The E-Newspaper of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i

Reporting on the events & activities in our Diocese and beyond... 



Diocesan Education Day,
Friday, October 25

"For the educational sessions I chose Contemporary Worship and Youth Programs, both of which I am heavily involved with here at our local parish. I certainly am inspired to continue on in ministry with the youth and in contemporary worship. I especially enjoyed the keynote speaker, Fr. Bill Miller from Kauai, and Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick's talks."  
Rona Lee, St. James', Waimea


Convention Eucharist &
Ordination of Deacons,
Steve Costa &
Kaleo Patterson

Congratulations Deacons Costa and Patterson!


Clergy-Spouse Dinner
Mandalay Restaurant


Convention XLV
Saturday, October 26

"Big mahalo to planners and volunteers of the convention. Time to visit with friends, make new friends, and experience both the Friday educational sessions and Saturday business agenda. Well done--I enjoyed it!"
Nelson Secretario, St. Michael and All Angels, Lihue

Bishop's Address to the Convention
The following is the opening address from Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick at the 45th Annual Meeting of Convention on Saturday, October 25. The address was to have begun with a short clip from the "Wrath of Khan" where Captain Kirk says he doesn't believe in No-Win Scenarios. Unfortunately there was a technical problem that prevented its showing, but the Bishop still encourages a viewing of the movie just for fun. While the address was being presented, images from Star Trek were shown on the overhead behind the Bishop.


All right, I am a product of my generation. I love Star Trek - especially the original series.


My sons know it and they often send me links for those online quizzes that tell you which character you are most like - or at least you seem to fool yourself that you're most like.


Yes, in Star Trek quizzes, I come out as James T. Kirk. The first time I took one and I came out as Kirk, my older son, Ed, commented, "Dad, we all knew that already. You'd rather go do it and figure out the details later. You seem to always figure it out, but the rest of us are a bit worried for a while. You're certainly no Earl Grey-drinking Picard, and you have way too much emotion to be Spock. Yes, James T. Kirk." 


And besides, "I don't believe in the no-win scenario."


Especially for the Church.


So, I'm here today to let you know where I think we're headed. Last year was about celebrating the past 150 years. It was a big party and great fun. That was last year.


Looking ahead, who are we called to be?


One Body, One Mind, One Spirit: The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi serving Jesus Christ.


Notice I didn't say the congregations or even the Diocese - but the Church. One Church - One Body of Christ - with different sites responding to different needs with One Spirit and acting with One Mind. 


One Body, One Mind, One Spirit.


I call all of you to be part of "The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi" serving together as One Body, seeking One Mind, empowered by One Spirit.


What do I mean?


We're going to jump right in.


I am convinced that the parochialism of the past is no longer helpful or even that meaningful in a small diocese such as ours. We live in a small state and on small islands - relatively. That is true even for the Big Island. In some dioceses with the same number of people as ours, it is not uncommon for there to be a five- or six-hour drive between Episcopal churches.


There is little difference between an organized mission and a parish in this Diocese. With a few exceptions, the distinction has no real meaning. We worship from the same Prayer Book. We use the same Bible. We have the same name - the same Bishop. We are The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi. Together we are one Body. Separately as individual congregations, we will dwindle and fade. Together we can flourish. 


Our churches are not trees standing in a field, or even in an orchard. 


The Standing Committee suggested a new image when I described my vision of the Church in Hawaiʻi.


That image was the Banyan Tree.



Jesus teaches something of the image in John 15:5: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can't do anything."


The image is delightful in that the branches reach up and the roots pour down. 


We are all from one tree - Jesus Christ. Early in the life of the Church, the first Christians appropriated the image for Christ by looking to Isaiah 1:11: "A shoot will grow up from the stump of Jesse; a branch will sprout from his roots."


I see The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi as a Banyan tree spread out all over the islands, putting down roots in local communities and reaching into heaven.


One Body, One Mind, One Spirit: The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi serving Jesus Christ.


What does that mean?


We must be rooted.


One Body. One Mind. One Spirit.


Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, as God Incarnate, is central to all that we do. This is the anchor root.


I have a profound belief in the Incarnation. Jesus Christ is God for me. In Jesus Christ, God is made fully known. In Jesus Christ, God took flesh and lived among us, and as a consequence the person of every man and every woman is sacred. Because of Jesus Christ, every human being is an icon - a holy image - of God.


As Archbishop William Temple wrote, "...the Word of God does not consist of printed propositions; it is living; it is personal; it is Jesus Christ. That living Word of God speaks to us through the printed words of Scripture; and all our study of those printed words helps us to receive it. But the point of vital importance is the utterance of the Divine Word to the soul, the self-communication of the Father to His children..."


We are rooted in Jesus Christ.


Michael Ramsey, another Archbishop of Canterbury, wrote that "l]iving through dying is what faith means; it is what baptism means, it is what Holy Communion means; it defines the life to which every Christian is called.... [Every Christian] will, in following Christ, devote himself to the removing of suffering from his fellows whenever possible, supporting every effort to reduce its causes and its incidence."


Our faith in Jesus Christ must be rooted in the Scripture, the Sacraments, and Service to others. We do this to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. 


Scripture, Sacrament, and Service.


To know God in the narrative of Scripture,

To be fed by God in the bread and the wine, the Body and the Blood, of the Sacrament.

To serve God in the flesh and blood of human beings just like Jesus Christ - the rejected, the hungry, the houseless.


One Body, One Mind, One Spirit:

Formed together by Scripture, Sacrament, and Service.


These three require us to be in relationship.


We need other people. We have to keep learning.


As Captain Kirk once said, "You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an irrational fear of the unknown. But there's no such thing as the unknown - only things temporarily hidden, temporarily not understood."


I know many have been involved with Education for Ministry. This is a four-year program designed for lay education and discernment for lay ministry in a small group. It does require considerable commitment and personal discipline to complete the program. I commend it to you as one possibility. It is particularly effective when offered by island across congregations.


I have been told that there is a desire for shorter-term adult programs and I will encourage a new Formation Committee to help with this.


What I can offer is an online Bishop's Bible study to begin during the first week of Advent. I will post a weekly reflection with questions online. My hope is that as The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi we can walk through the Gospel according to Luke and Luke's Acts of the Apostles. I will ask you to read a chapter (sometimes two) a week. I will also invite guest commentators to join me now and then. This could be used for a small group study or for personal reflection. My focus will be on what the story means for us as The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi. I am inviting you to ask: What is God's Spirit saying to The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi? It can also give you an opportunity to give me feedback and seek with me God's mission for The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi.


I also hope that through this Bible study, relationships will be formed and then leaders - lay and ordained - can be raised up. We have to keep learning about our faith and our communities. We do that together.


In these changing times, we sometimes can't get beyond ourselves. Our local church. Our own needs. Our local crisis.


We confuse the leaf for the whole tree.


Local leadership sometimes gets so worried about the clump of leaves in their kuleana that it becomes easy to get upset. To be anxious.


You are not alone. 


I want to spend more time with wardens and other lay leaders to get a sense of what is happening in local congregations and neighborhoods. Local lay training on each island with me - and with Peter, Liz, and others. The "others" is very important. We have the skills and the expertise to share among ourselves within The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi to engage God's mission. It is already happening as clergy ask for help with thrift shops, personnel issues or accounting, and lay folk from other churches go to help. We must call on the lay leaders and clergy in neighboring churches.


We must ask for help. We must ask for prayers. We must be willing to help. We need each other.


I need your help. I need your prayers. I need you.


You need help. He needs your help.  She needs our help.  We all need prayers.  We need each other. We need God.


One Body, One Mind, One Spirit.  


I also need you to help me explain that there is no large bureaucratic Diocese with buckets of money somewhere here on the second floor of the Cathedral. All of our diocesan policies were written and enacted by clergy and lay people of the Diocese - a committee, a commission, the Diocesan Council, the Standing Committee, the Convention - years (and sometime decades) ago. Usually they were written to answer an immediate need. Canon Liz, Peter, and others in my office are following the policies your predecessors established for good reasons.


