Listen to today's 4-minute radio commentary about the 2016 presidential race
Rebellion crushed at Republican National Convention


Utah delegates, including Senator Mile Lee in the red and white striped tie above, are expressing their rejection of the adoption of the rules package in a voice vote. The majority of delegates in 9 states either wanted to be unbound to vote for a nominee other than Donald Trump or they objected to other items in the rules package.

Listen to my radio commentary below for the exciting soundbite moments below.


Arkansas Congressman Steve Womack, the Convention Chair, ruled that the "ayes" had it leading to delegates, like the ones above from Virginia, to demand a a roll call vote state by state.


You'll hear plenty of booing in the audio clips from yesterday's chaotic debate in my radio commentary below from the Republican Convention here in Cleveland.



In addition, in my radio commentary below, you'll hear soundbites from New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani among others about the need to "Make America Safe Again."


McManus will broadcast live from the

in Cleveland, Ohio.

Tune in starting today from
3:00-6:00 p.m. central 
via LiveStream


As I interview all of the newsmakers, email your questions and comments to me live at


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Donald Trump's bad treatment of women  

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San Antonio, Texas 78216



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