Welcome to the E-News archive of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. Whether you're just curious about what we've been up to through the years or you're looking for a specific announcement or article that has come and gone, this is the place to read about it. Click on the links below to explore the archives!
- December 2014: E-news (12/18/2014)
- CEFS Celebrates its 20th Anniversary, CEFS Developing New Initiative to Confront Structural Racism and Food Inequity, Community Food Strategies Initiative Working to Support, Coordinate Statewide Food Systems Work, and more!
- September 2014: E-news (9/3/2014)
- CEFS Co-Director John O'Sullivan's Retirement Message, NC Growing Together Support Helps Small Farmers Achieve GAPs Certification, CEFS Offering "Pasture to Process" Programs for NC Meat Producers, and more!
- May 2014: E-news (5/1/2014)
- Happy Birthday to Us: CEFS Turns 20!, CEFS Kicks Off 20th Anniversary at Special Reception Featuring Dr. Ricardo Salvador, FoodCorps North Carolina and Farm-to-School: A Recipe for Healthy Kids, and more!
- September 2013: E-news (10/1/2013)
- CEFS Co-Director Dr. John M. O'Sullivan Awarded The Order of the Long Leaf Pine by Governor McCrory; NC 10% Campaign Surpasses $50 Million Milestone, Becomes a National Model; CEFS' Organic Research Unit Hosting Stevia Research Trials; and more!
- June 2013: E-news (6/25/2013)
- NC Growing Together Project, CEFS and Community Partners to Convene First Statewide Youth Food Advisory Council, HBO Documentary Features SWARM Alumna Kebreeya Lewis, Greenhouse Gas, Water Quality Research at CEFS' Farming Systems Research Unit, and more!
- February 2013: E-news (2/25/2013)
- Major Grants Support Exciting New Work, Update from CEFS' Livestock Apprentice​, Cafeteria Taste-Test​ing, and more!
- November 2012: E-News (11/9/2012)
- SWARM Represents at the Clinton Global Initiative, Farmhand Foods Selected as Food "Study Hub", Incubator Farm Project Update, and more!
- August 2012: E-News (8/14/2012)
- Local Governments See Health & Economic Benefits of Local Foods, CEFS Dairy Unit "CowVac", Sustainable Local Foods Advisory Council, Graduate Student Exchange in Croatia, and more!
- May 2012: E-News (5/31/2012)
- CEFS Field Day Recap, New Produce Ped'lers Progam, New at the Research Farm: Compost Unit, NC 10% Campaign: New Partnerships, Exciting Growth, "I'm a Local" Video.
- February 2012: E-News (2/21/2012)
- New CEFS Research Unit: Pasture-Based Meat Goats, Winter Farm Musings, FoodCorps Call for Applications, Welcome (back) Bryan Green, CEFS' YouTube Channel.
- December 2011: E-News (12/20/2011)
- CEFS Launches Incubator Farm Project, 10% Campaign Tracks $12 Million in Local Foods, SWARM (Students Working for an Agricultural Revolutionary Movement), CEFS and 4-H Host FoodCorps in NC, CEFS Educational Opportunities.
- August 2011: E-News (8/26/2011)
- CEFS' Week of Sustainable Agriculture, CEFS Assistant Directors Announced, Welcome New Staff, Farewell Steve Moore, Arthur Gordon and the Most Local Lunch EVER, 2011 Internship.
- April 2011: E-News (4/13/2011)
- Andrea Reusing's First Book, Carolina Meat Conference, 2011 Farm to Fork Picnic, 2011 SOSA Workshops.
- May 2010 Special Edition: Meet Our Apprentices (6/2/2010)
- 2010 Sponsors. Dylan Atchley, Missouri. Marisa Benzle, Ohio. Margaret Rossano, Connecticut. Bob Pellitier, Eastern North Carolina.
- March 2010: E-News (3/29/2010)
- Perspectives [magazine] on CEFS. 2010 Spring Farm Festival. 2010 Farm to Fork Picnic. Upcoming 2010 SOSA Workshops.
- September 2009: E-News (9/25/2009)
- 2009 Sustainable Agriculture Lecture: Will Allen. Compass Group North America Sponsors "Seasons" Workshops. Upcoming CEFS Supported Workshops.
- May 2009: Farm to Fork Picnic Invitation (5/14/2009)
- April 2009: Workshop Schedule (4/17/2009)
- CEFS Spring Farm Festival: Get Goldsboro Growing! Sustaining Local Farmers by Promoting Local Foods. No-till Organic Grain Production. Vegetable Stories and Worm Magic: Gardening Basics for Children.
- December 2008: End of Year Reflection and Gifts (12/19/2008)
- September 2008: Judy Wicks Sponsors (9/15/2008)
- Judy Wicks: "Local Living Economies: Green, Fair & Fun." Presenting Sponsor: Burt's Bees. Reception Sponsor: Compass Group.
- August 2008: Workshops (8/12/2008)
- CEFS August Workshop Schedule. 2008 CEFS Sustainable Agriculture Lecturer: Judy Wicks.
- August 2008: Judy Wicks, Sustainable Agriculture Lecturer (8/8/2008)
- July 2008: Workshops (7/8/2008)
- Fueling the Farm II. Biofuels 101. Pasture-Based Dairy Workshop. Bugs in the Garden (kids' workshop). Raising Heritage Turkeys on Pasture. Out-of-State Organic Grain Tour: Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania. Making Use of Beneficial Insects for Crop Pest Management & Pollination. Why Buy Local?
- February 2008: E-News (2/22/2008)
- 2008 Seasons of Sustainable Agriculture Workshop Series. CEFS Seeks Students for 2008 Summer Research Internship in Sustainable Ag. CEFS Awarded $929,900 To Support Adoption of Conservation Practices. CEFS Receives Z. Smith Reynolds Grant. Some New Faces at CEFS.
- November 2007: E-News (11/16/2007)
- CEFS Inaugural Sustainable Agriculture Lecture by Carlo Petrini Available. Dr. Paul Mueller Receives Award. CEFS Author Series Announces: John Ikerd.
Center for Environmental Farming Systems Box 7609 - NCSU Raleigh, NC 27695 cefs_info@ncsu.edu 919-513-0954