There is a resolution before you at this Convention asking that a special Task Force be formed to review our Constitution, canons, by-laws, policies - you know, all the organizational stuff. We need to downsize and simplify to meet the needs of the 21st century. Most importantly, the resolution asks that the review take place and proposals be shared for feedback before anything is brought to Convention. I hope we can do this in an open, collaborative way.


I've also asked the staff to make a list of all that they do for congregations so that you - the leaders of The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi - can better explain all that is done for the congregations by the few people in my office. You can't explain if you don't know.


Beyond that, I think we need more time together by island and, on O'ahu, by region to discuss God's mission in our place. We must engage one another to come to one Mind.


We are too small to be a top-down system.


Many of you know that a "Property Task Group" made up of members of Standing Committee and Diocesan Council produced a report on the state of our buildings and property. The report is entitled "Phase 1-A Report." It is a look at our property and buildings as assets and liabilities.


Some have asked me if this report includes a "hit list" of what churches will be closed. No, it is not a hit list. The report provides data, but our work is not finished


The next phase of work will be to engage every island (and region of O'ahu) to look at our property as assets of The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi as a whole. Can the mission and ministry carry on at another site? Do we need so many buildings and property in a given area? Is the asset being used effectively for ministry? Has the building become a clubhouse for the members or is it a center of discipleship? Is the property essentially a rental unit so that a few people can get together on Sunday morning for an hour with Communion followed by a cup coffee? If a given local congregation disappeared tomorrow would anyone really notice - except maybe the kids at the preschool or those who rent a parking space in the church's lot?  


There is an important difference between membership and discipleship.  Clubs have members. Jesus Christ has disciples.  Members pay dues to the club.  Disciples of Jesus Christ give their all for the Mission of the Church.  Members worry about themselves and their own needs and their own preferences.  Disciples focus on the needs of the local neighborhood and those not in the Church.  Members want to be comfortable and served by the staff.  Disciples know they are the servants and are willing to risk to share God's love. 


We will have to be honest and open about our ministry.


No Bishop, no Standing Committee, no Diocesan Council, no one wants to close churches or sell property. We all want thriving ministries that are centers of Scripture, Sacraments, and Service. We aren't, however, in the business of providing clubhouses for a few people to gather on Sunday morning. We - no, I as Bishop - have a responsibility to ensure there is pastoral care for those who need it in old age and infirmity. I accept that. I cannot promise it will be in a particular building or with your private chaplain. I don't know that we can or should keep all the property that we have when the resources could be used for expanded ministry and to fulfill God's mission in other parts of the islands. What I can promise is that there will be no surprises and that everyone will be part of the conversation. The conversations cannot take place in isolated congregations, but must be part of an overall conversation by island or region of Oʻahu, and they must take place with congregations and clergy with the elected leadership of the Diocese and me. Likewise, such gatherings may discern that we need to develop new congregations either in new communities or within established churches to reach new people.


We don't need to be afraid of the unknown. We have one another. We have Jesus Christ.


We are One Body, One Mind, One Spirit.  


The roots of this tree of life - The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi - spread out to different places in new and sometimes messy ways. 


The One Spirit is an essential fertilizer of this tree of life.


I will ask members of the Standing Committee and others to help develop a local model of group spiritual renewal and communal discernment for our congregations and Diocese. I hope this can be a way for us to be open to the Spirit and to new possibilities for mission - as the Church and as individual Christians.


One of the qualities of Captain Kirk that I most admire is that he was always part of the away team.


As Kirk said, "Risk is our business. That's what this starship is all about. That's why we're aboard her."


That is true of the Church too.


I would like to change the nature of my visitations.


I will continue the two-year cycle with a Sunday visitation to every congregation at least every 24 months.


Frankly, that has worked well and is not that different from the 18-month cycle used by previous bishops. I hope the Sunday visits will always include a time to teach. I hope that can happen even in churches that normally don't have a Sunday morning education time.


