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It's Epilepsy Awareness Month
Are You Ready?
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There was an election recently, in case you missed it (and two-thirds of Americans did miss it). But not to worry, my observations of what happened, both in Rhode Island and across the country, are up on our blog.

The highlights? Well, other than the fact that most folks were busy that day, there was this - 
  • Only 13% of 18-29 year-olds voted, making the electorate much older, whiter and more affluent than it was two years ago - but the pendulum is likely to swing right back in 2016;
  • Campaigns are stalking you on-line, and;
  • A good poll is increasingly hard to find.
Also included - useful tips on how to stop those annoying "robo-calls."

Give it a read here. I'd be interested in your thoughts and comments.

It's Epilepsy Awareness Month

The Matty Fund is the region's leading resource for children and families living with epilepsy. For many parents of young children with the condition, the organization is a godsend. The group was founded in 2003 after 5 year-old Matthew Siravo passed away on Mother's Day from complications related to epilepsy.

His parents, Deb and Richard Siravo, started the Matty Fund to honor their son and to help others.

The Matty Fund got a head start on things several weeks ago when the group was selected by Rite-Aid for the company's highly selective KidCents program. You can see the coverage on local TV here, and read the story in the Providence Business News.

Yesterday, Gov. Lincoln Chafee honored Epilepsy Awareness Month in Rhode Island. (Read the Boston Globe mention here and watch coverage of the event on local TV.) The day before, the Siravo's went on the Dan Yorke State of Mind television show to talk at length about the organization and how it makes a real difference for local families. (Watch the show here, starting at the 10:30 mark.)

If you know someone with epilepsy, want to know more, or just want to help, please take a minute to visit The Matty Fund's website at
Are You Ready?

When a crisis strikes out of nowhere, it's too late to begin "Crisis Planning." Tomorrow, I'll be at the Massachusetts Society of CPAs MAP Conference at Mohegan Sun to discuss some quick, easy steps that the CPAs - and their clients - can take right now to protect their business, and their reputation.
Here are some of the questions I'll be answering:
  • Why is a good offense before a crisis the best defense during one?
  • How do you prepare your senior leaders for a crisis?
  • Why is it important to stake out your "on-line real estate" in social media before a crisis hits?
  • What do I need to know about what's being said about us on-line?
  • Why do your attorneys and your communications team need to meet before a crisis hits?
  • What should my receptionist say in a crisis when he or she answers the phone?
If your organization or group should know the answers to these questions, please contact me by phone or e-mail and I'd be happy to set something up.
Nice Ink! 

Scouts Collect 65 Tons of Food!

They weathered not one, but two Nor'easters - complete with driving rain, wind and even some snow. But that didn't stop local Boy Scouts from collecting 65 tons of much needed supplies for the Rhode Island Community Food Bank. Here's a good story with some local Scouts talking about this year's effort.

Aspen Aerogels is Business of the Year

Aspen Aerogels is a publicly-traded energy technology company that is growing fast, right here in Rhode Island. Recently, the company took to the airwaves to fill new positions at its East Providence facility. Tonight, Aspen Aerogels will be honored by the East Providence Chamber of Commerce as Business of the Year, for both their business success and their dedication to the community.

Happy Thanksgiving!