Featured Articles
In This Issue:
+ Bishop's Reading List for 2014
+ The Bishop's Online Bible Study Continues
+ Monthly O'ahu Youth Gathering this Sunday
+ Celebration of a New Ministry: The Rev. Gregory Johnson
+ Twelfth Night Celebration at St. Mark's
+ Eve of The Epiphany: Choral Evensong at The Cathedral
+ Reduce Gun Violence Presentation
+ Reminder: Special Haiti Collection on January 12
+ Daughters of the King Events
+ 21st Annual Ho'okuikahi - Reconciliation Service
+ Free Swimming Classes Offered
+ Angell Named Episcopal Church Missioner for Young Adults and Campus Ministry
Contact Information

Upcoming Meetings

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Saturday, January 18

8:30 am - Standing Committee,

Upstairs Conference Room #1 


11:00 - Diocesan Council,

Von Holt Room


Saturday, January 25

9:00 am - Commission on Ministry,

Upstairs Conference Room #1


Diocesan events header


Monthly Diocesan Youth Gathering - O'ahu

Ongoing first Sunday of each month

Contact for more info...


Daughters of the King Installation Assembly

Sunday, January 12, 8:00 am

St. Timothy's, Aiea

For more info...


Daughters of the King

Quiet Day Retreat

Saturday, February 1

St. Anthony's, Honolulu

For more info...


Parish Happenings


Makiki Farmers Market
Ongoing every Thursday, 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm
St. Clement's, Honolulu

FREE Noontime Concerts at The Cathedral
Ongoing every Friday, 12:15 pm
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

Installation of The Rev. Gregory Johnson
Sunday, January 5, 4:00 pm
St. Mary's, Honolulu

Twelfth Night Celebration
Sunday, January 5, 5:00 pm
St. Mark's, Honolulu

Eve of the Epiphany Choral Evensong
Sunday, January 5, 5:30 pm
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu

The Art of Narcissus
Saturdays, January 11, 18, 25, February 1, 8:30 am
Exhibition February 8 & 9
St. Peter's, Honolulu
21st Annual Ho'oku'ikahi - Reconciliation Service
Friday, January 17, 5:30 pm
The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Honolulu
Prepare/Enrich Workshop
Friday, January 31, 9:00 am
St. Christopher's, Kailua



Lifetree Cafe
Ongoing Saturdays, 4:00 pm
St. Michael's, Lihue

First Saturday Markets
Onoing first Saturdays of the month, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
All Saints', Kapaa

Saturday Evening Jazz Vespers Communion Service
Ongoing Saturdays, 5:15 pm
St. Michael's,Lihue

Begins January 9
Yoga for Everybody
Onoing every Thursday, 8:45 am
St. Michael's, Lihue

8th Annual All Angels Jazz Festival 
February 7-9
St. Michael's, Lihue



Centering Prayer Group 
Ongoing Mondays, 6:15 - 8:00 pm
Trinity By-the-Sea, Kihei



Brown Bag Bible Study
Ongoing Tuesdays, 12:00 pm
St. James, Kamuela

The Labyrinth Book Group
Ongoing Fridays, 9:30 am
Christ Church, Kealakekua

Studying the Scriptures
Ongoing Wednesdays, 4:00 pm
St. Columba's, Paauilo

St. James Youth Movie Nights
Every other Friday (Next dates: 1/10, 1/24)
St. James, Kamuela




To list a position available at your church, e-mail us!



The Epiphany

O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the Peoples of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

 - Book of Common Prayer p 214


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Would you like to put an announcement in the E-News for a special community event or activity that your church is involved with?  Please e-mail the information to the Editor, along with pictures, fliers and contact information.


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What's the Difference between the E-News and E-Chronicle?

The E-News comes out twice a month, usually the closest business day to the 1st and 16th. It contains announcements for upcoming events and other important information that needs to get out.

The E-Chronicle, on the other hand, has less urgency. It comes out every other month, and reports on events that have already taken place.  It may also feature special interest stories and reflections from folks around the Diocese.

We're here to help you spread the word about any events you have coming up (E-News), and also sharing the results with others in the Diocese (E-Chronicle). Send over your fliers, notices, photos and stories... you never know whose life you could impact or inspire!  

For more information on submitting information for an upcoming event click HERE. To share photos and information on an event that has taken place, click HERE.
Where you'll find announcements and links to upcoming
events & activities from around the Diocese and beyond!
January 3, 2014


Bishop's Reading List for 2014

Bishop Fitzpatrick Aloha my sisters and brothers in Christ: 

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

As been my custom for the past few years, I have a few suggestions for personal reading or group study in 2014.