I would like to better focus the weekday visits in 2014. I hope they can take place on Wednesday evening and will include a time for a simple meal, preaching, prayer, and renewal.  I hope that all the congregations on an island - or region of O'ahu - will be invited to the Wednesday evening service at whatever church I am visiting. I hope my visitations can focus on teaching and renewal. Pulling us all together as One in the Spirit. 


I will work to have office hours in local churches. Come see me. We can talk story. We can pray.


We will dig our roots deep into the 'aina.


Captain Kirk always had advisors with different worldviews. As he said to Bones, "One of the advantages of being a captain, Doctor, is being able to ask for advice without necessarily having to take it."


Now, I have my office staff:


My own Spock is Irina (though she sees herself as Seven of Nine). Liz is too often my Dr. McCoy patching things up. Peter is the Scotty in the engine room. June, Sarah, and Katrina are in the crew. I am grateful for all they do.


I must say that I depend for advice as much from the Standing Committee. Their work on the Diocesan Mutual Ministry Review helped to shape much that is in this address. I must also say that my monthly conversations with Liz Zivanov as President of Standing Committee have been helpful and something of a joy.


And from the clergy, I want and receive invaluable advice and care. 


It is my desire that we can meet together more often in 2014. These are interesting times. We will need to support one another. I count on my experienced clergy to mentor less-experienced clergy. The clergy will have to make the time to meet.


We are blessed to have two seminarians - Jar Pasalo and Annalise Castro - who hope to return to the islands in a couple of years. We will need to be sure that we have curacies for them or we will loose them to a diocese in North America.


Some of our congregations need ordained leadership, but find it increasing difficult to maintain full-salaried clergy. The finances, size, or location of such congregations make a traditional model of clergy leadership difficult. Furthermore, the cultural and community needs invite different styles and experiences in ordained leaders.


Local formation for ordained leadership - Naimiloa for vocational deacons and Waiolaihui'ia for Priests - will provide ordained leadership as part of a shared ministry with other congregations.


My personal hope is that through these programs and through traditional seminary education, in ten years many of our clergy will have local ties to the islands. That can provide family and personal connections for the long-term leadership of the Church rooted in the islands.


The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi must be broad and welcoming.


When former Presiding Bishop and second Bishop of our Diocese, Bishop Ed Browning, declared that "there will be no outcasts in the Church," he was speaking to and for us.


For me, that means making room for new people. I recently was interviewed by a reporter of a small local magazine. The reporter wrote me afterwards to ask, "Why haven't I heard of The Episcopal Church in before now?" He went on about how we were "catholic" and "inclusive." He asked for a referral to a local congregation - I gave him the names of the three churches nearest to where he lives.


We don't communicate our message to the world very well. We are the inclusive, liberal catholic church. That is part of our core identity. We struggle with that identity.  We don't always agree. But we strive together to be...


One Body, One Mind, One Spirit.


But I am convinced there is room in our tree for everyone to be fed.


We have to communicate better.


With each other, we need to use e-News and e-Chronicle. Sybil is doing a great job. But we - the leaders of The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi - have to be subscribed to it and we have to read it. No excuses are acceptable. If you are an active leader - lay or ordained - you must have access to and read the electronic communication of The Episcopal Church in Hawai'i.  Please sign up at (at the bottom of the page).


Irina is training to help us do online seminars.  We will have more meetings online in 2014 - with much less travel.


I will work on trying to have a couple of mailings a year. We have a limited database - a thousand or so names of leaders. We need help gathering the names and contact information for everyone in the Diocese.


Communication is really all about relationships.


Let Sybil know what is going on locally and please support one another. Share with one another.


My friends, we need one another.


The world needs our message. We will find a way to let the world know in 2014.


I will ask the Standing Committee to help me explore the ways and cost of getting the name of the Episcopal Church in Hawaii out into the community.


More people need to hear a message like that of "A Cup of Cold Water" on Maui.



A shared ministry of all our Maui churches, grounded in prayer and Scripture, arising from God's people to serve those the world has overlooked, forgotten, or ignored.


