Synergy Success E-Zine
September, 2011
 Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.
~William Somerset Maugham |
Greetings to YOU and a Wet, Friendly Welcome to our new Subscribers!
I hope this finds you safe, warm and dry! Our recent earthquake followed by Hurricanes Irene and Lee have offered fresh reminders about how quickly the ground can shift beneath our feet and rough waters can rise around us.
In addition to forces of nature, unexpected changes in our everyday life also test our endurance and inner strength. Whether it's a sudden loss of a home or person, a new job, the ups and downs of chronic illness, or dealing with another kind of transition, at times we all encounter the choppy waters of change. Whether we give up in exhaustion, barely stay afloat or thrive in the midst depends on our ability to adapt in healthy ways.
You've heard the saying "when the going gets tough, the tough get going", right? I encourage you to join me in changing that to "when the going gets tough, the tough get g-r-o-w-i-n-g"! A resilient perspective helps you look at your challenge with curiosity and say, 'How can I learn from this? What is this experience trying to teach me?'
If you feel you're in the midst of rough surf, take heart ~ you're not alone! I've been there too, along with many others. Our circumstances may differ, but there are common threads woven throughout the journey back to calm water. That's why my resilience coaching practice is dedicated to helping high achievers like you maintain personal balance, energy, and focus in the midst of swirling changes.
Enjoy this month's article on "How to Thrive in the Whitewaters of Change", and feel free to share these 5 "Synergy Success Tips" with someone you know and love, OK?
Perhaps we'll cross paths at the Synergy Success Circle or at one of our upcoming fall events listed below. As always, I invite you to reach out with comments or questions, or share the ah-ha's you received from reading this. Until then, may you be well.
Here's to saying 'YES' ~ and growing through life's changes!
p.s. Ready to FREE yourself from the confusion and struggle of going it alone, or curious about how Resilience Coaching may benefit you? Remember, You can always trust your heart to lead you to whatever actions are in your highest good. If this speaks to you, please contact me to schedule a complimentary get-to know-you session.
Upcoming Events
Sept 2011
14 "Synergy Success Circle" Lunch Meeting 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at McAlister's Deli.
18th Theatrical Fashion Show and Luncheon 1:00 - 3:30 pm Sponsored by Casual Friday Boutique for Breast Cancer awareness efforts of the RMH's Women's center. Spotswood Country Club. Tickets on sale inside Casual Friday store at 600 University Blvd. 540-437-9899. $25 per person, limited seating.
27th Ladies night out in the beautiful Spa 122 and Salon in New Market, VA 5:30 -7:00 pm. Come for friendship, fun, great give-away drawings and hot tips for "Thriving in the Whitewaters of Change" $15 per person. Call or Email to reserve your space today! 540.740.3211 or 540-746-5206. |
Self-Care Affirmation

"I confidently rebuild after the storms of life pass through, creating new ways to nurture and protect the things that matter most." |
Great Quote!
"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
~Helen Keller |
First Day of School
Ben (10th grade) & Dani-Grace (Kindergarten)  |
Click here to Sign up for Synergy E-News and receive the quiz link to your inbox!
So Proud to Highlight these Amazing
"GO-TO" Gals!