1. Truth Speaks to Power: The Countercultural Nature of Scripture by Walter Brueggemann (Westminster John Knox Press, 2013)

This short book (112 pages) has its origin as lectures delivered at a summer conference jointly sponsored by the two Episcopal dioceses in Ohio. In his usually insightful way, Brueggmann outlines what he perceives as Scripture's sustained witness against any power structure that perpetrates injustice in its frantic pursuit of temporal security.

2. Liturgical Sense: The Logic of Rite by LouisWeil (Seabury Books, 2013)

Weil has taught liturgical and sacramental studies at three Episcopal seminaries. He is one of the generation of scholars that shaped the current liturgical practice embodied in the Book of Common Prayer (1979). His (140-page) analysis of the liturgy and his reflection on popular practices is a worthy aid to help us review the worship habits in every local church. I suggest reading it with The Liturgy Explained (New Edition) by James W. Farwell (Morehouse, 2013). These two short books (Farwell's book has only 56 pages) could do much to enhance the style and practices of worship in our congregations.

Click HERE to read the Bishop's letter in its entirety with his other recommendations.
Bishop's Online Bible Study Continues with Audio
If you haven't already checked it out, be sure to visit the Bishop's Bible Study page on the diocesan website to follow his yearlong plan that started on December 1, 2013, the beginning of Advent. The first two weeks were presented in video format and the next few weeks will be in audio format. Click HERE to go to the Bishop's Bible Study Page.
Monthly O'ahu Youth Gathering this Sunday!

It's time for the monthly O'ahu youth gathering this Sunday (always the first Sunday of the month), January 5. This month's event will be held at Christ Lutheran in Mililani at 95-1361 Meheula Parkway, right across from the Mililani Town Center. The fun begins at 5:00 pm and ends at 7:00 pm, with dinner, worship, games, prizes and the art of storytelling! All middle and high school youth are invited to attend whether you live on O'ahu or are visiting! For more information, e-mail Sarah Klitzke
Celebration of a New Ministry 
The Rev. Greg Johnson
On Sunday, January 5, 2014, the Rev. Greg Johnson will be installed as the Rector of St. Mary's in Honolulu. The congregation of St. Mary's invites fellow priests and all members in the Diocese to join them in celebrating the beginning of his new ministry and a new beginning for St. Mary's. The service will begin at 4:00 pm, with a reception to follow. St. Mary's is located at 2062 South King Street in Honolulu. For more information, contact Charlene Date, Church Administrator, at 949-4655, or email her.
Twelfth Night Celebration at St. Mark's
The Eve of the Epiphany of Our Lord
Epiphany Procession, the Blessing of Chalk, 
Epiphany Lessons & Carols with the Choir, 5:00 pm
This year's Epiphany collection will benefit the Pacific Islander Ministry After-School Program at St. Elizabeth's Episcopal Church, Honolulu. The Queen Emma Outreach Guild, who is sponsoring this collection, is seeking donations of the following school supplies: black and blue ballpoint pens, #2 pencils, notepads, dry erase board markers and dry erasers, chalk, highlighters, graph paper, and folder paper (wide and narrow ruled). As the wise men brought gifts to the manger, parishioners are asked to bring their donations to our Epiphany Lessons and Carols Service that begins at 5:00 pm. The Pacific Islander Ministry at St. Elizabeth's helps many children with their homework daily at after-school clinics. The need is great so please be generous. 

The 12th Night Party follows the Carol Service. Tickets are $10 for adults. Children's (12 and under) tickets are free. St. Mark's is located at 539 Kapahulu Avenue in Honolulu. For more information, call the office at 732-2333.
Eve of The Epiphany: Choral Evensong at 
The Cathedral, Sunday, January 5
cathedral front
For this special evensong on Sunday, January 5, celebrating the visitation of the Magi to the Baby Jesus, the Cathedral Choir is joined by harpist Constance Uejio for a performance of Benjamin Britten's Ceremony of Carols. Britten's enchanting setting of early English carols is one of his most popular works and is filled with rich imagery of the Nativity story.  All are invited to this beautiful service that begins at 5:30 pm. Admission and parking are free with calabash offering. The Cathedral is located at 229 Queen Emma Square in Honolulu. For more information, call 524-2822, ext. 217.