This is One Body, One Mind, One Spirit. This is The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi.


This is an example of Christian discipleship that holds together faith and works, personal and social holiness, physical and spiritual concerns, works of piety and works of mercy.


It is certainly not the only example - the St. James' Saturday afternoon beach Mass, the Farmers Market on Thursdays at St. Clement's, the Community Garden at St. Paul's, Kekaha; and others.  This is The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi meeting the world in the local community: Disciples of Jesus Christ being about God's mission. 


I think the next year will be our time for renewal and engagement. We have examples. We have one another.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario.


Not in the Church.


There will be much to do. We have hard decisions ahead.


We also are One Body, One Mind, One Spirit.


We are The Episcopal Church in Hawaiʻi.


And so,


"Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us; glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus for all generations, forever and always. Amen" (Eph. 3:20-21).





In conjunction with the Annual Meeting, the Diocese held an Education Day on Friday, October 25, 2013, at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. Education Day was open to all Episcopalians in the Diocese and offered a variety of workshops that covered a broad spectrum of topics.

The day's activities started off in Tenney Theater with a Keynote Address by the Rev. Bill Miller of St. Michael and All Angels on Kaua'i. It didn't take long for the audience to respond to his infectious humor and wit, sprinkled with inspiring words of wisdom and candor. Fr. Bill shared a video that his congregation put together several years ago using the Hukilau song, a hapa-haole tune that features a simple hula. Many hotels and luau shows use this song to engage tourists, leaving some folks wondering what this delightful but seemingly unrelated song had to do with "church"? As everyone soon learned, it had a lot to do with "church" and also the underlying theme of this year's Annual Meeting.
As Fr. Bill explained, a hukilau is a group effort--- an old Hawaiian way of fishing in "community", where a large net is taken out to surround and catch fish. In days past, a whole village would be involved, beginning with those who spot the large schools of fish, and those that took the nets out into the ocean to make sure they were placed properly. The fish would then be chased into the nets and surrounded. Men, women and children stood on the beach ready to pull (huki) in the nets heavy with fish. Everyone worked together to bring in the harvest and then share in the feast that awaited. Fr. Bill used the concept of hukilau as a great analogy for the community of church; people working together, each with their different jobs and ministries but for one purpose. The symbolism of the fish itself has been used throughout Christian history, and we, as disciples of Jesus, are to be "fishers of men." (Matthew 4:19). 

"Having Bill Miller as the keynote speaker was a good choice. He was joyous and inspiring. For anyone to keep my attention for an hour means he was an exceptional speaker."  (Anonymous response from survey) 

Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick then held an Ask the Bishop session, opening the floor up to any and all questions that the audience could ask. The Bishop shared that he was pleasantly surprised to see how Fr. Bill's address was so closely linked to his own address for the Annual Meeting, which contained the same message and underlying theme. After responding to several different questions, the session ended with lunch served up in Davies Hall. 
After lunch, two break out sessions took place with the following workshops being offered:
With God, All Things are Possible, Even a Smooth-Running Vestry, led by the Rev. Liz Zivanov of St. Clement; "Nuts and Bolts" Training for Treasurers, led by Diocesan Treasurer, Peter Pereira; 12 Ideas for Youth Ministry, led by Diocesan Youth Director, Sarah Klitzke; Creating Contemporary Worship, led by the Rev. Paul Klitzke; The "New" Education for Ministry, led by Peter Carson, the Diocesan EfM Coordinator; Introduction to Godly Play, led by Jenny Wallace; Discernment: How to Discover the What and the Who led by the Rev. Canon Liz Beasley; and Creating Dynamic Worship, led by Kate Eaton of the group Mishkah, from Denver, CO. 
With such a diverse selection of workshops, there was something for everyone; an energetic and vibrant approach to worship with a lively rock band, contrasted with the contemplative and ethereal sounds of Mishkah, complete with candles and meditative prayer. There were the practical workshops to help church leaders understand the basics of finance or how to work together for the overall health of the congregation. Addressing the Christian formation needs of our children and teens were informative sessions to help those involved with youth groups and those teaching Sunday school classes. Adults interested in discerning a call to priesthood or perhaps growing in their faith and ministry were able to learn more about a couple of innovative and dynamic programs in the Diocese. If you would like to learn more about any of these programs or about the workshops that were offered,  e-mail Cn. Liz Beasley.

