  (age 43) 


muirfield open  


PGA Championship...Oak Hill Country Club...August 6-11

Course...7145 yards, Par 70 

Rochester, New York 

Defending Champion...Rory Mcllroy  (age 23) 





a.  What is the name of the first two new female members at Augusta National?

b.  What event is held at Augusta National on the Wednesday of Augusta week?
c.  What unusual feature adorns the top of the flag pole on each of Marion's greens?

d.  Who won the 1950 U.S. Open at Marion?  (Clue...famous 1 iron)  

e.  Golf was first played at Muirfield in 1891 on 18 holes laid out by _____________?

f.   What Englishman won the Open Championship at Muirfield in 1987 & 1992?
g.  What world famous golf architect designed Oak Hill in Rochester, New York ? 

h.  Who won the 1980 PGA Championship at Oak Hill? 




As most of you likely realize I have always been a great admirer of Jack Nicklaus, the "Golden Bear".  I first saw Nicklaus play at the 1966 Canadian Open at Shaughnessy Golf Club in Vancouver; I was 13 years old.   


cdn golf review  


In my mind as a golf professional, it's all about record; Jack has had 115 Professional wins, which includes 18 majors.  Hello!  What can one add to that?  Well, how about being featured on the 2005 Royal Bank of Scotland 5 pound note; there were two million printed.   An added feature of my (2) mint bills is they are in numeric sequential order. 


Nicklaus money 


Five Pounds - Nicklaus  




I really like this 1930's postcard of the 3rd fairway from the Golf Club at Sherridon, Manitoba.  It's was a great looking hole, tree lined with some really neat rock outcroppings down the fairway.  


3rd fairway  


"The town of Sherridon originated as the service centre for the nearby Sherritt Gordon nickel mines. The mine closed in 1952, resulting in the equipment and many of the workers and families relocating to Lynn Lake.  In 1949 the first house from Sherridon was sleighed to Lynn Lake, Manitoba as a test run over the 160 miles of cat train trails. Over the next three years, 208 buildings were moved to Lynn Lake from Sherridon. Houses, stores, banks and churches were loaded on sleighs and pulled by caterpillar tractors over the ice and snow to Lynn Lake".


lynn lake  


I copied the above details from Wikipedia...tells the story nicely.  Thought the history was very worthy of note...real Canadian ancestral grit!  Sherridon is located 808 kms. north of Winnipeg.  Anyhow, I wonder what those two chaps/golfers are talking about in the image?   Perhaps they were discussing club selection off the tee? 





 Jack says...


The Restricted Swing...


Playing from under tree limbs and other swing restrictors isn't as difficult as it might seem...three keys thoughts...acclimatize one's self to the feel of the restricted action by properly measuring it with plenty of practice swings.  Secondly, concentrate on swinging as slowly and smoothly as possible.  Thirdly, prevent peeking, that always wrecks these shots; concentrate hard on looking hard at the ball until it vanishes from sight.   


john daly in trees  


Scott says...


Further to Jack's comments I have always found most recreational golfers are far too ambitious re recovery shots.   I try and relate to my students your first step to recovery is to get out of the troubled area and back onto the fairway.   If that means hitting it sideways or even backwards...so be it!  Productive golf is simply impossible if you are hitting the ball continually from the rough to the rough.


I believe a "superb" strategy is for golfers to try and advance the ball from a tough spot to an identified fairway target such as a fixed yardage marker...I am referring to 100, 150, 200 fairway markers.  These markers are always located in the center of the fairway providing the golfer with some margin for error.   From this central location one can both measure and execute the next shot more proficiently.   Always remember, measurements on the fairway, whether from sprinkler heads, colored yardage plates, or barber poles are always to the CENTER of the green. I remain steadfast in my assertion...GOLF is a game of SCORE...always, always limit the damage! 


(click the bear)



The antique print below is titled "To the Society of Golfers at Blackheath".  Painted by Lemuel Francis Abbott (1760-1803), the picture depicts William Innes, the Captain of the Club at Blackheath and his caddy.  It is considered the oldest and first golf print to be published. 


In addition to the wonderful image itself, the print has been signed  lower left to Harvey Combe, from Charles Hugouin.  Many attribute Combe to be the founding father of the Victoria Golf Club; I suspect the print must of been a prize or part of a thank you gesture.  The script is dated 1907.  I acquired the piece from the Nora Combe estate. 


blackheath golfers  


From an historic perspective, please note the caddy is carrying the clubs in a "bundle fashion".  Golf bags did not come into common use until the 1880's.  Another interesting tidbit... how about that bottle of spirits (scotch?) in the caddies right hand pocket?  I suspect a little something special for a chilly day on the links!  




