Synergy Success E-Zine, SEPTEMBER 2013

"Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another."
~Napolean Hill |
Greetings to YOU and a Warm Welcome to our strong community of high-achieving women who intend to thrive amidst the challenges of work and life while showing grace under pressure.
Every day I am more humbled and amazed by how fulfilled I am as a life coach. There's nothing I LOVE more than helping my clients rise to their challenges and thrive despite adversity with a more resilient spirit. Seems it's what I was born for.
That's why I had a goose-bumps moment today while watching Mandisa's new video set to her powerful song "Overcomer" ! (Click here for 5:35 sec video)
(This inspirational clip features the raw courage of Robin Roberts of Good Morning America, the battle Scott Hamilton has fought since early childhood, the struggle of Gabby Giffords to recover from a life-threatening gunshot wound, and the transformational weight-loss journey of biggest loser Hannah Curlee.)
No doubt about it...life is hard sometimes! It takes no more than a glance at the daily news, or the frazzled faces of family, friends, co-workers and customers to find hardships testing our faith, patience, and sanity. Having (and using) healthy tools to manage our own attitudes and emotions during tough times can help us side-step personal and professional discouragement,
making us more likely to lift people up through our words and actions. We must stay empowered ourselves to inspire the best in others, otherwise we might recklessly add to the burdens they are already carrying.
Don't underestimate the Power of Encouragement! But, since we can't give away what we don't have, first fill your own tank with love, self-compassion and affirmation so you have plenty to offer others. Then, as you go about your day, seize opportunities to offer a kind word, friendly gesture, or a warm smile.
Despite the stories we tell ourselves, everybody's got something they're dealing with. Yes, everyone! (even those flawless women you think "have it all together" because you never see them sweat have their down days too.)
September 16th is the "National Day of Encouragement".
- the action of encouraging someone
- to inspire (someone) with the courage or confidence (to do something)
- to stimulate (something or someone to do something) by approval or help; support
Because we are always stronger together, I propose a potentially life-changing Challenge...What do you say we take collective action to intentionally shine some much-needed rays of light into the lives of those around us?
Do you know someone who is battling depression, illness, or chronic pain? A friend or family member on the verge of walking away from a life-long dream due to a disappointment or set-back? A single mom feeling hopeless and all alone trying to navigate difficult circumstances? (Hint: Just like those who are hardest to love are the ones who need it the most, those you least suspect would need a boost are often the ones starving for it.)
So how about it? Are you up for the challenge?
Can't wait to hear stories about how you're making an encouraging difference!
Christina Kunkle, CTA Certified Life and Wellness Coach, R.N.
"Resilience Coach for High-Achieving Women
who want to thrive by building a life,
not just a career."
P.S.S.Have you heard about how SOAR can help you take a lead role in your work and life? Contact me for exciting details and for our upcoming "SOAR" in 2014. |
SEPT 2013 Events
Dinner Meeting 5:30- 7:00 p.m. McAlister's Deli, Harrisonburg, VA
Beyond SOAR 8-9:30 pm
13th, Friday
Leadership Development Group Coaching Program 11:30-1
Leadership Development Group Coaching Program 11:30-1
Self-Care Affirmation
"I have an Uplifting Impact on those around me." |
Our souls are not hungry for fame, comfort, wealth, or power. Our souls are hungry for meaning,
for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter.
~ Harold Kushner
"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be." ~Ralph WaldoEmerson |
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for our monthly Synergy E-Zine and receive the quiz link to your inbox!
Christina's Story
Click here to read about her life-changing transformation...
from Fear to Faith. |
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Synergy Success Story!
Laura Dent
Capturing the Journey: Coaching with Christina
By Laura Dent, September 4, 2013
"Knowing Christina has been a blessing and a joy. Her positive inspiration and strong support have helped me find the courage to create my own business as a freelance writer.
I've worked with Christina on several different levels over the past year.
First, I found my way to her Synergy Success Circle, a monthly networking lunch for women. I had just been laid off from my job, and I wanted to "create new ways of working that sustain my life." I knew I needed new skills to do that, and I gravitated to Christina's positive energy.
On my first visit to Synergy Success, I found my first freelance client, and won a gift certificate for private coaching with Christina! Those were the first of many magical manifestations that I've experienced through Christina and her programs.
Next, when I sat down with Christina for that private session, I immediately burst into tears! Tears of joy and relief to find the support she offered. Thus I began a three-month individual coaching plan with Christina. I needed it!
The concept of the Learning Zone is the most valuable tool I've gotten from Christina. As far as possible, she said, stay in the Learning Zone, the edge just outside my Comfort Zone where I'm exploring and growing, but not too far out so I get scared and go into the Panic Zone. Just having that guidance helps me live more of my life in the Learning Zone, where the juice is.
Then, when my individual program was up, I joined Christina's nine-month SOAR Coaching group, to continue the enrichment of Christina's teachings in an expanded group setting. Christina gave us a strong structure to practice new ways of creating our lives, and encouraged our mutual support and inspiration.
For instance, one woman and I discovered we had complementary strengths: I was a visionary, while she was a planner. I deliberately sought her out as my accountability partner for the month, so we could learn from each other. My enthusiasm inspired her, and she guided me to increase my organization and follow-through.
A year after I first met Christina, I "hired" her to give me my annual review, since she has been such a strong part of my journey. She gave me powerful positive feedback, and important pointers for how I can continue to grow my livelihood.
Christina told me, "Capture your journey." She explained that as I grow, I can mentor people in their own development, as she has done so beautifully with me.
Christina paid me a wonderful complement: she called me a "high-integrity entrepreneur." I would say the same about Christina, and am immensely grateful for her guidance - and her example - in helping me create the life I love."
Laura Dent, Freelance writer |
Synergy Success Story!
Jamie Calcagno-Roach
"When I think back to a time before I started working with Christina I can clearly remember the struggles I was having in my life and not knowing how I was going to dig my way out of what seemed like multiple holes that were just getting deeper and deeper.
My first meeting with Christina was the brightest ray of sunshine that helped me clearly see I had the power to turn these struggles into opportunities. I now have a toolbox of strategies to use when I need some extra help that I continue to replenish every time I meet with Christina.
To me, having a life coach that I work so well with like Christina is the best gift I could ever give myself!"
Jamie Calcagno-Roach
Instructional Technologist at James Madison University
The SOAR Synergy Leadership Development Program is designed to provide Exceptional Leadership Training and Professional Group Coaching, giving you the necessary tools to stay Focused, Positive, and Excited about Work and Life while promoting Highly Productive, Heart-Centered Collaboration and Balanced Success. |
Past SOAR Participant
Beth Bland, Director, Virginia Program for Aging Services
SOAR will provide massive support, structure, encouragement, accountability, clarity, training, laughter, mindset shifts - and of course will teach you how to create balanced success. Don't miss out on a phenomenal opportunity to SOAR in 2014!
Contact me to schedule a private 1:1 call to learn more! |
Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC and Creator of the Synergy Success Circle. My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life. In addition to one on one coaching, I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or are you curious about how coaching works? Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more...