"The Education Day was very helpful, especially the two sessions I attended. I attended [Creating Dynamic Worship] led by the group from the mainland, and  [The Nuts and Bolts Training for Treasurers] led by Peter Pereira, though I wish there were more time allotted for Peter's session." Irene Maliaman, The Episcopal Church in Micronesia

"The Education Day was wonderful. One of my classes introduced me to a new way of doing sacrament, called The Wilderness; - where people come into a dark, candle-lit contemplative sanctuary with quiet music and different 'stations' where one can light candles and read scripture passages as they move from station to station. I enjoyed just sitting quietly in the dark, listening to the music and watching the candlelight. It calmed and then filled my spirit. I hope we can do something similar to this occasionally at St. James'."  S. Deacon Ritterbush, St. James', Waimea 

"One workshop I attended [The New Education for Ministry], I got really interested in although it's a 4-year commitment." Robert Terao, All Saints' Kapa'a 

(On the "Nuts and Bolts Training for Treasurers") "It is definitely a must for every treasurer, clergy or vestry member. It is truly a 'Nuts and Bolts' class. I can't stress enough the importance of this class. Peter gave a lot of information, and also discussed stewardship. Sometimes we focus too much on numbers and budgets, and we need to focus on God. He talked about discipleship versus membership; about having a relationship with Jesus, growing in faith and spreading the good news. We also got the book Ask, Thank Tell. Really a good class."  Jan Hashizume, All Saints', Kapa'a

"In the Friday Godly Play workshop, I was able to fine tune my presentation of telling a story and placing this story in the center of a circle of children."
 Nancy Perry, St. James', Waimea


The Convention Eucharist took place at The Cathedral of St. Andrew on Friday, October 25, 2013, at 4:00 pm. This year's service saw the Ordination of two deacons, Steven Costa and Kaleo Patterson, and also featured the contemporary praise and worship band from St. Nicholas Episcopal Church in Kapolei, In the Nick of Time, led by the Rev. Paul Klitzke. 
The band was set up at the very front of the church with the altar moved to accommodate them. Although the words to the songs in this style of worship are usually projected on a screen, they were instead supplied in the bulletin for all to follow and sing along to. The music was in stark contrast to the traditional pipe organ and choir, and injected a different kind of energy and tempo to the service. It was a new experience for many of those in attendance that garnered some glowing reaction. (To view a video of the band practicing before the service, click HERE.) 

"...loved the worship band at the Eucharist - good for all of us to experience different styles of worship to broaden our horizons!"   (Anonymous response from survey)

Presenters for the two Ordinands were The Rev. David Gierlach of St. Elizabeth's for Steven Costa, and the Very Rev. Walter Brownridge, Dean of The Cathedral of St. Andrew, for Kaleo Patterson. Also assisting in the service was the Rev. Canon Liz Beasley, the Rev. Canon Randy Albano, the Ven. Pat Reynolds and the Rev. Susan Sowers. Lay readers were John Schamber of St. Mark's, Honolulu, and Louise Aloy of Good Shepherd, Wailuku, Maui, who are pictured in the Photo Gallery. 


Immediately following the Convention Eucharist, a Clergy-Spouse dinner took place at the nearby Mandalay Restaurant. Folks strolled over to the restaurant where clergy and guests mingled before an elaborate seven-course Chinese dinner was served. This event was a great opportunity for the Bishop, veteran clergy and new clergy to socialize and get to know more about each other along with spouses that attended. 


