Listen to today's 4-minute-long radio commentary about the 2016 presidential race

In his book Crisis of Character, former Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne, who was stationed outside the Oval Office in the 1990's, made the claim that he walked in on former president Bill Clinton passionately kissing Eleanor Mondale, the daughter of former Vice President Walter Mondale, in the White House map room.

In my 4-minute-long radio commentary below,  

listen to some soundbites from Byrne on the Sean Hannity TV show as well as Juanita Broddrick's description of  

why Hillary smeared and intimidated Bill's harem. 


Walter Mondale, who served as Vice President under President Jimmy Carter, was the Democratic presidential nominee who selected Geraldine Ferraro as his running mate in 1984 when he lost badly to President Ronald Reagan.

Mondale's daughter Eleanor, pictured above on the far left, reportedly had an affair with President Bill Clinton.

Listen to my 4-minute-long radio commentary below.

Eleanor Mondale, who reportedly had an affair with President Clinton, was an actress, television host, and a regular on
Howard Stern's raunchy radio show
before her untimely death in 2011 from cancer.

Listen to my 4-minute radio commentary below.
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11765 West Avenue #272

San Antonio, Texas 78216