Nick named "The Big Easy"; Ernie Els has one of the most seemingly effortless, rhythmic, productive swings on tour.  Winner of 65 Professional events, including 4 majors, Ernie must be considered as one of the very elite golfers of our time.  I have provided below a YouTube video of his swing.  You can stop of the video any time clicking the two vertical lines to the left of the second's time reader.  Please click the center button to activate. 


 ernie els  

The important features worth noting are:

  1. At the set-up notice the superb posture...Knees slightly flexed, quiet curvature of the spine to head, hands positioned below the chin, head simply looking at the ball.  Balanced position.  
  2. At the 4 second mark of the video please notice Ernie has taken the club away from the ball with the arms and hands as one unit; this is referred to as a one piece takeaway.  The club head is drawn from the ball low and slow.  Be assured his grip is perfect!      
  3. At the 7 second mark you will notice the club is now parallel with the target line, with the toe of the club pointing to the sky.  The wrist cocking process has begun!  
  4. At the 16 second mark...the top of the swing; Ernie has the club near parallel to the ground at the top of the swing and shaft pointing down the target line.  Notice too his right knee remains flexed...a key element.  Notice too the straightness of the left arm and the position of the right elbow.  The hips at the top have turned approximately half the rotation of the shoulders.  The lower body will now lead the downswing.  Head remains steady!  
  5. At 24 seconds Ernie is half way down to the ball...notice he has yet to release his wrist cock and his hips are beginning to clear or spin.  Notice the alignment of the shaft to the ball...Head remains steady!  
  6. Contact at 27 seconds...left hip has cleared; arms are extended via the powers of centrifugal force.  Head remains steady!  
  7. Moment 30...Ernie has released the club with the toe of the club pointed to the sky.  Right foot is releasing from the ground as the weight is being transferred to the front leg/foot.  Head remains steady!  
  8. Finish at second 45.  Notice the finish of the swing and the final positioning of the body and club.  Ernie now has 90-95% of his body weight on the leading foot, with chest and belt buckle pointed to target.  Perfectly in balance at the finish.   

      www.ernieels.com  (click me!)



Victoria Golf Club


VGC logo  


Considered by many as one of the most beautiful golf clubs in Canada, Victoria Golf Club is truly a gem.  Situated on the most southerly tip of Vancouver Island, Victoria Golf Club, though not long in overall length, can present golfers with an array of challenging weather conditions.   With full exposure to the Straits of Juan de Fuca, windy conditions are more frequent than not; when combining this with tight fairways, small undulating speedy greens, an abundance of traps plus perimeter gorse and broom, the course is an excellent examination of a golfers talents.  The postcards illustrated below are of the 1933 PNGA Championship held at Victoria Golf Club. 


Clubhouse- Victoria GC

 Victoria GC- 5th hole 

 Victoria GC - 7th tee  

 Victoria GC - 14th hole

  vic golf club finals  Some interesting historic moments in the Club's history...

  1. The Club was established in November 7th, 1893 at the Temple building on Fort St.
  2. The land was owned by Victoria pioneer/ surveyor/engineer Joseph Pemberton.
  3. A key member of the Club was Harvey Combe...9 times B.C. Amateur Champion.  Combe choose the location, known as Pemberton Meadow.    
  4. The famous golfing greats Harry Vardon and Ted Ray play a match at VGC in 1913.
  5. In 1921, Phil Taylor was hired as Head Professional...he stayed 38 years...very fine player...won 3 B.C. Opens.  
  6. Joyce Wethered from England played a match in 1935 at VGC...at that time, arguably one of the World's greatest lady golfers...during her North American tour in 1935 she set 18 course records.   
  7. Byron Nelson, Lawson Little, Horton Smith and other greats compete in a medal match in 1936.  Smith won with rounds of 64, 65, 72 & 65.  
  8. Ben Hogan plays a match in 1942 raising funds for the War effort.
  9. Shell's Wonderful World of Golfis played in 1967 between Al Geiberger and George  Knudson.  Geiberger ( Mr. 59 )  is the eventual winner.   
  10. The VGC was a founding member of the PNWGA since 1899, hosting many events.
  11. The list goes on....a remarkable story..."hats off" to all members & staff! 
member card - VGC

(click me!)

GOLF INSTRUCTION with SCOTT              

Lessons are available with Scott at Highland Pacific weekday afternoons and weekends.  Send an e-mail or call Scott to find a time that works best for your schedule.  Developing and implementing a new plan can be exciting and rewarding


All lessons include video and an e-mail summary.  Not to forget...playing lessons are available too.  Highland Pacific is a fantastic venue for Playing Lessons.  Look forward to hearing from you!  Cheers!


  Don't forget, we have TOASTY HEATERS  on the range too! 


Email: scottkeenlyside@hotmail.com
Call: Highland Pacific Golf Shop @

Website: www.highlandpacificgolf.com


highland pacific 

From the 8th tee "Pacific Nine" 

looking to the spectacular Olympic Range    



a.  Condoleezza Rice & Darla Moore
b.  Par 3 contest
c.  That of a Wicker Basket
d.  Ben Hogan 

e.  Old Tom Morris
f.   Nick Faldo
g.  Donald J. Ross 
h.  Jack Nicklaus 



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the golfer poem