The 45th Annual Meeting of Convention took place on Saturday, October 26, in Tenney Theater, at The Cathedral of St. Andrew. The Revs. David Oh and Anna Joo performed beautiful opening songs before the meeting was called to order. 
In Bishop Robert Fitzpatrick's Opening Address to the Convention (see top), he brought the fantasy and unknown of outer space together with the grounded stability of the magnificent Banyan tree with its expansive root system, for a new image and vision for the Diocese. It is a direction calling for exploration and innovation, of risks and challenges, of being bold and daring, yet humble and steadfast in our Christian beliefs. With the new symbolic image of the Banyan tree for the Diocese, the Bishop repeated the phrase throughout his speech, "One Mind, One Body, One Faith", recognizing and acknowledging our differences, but being united in our mission of service, evangelism and our faith in Jesus Christ.
And there is a lot to do...the Bishop spoke of promising programs that are raising up clergy locally, and creating even more opportunities for people to explore different ministries. With the recent property survey completed, churches will now have to take a hard look at the usage of their properties--- "are they assets or liabilities?" The Bishop also plans to be more closely involved with the members of this Diocese through an online Bible Study (beginning with Advent), more focused  weekday visits with congregations, and to interact more closely with its members. But congregations must also take responsibility to inform and communicate with their own members, and to make them aware of all that is being offered in the Diocese.
It was a bold and hopeful speech and one that requires all Episcopalians to re-evaluate their relationship with God and the churches they attend. "There is an important difference between membership and discipleship," said the Bishop, "Clubs have members. Jesus Christ has disciples."  

His closing remarks summed it up quite neatly... "There will be much work to do. We have hard decisions ahead. We also are One Body, One Mind, One Spirit. We are the Episcopal Church in Hawai'i."
The meeting's order of business began with formal introductions announced by the Secretary to Convention, the Rev. Moki Hino. Martha Im was introduced as the Chancellor of the Diocese, and in the absence of the Rev. David Jackson, the Rev. Paul Lillie was introduced as the Chair of Dispatch of Business. 
The rest of the morning's order of business involved voting in members for the open governance committee positions and selecting delegates to the 78th General Convention being held in Salt Lake City in 2015. (You can view a listing of the current Governance Committee members on the diocesan website here: Diocesan Council & Commissions, Standing Committee, and information on the General Convention HERE.)
Between morning ballot voting were Special Orders of Business that featured presentations about the different organizations and programs linked to the Diocese: 
  • Sandy Theunick, Head of School, of what is now The St. Andrew's Schools, updated delegates on its progress. With the establishment of St. Andrew's Preparatory School for Boys, it joins St. Andrew's Priory School for Girls and the Queen Emma Preschool, to form The St. Andrew's Schools, the only school of its kind in Hawai'i.  (For more information, visit their website HERE.) 
  • The Rev. David Turner, Executive Director of Camp Mokule'ia, shared some of the events that took place at the camp in the past year, (Including a blessing) and plans for exciting future activities. (Visit the Camp Mokule'ia Website HERE.)

After lunch, voting on the final ballots continued along with the presentation and adoption of the 2014-2016 Budgets, and  consideration of the four Resolutions that were submitted. All four Resolutions passed easily with minimal or no discussion, and included one to support a highly contentious issue in the public arena for marriage equality. Applause erupted after the motion was adopted. The other Resolutions that passed were the 2014 Minimum Clergy Compensation and Benefits Policy; the creation of a Task Force to review the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of Hawai'i; and the establishment of a Task Group for Youth and Young Adult Ministries, appointed by the Bishop.

Additional Special Orders of Business included presentations about two important programs in the Diocese:
  • Waiolaihui'ia - The Rev. David Kennedy and the Rev. Canon Liz Beasley and members of this local formation program for priesthood, shared the progress and success of this innovative program. (For more information on this program, click HERE.)
  • Pacific Islander Ministries (PIM) - Fane Lino shared with delegates the activities and expansion of PIM in our Diocese. (To learn more about PIM, visit the diocesan webpage HERE.)

Announcement of the next Annual Meeting (October 24-25, 2014), Courtesy Resolutions read by the Rev. Imelda Padasdao, and closing prayer and blessing by the Bishop wrapped up the 45th Annual Meeting of Convention.

