ABA members participating in the Kobo eBook and eReader program may now begin ordering a selection of new and recently released Kobo eReaders.
Please see below for special terms, exclusive only to ABA member participants, for the new devices.
Program Term: October 1, 2013 - November 30th 2013 Devices: the Kobo Aura, the Kobo Aura HD, the Kobo Arc 7, and the Kobo Arc 7HD. The following offers are valid on purchases made with Ingram between October 1 and November 30, 2013, with deliveries arriving at ABA member stores by no later than December 15, 2013. Ingram plans to ship available eReaders from LaVergne beginning November 1st.
- To be eligible, participating ABA member stores must place a minimum order of 5 units per store location and a maximum order of 12 units per store location. Orders can be mixed among the qualifying devices to make up the order.
Note: Stores may order more than 12 devices per location, but the launch incentive terms described here will only apply to the first 12 units.
- Orders that meet the 12-unit maximum will be eligible for a free demo (a 13th unit) of one of the ordered devices. For those orders that consist of a mix of qualifying devices, the store may choose which of the ordered devices they'd like the demo to be. Free demo units will be shipped from Kobo directly.
- Stores ordering fewer than 12 devices have the option to purchase any eReader to be used as a demo device and will receive a rebate of 50% of cost. To receive a subsidized demo device, please order a regularly priced eReader from Ingram and then make a rebate claim using the appropriate form in the Kobo Reporting Tool. Kobo will remit rebate payments to ABA; ABA will then distribute payments to members' accounts.
- Purchases made under this program will qualify for extended payment terms with Ingram. Payment will be due to Ingram Content by January 7, 2014.
- Participation in this program will allow ABA members to place a onetime return request for up to 30% (not to exceed 4, per location) of unsold units to Ingram. Returned product must be in sellable, unopened packaging. Please note that demo devices will not qualify toward the return request, and that requests only apply to those purchases that meet the above requirements.
Note: Return request must be submitted to your Ingram sales rep by January 7, 2014, and is only applicable to purchases of Kobo Aura, Aura HD, Arc 7 & Arc 7HD between October 1st and November 30th. Product must be returned to Ingram by January 30, 2014.
These terms are available to all participating stores. We strongly suggest that stores with a program sales history of more than 15 eReaders consider participating. Stores with a program sales history of less than 15 eReaders, however, should carefully consider the unit cost and limited return percentage before making a decision. You're welcome to write Director of Member Technology Neil Strandberg at neil@bookweb.org if you'd like to discuss.