November 6, 2013: eBook Promotion Insider!
 We've been working together with Kobo and our publishing partners to offer low-priced eBooks geared toward the indie channel.  Below, please find more information on some of our hand-picked favorites that we're sure your customers will love!  For a complete list of all Publisher eBook Promotions, please visit this page.

This holiday season, Workman Publishing is serving up 101 eBooks for cooking, crafting & gift-making for $4.99 or less.  


Promotion Details 

How Stores Can Participate


ABA member stores that participate in the Kobo eBook program can take advantage of all of the downpriced titles in the eBook promotion-check out the complete title list and marketing materials found here.  At the top of the page, you'll find a condensed list of extra special titles should you choose to only highlight a portion of the list. 


Small Business Saturday


On November 30, the Workman Homemade Holiday 101 Daily Newsletter will be dedicated to Small Business Saturday and will encourage all subscribers to visit independent bookstores, either virtually (by shopping indies for eBooks) or in-person. The newsletter will highlight authors included in the promotion who are small business owners (ex: The Liddabit Sweet Candy Cookbook by Liz Gutman and Jen King).  

Please let Workman know if there is anything else it can do to support your indie store on 11/30!

Fans of The Lincoln Lawyer are in for aMC eBook promo treat,
4 titles in the series are being offered at $3.99 or less!

In order to save a couple of steps, Kobo has created a landing page below:

Share this link with your customers on your website or social channels, just be sure to include affiliate tracking at the end!

For example:
If your affiliate ID was ABA-12345, the link would be constructed as follows:

When constructing your link, keep ?utm_medium=web&utm_source= at the end of the URL and replace 'ABA-12345' with your store's ID.

Your affiliate ID is the same as your username for the Kobo Reporting Tool. 
If you are unsure of your log in information, please email

Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2013 Creative (DO NOT POST UNTIL 11/28/13)   


Web banners and posters are now available for members only in the Kobo section of Designs and Downloads .  Please do not post the sales and price information until November 28!!

Full details on the device promotion can be found here.

Check out Bloomsbury's Classic Crime Club with rediscovered eBooks priced at just $1.99!

There is an undeniable charm in classic, locked-room, whodunit mysteries featuring quirky detectives with impressive skills of deduction.

Read more about the launch of the new line here:!
Thanks for Reading!

To participate in a quick survey about eBook promotions, please click here. We welcome all types of feedback and hope to make improvements based on your submissions.


For all publisher eBook promotions visit the link in the 'Looking For Something' menu below.  For device-centric and special publisher promotions, please visit the Kobo Marketing and Promotions Calendar.

In case you missed it-- if you're looking for information on the new devices feel free to review the archived emails below:
Remember all emails can be accessed by visiting the Kobo Announcement Archive on!


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