Find Solutions & Strategies May 28, 2013 |
Self-Procured Treatment Outside the MPN
What if the applicant didn't intend to self-procure at his own expense? |
A Valuable Research Tool |
By James T. Stewart
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self-procured treatment outside MPN |
This noteworthy panel decision will be added soon to the LexisNexis Services.
Liability for Self-Procured Treatment Outside Medical Provider Network. A WCAB panel recently held that while liens may be disallowed for medical treatment procured outside the defendant's Medical Provider Network, the applicant himself is not personally liable to the lien claimants pursuant to Labor Code � 4605 when he "did not intend" to self-procure medical treatment outside of the MPN. Given that the lien claimants are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the WCAB, it would appear that they would not have any avenue with which to recover so long as the applicant "did not intend" to self-procure. Read more.
We report 40 to 60 noteworthy panel decisions each month on the LexisNexis Services Subscribe to the Calif. WCAB Noteworthy Panel Decisions Reporter (PDF format with xlinks to lexis.com and Lexis Advance). |
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Compelling Applicant's Evaluation by Vocational Expert: Cal. Comp. Cases May Advanced Postings. Lexis.com and Lexis Advance subscribers can read it.
Facebook Helps Convict Dog Groomer: Workers' Comp Fraud Blotter. Read it and other news items.
job postings |
Defense Attorney. Bradford & Barthel is looking to add another attorney for our newest office in Los Angeles. Bradford & Barthel, a leader in Workers' Compensation Defense, is seeking dynamic, diverse candidates who thrive in an environment with multiple opportunities for growth. We offer competitive benefits in a collegial, diverse atmosphere. Contact sbradford@bradfordbarthel.com.
Dept. of Industrial Relations. $4,674 to $10,477/month DOE. Litigate a variety of labor and employment matters at admin. and civil trial and appellate levels including, workers' comp., prevailing wage/public works, and public employment. Travel throughout SoCal may be required. Send a State Application (Form STD 678) with a resume and 2 recent writing samples to: DIR, Office of the Director - Legal Unit, Attn: Hiring Coordinator, 320 W. 4th St., Ste. 600, Los Angeles, CA 90013, or by email to juribe@dir.ca.gov.
Associate Attorneys, Legal Assistants. Workers' Compensation defense firm located in Los Angeles (mid-Wilshire) is seeking associate attorneys, and legal assistants who can assist in Lien Negotiations. Some experience preferred but willing to train. Also, seeking Attorneys for Orange County office, located in Anaheim. Salary + Benefits include 401k, health and dental, parking, Profit Sharing. Please email your resume (PDF) via jvilla@hay-fel.com or via fax at 213-385-9511 Attention: Maribeth. |
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