WireReady now supports MP3 files (beta version 11.5)
By customer request, WireReady has coded native support for playing *.mp3 files in its NewsReady and ControlReady products. This means news departments that download and work with lots of mp3 files will no longer have to convert them to WAV before embedding them in stories and airing them with the software. This also means that ControlReady live assist and onair automation customers can also schedule and play mp3 files in their playlists. Version 11.5 is our in-progress version that will be released as Version 12 early next year. If you have a Silver Gold or Platinum support plan, and would like to try this version or even use it on air, contact our support department or download it from our website. Click here for more information about MP3 Playback (PDF). You can also view more information about all the improvements to our current version 11.0. Click here to download WireReady32 Features Version 11 (PDF). |
KTLO.com wins website of the year!
At the 2012 Arkansas Associated Press Broadcaster's Awards banquet, KTLO, Classic Hits and The Boot brought home seven awards from competition in five categories against all radio stations in Arkansas, regardless of market size. The station's website, KTLO.com, was named the most outstanding website among radio stations. Congratulations! See the full story on KTLO.comKTLO is a long-time WireReady user in their newsroom and on-air and has also been using WebReady for content management since 2005. WebReady allows them to update content throughout the day on KTLO.com in many categories, including news, obits, sports, community events, cancellations and more. Visit our website or call us today to find out how we can "KTLO" your website! |
ControlReady32 Studio Onair/Automation License Pricing
Our ControlReady32 onair automation and news three machine license price (all inclusive with setup and support) is $2,795 for single radio stations (onair, production, & news) , $4,995 for two radio station combos (up to 5 machines), $6,995 for 3 radio stations (up to 10 machines), and $9,995 for up to 10 radio stations/unlimited workstations in the same market effective 10/1/2013. If you have a pending quote, give David Gerstmann a call at 800 833 4459 or email him to buy soon or make special arrangements to keep your current quotes valid past this date. Our current version is now 11, including ControlReady studio onair automation, NewsReady newsroom, SalesReady telesales, and our web interface products. For a summary of improvements, click here to read our last newsletter. Click here to read other past newsletters. Click here to visit our website.
Tip of the Month: Speed up the time it takes to open the File Select Window
Some folks have really big folders of stories or audio files in their systems. A few customers have them in the TENS of thousands. For folders with a few thousand or less files, you might not notice any delay when you open the File Select to load an audio file in a list, deck or Notepad. Depending on the speed of your computer or server though, and if you have thousands of files, you might be waiting a second or two, even longer before the screen draws. There are a few tricks you might not be aware of. Most of the time you are using a folder (list of files) and not necessarily looking for anything that was just done in the last minute or so. So why wait for us to check the entire folder? You can suppress this update so we only show the newest files when you hit SELECT folder or the REFRESH button. This means anytime you SELECT a different folder or open the Fileselect window, we can draw the list immediately with the last known index we updated the previous time you or someone else looked in the folder which depending on how often you use the folder might be as recent as seconds ago anyway. Click here for more information (PDF) |
Drag and Drop rundown order changes, Drag/Drop stories from one folder to another and jump from story to story with NEXT and PREV buttons in V 11.0
From the Filelog, you can now choose SETUP and choose Dual Screen mode. This lets you split the screen horizontally or vertically and have TWO of everything. Two notepads, two wires screens, two Filelogs, etc. And you can now drag drop files from one Filelog to another (or rundown) and drag/drop files around when in rundown mode if you like to stack separate stories in a list you read for long format shows. And when you are reading one story, you can now hit NEXT to jump immediately to the next story without having to go back to the Filelog and cursor down to the next story.
NewsReady V11 supports AP Webfeeds Agent Internet feed and MetroSource
AP plans to convert all broadcast subscribers to Internet delivery by year end. If you haven't been contacted by AP, you soon will be or you can call AP. No worries, the conversion is easy and quick and free for all WireReady customers who already use the Windows version of NewsReady and have a support plan. We're also compatible with MetroSource's Internet server push software too, so if you have Metrosource and would like to use WireReady to receive it, we can capture both the text and audio cuts from the service in our software.
Using WireReady on a MAC or with Citrix?
Occasionally folks ask us if anyone has successfully run WireReady through a Windows Emulator on a MAC or has done thin client multi-user configs using a Citrix or terminal services equipped server - doing anything from RBDS or a VMWare hosted box running multiple remote desktop client sessions? We know folks have figured out how to run us from Linux (Richard "Ubunto" Keane), but so far that's the craziest way we've heard of running WireReady. If you've done any of this (or something similar) with your WireReady, send us the details! We'd love to hear about it and share it in our next newsletter.
Thank you for your loyalty and continued interest in our products.
David Gerstmann
President and Founder
WireReady NSI
(800) 833 4459 davidg@wireready.com
PlayoutReady television upgrades
PlayoutReady our all-in-one playout, scheduling and automation solution for newscast clip play, channel insertion and complete station automation continues to be adopted by stations around the country. Complete turnkey SD solutions start as low as $15K and multi-channel and HD solutions start below $20K. PlayoutReady is a next-generation mpeg2 file based solution that is so fast it can do back to back play of events on a SINGLE decoder card saving great expense and complexity without compromising reliability. www.playoutready.com
Recommend WireReady
If you love your WireReady and love our service, PLEASE tell your friends at other stations. And thank you for all the folks you've sent our way.
About WireReady
Since 1989, our mission has been to design innovative and easy to use products and support them 24/7/365 with one of the best help desk teams in the business.
In addition to serving more than 2000 radio broadcasters worldwide, our product line has expanded to include television automation and master control playout, video encoding and automatic recording, MOS integrated playout, and asset management.
Our non-proprietary high-end ultra-fast multi-terabyte rackmount windows based servers and mpeg decoder and encoder cards match the features of leading vendor systems at a fraction of their prices.
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Interested in a test drive?
If you are interested in trying our newsroom products, school closing, podcasting, web publishing, studio onair and automation, television or telesales products before you buy, give us a call.
We will remotely set you up with any of our products on your computers and let you take a 30 day test drive to experience the ease of use and excellent service and support we're known for. There is no obligation or cost.
If you decide to purchase, we'll give you the unlock key. You can use our software on your own Windows computer(s), or we can provide industrial grade rack mount RAID redundant audio and/or video workstations and servers. |