Seal of the Episcopal Diocese of New York
November 9, 2012
From the Rev. Stephen Harding
Diocesan Disaster Response Coordinator
917 301 0267 (cell)

Update on Sandy
November 9

Update #12

Friday, November 9, 2012



Good morning -


As far as I can tell, yesterday's northeaster came and went, leaving the diocese cold but unscathed in terms of property damage; an increase in trees down; and some power outages - we were lucky. Many thanks to all who opened their churches and parish halls to their community and kept them warm.


Tomorrow is Saturday - eleven days since Hurricane Sandy made landfall. If you or members of your congregation can give part of your weekend to volunteer on Staten Island, please use the Volunteer Sign Up Form on the Diocesan website. Indicate Staten Island and which day you can help. We will do our best to find an existing group that you can join. In addition to our parishes, please see yesterday's Staten Island Live for ways to help.


I am working to find out how you and your congregation can help in Brooklyn or Queens. Theirs will be an ongoing need for some time. If you can help them, please use the same Volunteer Sign Up form on our website and indicate Brooklyn or Queens. I will get you their contact information.


This link to yesterday's's article is courtesy of Fr Roy Cole at St John's, Staten Island. It provides a good explanation of the challenges facing Staten Island, what is needed and the ways you can help.  


Update: There is no known damage from yesterday's northeaster in the diocese, other than more trees down.  


NYC: Staten Island: the Staten Island clericus, particularly Chuck Howell and Roy Cole, are doing an exceptional job in serving their parishes and their communities. The approach on Staten Island seems to be 'pitch in and help' at the moment, rather than a unified coordinating system. Manhattan: The Church of St Mark's in-the-Bowery will continue its outreach to its community today.  Region II: power seems to be coming back on and staying on; roads are being cleared. Mid-Hudson: no changes from yesterday.


Stories: many parishes are doing wonderful things in their communities to help. A lot of what you are doing is what the Church does best. When you have the time, please write the story of what your congregation is doing to serve your congregation and your community and send it to Nicholas Richardson at [email protected] so that we have a record of the response of the diocese to these two storms.


Food Collection: This Sunday's collection is for food to restock the food pantries in the diocese.


Eleven days since landfall. We have accomplished much in a short amount of time. Some parts of the diocese are back to normal, other parts are getting there, and some parts are discovering that normal will have a new meaning.   This will be a sustained operation for parts of the diocese, for our neighboring dioceses, and for our region. There is more work for us to do.


Thank you for everything that you're doing.


God bless you.




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Contact Information  


Mid Hudson Region:
Val Stelcen, 917 617-2079 (cell) 845 338-1086 (office)
[email protected] (Please note that as of 3 p.m. Tuesday, diocesan email was not functioning)   

Staten Island:

The Rev. Chuck Howell 718 873-6028 (cell) [email protected] 

Region II: 

The Rev. Alon White.914 525-5924 (cell); 845 358-1297 (office); [email protected]

The Rev'd Stephen Harding, Diocesan Disaster Response Coordinator, 917 301 0267 (cell) [email protected]

Online Needs Request Form   
Communication your Sandy-related needs via a simple online form at
Online Volunteer Sign Up Form   
We have posted a new form online that lets you volunteer your assistance. Join the 40 people who have responded since yesterday!
Filing with FEMA 
Go to the following location for application information and assistance:   

Damage to Church Property  


Property Support Director, Michael Rebic writes:
Parishes that have suffered storm damage should contact their insurance companies. In addition, they should contact FEMA (see above).

Church Insurance: Instructions for when and how to file a claim with Church Insurance are posted here.

The Property Support Committee has raised its emergency loan limit to $10,000 for parishes requiring immediate aid for storm related damage to their buildings. Parishes should contact the Property Support Office ([email protected]) before undertaking any work, unless time is of the essence for its success.
Parishes that would like to apply for a loan should contact the Property Support Office by email as it is not clear how well our phone system is working nor when I will be able to get to the city due to the cuts in transportation.

Below is a list of items  that parishes should undertake:
  1. Contact the parish's insurance company immediately and report any damage;
  2. Insure that all debris, etc. is secured to prevent damage to property and injury to people due to wind gusts;
  3. Professionally installed tarps should be employed if roofs are damaged to prevent further damage to buildings.
  4. Ensure that all gutters, leaders, drains, etc. are cleared of debris.
  5. Report damage to Property Support Office by email.

The Rev'd Stephen Harding, Disaster Response Coordinator

[email protected] 

917 301 0267