Note: The final Journal for this meeting is now posted on the Diocesan website HERE, where all past convention information can also be found.

"In the Bishop's address at Convention, he emphasized that we must take our worship to where the people are, and I was proud of Father David's blessed Beach Mass. I was also glad to be part of the Episcopal Diocese's recommendation for gender equality in marriage." Nancy Perry, St. James', Waimea

"I was glad to hear some good and promising programs coming in the future." Robert Terao, All Saints', Kapa'a

"The convention offered me a chance to not only participate but also to observe and get to know the 'culture' of our church. So many impressions remain with me and I walked away with a deep appreciation of many facets of the church. What blessed me most was seeing traditional and new living side by side in harmony."  Steve McPeek, St. James', Waimea

"In thirty-five years of Christian ministry, I am in awe of how efficiently the Episcopal Diocese here in Hawai'i conducts meetings!"  Rona Lee, St. James', Waimea


"Proud of our resolution to support Marriage Equality!"  (Anonymous response from survey)


In the Bishop's Address, he compared his staff to the crew of the Enterprise in Star Trek, and true to any smooth running "ship" the crew is vital to the success of its operation. So we acknowledge and give great thanks to the many people who worked so hard to put the Education Day and Annual Meeting together, and to run it so efficiently! With that in mind we give special recognition to those who led the "crew"!  

Big Mahalos to the Bishop's Staff: Irina "Spock" Martikainen, the Bishop's Executive Assistant, who orchestrated both days' events, and kept things flowing smoothly while keeping emotions in check as only Spock could; The Rev. Canon Liz "Bones" Beasley, who made sure that protocol and details were followed "exactly as the doctor prescribed"; Peter "Scotty" Pereira, Diocesan Treasurer, made sure that all documents and budgets were accurate; June Choriki, Accountant and Financial Assistant, worked closely with all of the "officers" to ensure a great Education Day and Annual Meeting; Sarah Kliztke, Diocesan Youth Director, brought on board a youth presence that also assisted behind the scenes; and Katrina Luksovsky, Administrative Assistant, made sure that participants were well fed and content!
We also give thanks and praise to volunteer Sharon Billingsley, who has the complex task of making travel arrangements for all diocesan related events; Cathedral Office Manager, Charmaine Bernard, and the Hawai'i Theater for Youth for their invaluable help and assistance; the Ke Akua Youth Group and Episcopal Church Women of All Saints' Church, Kaua'i, for creating the lovely elements for the Necrology/Baptismal display, and Susan Hays for creating the beautiful foliage base for it. 

Special thanks to the Rev. Paul Klitzke and his band from St. Nicholas, In the Nick of Time, for providing the super rocking sounds with members Brooke Crider, David Jones, Deidre Harris, Kelly Connell, Kala Holden, Peter Maertens, Tom Gatti, and Jennifer Walker.

All event coverage and photography provided by Sybil Nishioka,Communications Contractor.

"I noted that a great effort was made by [the staff] to use eco-friendly products and that they appeared cognizant of how critical it is for all of us to care for and honor God's first creation. I would like to see the Episcopal Church world-wide take the lead among religious institutions in promoting this endeavor, as it has with so many other fundamentally important issues." S. Deacon Ritterbush, St. James', Waimea

"Thanks to Liz and all the staff for all their hard work!"  (Anonymous response from survey)


Sybil Nishioka, Editor & Communications Contractor


The electronic Hawaiian Church Chronicle is the official news publication of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawai'i.  All policy, editorial and administrative decisions are under the direction of the editor in consultation with the Bishop's Office.  The Chronicle welcomes suggestions, story ideas, comments and opinions from its readers.  Send articles, letters, news and photographs (electronic files preferred) to:
News, Office of the Bishop, 229 Queen Emma Square, Honolulu, HI  96813
(808) 536-7776; Neighbor Islands: (800) 522-8418


The Chronicle does not assume responsibility for the return of photographs or manuscripts.