Looking for that perfect gift?
 Visit our online store to find that "perfect something" that will excite anyone's heart with laughter and glee!!!
There are plenty of items to choose from, including: short and long-sleeved T-shirts (youth and adult sizes), baby onesies and bibs, messenger bags and tote bags, aprons, coffee mugs, and much more!
 Please visit our store and help support CEFS!
Happy spring, everyone. So much is happening that we're very excited about here at CEFS.
In addition to the highlights below (and we hope you'll find the time to attend one of our upcoming events!), we are happy to announce that CEFS and its partners have just been funded by a grant from the Golden LEAF Foundation to conduct a "10% Local Foods" campaign in North Carolina. This was one of the game changers that came out of our "Building a Local Food Economy in North Carolina" initiative. We'll update you will a full announcement soon.
In fact, we have several exciting announcements about action items that are moving forward from that initiative. You'll hear about these action items in April, in association with the release of our State Action Guide: From Farm to Fork: A Guide to Building North Carolina's Sustainable Local Food Economy.
We are pleased to announce that Cheryl Queen, Compass Group vice president of corporate communications, has been elected as the new chair of the CEFS Board of Advisors. We also were very pleased to welcome new board member Anya Gordon of Irregardless Cafe at the March board meeting. Lastly, we are thrilled that the Honorable Eva Clayton, who served as a member of the
U.S. House of Representatives from 1992 to 2003 for the 1st
Congressional District of North Carolina, has accepted our invitation to join the CEFS board. We are looking forward to the leadership she will provide as we move forward with new initiatives around food security and improving access to healthy fresh and local foods across all communities.
Keep checking the CEFS Web site for information about initiatives and upcoming events, and don't forget the CEFS Facebook page. One final note: If you want tickets to the Farm to Fork picnic, better get them soon (see www.farmtoforknc.com), as they will sell out shortly!
Dr. Nancy Creamer Director of CEFS for
N.C. State University
Perspectives on CEFS
Maybe we're a little biased, but we think the Winter 2010 issue of Perspectives - the magazine of the N.C. State University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - might have been the best issue yet. Of course, our perspective (pardon the pun) might be influenced by the fact that the Center for Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) and CEFS faculty were mentioned in several articles.
(Click magazine cover to see the issue's Table of Contents.)
Selected articles from the Winter 2010 issue:
- Uruguay collaborators renew College acquaintances
Learn about the CALS collaboration with the Universidad de la Empresa (UDE) in Montevideo, Uruguay, and BIO Uruguay International, a sustainable agriculture research and extension program in Tacuaremb�, and the Uruguayan group's visit to the CEFS research farm in Goldsboro.
2010 Spring Farm Festival to be held May 8 at CEFS Small Farm Unit
The 2010 Spring Farm Festival will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 8, at the CEFS Small Farm Unit in Goldsboro. Admission is FREE!
Join us for this FAMILY EVENT
with lots of kid-friendly activities as we celebrate sustainable
agriculture and local food and farming in North Carolina. The 2010
Spring Farm Festival will include educational booths and activities,
workshops, tours, kids' activities, a farmers market, local food and
live music all day.
Visit the CEFS Web site for festival details and information for exhibitors and directions to the Small Farm Unit.
2010 Farm to Fork Picnic to be held May 23 at Breeze Family Farm
Join Piedmont cooks and farmers on Sunday, May 23, from 4 to 7 p.m. at the W.C. Breeze Family Farm in Hillsborough for an evening of food,
live music and fun activities for the entire family! In a unique
collaboration, the region's most acclaimed cooks will pair with Piedmont
farmers to present a picnic-style feast that celebrates our local
foods and the people who grow and prepare them. For details and ticket information, including information on how to get discounted tickets, please visit the CEFS Web site or the event Web site.
Upcoming 2010 Seasons of Sustainable Agriculture Workshops
Small Ruminant Integrated
Gastrointestinal Parasite Control, Smart Drenching and FAMACHA�
Wednesday, April 21 8:45 a.m. to noonLocation: CEFS Research Farm, Goldsboro, N.C.
Registration Fee: $10 (includes lunch; can be reimbursed - contact
Niki Whitley at ncwhitle@ncat.edu
or 336-334-7956 for details)
To learn more about this workshop or how to
register, please see the course description on the CEFS Web site.
Conservation Practices in Outdoor Hog Production
Tuesday, May 25 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Location: CEFS Research Farm, Goldsboro, N.C.
Registration Fee: $20 (includes lunch)
To learn more about this workshop or how to register, please
see the course description on the CEFS Web site.
Food System Assessments Part I: Community-based Assessments
Saturday, June 5
10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.Location: CEFS Research Farm, Goldsboro, NC
Registration Fee: $10
To learn
more about this workshop or how to register, please
see the course description on the CEFS Web site.
For information about more workshops, please visit the CEFS Web
site to see the full 2010 SOSA calendar.
Mission and History of CEFS
The Center for Environmental Farming Systems develops and promotes food
and farming systems that protect the environment, strengthen local
communities and provide economic opportunities in North Carolina and
North Carolina State University and North Carolina A&T
State University established the Center for
Environmental Farming Systems (CEFS) with the
North Carolina Department of Agriculture at the
Cherry Farm facility near Goldsboro, NC, in 1994.
These partners work closely with state and federal
agencies, non-governmental organizations (for
example, Carolina Farm Stewardship Association,
Rural Advancement Foundation International,
Farm Bureau), farmers and citizens to provide
agricultural research, extension and education for
our state. The development of CEFS is a national
model for partnership, innovation and
interdisciplinary cooperation.
To learn more about CEFS, please visit www.cefs.ncsu.edu.
Center for Environmental Farming Systems Box 7609 - NCSU Raleigh, NC 27695 cefs_info@ncsu.edu 919-513-0954