Here's the Official Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching, LLC Logo Banner we created in collaboration. Me (Christina in the middle), Candace Farthing (left), and Katie Atkinson (right).
Please let me introduce you to,express appreciation for, and highly recommend these two talented women! Candace offers such customized attention to detail as she helps you create graphics that capture the energy and mission of your business. Katie is a stellar partner from start to finish, providing exceptional client care as she
ensures your printing needs are taken care of promptly and accurately. I couldn't have done this without them.
Wondering what they could help YOU create? Here's a personal message and their contact information:
Hi, I'm Candace (Pictured above at left) of Candace Farthing Graphic Design. Graphic Design is my passion! I think it is a dream come true to go to "work" and do art every day. What could be better? I generally create marketing pieces including (but not limited to) logo creation, business cards, brochures, web sites, mailers. It is great to meet a new client, learn about their business needs and create materials to help them achieve their goals.
Another branch of my business is photography. I love taking Senior Pictures and then picking a few to have fun with graphically. I like to create art from a photograph. Teens love it! Please call/email if we can work together! 540.294.8616 or candace@candacegraphics.com
Hi, I'm Katie Atkinson (Pictured above at right), Sales Executive for Daniel's Promotional Products in Harrisonburg, Virginia. We are a 31+ year old local company who is best known for providing imprinted and embroidered tee shirts and corporate apparel.
What excites me most about my job, is to work closely with my clients to feature their Company Logo on wonderful and unique products. These products can keep your business in front of current and future customers for years to come! I love it because it's fast paced, always changing and challenges my creativity daily. I've listed just a sampling of what I can provide below...My recent motto is "If you think I don't Print It....Call Me!" 540-434-4240 or katie@pro-ad.com
- Drink ware (Acrylic and Ceramic)
- Pens & Pencils
- Magnets / Decals / Yard Signs
- Calendars
- Post It Notes
- Umbrellas/Coolers/Tote Bags
- Caps / Beanies
- Awards/Recognition Gifts
- Table Covers / Retractable & Outdoor Vinyl Banners / Table Top Displays
- And MORE !!!
How to Thrive in the Whitewaters of Change
by Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life Coach, R.N.

Do you struggle to maintain personal balance, energy and focus in the midst of the swirling changes around you? Does it seem like life is moving faster with much more required of you in less time? In today's economy and with modern technology at our fingertips, it seems the natural ebb and flow of life has given way to continuous white water, testing our endurance and inner strength.
If at times you feel you're in rough surf, you're not alone. Retired seniors even feel the pressure of having to do more in less time when services that once provided a personal touch suddenly require you to recall a PIN code in only a matter of seconds.
The truth is, life moves quickly and change happens. Whether it's a sudden loss of a home or person, a new job, the ups and downs of chronic illness, or dealing with another kind of transition, we all encounter the choppy waters of change. Whether we give up in exhaustion, barely stay afloat or thrive in the midst depends on our ability to adapt in healthy ways. I invite you to take a deep breath and bring to mind 3 changes you're in the midst of right now. Jot them down at the top of a blank piece of paper. Don't be surprised if you have many different thoughts and a flood of emotions that come with them. Be honest and dig deep: How do you feel? For example, you may be overwhelmed, anxious, scared, or angry. (Even after a positive change, like a promotion at work, there may be sadness mixed in with your excitement.) You'll be relieved to know most of us fear change, find it stressful, and at times question our ability to cope. Fear would often stop me in my tracks until I learned how to trade "frazzled" in for calm energy.
It is my intention that these 5 tips will offer fresh perspective to help you embrace change with more grace and ease. So instead of being anxious when in unchartered waters, you can ride on top of the wave; with a flexible, positive, and resilient attitude towards your work and life. Click link to Enjoy the rest of "How to Thrive in the Whitewaters of Change" or to print the 5 "Synergy Success Tips" for easy reference.
Synergy Life &Wellness Coaching is poised & honored to serve you in these ways:
Coaching via SKYPE Webcam [NEW!] For Your Convenience, an additional Coaching Option is now being offered...Efficient, Productive, and amazingly Personal.
As a Speaker for an Event or Workshop
"The Synergy Success Blueprint" How to stay Focused, Positive, & moving Forward in Work & Life.
"Better Together" How to create collaboration and a Spirit of Community in 3 Easy Steps.
One on One Resilience Coaching Synergy = Shortcut...Invest in yourself. Seek out role models and mentors who can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Speak up. Ask for help. Contact Christina for more info and your copy of the Coaching Program Options Guide.
The"Synergy Success Circle" "The Success Circle has been created to help busy women balance their energy, purpose, well-being and success in their personal and professional lives. Together Everyone really does Achieve More!
"Synergy In Motion" at the JMU Arboretum and Botanical Gardens! You've been asking for an outdoor coaching option~what a wonderful way to get a fresh perspective! Each session is customized to YOU, and YOUR goals for our time together. |
Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle. My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life. In addition to one on one coaching, I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works? Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...
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