Reduce Gun Violence: Speaker Sen. Taniguchi 
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Swords to Plowshares Hawai'i State Senator Brian Taniguchi will be the featured panel speaker fielding questions and facilitating friendly conversation on nationwide gun control trends. All are invited to attend this community gathering sponsored by St. Clement's Swords to Plowshares, that takes place on Tuesday, January 7, at 7:00 pm.  The Parish of St. Clement is located at 1515 Wilder Avenue in Honolulu. For more information, you can download the flier HERE, or call St. Clement's at 955-7745.
rebuild haiti  
Reminder from the Bishop: 
Special Haiti Collection - January 12, 2014
In support of a resolution passed earlier this year, Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori asks that a special collection be made on Sunday, January 12, 2013, to aid the Diocese of Haiti in rebuilding Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-au-Prince. To download a copy of her letter and a special 1/2 page insert for your Sunday Bulletins, click on the links below:
Donations can also be made directly HERE.
Daughters of the King Installation Assembly 
DOK logo
The Board of the Hawai'i Diocesan Assembly of the Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) will install the officers of the Diocesan Assembly Board, on Sunday, January 12, 2014 at Christ Gathering Place during the 8:00 am service at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church, 98-939 Moanalua Road in Aiea.
The Right Reverend Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick will be the celebrant. The Daughters of the King's Assembly Council Board are: Luella Windisch, President; Kala Holden, Vice President; Vicki Millard, Secretary/Treasurer; Cynthia Carson, Daughters at Large (DAL) chair; Shauna Jones, President of St. Nicholas DOK chapter.

All women who are part of a chapter in Hawai'i or a Daughter-At-Large (DAL) living in Hawai'i are invited and encouraged to come to the installation of officers of the DOK Diocesan Assembly. For more information please contact us at [email protected]

REMINDER: Quiet Day Retreat on February 1
Deadline to register is January 10
St Anthony retreat center Women of all ages are invited to a Quiet Day with the Order of the Daughters of the King at St. Anthony's Retreat Center, 3351 Kalihi Street, in Honolulu, on Saturday, February 1, 2014, from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm.  This single day retreat is open to all women interested in deepening their spiritual life.  Prayer is the foundation upon which the DOK respond to God in service to others and we welcome you to join us for spiritual refreshment and growth at this Quiet Day. For more information, visit the event listing HERE.
21st Annual Ho'oku'ikahi - Reconciliation Service
Friday, January 17
All are invited to the 21st Annual Ho'oku'ikahi - Reconciliation Service on Friday, January 17, 2014, beginning at 5:30 pm, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. This is an Interfaith Community Service that will recognize and honor the justice, reconciliation and nonviolence of Queen Lili'uokalani. Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick will be giving the Reconciliation Message, and will feature a floral ho'okupu ceremony and special music by Kahu Umi sexton and Trustee Peter Apo. For more information, contact Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson at 330-3769 or e-mail him.
Free Swimming Classes Offered
The Department of Parks and Recreation's Spring Program is offering free swimming lessons at their Kalihi Valley Swimming Pool. Classes are available for all ages 3 through senior, and registration is open until the classes are filled. For more information, download their flier HERE.

What's Happening in The Episcopal Church? 

Announcements from around The Episcopal Church...


The Rev. Michael Angell Named Episcopal Church MIssioner for Young Adults and Campus Ministry
The Episcopal Church, has announced the appointment of the Rev. Michael Angell as Missioner for Young Adults and Campus Ministry, on the staff of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society (DFMS). In this position, Angell will coordinate the Episcopal Church outreach to young adults throughout the church in campus settings and beyond.
Most recently Angell was the Assistant Rector at St. John's Church, Lafayette Square, Washington DC (Diocese of Washington).  While there he launched an evangelism effort, Theology on Tap, to engage with un-churched and de-churched young adults.  He also led the largest young adult ministry in the diocese, serving over 300 people in their 20s and 30s. 
Angell will begin work with the DFMS on Monday, January 13.  His office will be based in St. Louis, MO. He can be reached at [email protected].



  ChronicleHeader purple  

In case you missed it, click on the pictures above to read

the latest issues of the E-Chronicle:   

Did you miss an edition of the E-News? Listed below are the titles of some recently published announcements. To see the complete article, click on the linked issues below or visit  on the diocesan website, and click on the desired issue.

Update on the Diocesan Mutual Ministry Review

Daughters of the King Installation Assembly January 12, 2014

Presiding Bishop's Christmas Message 2013

Reminder: Special Haiti Collection in January

Bishop's Online Bible Study Launched

Prepare/Enrich Workshop Offered in January  January 31, 2013

Applications Now Accepted Online for Episcopal Young Adult Service Corps  Deadline January 3, 2013

Share God's Love with Gifts for Life

Prayers & Aid for Victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan

Bishop's Christmas Card Contest Winner Announced

Presiding Bishop on the Tragedy in the Philippines

UTO Grant Guidelines Available

Registration Now Open for April 2014 Conference:Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace

Special Collections for Haiti in January 2014

Clergy Transition (Johnson)

Episcopal Church in Hawai'i Affirms Support for Gay Marriage

Education Day & Convention XLV Special E-Chronicle

Episcopal Church Facts & FIgures


He Lei, He Aloha - Updated Schedule for Neighbor Islands
The Task Force for Re-imagining the Episcopal Church



Contact Information
Office of the Bishop
229 Queen Emma Square
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 536-7776, ext. 326; Neighbor Islands: 1-800-522-8418